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Textile processing is one of the important industries related with textile manufacturing operations.

Textile processing is a general term that covers right from singeing (protruding fiber removal) to finishing and printing of fabric. The various steps a fabric goes into are singeing, desizing, bleaching, dyeing, and finishing.Bleaching is a process to make the fabric or yarn look brighter and whiter. Dyeing is a process of applying coloring matter directly on fiber without any additives.Finishing is the final process to impart the required end use finishes to the fabric and lastly the printing process on fabric which is a science as well as an art.Textile auxiliaries such as chemicals are used for all stages of the textile manufacturing process that is from pre-treatment to dyeing and printing and finishing.

The textile industry occupies a leading position in the hierarchy of the Indian manufacturing industry. It has witnessed several new directions in the era of liberalization. While textile exports are increasing and India has become the largest exporter in world trade in cotton yarn and is an important player of readymade garments, country’s international textile trade constitutes a mere 3% of the total world textile trade.  Several mills have opted for modernization and expansion and are going in for export-oriented units (EOUs) focused on   production of cotton yarn. It has passed through cyclical oscillations and at present, it is witnessing a recovery after a downturn. 

Of the entire industry volume of about 5 million tonnes, polyester and polyester filament yarn account for about 1.7 million tonnes, and acrylic, nylon, and viscose taken together for 300,000 tonnes. The balance is represented by cotton textiles. A majority - some three fourths - of the textile mills are in the private sector. A few of the units are in the co-operative sector with the public sector (Central and State) accounting for about 15% of the total.

The textile industry is classified into (i) textile mills comprising composite and spinning mills in the organized segment, (ii) small powerloom and handloom units in the decentralized segment, (iii) khadi-based units, (iv)manmade and synthetic fibre and spinning units, v) knitting units, and (vi) made-ups (garments). Besides, the industry has a large number of small units  scattered all over the country  which are engaged in  processing, dyeing and printing of yarn, fabrics and  for conversion. The processing units include sizing, desizing, kiering, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing and finishing.

The country’s per capita consumption of woven cotton fabrics is estimated at around 16.5 meters. This has remained almost constant for quite some time with the increased production absorbed by the expansion in population. Yarn is produced by the mills in the organized segment but is consumed by powerloom and handloom segments as well.  The production of cotton yarn is divided into three categories, namely, coarse counts below 20s, medium counts between 20s and 40s, and fine counts above 40s. The average count spun has increased from about 25 in early 1960s to about 34 in 1990s. This indicates a change in product-mix in favour of finer textiles and high value items.

The pattern of production of cloth in the textile industry is amazingly wide with regard to types of fabrics produced with different mono and mixed materials.

In the conventional ring spinning system, increasing spindle speed beyond a level was technologically difficult and economically non-feasible. The search for an alternative method of yarn manufacture led to the development of three new technologies, namely, rotor open-end, friction and air jet spinning. The spinning limits of the four technologies are 6-12, upto 30, 6-18, and 20-80, respectively.

A major improvement in weaving efficiency has been brought about by developments in spinning technology which has enabled production of yarn of higher quality. A major share of the looms installed in composite mills is now of automatic looms. However, autolooms installed in the decentralized and powerloom segments are small in number. Shuttleless technology, direct wrapping, use of splicing technology, automatic doffing and knotting systems, help to increase mill productivity. Speed of the auto looms or shuttleless looms is 60% higher than that of non-autolooms.

The textile industry has managed to modernise the spinning sector but there is a long way to go on the weaving front. India's power loom sector has over 10,000 shuttleless looms as compared to 150,000 in China. It may be recalled that India today is the third largest producer of cotton, second largest producer of cotton yarn and the largest exporter of cotton yarn in the world. The government has, under its new textile policy set an ambitious export target of $50 billion to be achieved by 2010.

The lead players in the Indian industry include Bombay Dyeing, Arvind Mills, Century Textiles, Coats Viyella, Morarji Gokuldas Spinning, JCT, Hindustan Spinning, etc.

