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Fruits and Vegetables Value addition, Food Processing, Dehydration, Canning and Preservation, Processed Food Projects

In developing countries agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. As such, it should be no surprise that agricultural industries and related activities can account for a considerable proportion of their output. Of the various types of activities that can be termed as agriculturally based, fruit and vegetable processing are among the most important. Therefore, fruit and vegetable processing has been engaging the attention of planners and policy makers as it can contribute to the economic development of rural population. The utilization of resources both material and human is one of the ways of improving the economic status of family.

The change in the income growth, increase in population, lifestyle and concern towards health and nutrition worldwide have resulted in a large demand for processed fruit and vegetable products all over the globe. India is among the topmost vegetable and fruit producer in the worldand accounts for about 15% of the world's production of vegetables. A large number of units are in the cottage/home scale and small scale sector, having small capacities upto 250 tonnes/annum though big Indian and multinational companies have capacities in the range of 30 tonnes per hour or so. It has the distinction of producing almost all-tropical and exotic fruits and vegetables because of varied climatic conditions. India’s food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables. Value addition to food products has assumed vital importance in our country due to diversity in socio-economic conditions, industrial growth, urbanization and globalization. Value is added by changing their form, colour and other such methods to increase the shelf life of perishables.

There are various methods of preservation of food including thermal processing, fermentation, pickling, dehydration, freezing etc. The technology for preservation also varies with type of products and targeted market. Some of fast growing segments of food processing industries are given as under:

• Mango and other fruit pulps

• Pickles, chutney, sauces etc.

• Tomato products like paste, puree and ketchup

• Fruit jam, marmalade, crush, squashes, juices etc.

• Canned fruits and vegetables etc.

• Frozen products like frozen peas, cauliflower etc.

India has made a good progress on the horticultural map of the world.Boosted by rising consumer demand owing to better health awareness and purchasing power, production of fruits and vegetables across India has increased this year with their total yield surpassing the production of food grains. Fruit & vegetable processing is driven by growing consumer demand for healthy and fresh products that are easily available and require minimal preparation time. Processing of fruits & vegetables increases their shelf-life. Since they are traded on a large scale, processing ensures that market demand of fruits & vegetables with standard quality is met. The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export. India's exports of Processed Food was Rs. 26,067.64 Crores in 2015-16, which includes the share of products like Mango Pulp (Rs. 796.17Crores), Dried and Preserved Vegetable (Rs. 914.21 Crores), Other Processed Fruit and Vegetable (Rs. 2,900.33 Crores), Pulses (Rs. 1,603.22 Crores), Groundnuts (Rs. 4,046.05 Crores), Guargum (Rs. 3,233.87 Crores). The Indian food –processing industry is primarily export oriented. India’s geographical situation gives it the unique advantage of connectivity to Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Singapore, Thiland, Malaysia and Korea.

Fruit and vegetable processing industry has taken a new direction and is growing gradually with strong growth rate annually. Infrastructure development for processing may take this industry to the new heights in the years to come with the help of sufficient exports and investments. Fruit and vegetable processing is done widely in the food and beverage industry.Fruits and vegetables are processed into a variety of products such as juices and concentrates, pulp, canned and dehydrated products, jams and jellies, pickles and chutneys etc. The extent of processing of fruits and vegetables varies from one country to another.

