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Fruits and Vegetables Value addition, Food Processing, Dehydration, Canning and Preservation, Processed Food Projects

In developing countries agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. As such, it should be no surprise that agricultural industries and related activities can account for a considerable proportion of their output. Of the various types of activities that can be termed as agriculturally based, fruit and vegetable processing are among the most important. Therefore, fruit and vegetable processing has been engaging the attention of planners and policy makers as it can contribute to the economic development of rural population. The utilization of resources both material and human is one of the ways of improving the economic status of family.

The change in the income growth, increase in population, lifestyle and concern towards health and nutrition worldwide have resulted in a large demand for processed fruit and vegetable products all over the globe. India is among the topmost vegetable and fruit producer in the worldand accounts for about 15% of the world's production of vegetables. A large number of units are in the cottage/home scale and small scale sector, having small capacities upto 250 tonnes/annum though big Indian and multinational companies have capacities in the range of 30 tonnes per hour or so. It has the distinction of producing almost all-tropical and exotic fruits and vegetables because of varied climatic conditions. India’s food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables. Value addition to food products has assumed vital importance in our country due to diversity in socio-economic conditions, industrial growth, urbanization and globalization. Value is added by changing their form, colour and other such methods to increase the shelf life of perishables.

There are various methods of preservation of food including thermal processing, fermentation, pickling, dehydration, freezing etc. The technology for preservation also varies with type of products and targeted market. Some of fast growing segments of food processing industries are given as under:

• Mango and other fruit pulps

• Pickles, chutney, sauces etc.

• Tomato products like paste, puree and ketchup

• Fruit jam, marmalade, crush, squashes, juices etc.

• Canned fruits and vegetables etc.

• Frozen products like frozen peas, cauliflower etc.

India has made a good progress on the horticultural map of the world.Boosted by rising consumer demand owing to better health awareness and purchasing power, production of fruits and vegetables across India has increased this year with their total yield surpassing the production of food grains. Fruit & vegetable processing is driven by growing consumer demand for healthy and fresh products that are easily available and require minimal preparation time. Processing of fruits & vegetables increases their shelf-life. Since they are traded on a large scale, processing ensures that market demand of fruits & vegetables with standard quality is met. The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export. India's exports of Processed Food was Rs. 26,067.64 Crores in 2015-16, which includes the share of products like Mango Pulp (Rs. 796.17Crores), Dried and Preserved Vegetable (Rs. 914.21 Crores), Other Processed Fruit and Vegetable (Rs. 2,900.33 Crores), Pulses (Rs. 1,603.22 Crores), Groundnuts (Rs. 4,046.05 Crores), Guargum (Rs. 3,233.87 Crores). The Indian food –processing industry is primarily export oriented. India’s geographical situation gives it the unique advantage of connectivity to Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Singapore, Thiland, Malaysia and Korea.

Fruit and vegetable processing industry has taken a new direction and is growing gradually with strong growth rate annually. Infrastructure development for processing may take this industry to the new heights in the years to come with the help of sufficient exports and investments. Fruit and vegetable processing is done widely in the food and beverage industry.Fruits and vegetables are processed into a variety of products such as juices and concentrates, pulp, canned and dehydrated products, jams and jellies, pickles and chutneys etc. The extent of processing of fruits and vegetables varies from one country to another.

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• The report provides a glimpse of government regulations applicable on the industry

• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions.

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Banana Wafers - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Banana is the one of richest iron source green vegetable. It can be preserved for 3 months or more by reducing moisture in it. This may be done by drying procedure or frying procedure. There is preserving art of green vegetable as for long time. The keeping quality of food materials is greatly improved by the reduction in their water contents. Fruits, leafy vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products containing high percentage of water deteriorate more rapidly than root crops and cereals which are comparatively dry. The use of machinery for drying. Banana powder is prepared from the pulp or ripe fruits after mashing and drying in a drum or spray driers. The dried product is pulverized and passed through a 20 mesh sieve. The product is commonly used in Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Houses etc. This is a regular consumable item. Major share of the banana production in the country is consumed in the fresh form. Besides, a small percentage of it is exported to U.S.S.R. Being a highly perishable in nature, there is need to preserve this important fruit by manufacturing products such as figs, flour, powder, banana pulp, weaning food infants, classified banana juice etc to cater the needs of the different society. The demand for banana wafers is increasing day-by-day. There is very good scope for new investment. You can venture into this units.
Plant capacity: 100 kgs./DayPlant & machinery: 3 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 18 Lakhs
Return: 49.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Grape Cultivation - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue,Plant Layout

