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Fruits and Vegetables Value addition, Food Processing, Dehydration, Canning and Preservation, Processed Food Projects

In developing countries agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. As such, it should be no surprise that agricultural industries and related activities can account for a considerable proportion of their output. Of the various types of activities that can be termed as agriculturally based, fruit and vegetable processing are among the most important. Therefore, fruit and vegetable processing has been engaging the attention of planners and policy makers as it can contribute to the economic development of rural population. The utilization of resources both material and human is one of the ways of improving the economic status of family.

The change in the income growth, increase in population, lifestyle and concern towards health and nutrition worldwide have resulted in a large demand for processed fruit and vegetable products all over the globe. India is among the topmost vegetable and fruit producer in the worldand accounts for about 15% of the world's production of vegetables. A large number of units are in the cottage/home scale and small scale sector, having small capacities upto 250 tonnes/annum though big Indian and multinational companies have capacities in the range of 30 tonnes per hour or so. It has the distinction of producing almost all-tropical and exotic fruits and vegetables because of varied climatic conditions. India’s food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables. Value addition to food products has assumed vital importance in our country due to diversity in socio-economic conditions, industrial growth, urbanization and globalization. Value is added by changing their form, colour and other such methods to increase the shelf life of perishables.

There are various methods of preservation of food including thermal processing, fermentation, pickling, dehydration, freezing etc. The technology for preservation also varies with type of products and targeted market. Some of fast growing segments of food processing industries are given as under:

• Mango and other fruit pulps

• Pickles, chutney, sauces etc.

• Tomato products like paste, puree and ketchup

• Fruit jam, marmalade, crush, squashes, juices etc.

• Canned fruits and vegetables etc.

• Frozen products like frozen peas, cauliflower etc.

India has made a good progress on the horticultural map of the world.Boosted by rising consumer demand owing to better health awareness and purchasing power, production of fruits and vegetables across India has increased this year with their total yield surpassing the production of food grains. Fruit & vegetable processing is driven by growing consumer demand for healthy and fresh products that are easily available and require minimal preparation time. Processing of fruits & vegetables increases their shelf-life. Since they are traded on a large scale, processing ensures that market demand of fruits & vegetables with standard quality is met. The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export. India's exports of Processed Food was Rs. 26,067.64 Crores in 2015-16, which includes the share of products like Mango Pulp (Rs. 796.17Crores), Dried and Preserved Vegetable (Rs. 914.21 Crores), Other Processed Fruit and Vegetable (Rs. 2,900.33 Crores), Pulses (Rs. 1,603.22 Crores), Groundnuts (Rs. 4,046.05 Crores), Guargum (Rs. 3,233.87 Crores). The Indian food –processing industry is primarily export oriented. India’s geographical situation gives it the unique advantage of connectivity to Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Singapore, Thiland, Malaysia and Korea.

Fruit and vegetable processing industry has taken a new direction and is growing gradually with strong growth rate annually. Infrastructure development for processing may take this industry to the new heights in the years to come with the help of sufficient exports and investments. Fruit and vegetable processing is done widely in the food and beverage industry.Fruits and vegetables are processed into a variety of products such as juices and concentrates, pulp, canned and dehydrated products, jams and jellies, pickles and chutneys etc. The extent of processing of fruits and vegetables varies from one country to another.

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Dehydrated Garlic Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Garlic powder means garlic in powder form. Powder form means moisture less or dehydrated form. The garlic powder is manufactured by many large scale and small scale food processing units in India. It is used in flavouring of many food products and in ayurvedic medicines. The dehydration or drying of garlic is used for its preservation. The keeping quality of food materials is greatly influenced by their water contents. Garlic powder is used in tomato soups, canned soups, meat products etc. It is also used in sausages, hamburger and salami to give the typical flavour of garlic. As our country is rich in producing fruits and vegetables the foreign neighboring countries require these products in bulk. The fresh vegetables and fruits are not likely to be exported because they will spoil ruin during transportation. Hence, the only way to export these products in dehydrated and powdered form. There is a good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 300 Kg / DayPlant & machinery: 6 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 63 Lakhs
Return: 50.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Processed and Dehydrated Gherkins - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, plant layout

Gherkin, a cucurbitaceous crop grown for pickling of raw fruits, was introduced to India in 1990. The product has demand for exports. India has an advantage of being able to grow the crop throughout the year in contrast to other major producing countries, where it can grow only for three months. Processed & dehydrated gherkins are precisely used for pickling. It is consumed as a culinary item at time of lunch & dinner. Each jar of pickle not only testes delectable but also measures to the highest quality levels. Processed and dehydrated gherkins are gaining both international as well as domestic eminence now-a-days and their demand is increasing at a considerable pace. This product has very wide horizons and their future scope as being innovative food items. It is lucrative project with fabulous returns. A new entrepreneur can well venture into this field.
Plant capacity: 5400 MT / AnnumPlant & machinery: 316 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 873 Lakh
Return: 39.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Investment Opportunity in Beer Industry - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Production Schedule