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Banana powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

PRODUCT PROFILE Banana powder is a powder made from processed bananas. Banana is one of the most abundant fruit crops in India. It is also one of the sources of income for farmers. Banana powder has a great potential for commercialization. It has a high sugar and low starch content and can be used as a substitute for fresh banana in making traditional cakes or their premixes as well as in the processing of banana snacks, crackers or crisps. The quality of banana powder is determined by the colour, flavour, texture and moisture content. These are affected by the varieties of bananas and processing operations specially blanching process. Good quality powder is produced from the bananas of right variety and degree of ripeness. The dry powder can be used as an additive in confectioneries, milkshakes and baby foods. Banana powder, because of its high concentration of banana essence, has been found to be a major source of carbohydrate and calories. While it is generally low as a source of protein, the beneficial ingredients of the powder are still markedly superior to that of other fruits. Product characteristics Particle size - Below 100 mesh. Appearance - Free flowing powder Advantage - Major source of carbohydrate and calories Shelf life - 1 year State - Solid, Divided solid Applications • The powder has been found to be useful as a general treatment for dyspepsia (indigestion). • Fights Anaemia by stimulating the production of haemoglobin. • Helping regulate blood pressure because of high potassium and low salt levels • Reducing constipation because of high amounts of fibre, assisting learning & alertness by bringing more oxygen to the brain • A banana powder has a mild laxative property and hence is very useful in children’s diseases • Banana powder is helpful to combat diarrhoea and dysentery • Used for the treatment of stomach ulcers, • Banana powder with milk and sugar can be an excellent supplementary or weaning food for children, it is used in the diets of children for treating malnutrition • Experiments have shown that intake of banana powder helps children to retain many mineral nutrients. Global demand National Scenario India is the fruit and vegetable basket of the world. India produces 54% of world’s mango, 23% banana, 24% cashew nuts, 36% green peas and 10% onion production. India is the largest producer of banana in the world. Maharashtra accounts for 25% of banana production in India, followed by Tamil Nadu (20%), Gujarat (15%), Karnataka (10%) and Andhra Pradesh (10%). The major banana producing states of India are Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Madhya Pradesh. In India, Banana is available all through the year all over the country. If it is converted into powder or other form with the help of technology, then not only a massive wastage of this fruit could prevented but more demand for the fruit could also be generated, because demand for individual products can be increased if they are offered before or after the season. International scenarios Bananas are the fifth largest agricultural commodity in world trade after cereals, sugar, coffee and cocoa. India, Ecuador, Brazil and China alone produce half of total bananas of the world. The advantage of this fruit is its availability round the year. The present scenario the productivity of World is 115.20 T/ha where as that of India is 30.63 T/ha. Banana powder and pulp is largely used in the baking and confectionery, and baby food industries. The Indian food industry is estimated to be worth over US$ 200 billion and is expected to grow to US$ 310 billion. By 2015 India is one of the world’s major food producers but accounts for only 1.7 per cent (valued at US$ 7.5 billion) of world trade in this sector this share is slated to increase to 3 per cent (US$ 20 billion) by 2015. Since the applications and demand of banana powder is immense therefore the potential of the product is excellent. It is one of the imperative fields to endeavour.
Plant capacity: 4500 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 166 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of project: 539 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 64.00%
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Frozen Finger Chips - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Profile: The potato is a tuber grown underground on a specialized plant part (subterranean stem) known as stolon. A potato tuber is usually oval to round in shape, although intermediate shapes are also frequently encountered. It consists of an inner flesh and an outer protective cover known as a skin. There is a great variation in flesh colour and skin finish. And these two characteristics broadly, if not completely, determine the consumer preference vis à vis acceptability. The eye shaped depressions on a potato tuber is known as its eyes, and actually these are the dormant buds, which give rise to new shoots under suitable conditions. These white to creamy white or pigmented new shoots are known as sprouts. And that is why the process is known as sprouting. This is a very important process in potato, because a sprouted potato is not acceptable for consumption. But optimum sprouting is a desired attribute when the tubers are used for propagation. Factors affecting the growth of French fries French fries/wedges are growing at the rate of 25% in the country and it is likely to increase in coming years. The reason of this fast rate of growth is: 1. Fast growth of international fast food chain (25 to 30%) not only in metro but in other large towns. 2. Growing preference for Western snacks due to changing life style. French fries/wedges are likely to cut into Indian snacks like Samosa, Tikki, Pakoras etc. 3. Change in retail formats super market, shopping malls etc also stimulate the retail sales, as products are attractively displayed in visi coolers/ deep freezers. 4. Demographic changes like, increasing income, small family, more working women etc. results into more eating out and purchase of ready to cook products. 5. French fries are also a complement item to many food products in restaurants, Bars and Pubs; this trend is growing and will contribute to its overall demand in near future. 7. A significant proportion of fresh French fries are also expected to get converted to frozen French fries. Global Scenario Frozen Food in India industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market share, market size (value and volume 2006 to 10, and forecast to 2015). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. The market for frozen food in India increased at a compound annual growth rate of 15.2% between 2004 and 2009. The Indian frozen food market generated total revenues of $325.9 million in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.6% for the period spanning 2006 to 2010. The food processing industry has been slated for accelerated growth. It is projected to be a futuristic industry and it is anticipated that, over the years, it will emerge as a leading player in the global markets. As a result, the industry is seen to be witnessing feverish activity. Therefore the scope for this product is very bright. An entrepreneur venturing into this project will find it very lucrative.