While the Indian textile industry is a premier industry in India with a large domestic market and sizable exports (considering India's export earnings), it is still a small player in the global textile market. The global market is expanding (estimated to grow from $ 309 billion to  $ 856 billion by 2014). India has several positive competitive strengths and can benefit from the global expansion. However, India will have to catch up with modernization by restructuring and upgrading its operations.  It is an imperative and urgent need for the industry to focus on value added products. With the end of the Multi-fibre Agreement at the end of 2004, the potential is unlimited, if only the industry gets fully geared up to adopt global standards.

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Pigment Binders for Textile Printing - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Pigment printed textiles represent the highest percentage of all printed textiles. This is primarily due to the uncomplicated process and low cost of imparting colour patterns to textiles with pigment system. The water insoluble pigment used in most cases as an aqueous dispersion, has no affinity to textile fibres and is not able to enter into chemical or physical reactions with the fibre. For bonding of pigments to textile on bonding agent generally of a synthetic latex type is incorporated is the print paste which through its film forming properties holds the embedded pigment firmly on fibre surface. The demand of the product is good and with the rise of growth in textile industry, the product is bound to enjoy increased demand in future.
Plant capacity: 1.5 MT Acrylate Copolymer Based Binder/Day 1.5 MT Styrene/Acrylate Copolymer Binder/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 52 Lacs
Working capital: Rs. 56 LacsT.C.I: Rs. 260 Lacs
Return: 43.73%Break even: N/A
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Dyeing of hank Yarn for Power Loom - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

It is difficult to separate the development of art of dyeing and the development of the synthetic dyestuff industry. Indigo and Alizarine also their methods of application were known the introduction of synthetic equivalents added nothing to the dyer’s technique. Similarly the development of a range of derivatives or the introduction of synthetic reducing agent merely provided the dyers with new tools. Whether this be true or not, it is an excellent illustration of innumerable instances of progress achieved by the chemist’s intelligent development of the dyer’s natural opportunism. It seems clear the chemists explanation of many phenomena is no longer tenable, and it is hoped that the physicists recently acquired interest in textile matters generally may soon give rise to the establishment of a working hypothesis. The physics has brought new methods, such as X-ray analysis to bear upon textile problems and this has already resulted in a considerable clarification of the general theory of dyeing although uncertainty still persists in many aspects. Blended yarn production which comprises mostly polyester cotton and partly polyester viscose is only about 350 million kg. Exports of cotton yarn have traditionally been regulated within a quantitative ceiling fixed on a year to year. There is very good scope for new investment.
Plant capacity: 2 MT/Day Plant & machinery: 6 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 275 Lakhs
Return: 53.00%Break even: 24.00%
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Spinning & Carding of Wool into Yarns - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Wool is the fibre of a living animal. It forms the protective covering of the sheep; insulates it against both heat and cold and maintains its body temperature. Chemically wool is described as a protein called keratin. The wool used for carding and spinning into yarn are of three kinds viz. pure wools are processed into yarn for diversified applications i.e. pure wool yarn produced by carding & spinning process is extensively used for blankets tweeds and blazers. Shoddy yarn is used for making of blankets for general and hospital use. There exists a great demand of the product as their end user industries/sectors are expanding very fast and their future scope is also very bright. Thus a new entrepreneur can confidently enter into this field and he will find it a very lucrative trade.
Plant capacity: 2000kg/DayPlant & machinery: 62 Lakhs
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: 181 Lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 54.00%
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Wetting Oil (Textile Yarn Wetting Agent) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Wetting oils are wetting agents having oily consistency. Wetting agents are surface active agents which when added to water causes it to penetrate more easily into, or to spread over the surface, another material by reducing surface tension of the water. Wetting oils because of their growing uses in various industries are having ever increasing demand. The prospect of the industry is very well linked with soaps, detergents, allied products, paints, varnishes any lacquers, leather, paper cosmetics, textiles and various other industries which are fast developing. These industries have very bright future. A new entrepreneur can confidently venture into this field and he will find it highly profitable.
Plant capacity: 1000 Liters/DayPlant & machinery: 11 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 61 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Dyeing on Rayon in Hanks Form & Cone Form - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