Among the alcoholic drinks, Beer is quite common and popular in almost every Country of the World. People of different countries take beer in varying much like a soft drink in European countries it is just a substitute of water. The alcoholic contents and main source stuff also keep varying according to the tests of the major part of population of the particular country although it is a fashion to ask for beer of every origin in every country. Formulations of beer manufacturing are done with the view of availability of the raw materials in that particular part of the World where the brewery is proposed to be established. In most of the parts of the world, barley is universal source of beer extraction. But, beers are manufactured from Chamomile flowers and powdered gingers etc. as well. The manufacturing processes and quality control measure, can make the beer nutrition’s, energy packed and refreshing. Among all the alcoholic drinks beer has become so common. Beer in the Western countries is the important constituent of daily food. The most important characteristic of drink is to keep body warm and certain refreshness throughout the body. Beer is the dilute alcoholic product. Barley is extensively employed for manufacture of malt used in brewing and distilling of beer. If we categorize beer, we find four categories as follows. Pale Beer – Lagers, wheat Beer, Pale ales (Bitter Beer). Dark Beer – Dark Lagers, Porter, Stout, Mils ales (Brown ale) Strong Beer – Black Beer, Kafir Beer, Iactic Beer. Special Beer etc. The Indian beer industry seems to be in upswing mode as 2006 seems to be the best year as far as the growth is considered. Last year there was a growth of 20% while in the last five years the industry registered a growth of 7 to 8% year on year basis. The total beer industry was around 108 million cases in 2005, which crossed 130 million cases in 2006. Industry analysts say tax and levies on beer are anticipated to fall over the next 2 to 3 years, driving down retail prices by 25 to 50%. It is estimated that beer will sell for Rs 15 to Rs 20 per 330 ml can and Rs 20 to Rs 30 per 650 ml bottle in the coming year with the reduction tax and levies. In fact, northern Indian states, which have traditionally shown a preference for hard liquor over beer, witnessed a jump of more than 100% in beer consumption in 2006 as compared to last year. The per capita consumption of beer in India is very low as compared to other countries in Europe and America. At present the per capita consumption is 0.7 litre per annum, but industry experts predict that this may rise to around 20 litres in the next 10 years. Considering the expected increase in consumption and the current growth trends, the future of Indian beer market looks bright and seems set for continuous double digit growth in the coming years.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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POTATO POWDER (Automatic Plant)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Potato is one of the important tuber vegetable, which is consumed throughout the year. It can be consumed in varied forms. In fact, it is a vegetable that can easily be combined with any other food item including other vegetables, cereals, pulses, meat and poultry. Potato powder is highly concentrated and nutritious flour ground from the pulp of cooled potato. The potato powder is used as thickening agent in soups, stews and for breading meats and fish. It is used extensively by armed forces, the civilian trade and the school lunch programme. There are about 15-20 units engaged in the manufacture of dehydrated and powdered potato. Although domestic market for dehydrated and powdered potato is there but more than70% of the total indigenous production of potato powder is exported to various countries. India is one of major potato producing countries in the world. It is estimated that 70 % of potatoes are consumed as fresh or processed. There is a bright scope for starting up a new unit of the same.
Plant capacity: 4 Ton / DayPlant & machinery: 2 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: 5 Crores
Return: 37.00%Break even: 46.00%
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Fruit Juice (Mango, Orange & Litchi) & Sugarcane Juice In Aseptic Packaging & Pet Bottles - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials

Fruit juices are health drinks; it is largely used throughout the society and popularity of fruit juices are gradually increasing. There is good scope of export of fresh fruit juices. Best food technologists are available in India who can provide the technology of fruit juices processing and bottling the same. Juices in aseptic packaging are basically used to quench the thirst and to get refreshment. It is quite safe, so it is used easily by the people of all ages. Sugar cane juice is very useful in summer season and used as cold drink and gives good taste. The role of packaging is to protect and preserve the product from producer to the end user. It also performs a marketing role in promoting the brand positioning through package shape, material or decoration, which must also provide identification and selected information. As a whole this is one of the best items now days, which has very good market demand. There is a good scope for new entrants to enter into this field.
Plant capacity: Mango Juice 3600 KLs., Orange Juice 3600 KLs,Litchi Juice 3600 KLs,Sugarcane Juice 720 KLs Per Annum Plant & machinery: 275 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 726 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 52.00%
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WINE FROM GRAPES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation of grape juice. The natural chemical balance of grapes is such that they can ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes or other nutrients. Although other fruits such as apples and berries can also be fermented, the resultant "wines" are normally named after the fruit from which they are produced (for example, apple wine or elderberry wine) and are generically known as fruit or country wine. Others, such as barley wine and rice wine (e.g. sake), are made from starch-based materials and resemble beer more than wine, while ginger wine is fortified with brandy. In these cases, the use of the term "wine" is a reference to the higher alcohol content, rather than production process. The commercial use of the English word "wine" (and its equivalent in other languages) is protected by law in many jurisdictions. Wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast which consume the sugars found in the grapes and convert them into alcohol. Various varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts are used depending on the types of wine produced. Wine is one of the largely suitable alcoholic beverages, which is generally manufactured by fermentation of grape juice. Matured ripe grapes are the basic raw materials. Wine is used as drinking purpose for special type alcoholic beverages in parties or any special social function. It can be used as tonic for the weak health people. There are few well-organized companies engaged in the production of wine. There is also entry of European countries wine in Indian market to compete with the Indian brand. It has good market demands. There is about 20% to 30% demands of wine full filled by importing. Around 200 distilleries are in the production of different types of alcoholic products in the country. Among the various IMFL products whisky occupies the prominent position with a market share of above 50%. There is a good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 9,00,000 Ltrs./ AnnumPlant & machinery: 237 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 555 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 49.00%
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PRESERVATIVE FREE JAM (Fruit Spreads) & Organic Jam Making - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

There has been considerable increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables juice beverages in the world during the last few years. Fruit juice beverages are considered more as occasional drinks in our country. Bottled squashes, nectars and other forms of fruit based beverages are looked upon as an expensive indulgence. Food preservation broadly involves methods of preparing food so that it can be stored for future use. The export of processed products such as fruit based beverages, jam, jelly, pickles etc. has increased substantially during the few years. Fast growth in processing sector is expected to occur in both developing and developed countries. The beverage industry is growing at a faster rate during last two decades. More and more new health foods including beverages are entering in the market. There is a good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 2000 Kgs. / DayPlant & machinery: 18 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 2 Crores
Return: 74.00%Break even: 29.00%
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BANANA AND ITS BY PRODUCTS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Banana is a fair source of calcium iron and a rich source of potassium magnesium, sodium & potassium. Because aids in combating diarrhoea intestinal lesions. Pected leaf sheaths are used fresh or after drying as packaging materials for flowers, betal leaves, fruits, etc. India is the second largest producer of banana after Brazil. Banana is cultivated in every part of the country. A small percentage of banana production is exported to USSR being lightly perishable in nature; there is need to process this fruit by manufacturing products such as figs, flour powder, banana pulp, etc. to cater the need of different society sections. There is a good marketing scope in metropolitan cities. The processed banana products has also a good export market.
Plant capacity: 54 MT / DayPlant & machinery: 18 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: 31 Crores
Return: 41.88%Break even: 37.93%
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BANANA AND ITS BY PRODUCTS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Banana is a fair source of calcium iron and a rich source of potassium magnesium, sodium & potassium. Because aids in combating diarrhoea intestinal lesions. Pected leaf sheaths are used fresh or after drying as packaging materials for flowers, betal leaves, fruits, etc. India is the second largest producer of banana after Brazil. Banana is cultivated in every part of the country. A small percentage of banana production is exported to USSR being lightly perishable in nature; there is need to process this fruit by manufacturing products such as figs, flour powder, banana pulp, etc. to cater the need of different society sections. There is a good marketing scope in metropolitan cities. The processed banana products has also a good export market.
Plant capacity: 54 MT / DayPlant & machinery: 18 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: 31 Crores
Return: 41.88%Break even: 37.93%
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FRESH FROZEN VEGETABLES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

There are thousands of frozen foods available. Before freezing, it is necessary to blend the product to destroy enzymes, which would result on off flavours and consequent quality deterioration. As frozen food preserves the vegetables, they don’t get spoiled even after months once they are kept in cold storage, some 250000 retail stores have frozen food departments and 75% of the industry output is sold through super markets. Today, frozen foods are available in retail and institutional outlets over all the areas of the country. The total annual commercial production is estimated to be more than 10 billion pounds. Obviously, what is produced must be marketed.
Plant capacity: 20 MT / DayPlant & machinery: 81 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1090 Lakh
Return: 53.00%Break even: 31.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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