Plant capacity: 4840 MT/Annum or 1200 Kg potato per hourPlant & machinery: 293 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1757 Lakhs
Return: 50.00%Break even: 34.00%
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Mango Pickles - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Profile: The raw mango is so closely associated with the Indian cuisine, that almost every community has an array of recipes-especially pickles that employ this seasonal treasure. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most important tropical and subtropical fruits of the world and is popular both in the fresh and processed form. India occupies 54 per cent of the world’s production of mango. There are varieties of products that are produced from mango; Mango Juice, Mango Pulp, Mango Flavour, Mango Kernel Oil, Mango Pickles, Mango Powder etc. are the products from mango. Pickle is a general term used for fruits or vegetables preserved in vinegar or brine, usually with spices or sugar or both. Pickle producing businesses are engaged in producing pickle in different varieties. Among the Indian pickles the ones from mango are very popular. There are three types of mango pickle: sour mango pickles, sweet mango pickles and dried mango pickle. Nutrition summary: For 1 slice of mango pickle: Calories - 38 Fat - 0.05gm Carbs -9.6 gm Protien -0.1 gm Applications: 1. It is used as palatable food materials. 2. It is largely used in the domestic food products during breakfast, lunch or dinner. 3. It can be easily transferred from one place to another place. Market potential: There is very good market demand of mango pickles. This is manufactured by some well organized sector as well as many unorganized private tiny and small scale sector. There is scarcity of availability of green mangoes throughout the year. It is mostly available in our country in the month of April to August. Market demand almost increases by 3% per annum which is actually population growth rate. There is very good export demand in the European countries as well as in the Middle East Asian countries. Therefore the demand of mango pickle in the market is enormous and therefore its market position is splendid. Hence it is an excellent field to venture.
Plant capacity: 1000 Kg/DayPlant & machinery: 25 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 130 Lakhs
Return: 49.00%Break even: 38.00%
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Mango Pickles - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Profile: The raw mango is so closely associated with the Indian cuisine, that almost every community has an array of recipes-especially pickles that employ this seasonal treasure. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most important tropical and subtropical fruits of the world and is popular both in the fresh and processed form. India occupies 54 per cent of the world’s production of mango. There are varieties of products that are produced from mango; Mango Juice, Mango Pulp, Mango Flavour, Mango Kernel Oil, Mango Pickles, Mango Powder etc. are the products from mango. Pickle is a general term used for fruits or vegetables preserved in vinegar or brine, usually with spices or sugar or both. Pickle producing businesses are engaged in producing pickle in different varieties. Among the Indian pickles the ones from mango are very popular. There are three types of mango pickle: sour mango pickles, sweet mango pickles and dried mango pickle. Nutrition summary: For 1 slice of mango pickle: Calories - 38 Fat - 0.05gm Carbs -9.6 gm Protein -0.1 gm Applications: 1. It is used as palatable food materials. 2. It is largely used in the domestic food products during breakfast, lunch or dinner. 3. It can be easily transferred from one place to another place. Market potential: There is very good market demand of mango pickles. This is manufactured by some well organized sector as well as many unorganized private tiny and small scale sector. There is scarcity of availability of green mangoes throughout the year. It is mostly available in our country in the month of April to August. Market demand almost increases by 3% per annum which is actually population growth rate. There is very good export demand in the European countries as well as in the Middle East Asian countries. Therefore the demand of mango pickle in the market is enormous and therefore its market position is splendid. Hence it is an excellent field to venture.