Grape is considered as a sophisticated fruit from the very old times. It is cherished as fresh fruit, stored as raising, drinks as wines and medicines from the time immemorial. During the ancient times grape were cultivated in European countries mainly for making wines. Even in the medieval period, grapes were the major raw materials for making various brands of wines in Europe, although in Asian and African Countries, due to imposition of strict lslamic laws, wine making was restricted and grapes were mainly consumed as fresh fruits or raisins. The present world production of grape is equally shared for fresh consumption and processing. The grapes are grown for various purposes. Generally, the grapes are classified into the following five groups depending on their use : table grapes, raisin grapes, wine grapes, juice grapes and canning grapes. There is good scope for grape cultivation due to its uses. It is a very good project. So new entrepreneurs may enter in this field. Actual profit will be started from 6th year.
Plant capacity: Farming Land Area 75 Hectares Farming, Watering and Observing/day 16 Hours Up to 5 YearsPlant & machinery: 28 Lakh
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: 52 Lakhs
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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TOMATO PASTE (TOMATO CONCENTRATE)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Plant Layout

In view of the important of tomato either fresh or processed in the daily diet due to the high nutritive value, there are good potentials to develop this industry in the country in the small scale sector. This product contains total solids not less than 25%, but it can further be concentrated upto 33% solids. It is prepared by concentrating tomato juice or pulp without seeds and skin. It is used for preparation of various products such as Sauces, Ketchup, Chutney, Soup, Tomato Juice, and also as an ingredient in various type of Sauces, Canned Fish, process beans and related products. To prepare this tomato paste, various types of tomatoes are taken, which are well riped. So the fresh riped tomatoes are very refreshing and appetizing. They are good source of vitamins. In special consideration to tomato powder, it is very much useful in the developing and cultured societies. There is good scope of this project.
Plant capacity: 12 Ton/DayPlant & machinery: 23 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 469 Lakhs
Return: 47.00%Break even: 36.00%
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Dry Ginger To Green Ginger - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Ginger is one of the oldest and most important spices, consists of the prepared and semi-dried rhizomes of ginger officinale hiscoe belonging to family ginger areas. Ginger possesses a warm pungent taste and pleasant smell hence its wide use as flavourant in numerous food preparations and beverages, baked food, confectionery, ginger bread, savory dishes, currie, soup, pickles and many other soft drinks. Ginger is consumed all over the world, particularly in tropical and warm countries. Ginger tea is regarded as a carminative to exes an ailing stomach and is used for this purpose through out the world. Ginger is used for producing ginger oil and oleoresin. There is good demand items. There is good scope for new investment.
Plant capacity: 1 ton/DayPlant & machinery: 7 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 83 Lakhs
Return: 35.00%Break even: 40.00%
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Ginger Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

The ginger whole shall be the rhifume of ginger officinale rose in pieces irregular in stapes and size not less than 20mm. in length or in small cut pieces, pale brower in colour and fibrous with peel not entirely removed washed and dried in the sun. The material may be garbled by removing pieces that are too lighter and it may also be lime bleached. The dried rhizomes may also be ground into powder. It can be used as pharmaceuticals for the production of herbal medicines in the treatment of cold fever. It can be used as additive for the food supplement. Powder ginger has very good domestic as well as export market. Any new entrepreneur enter in this field will successful.
Plant capacity: 250 kg/DayPlant & machinery: 17 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 95 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Soft Drinks (Cola, Orange, Lemon, Mango Pulp, Ginger, Clear Lemon 7up type)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