These dyes are so powerful that very small amounts, comparatively, are needed to colour a large amount of material. The dyestuff should never be shaken out, but carefully dipped out in a narrow-bowled teaspoon from the tin or glass container, and placed in a small-sized agate saucepan. Then a few drops of acetic acid are added, and the dyestuff is rubbed in the acid with the spoon until every particle has been wet down. In this condition the dye is readily soluble in hot (not boiling) water, which should be poured on it stirred well and allowed to settle, before decanting the solution into the dye-bath, preferably through a strainer covered with a piece of wet muslin or doubled cheesecloth, to be sure and strain out any particles of undissolved colour. Some of the dyes, notably Methylene Blue, when wetted, have a way of making a sticky paste, which is hard to dissolve, but by keeping it wet with acid each time, before adding more warm water, it will sooner or later make a good clear solution. It is used to making nonwoven fabrics. It is used to make coated fabrics. It is best to begin with the dye-bath at a very moderate temperature, and to heat it gently, keeping well below the boiling point. According to observation in India it is found that there is negative growth of rayon grade fibers. In all new production of rayon grade fibre is 227000 MT/Annum. It is better to start dyeing unit of other textile fabric with rayon grade threads. There is good scope for new units. Any entrepreneur can come in this field.
Plant capacity: 1500 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 23 Lakhs
Working capital: 8 LakhsT.C.I: -
Return: 31.00%Break even: 48.00%
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COTTON GINNING AND PRESSING - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Gin implies a machine especially is for hoisting a cotton-gin. Ginning pertains to clear of seeds by a cotton-gin, where as ginner is one who gives cotton and ginnery or gin house refers to a place where cotton is ginned. Cotton ginning & pressing is becoming a versatile industry of paramount importance, whose demand is lot of colassol dimension in modern times. According to the system ginning is carried out in a few factories, selected by turn, the others being kept idle. The charges for ginning are standardized. A part of the collections sufficient to cover the actual cost of ginning and pressing is retained by the washing factories and the remainder is branded over to the part. However, with the vast potential due to exhaustion of textile industry in diversified aspects, cotton ginning & pressing unit has a great scope to the outgrowing demand.
Plant capacity: 10 MT / DayPlant & machinery: 121 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 596 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 32.00%
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TEXTILE DYEING & PRINTING MILL - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The bleaching of the textile is done to bring the whiteness finishing in the fabric where as dyeing for various shades. The art lies in colouring the textiles in such a manner that the colour may be fast or may not ordinarily be removed by such operations as washing, rubbing, sunlight etc. The art of dyeing is a branch of applied chemistry in which a severe use of both physical and chemical principle is made in order to bring about a permanent union between dyes and the fibres. The local application of colour is carried out by some form of printing and the greater part of textile printing concerns woven cotton piece goods, the process is some times called calico printing, at the same time it must be released that very considerable quantities of rayons are printed as well as