Plant capacity: 1000 Kg/DayPlant & machinery: 25 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 130 Lakhs
Return: 49.00%Break even: 38.00%
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Green Peas Processing & Preservation - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The pea (Pisum sativum) is one of the oldest vegetable crops to be cultivated. Its culture reaches so far back into the past that the wild ancestor is unknown to us. The crop belongs to the legume family (Leguminosae) and is one of the most important vegetables in India. Peas are divided into two main groups according to their use, namely green and dry peas. Green peas can be divided into varieties that are more suitable for a single mechanical harvesting with a view to freezing and dehydration, and those varieties that are suitable only for canning and fresh marketing. Pea is a very rapid growing annual plant requires trellis as support for growth. It flourishes well in well drained sandy soil with adequate moisture and cool weather conditions. Short stalked green pods which appear during late winter or spring. The pods measure about 2 to 3 inches long, swollen or compressed, straight or slightly curved, filled with single row of 2 to 10 light green color smooth edible seeds. Uses & Applications Like any other green vegetable, green peas are available for around 4 to 5 months only. In view of their demand round the year, they can be preserved with the help of dehydration process and sold during off season. It is also possible to produce powder which has got good market prospects. But this note considers only dehydration of green peas. Market Survey Indians generally prefer green and fresh vegetables but they are available only during seasons. Some their shelf life is not more than 3 to 4 days. But dehydration technique preserves them for few months and the original taste, flavour and colour is also retained. Green peas are very popular and they are used along with other vegetables in many vegetarian and continental dishes. Many fast food and snack items also include green peas. Thus apart from household demand, there is a continuous demand from restaurants, dhabas, caterers and canteens. Price is the main consideration as these eateries cannot afford high prices. Green peas are one of the few pulses in India that are consumed whole, rather than in split or flour form. Green peas are generally more expensive than yellow peas, and these prices are even higher for American green peas which are considered the highest quality and garner a premium price. The current demand of high quality foods in the food market requires dehydrated products with high nutritional and organoleptic properties with similar levels as found in the initial fresh product. In addition, the drying process should have a low production cost and a low environmental impact. As a consequence, there is a need for better understanding of the factors affecting the properties and quality of the product during the dehydration. The use of heat pump dryers (HPD) operating in at atmospheric pressure and freeze drying mode can fulfill such requirements. If properly designed a HPD employs only a fraction of the energy used by a conventional dryer with similar capacity. The closed drying loop in the HPD also eliminates the common problem concerned to dust release to the atmosphere.
Plant capacity: 5 MT/DayPlant & machinery: 320 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 767 Lakhs
Return: 40.00%Break even: 41.00%
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Packaging of Tomato Paste - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Products, such as tomato paste/puree have potential demand with local fruit/vegetable processors as well as the retail market. Establishment of tomato processing facilities in the country can contribute in reducing the dependence of local industry on imported tomato paste. Tomato paste and puree are commonly consumed commodities in every household. In the field of packaging thermoplastic film has been widely accepted as an efficient flexible packaging material. Co extruded multilayer blown film was introduced a few years back in the field of packaging. It is being used in the packaging of milk, edible oil, Shampoo and for packaging of some or ready to eat snacks. Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most widely used plastics for packaging applications. Uses and Applications Tomato Paste is used in making the following: • Tomato Ketchup • Tomato Juice • Tomato Chutney • Tomato Soup • Tomato Cocktail Market Survey Tomato processing industry is the pioneering sector in food processing industry. Although the dominant traditional processing line is tomato paste processing, peeled and diced tomatoes are the other promising products. Tomato paste processing plants are also suitable to process other fruits and vegetables during off season. Tomato Paste is the main product of processed tomatoes which is used as a raw material to make ketchup, sauces and other tomato related products. The demand for tomato processing usually arises from a need to preserve the product for cooking purposes (inclusion in stews, soups, curries etc) out of season or to add value for extra income. Traditionally, the most important methods used are concentration (to a paste or purée) and drying either fruit pieces or to a powder. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Fortune Foods Ltd. Freshtrop Fruits Ltd. Heinz India Pvt. Ltd. Kartikeya Agro Products Ltd. Nijjer Agro Foods Ltd. Olam Exports (India) Ltd.