Soft drinks are largely used in the society to serve any guest in the house, in the commercial and industrial units to entertain the customers. It some times acts as medicine also, for little stomach problems or headache. It is used as drinks for recreation. There are different types of printed packing material used for aseptic packing of the finished products. Selection of flavour and taste is the main criteria for manufacturing of quality soft drinks. There is good market available in the summer season and less market in the winter season where temperature fall down below 150C. There is very good market demand for soft drinks.
Plant capacity: 48000 Bottles/DayPlant & machinery: 94 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 474 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 49.00%
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Ginger Paste in Pouch/Black Container - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Ginger is one of the most important vegetables, which is produced by cultivation process. It is one of the agro based products, which has good commercial as well as industrial value. It is basically used mostly in all of the houses as spice. Ginger can be preserved by food preservation process. It is processed by making paste and sterilized to keep it for long time. For making ginger paste, there is basic plant machineries required, are grader, screening, paste making machine, sterilizer, automatic filling, weight and packing machine etc. There is good quality control laboratory necessary for making good products for increasing the self life of product. There is pollution, produced from the plant, which can be solved by proper precaution. It has fair market growth. New entrepreneur may be successful by his hard work ship and by his marketing intelligence. As a whole it is totally a fair project.
Plant capacity: 2 MT/DayPlant & machinery: 35 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 211 Lakhs
Return: 56.00%Break even: 36.00%
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Glazing & Preservation of Ginger - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Plant Layout

Ginger is botanically named as Z. officinal, which is the main source of ginger. Ginger is cultivated on a large scale in India. It is exported to other countries the world over. The major areas of usage of ginger is in the flavouring, seasoning and garnishing of food by domestic consumers. Fresh ginger is some time used in the preparation of ginger wine and in one or two countries the juice is used as a beverage. Substantial quantities of fresh ginger are also used in the preparation of sauce and pickles in both producing and importing countries. Preserved ginger in its crystalline form is used as a sweetmeat when preserved in syrup. It is mainly used as a dessert in its own right although it is also some time incorporated in such products as cakes, fruits salads, yoghurt for ice cream. New entrepreneur may come this fields and get profit.
Plant capacity: 1 ton/DayPlant & machinery: 7 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 83 Lakhs
Return: 35.00%Break even: 40.00%
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Ginger Oil (Super Critical Co2 Process) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Ginger is one of the most important and oldest spice used in every kinds of food preparation. There are two general types of ginger viz. fresh green ginger used for the preparation of candied ginger (in Sugar Syrup) and dried or cured ginger applied in the spiced trade for the distillation of its volatile oil. Ginger possesses a warm pungent taste and a pleasant odor, hence its wide use as a flavourant in numerous food preparation and beverages, ginger bread, soups, pickles, and many popular soft drinks. Like most pungent spices, ginger is consumed all over the world, particularly in tropical or warm countries. It dilates the superficial vessels of the spine, resulting first in a feeling of warm. There is good scope for new investment.
Plant capacity: 40 kg/DayPlant & machinery: 158 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 282 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 58.00%
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Ginger (Dry, Powder, Flakes, Oil) & Garlic (Powder, Flakes, Oil) Processing Unit - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Material

The food processing industry is a strong component of the larger agro industrial sector. Dry ginger, ginger flakes, garlic flakes and dry powder are all vegetable processed products. In India there are some specific states where ginger and garlic are abundantly available. Processing of ginger and garlic combination is unique combination of vegetable processing which are mostly available throughout the year. Ginger oil and garlic oil both are high valued spice oil. Both of the products are highly demanded items for processing in the dry form of ginger. There is good export market for both the products. In the manufacturing process there is environmental pollution arises, which can be solved by proper treatment. As a whole manufacturing of dry ginger, ginger powder, ginger flakes, garlic flakes, garlic powder & garlic oil is best items of the vegetable processing. There is good scope for new entrepreneurs.
Plant capacity: Garlic Flakes 750kg, Garlic Powder 750kg & Garlic Oil 10kg/Day, Ginger Dry 500kg, Ginger Powder 500kg, Ginger Flakes 500kg & Ginger Oil 10 kg/DayPlant & machinery: 57 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 265 Lakhs
Return: 37.00%Break even: 42.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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