small amount of silk and wools. Cotton textile industry by large occupies a unique place in the industrial map of the country. These are single large organized industries as well as a large number of auxiliary industries depending upon the sector. Textile dyeing and printing is the one of the main part of the industry which gets it done from the out side by the small textile mills. Large mills have their own dyeing and printing sections. So there is very good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 6000 K meters / AnnumPlant & machinery: 150 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 452 Lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 54.00%
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SILK REELING UNIT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Silk is the most prized of all the textile fibres. It is the continuous filament exuded by silkworm, at the end of its larval period, through a small opening under the jaws, called the spinneret. Silk is said to have played a prominent role in opening up communication line between the East and the West. It is accepted as queen of textile fibres because of its unique properties, which combine lightness with resilience. It has a great variety of used in the apparel, drapery, upholstery and other areas. There are about hundred trade names used for describing different kinds of silk goods considered to be specialities of different regions. Tasar silk is extensively used in the weaving of sea cloth a pile fabric with cotton back, useful for wraps and mantles. India is a leading producer and consumer of silk in the world. The government has declared silk production a thrust area and launched an ambitious programme called Operation Silk Wave. There is a very good scope for new investments in raw silk or silk products.
Plant capacity: 500 Kgs. / DayPlant & machinery: 51 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 378 Lakhs
Return: 46.00%Break even: 29.00%
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SEWING THREAD REELS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Sewing thread is a common household item and is the prime material for stitching purpose. Capren and lavsan used for the manufacture of sewing threads exhibit high chemical & physical properties. Now polypropylene yarns have replaced polyester threads. Sewing thread balls & reels have a great demand in Indian as well as foreign markets. Moreover, its manufacturing procedure is very simple. In the market there is a maximum demand for cotton reels & balls. Whereas, silk, viscose rayon and polyester cotton reels and balls are also available but these pose seasonal demand only.
Plant capacity: 2000 Nos. / DayPlant & machinery: 6 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 13 Lakhs
Return: 48.00%Break even: 51.00%
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TEXTILE WEAVING MILL - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The textile industry occupies a leading position in the hierarchy of the Indian manufacturing industry. It has witnessed several new directions in the era of liberalisation. While textile exports are increasing and India has become the largest exporter in world trade in cotton yarn and is an important player of readymade garments, country's international textile trade constitutes a mere 3% of the total world textile trade. Several mills have opted for modernization and expansion and are going in for export-oriented units (EOUs) focused on production of cotton yarn. It has passed through cyclical oscillations and at present, it is witnessing a recovery after a downturn. Of the entire industry volume of about 5 mn tonnes, polyester and polyester filament yarn account for about 1.7 mn tonnes, and