Plant capacity: 75000 Pouches/Day (70 gms, 100 gms & 200 gms)Plant & machinery: Rs.26 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs.599 Lakhs
Return: 52.00%Break even: 28.00%
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Dehydrated Onion (100% EOU) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Dehydrated Onions have been produced in small quantities since the nineteenth century. A 100 percent export oriented unit is one, which would export its entire production, except for the permitted levels of rejects. The main advantages of dehydrated onions are that they are easy to store, being lighter in weight and smaller in bulk than fresh or other processed onions. They are cheap to pack compared with canned goods. They do not require refrigerated storage as do frozen onions and the contents of a container can be used some time after opening provided they are not dehydrated. When establishing a dehydration industry, considerable thought should be given to the procurement of fresh onions for dehydration. To operate a dehydration plant efficiently, a constant supply of onions is required and this involves considerable organization. Ideally a dehydration factory should handle only one type of onion over long periods, so as to avoid the necessity of cleaning down all the machinery and altering the grading and cutting settings etc. when changing from one variety to another. In the food processing field, dehydration is sometimes described as the removal of 85% or more of water from a food substance, by exposure to thermal energy by various means. Thermal dehydration reduces volume of the product, increases shelf life, and lowers transportation cost. There is no clearly defined line of demarcation between drying and dehydrating, and latter sometimes being considered as a supplement of drying. Usually, the direct use of solar energy, as in the drying of raisin, lay etc. is not lumped with dehydrating. The term dehydration also is not generally applied to situations where there is a loss of water as the result of evaporation. Uses Dehydrated onions are used chiefly as a constituent in various food products i.e. they are sold to manufacturing concerns as an industrial raw material and demand for dehydrated onions is a function of the demand of these food products. However there is a demand for dehydrated onions for use as curlinary onions, both by large catering concerns institutions and industrial canteens; and for domestic use. The other use of dehydrated onions is in the manufacture of dried soups once virtually the sole outlet for these products, but now declining in relative importance, as other applications including use in canned soups and stews, baby foods, fish, meat and bakery products and more recently in dried `ready meals' have been developed. Market Survey In India dehydration of many food products especially vegetables and some fruits are in practices at home and industry level throughout year. these dehydrated products are the largest export products for international markets & international clients who desire for quality products. These products are 100% export oriented to countries like UK, Canada, Germany, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Australia, Spain, Italy, Greece, UAE, France, Belgium, Netherlands, South Africa, Latvia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Philippines, Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Israel, South Africa, Russia, East European countries and many more. Thus export potential of onion is quite high and already a large number of dehydration plants in operation in many parts of the country. Drying of onion flakes has the potential to not only reduce the storage losses but it also helps in stabilizing the price. The food processing industry has been slated for accelerated growth. It is projected to be a futuristic industry and it is anticipated that, over the years, it will emerge as a leading player in the global markets. As a result, the industry is seen to be witnessing feverish activity.
Plant capacity: 13.6 MT/ DayPlant & machinery: Rs.184 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs.1259 Lakhs
Return: 50.00%Break even: 32.00%
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Dehydration of Chillies, Onion and Vegetables - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Vegetables are available during specific seasons and they are perishable. Hence, majority of them are not available during off season. To overcome this problem, dehydration technique has been developed by which vegetables in dehydrated form are preserved for a longer period and are made available during off season. With this technology, certain high value and popular vegetables can be profitably sold. Dehydration technology is well established and proven. Certain products like green peas, cauliflower, carrots, spinach etc. command good prices during lean and off season. Drying preserves foods by removing enough moisture from food to prevent decay and spoilage. Water content of properly dried food varies from 5 to 25 percent depending on the food. When drying foods, the key is to remove moisture as quickly as possible at a temperature that does not seriously affect the flavor, texture and color of the food. Physical changes that may occur include: shrinkage, puffing, crystallization, glass transitions. In some cases, desirable or undesirable chemical or biochemical reactions may occur leading to changes in color, texture, odor or other properties of the solid product. Dehydration of vegetables by sun drying is the oldest known method. Now modern techniques have been developed for dehydration of vegetables. In this process, the dehydrated product has better flavour, colour, aroma, rehydration, acceptability, etc. in comparison to sundried dehydrated products. Uses and Applications The most popular applications of dehydrated vegetables are pizza and other fast food, snack foods, food service packs, stuffing mixes, pickled products, meat products, sea food products, gravies, canned foods, salad dressing, dips, bottle packs, pet food, rice mixes, soups, potato salad, seasoning, wet and dry salsa, specialty foods, curry powder, bakery topping, gourmet sauces, seasoning and in many other snacks or as ingredients. Pizza and other fast food, snack foods, food service packs, stuffing mixes, pickled products, meat products, sea food products, gravies, canned foods, salad dressing, dips, bottle packs, pet food, rice mixes, soups, potato salad, seasoning, wet and dry salsa, specialty foods, curry powder, bakery topping, gourmet sauces, seasoning and in many other snacks or as ingredients. Dehydrated vegetables can also be used to make powders by grinding dehydrated vegetable pieces in a food mill or blender. The powder can be used as flavoring agents, or add them as thickeners for soup and stew. Create your own instant soup mix from vegetable powders. Market Survey India is a prominent exporter of dried and preserved vegetables to the world. The world production of chilli crop sums up to around 7 million tons that is cultivated on approximately 1.5 million hectares of land. India is the world leader in context of chilli production followed by China and Pakistan. Owing to rich horticultural potential that exists in the country, the fruit and vegetable processing industry can play an important role in salvaging the wastage by utilizing small and sub grade fruits, help in stabilization of prices during the glut season, afford employment opportunity (as this industry is labour intensive), meet the requirements of defense forces in border areas, and last but not the least earn foreign exchange for the country. The present concentration of the processing units is near the concentrated centers of producing areas and near the consuming centers which are a major base for domestic market, or near the export areas/port towns, such units being, by and large export oriented. The food processing industry has been slated for accelerated growth. It is projected to be a futuristic industry and it is anticipated that, over the years, it will emerge as a leading player in the global markets. As a result, the industry is seen to be witnessing feverish activity. Cost Estimation Capacity Dehydrated Chilli : 3.0 Dehydrated Onion : 4.0 Dehydrated Garlic : 5.3 Dehydrated Ginger : 4.3 Dehydrated Carrot : 3.3 Dehydrated Cabbage : 4.1 Dehydrated Capsicum : 3.6
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: Rs.136 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.675 Lakhs
Return: 44.00%Break even: 58.00%
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SPICES (100% EOU)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Spices which are basically plant products, have a definite role to play in enhancing the taste flavour, relish or piquancy of any food; most of the spices are fragrant, aromatic & pungent. They comprise seeds, bartes, rhizamer, leaves fruits and other parts of plants, which belong to varigated species and genera since time immemorial, India in renamed to be the have of spices. Most important spices like black pepper (king of spices) cardamom (queen of spices), ginger, chillis and turmeric, which are produced in India import it great reputation, and these constitute. In the list of spices, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon and cassia are known as tree spices, however, spices like fennel, fenugreek, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, vanilla, saffron; etc. There are a number of spices used along with food namely; Common Salt ,Coriander ,Chilli ,Turmeric, Ajwain & Methi ,Onion and Garlic .Now a day’s use of spice as ground form is changed towards in the liquid form. It is actually use of spice oil. Spicy oil drops are so much more active rather than ground powder. Ground powder is much more used in compare to oil drops. Oil drops are basically essential aromatic oils, which has very good specific spicy flavour. For Export Oriented Unit, should be quality conscious. Laboratory should be cleaned. There is no adulteration in the product; product should be totally microbial free. Quality of the products and factory premises should satisfy I.S.O standard. These spices are not used at a time. For preparation of any dish may be Indian or European, vegetarian or non-vegetarian we use more than one spice. The combination of all the spices but together for the use of one particular dish as known as ‘masala’ the bulk of the dry matter consists of carbohydrates, proteins, tannius, resins, volatile oil, fixed