acrylic, nylon, and viscose taken together for 300,000 tonnes. The balance is represented by cotton textiles. A majority - some three fourths - of the textile mills are in the private sector. A few of the units are in the co-operative sector with the public sector (Central and State) accounting for about 15% of the total. The textile industry is classified into (i) textile mills comprising composite and spinning mills in the organized segment, (ii) small powerloom and handloom units in the decentralized segment, (iii) khadi-based units, (iv) man made and synthetic fibre and spinning units, v) knitting units, and (vi) made-ups (garments). Besides, the industry has a large number of small units scattered all over the country which are engaged in processing, dyeing and printing of yarn, fabrics and for conversion. The processing units include sizing, desizing, kiering, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, printing and finishing. There are a number of large mills which could be termed lead players. The major composite mills include the industry big names like Century, Bombay Dyeing, Mafatlals, Arvind Mills, Vardhaman group, Nahar group. A few developments may be mentioned as trend setters. Few Indian Major Players are as under: A K C Synthetics Ltd. A R Co-Extruded Films Ltd. Aarvee Denims & Exports Ltd. Aceelene Suitings Ltd. Adhunik Synthetics Ltd. Agmotex Fabrics Ltd. Ahmedabad Advance Mills Ltd. Ahmedabad Jubilee Mills Ltd. Ahmedabad Manufacturing & Calico Prtg. Co. Ltd. Ajit Mills Ltd. Akashganga Textiles Mills Ltd. Alok Industries Ltd. Ambadi Enterprises Ltd. Amco Industries Ltd. Anjani Fabrics Ltd. Anjani Synthetics Ltd. Ankita Knit Wear Ltd. Aparna Synthetics Pvt. Ltd. Arihant Industries Ltd. Arthanari Loom Centre (Textile) Ltd. Aruna Mills Ltd. Arvind Ltd. Arviva Industries (India) Ltd. Aryan Fine Fab Ltd. Ashima Ltd. Ashok Fashions Ltd. B S L Ltd. Bhiwani Denim & Apparels Ltd. Bhungani Synthetics Pvt. Ltd. Bindal Textile Mills Ltd. Binny Ltd. Binod Mills Co. Ltd. Black Rose Inds. Ltd. Bombay Dyeing & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Bombay Rayon Fashions Ltd. Bowreah Cotton Mills Co. Ltd. Cawnpore Textiles Ltd. Chiripal Industries Ltd. Coimbatore Cloth Mills India Ltd. Coimbatore Cotton Mills Ltd. Deepak Suitings Ltd. Deora Polytex Ltd. Detail Clothing Ltd. Devagiri Textile Mills Ltd. Dewas Fabrics Ltd. Donear Industries Ltd. East India Cotton Mfg. Co. Ltd. Elgin Mills Co. Ltd. Eskay K'N'It (India) Ltd. Exotica Exports (India) Ltd. Fashion Prints Ltd. Flora Textiles Ltd. G S P L (India) Ltd. Grabal Alok Intl. Ltd. Hindon River Mills Ltd. Hindoostan Spinning & Wvg. Mills Ltd. Hytone Texstyles Ltd. Ibiza Industries Ltd. India Denim Ltd. Indo Industries Ltd. Indus Fila Ltd. J C T Ltd. Jai Bharat Synthetics Ltd. Jaihind Synthetics Ltd. Jay Bharat Overseas Ltd. Jay Dee Fabrics Ltd. Jaybharat Textiles & Real Estate Ltd. Jindal Synthetics Ltd. Jindal Texofab Ltd. Jiyajeerao Cotton Mills Ltd. Juggilal Kamlapat Cotton Spg. & Wvg. Mills Co. Ltd. Jyoti Overseas Ltd. K G Denim Ltd. K G Fabriks Ltd. K S L & Industries Ltd. Kachins Textiles Ltd. Kadambari Synthetics Ltd. Kalol Mills Ltd. Kamadgiri Synthetics Ltd. Kayel Syntex Ltd. Keshav (India) Ltd. Khatau Dyes & Fibres Ltd. Krishna Knitwear Technology Ltd. Lakshmi Apparels & Wovens Ltd. Laxmi Vishnu Textile Mills Ltd. Loyal Textile Mills Ltd. Ls Inds. Ltd. M H Mills & Inds. Ltd. M K Exim (India) Ltd. Madhavnagar Cotton Mills Ltd. Mafatlal Denim Ltd. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. Maharashtra Fibre & Syntex Ltd. Maharashtra State Textile Corpn. Ltd. Maheshwari Mills Ltd. Malmo Exim Ltd. Malwa Industries Ltd. Mammaro (India) Ltd. Maruti Cottex Ltd. Matulya Mills Ltd. Matushree Textiles Ltd. Mayfair Fabrics Ltd. Mazda Fabric Processors Ltd. Mecords India Ltd. Meenakshi Textiles Ltd. Minaxi Textiles Ltd. Modern Denim Ltd. Morarjee Textiles Ltd. Mudra Lifestyle Ltd. Mudra Prints Ltd. Nahar Fabrics Ltd. Nahar Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Nahata Fabrics Ltd. Nandan Exim Ltd. National Textile Corpn. (Delhi, Pun. & Raj.) Ltd. National Textile Corpn. (Gujarat) Ltd. National Textile Corpn. (Madhya Pradesh) Ltd. National Textile Corpn. (Maharashtra North) Ltd. National Textile Corpn. (South Maharashtra) Ltd. National Textile Corpn. Ltd. Neptune Textile Mills Ltd. Network Industries Ltd. New Rajpur Mills Co. Ltd. Niranjan Piramal Textile Mills Ltd. Novotex Industries Ltd. Nutan Mills Ltd. Nutech Global Ltd. Ocean Knits Ltd. Om Shanti Satins Ltd. Omkar Overseas Ltd. (Duplicate Name, Gujarat) Orbit Exports Ltd. Oripol Industries Ltd. Orissa Textile Mills Ltd. Oswal F M Hammerle Textiles Ltd. Oxford Industries Ltd. P C M Ltd. P K Textiles Ltd. Pal Synthetics Ltd. Palav Synthetics Pvt. Ltd. Paragon Textile Mills Pvt. Ltd. Pasupati Fabrics Ltd. Patell Mills Co. Ltd. Peeti Securities Ltd. Perfect Suitings Ltd. Podar Knitex Ltd. Pondicherry Textile Corpn. Ltd. Prakash Cotton Mills Pvt. Ltd. Pratap Spinning, Wvg. & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Pratibha Fabrics Ltd. Premier Mills Pvt. Ltd. Premjyot Fabrics Ltd. Prism Mills Ltd. Pulgaon Cotton Mills Ltd. R K Suitings Ltd. R S C International Ltd. Rainbow Denim Ltd. Raipur Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Rajasthan State Handloom Devp. Corpn. Ltd. Rajkamal Synthetics Ltd. Rajkumar Mills Pvt. Ltd. Rama Qualitex Ltd. Rama Synthetics Ltd. Ramfabric (India) Ltd. Ramshyam Textile Inds. Ltd. Rathi Syntex Ltd. Reid & Taylor (India) Ltd. Ritesh Polyesters Ltd. Rivaa Textile Inds. Ltd. Ronak Dyeing Ltd. Ruby Mills Ltd. Ruia Cotex Ltd. Rustom Mills & Inds. Ltd. S E L Manufacturing Co. Ltd. S Kumars Nationwide Ltd. Sagar Silk Inds. Ltd. Sajjan Textiles Mills Ltd. Sajjan Udyog Export Ltd. Sanitone Fabrics Ltd. Sanrhea Technical Textiles Ltd. Santogen Silk Mills Ltd. Santogen Textile Mills Ltd. Santosh Fine-Fab Ltd. Saraf Textile Inds. Ltd. Sarita Synthetics & Inds. Ltd. Saroj Textile Ltd. Satnam Exports (India) Ltd. Seasons Textiles Ltd. Selection Synthetics Ltd. Shamken Multifab Ltd. Shankar Weaving Mills Ltd. Shilp Fabrics Ltd. Shiva Sutex Ltd. Shree Bhagwan Fabrics Ltd. Shree Bhagwan Textile Inds. Ltd. Shree Bharka Synthetics Ltd. Shree Mahadeo Cotton Mills Ltd. Shree Navdurga Cotton & Yarn Co. Ltd. Shri Amruta Mills Ltd. Shri Arbuda Mills Ltd. Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn Ltd. Shri Mahabir Dyeing & Printing Mills Pvt. Ltd. Shri Renuga Spin-Tex Fabrics Ltd. Shrijee Cotton Mills Ltd. Shyam Textiles Ltd. Silkcity Petrofils Co. Ltd. Silvia Apparels Ltd. Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd. Sleek Textiles Inds. Ltd. Somani Cotsynth Ltd. Somany Evergreen Knits Ltd. Southern Clothing Pvt. Ltd. Sravya Textiles Ltd. Subh Laxmi Syntex Ltd. Supreme (India) Impex Ltd. Svadeshi Mills Co. Ltd. Tamarai Mills Ltd. Tara Fabrics India Ltd. Textile Corpn. Of Marathwada Ltd. Timespac India Ltd. Trident Textile Mills Ltd. Trinity India Ltd. Tuni Textile Mills Ltd. Uma Fabrics Ltd. Uniflock International Ltd. V H M Inds. Ltd. V T M Ltd. Vartex Fabrics Pvt. Ltd. Vatan Textiles Ltd. Ventura Textiles Ltd. Victoria Mills Ltd. Vidyasagar Cotton Mills Ltd. Volant Textile Mills Ltd. Western India Cottons Ltd. Wires & Fabriks Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 60000 Mtrs./DayPlant & machinery: 258 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1886 Lakhs
Return: 56.00%Break even: 34.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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