oil, for pigments, mineral, elements, etc. These constituents differ greatly in their composition and content in different spices. Harvesting of each spice is done at a particular storage of maturity in a particular manner suitable for it avoiding any sort of damages before processing. It is transported to the processing centre as early as possible and stored properly before it is taken to up for processing. The basic prerequisite of the export-oriented spices is that almost all of them are exported to other countries and not sold in the indigenous market. Only the product that does not conform to the standard stipulated for the export-oriented product, and is recorded in the form of rejects. This should not exceed more than 25% and may be sold in the indigenous market. USES & APPLICATIONS There are a large number of dishes used commonly and on special occasions; correspondingly, there may be large variety of masalas (spices) also. However, the purpose or use of spices (a masalas) in dishes is two folds - and being the appetizer and the other being taste and appearance. Spices have a definite roll to play in enhancing the taste and flavor of any forces. A dish of spices adds individuality to standardised foods, traditional or modern. In the indigenous system of medicine in India, spices are used widely. But, till recently, there was a prejudice in many foreign countries that spices are injurious to health. Fortunately, this view has been contradicted recently by research workers in India and abroad. Most of the spices are carminative, digestive, stimulant, stanachic, resolvent, antiseptic, etc. Spices are now considered as the natural and necessary component of daily nutrition. MARKET SURVEY India is one of the leading producers, consumers and exporters of spices. The Spices Board, under the umbrella of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, government of India, is the apex body for promoting exports of Indian Spices. Established in 1987, the Board plays an important role as a development agency for Indian spices. Its board-based activities include formulation and important role as a development agency for Indian spices. Its broad-based activities include formulation and implementation of quality improvement system, research and development programmes, imparting education and training to farmers, processors, packers and exporters on post-harvest handling, etc. For promotion of spices, the Spice Board is regularly participating in international food fairs. Assisting exporters in trade fair participation and sending business delegations to identified markets for export development. India is known as ‘the home of spices’. No India meal is considered complete without the tangy and delectable flavour of Indian spices, locally known as ‘masala’. Indian spices are famous the world over for their high medicinal values. There is no other country in the world that produces as many kinds of spices as India. India grows over 50 different varieties of spices. The total production is around 2.7 million tonnes. Of this, about 0.25 million tonne (8-10 per cent) is exported to more than 150 countries.Some of the most widely consumed spices in India inter alia include chilli (lal mirach), cinnamon, cumin (jeera), curry leaf (curry patta), fennel (saunf), asafetida (hing/heeng), basil (pudina), bay leaves (tejpatta), small cardamom (chotti elaichi), large cardamom (badi elaichi), ginger (adrak), mustard, sishops weed (ajwain), cassia (dal chini), celery (kala jeera), clove, coriander (dhania), fenugreek (methi), garlic (lahson), kokam, mint, onion, parsley, pomegranate, turmeric (haldi), tamrind (imli), pepper (kali mirach), poppy (post dana/khaskhas), rosemary and vanilla. The climate of the country is suitable for growing almost all kinds of spices. India can now claim to be the monopoly supplier of spice oils and oleoresins the world over. The consistent effort during the last one decade has improved the share of value-added products in the exports basket to 60 per cent. Because of the varying climate-from tropical to sub-tropical temperate-almost all spices are grown splendidly in India. In fact, almost all the states and union territories of India grow one or the other spices. PRESENT MANUFACTURERS A V T Mccormick Ingrediants Pvt. Ltd. A V Thomas International Ltd. Aarkay Food Products Ltd. Bhagat International Pvt. Ltd. Chordia Food Products Ltd. Complete Spice Solutions India Ltd. Devon Foods Ltd. Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. Eastern Overseas Ltd. Empire Spices & Foods Ltd. Global Green Co. Ltd. Global Natural Products Ltd. Gokul Agro Inds. Ltd. Harmony Spices Ltd. Indana Spices & Food Inds. Ltd. Indian Chillies Trading Co. Ltd. Indian Products Ltd. Jagat Industries Ltd. Kedar Spices Ltd. Kerala Cardamom Processing & Mktg. Co. Ltd. Kohinoor Foods Ltd. Lucid Colloids Ltd. M T R Foods Pvt. Ltd. Madhur Industries Ltd. Malabar Spices Co. Ltd. Mas Enterprises Ltd. Om Oil & Flour Mills Ltd. Pals Industries Ltd. Periyar Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Ramdev Food Products Ltd. Rathi Oils Ltd. Shalimar Chemical Works Ltd. Spices Valley Estates Ltd. Sunrise Spices Ltd. Swani Spice Mills Pvt. Ltd. Unique Organics Ltd. Vallabhdas Kanji Ltd. Vishal Lakto (India) Ltd.
Plant capacity: 500 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 12 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 62 Lakhs
Return: 49.12%Break even: 39.64%
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Dehydrated Onions have been produced in small quantities since the nineteenth century. Dehydrated onions were supplied to British naval expeditions in the mid-nineteenth century and dehydrated onions have been produced in sizable quantities during subsequent wars, primarily for consumption by armed forces, but also for civilian use. Since the quality of these products when dehydrated compared unfavorably with fresh vegetables or other types of processed onions, their usage declined rapidly after each war. However the processing techniques employed in the production of dehydrated onions have been improved greatly since World War II, particularly since the late nineteen fifties, and as a result the quality of dehydrated vegetables has much improved. At the same time the demands for convenience foods have been increasing and dehydrated onions have benefited accordingly. The main advantages of dehydrated onions are that they are easy to store, being lighter in weight and smaller in bulk than fresh or other processed onions. They are cheap to pack compared with canned goods. They do not require refrigerated storage as do frozen onions and the contents of a container can be used some time after opening provided they are not dehydrated. The newest dehydration process appears to be a variation on the air-drying process and is based on the principle of vapor pressure differentials, using air circulated around the onions at relatively low temperatures to `sweat' the water from the food. It is reported that this method of dehydration prevents a crust forming on the outside of the pieces of food and that the low temperatures have less effect on flavour, texture, colour and vitamin contents of onion then, of the higher temperatures used in conventional hot air-drying methods. When establishing a dehydration industry, considerable thought should be given to the procurement of fresh onions for dehydration. In most countries onions for dehydration are grown almost exclusively on contract to the processors. The contracts are made up of a year in advance and cover such aspects as acreage, planting periods, varieties of onions, field inspection, and stage of maturity for harvesting, delivery dates, grading and prices. To operate a dehydration plant efficiently, a constant supply of onions is required and this involves considerable organization. Buying supplies of fresh onion from the market is rarely practicable since varieties grown for the fresh market may be un suitable for processing and continuity of supply cannot be assured. It is usually found that specialization in processing one or two types is more profitable then production of wide range of dehydrated onions. Ideally a dehydration factory should handle only one type of onion over long periods, so as to avoid the necessity of cleaning down all the machinery and altering the grading and cutting settings etc. when changing from one variety to another. USES & APPLICATION Dehydrated onions are used chiefly as a constituent in various food products i.e. they are sold to manufacturing concerns as an industrial raw material and demand for dehydrated onions is a function of the demand of these food products. However there is a demand for dehydrated onions for use as curlinary onions, both by large catering concerns - institutions and industrial canteens; and for domestic use. The other use of dehydrated onions is in the manufacture of dried soups-once virtually the sole outlet for these products, but now declining in relative importance, as other applications including use in canned soups and stews, baby foods, fish, meat and bakery products and more recently in dried `ready-meals' have been developed. So far as possible both merchants and users were consulted in due course. Since there are relatively few dried soup manufacturers, it was possible to contact a majority of the users in this class. Retail outlets obtain supplies largely from food manufacturers. The different market sectors account for varying proportions of demand for dehydrated onions. Dehydrated onion slices and pieces are sold to all four market sectors. Pizza and other fast food, snack foods, food service packs, stuffing mixes, pickled products, meat products, sea food products, gravies, canned foods, salad dressing, dips, bottle packs, pet food, rice mixes, soups, potato salad, seasoning, wet and dry salsa, specialty foods, curry powder, bakery topping, gourmet sauces, seasoning and in many other snacks or as ingredients. MARKET SURVEY Onion is an important vegetable crop grown in India and forms a part of daily diet in almost all households throughout the year. India is the second largest producer of onion in the world 7 onion is one of the most important but perishable groups known. It is also used for medical purpose. But due to non-availability of appropriate post-harvest storage facilities, 20-25% of the total produced onions are wasted, which in terms of value amounts to crores of rupees. Unprocessed foods are susceptible to spoilage by biochemical processes, microbial attack and infestation. The right post harvest practices such as good processing techniques, and proper packaging, transportation and storage (of even processed foods) can play a significant role in reducing spoilage and extending shelf life. The industry consists of segments like processed fruits and vegetables, cereal based products, dairy products, meat, poultry and fishery products, beverages and confectionary. The global processed food market is estimated at $3.2 trillion. The Indian food market is estimated at $182 billion. Food processing industry in India is growing at 14% annum. The total food production in India is likely to double in the next ten years and there is an opportunity for large investments in food and food processing technologies.The Indian government has formulated Vision 2015, to triple the size of the food processing industry, from the current $ 70 b to around $ 210 b, enhancing her global share to 3%, increasing value addition to 35%, from the current 20% and raising the level of processing of perishables to 20%. PRESENT MANUFACTURERS Accelerated Freeze Drying Co. Ltd. Canning Industries Cochin Ltd. Chordia Food Products Ltd. Darlco Cannings Ltd. Farm Enterprises Ltd. Finns Frozen Foods (India) Ltd. Flex Foods Ltd. Indo-French Biotech Enterprises Ltd. Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. Kartikeya Agro Products Ltd. Kissan Products Ltd. [Erstwhile] L M P Gujarat Agro Exports Ltd. Maharashtra Agro-Inds. Devp. Corpn. Ltd. Orient Vegetexpo Ltd. S Y P Agro Foods Ltd. Saachin Floritech Ltd. Saraf Foods Ltd. Suvarna Florex Ltd.
Plant capacity: 6 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.224 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 536 Lakhs
Return: 44.89%Break even: 40.20%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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