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Ferro Chrome Alloy - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

In the manufacture of steel, chromium is added usually in the form of ferro chrome. Pure chromium metal, produced by electrolytic or aluminothermic processes, is used for alloying nonferrous engineering materials. The most common materials are nickel-based and cobalt-based alloys, most of which are used at high temperature. Chromium powder, as well as Ferro chromium Powder, has been used in considerable quantities to produce chromium coatings. The so-called pack chrome coating is applied to cast and wrought steel parts by immersing the article in a mixture of chromium powder, an inert material, e.g. kaolin, alumina, or magnesia and mixtures of various salts. Such as ammonium, iodide or chloride. The gas chromium coating has been used to produce a so-called tin-free steel and to treat sheet steel on a continuous line. The demand for ferro alloys has been increasing with that of alloy and special steels. There are six leading players and over 30 small producers. The industry has tied up with companies in Europe for technology inputs. The major users of alloy steel are : auto industry, railways, forging, tubes, springs and other engineering industries. There is a bright scope. Any entrepreneur can venture to in this project.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 2998 Lacs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 4490 Lacs
Return: 34.00%Break even: 76.00%
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Automobile Workshop, Garage and Service Centre - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

A limited nos. of manufacturers of various types of automobiles vehicles in India. More & more enterprises are coming up with something designs, research and development consequently more no. of vehicles are produced. The inspection/survey indicates, that future of service stations/workshop centre for automobile have a tremendous scope. Any product on the market today stands a vast accumulation of the results of scientific research in engineering, metallurgy and design. The modern automobile is typical of this advance oil mechanisms have been improved. Vehicles requires servicing regularly in fix period of times for its long life. So the workshop and service centre fulfill the need in operating the automobile vehicles in such a way that it must have a smooth rural on roads. The better part of the scope is that the demands of such service stations are yet to increase year after year. The only thing required is that one should plan a project for servicing automobile vehicles with previous to expand when need arises. There is a very good scope for new investment.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 50.00%Break even: 36.00%
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Cover All Boiler Suits - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Boiler Suits are special type of suits which has largely Industrial value in the world. Most of the Industries in the world run by using small medium , or heavy boilers otherwise it may have furnances over or direr. There is good habit to use apron for operating the above said mechanical machine. All the above said machines produce radiation heat as well as produce solid dust carbon particles and produce also toxic gases. Apron help to save the operators heat. Generally aprons made by special type cottons or polyesters or fire proof textile specially cottons made. Raw materials for manufacturing of this product is easily available globely and plant machineries which require for this production is also available in all countries. There is no environmental pollution this industry. The waste available is solid textile waste which can be further reprocess to new product. It is used by the boiler operators, oven operators, furnace operators, autoclave operators etc. in India there are plenty of heavy and medium scale industries in the line of chemical, food, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. These all .industries are users of boiler suits. It can be assumed that each industry use boiler suits average 8 nos./annum per operator. There are very few manufacturers manufacturing branded boiler suits. It can be concluded that there is good scope for the new manufacturers if they enter in this field of manufacturing. There is very bright future for new entrepreneurs.
Plant capacity: 200 Nos./DayPlant & machinery: 63 Lacs
Working capital: 73 LacsT.C.I: -
Return: 35.00%Break even: 45.00%
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CEMENT PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

The general outlook for the cement industry is fulfilled the situation in a large body of Indian Industry, with a market rise in production failing to generate adequate profitability. In some quarters, the mini-cement plant has been following, since it opens up possibilities of exploiting small deposits of limestone in difficult and thereby contributes to the socialist pattern on the other hand. There has been a bright scope in setting up mini-cement plant. Indian Government is providing a scheme of soft loans to current units wishing to convert from wet to dry. With the combination of all these new development the industry may with luck play its full role in the national programme
Plant capacity: 500 MT/Day OR 10,000 BAGS/DAYPlant & machinery: Rs. 476.00 Lakhs
Working capital: Rs. 606 LacsT.C.I: Rs. 1307 Lacs
Return: 68.00%Break even: 35.00%
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Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Biofertiliser)

Liquid organic fertilizer or bio fertilizer now days has increasing market. There is now decrease in the inorganic fertilizer market. Liquid organic fertilizer made by the use of extracted organic materials and other natural products. Mainly it is used in the organic food production as a basic nutrients suppliers require for plants growth. There is virtually market demand increase day by day due to increase demand of organic food. In India liquid base organic fertilizer is now being imported from European countries. Demand of import is gradually increasing, which can be stopped only by producing quality economic product. All the raw materials required for the manufacturing of liquid organic fertilizer is available in India. The basic technology of liquid base organic fertilizer is not easily available in India. In this process negligible effluent is available which can be treated by proper treatment. Basic plant and machineries required can be obtained indigenously. There are few in organized sectors and many in private sectors are engaged in the manufacturing of solid bio fertilizer. It is necessary to literate the farmers about the benefits of bio fertilizer then it will be found that there will be rapid growth of bio fertilizer market. Now there is use of liquid bio fertilizer in the European it has and developed countries. In India there is use of imported liquid bio fertilizer. There is very good scope for new entrepreneurs.
Plant capacity: 300000 Liters/AnnumPlant & machinery: 20 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project: 74 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 71.00%
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Hot Dip Galvanizing Plant - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Hot dip galvanizing is a process in which an adherent, protective coating of zinc compounds is developed on the surface of iron and steel products by immersing them in a bath of molten zinc. The protective coatings usually consists of several layers. Those closest to the basic metal are composed of iron-zinc compounds; these in term are covered by an outer layer consisting almost entirely of zinc. The complex structure of layers that comprise a galvanized coating varies greatly in chemical properties, being affected by chemical activity, diffusion and subsequent cooling. Hot dip galvanized coatings are produced on a variety of steel mill products, using fully mechanized, mass production methods. This article, however, is concerned primarily with the hot dip galvanizing of fabricated articles in manual or semiautomatic batch operations. From a modest beginning, about a century ago, the engineering industry in India has come along way and today the industry produces a stupefying range of products like plant and machinery, machine tools, power generating transmission and distribution equipments, commercial vehicles and a variety of other industrial goods and consumer durables. The significance of the engineering industry in India industrial set up stems from its forward and backward linkages with virtually all sectors. There is bright scope for new investment. Any entrepreneur can enter in this field.
Plant capacity: 12 MT/DayPlant & machinery: RS. 176 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs. 859 Lakhs
Return: 53.00%Break even: 48.00%
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Crude Oil Refining (Refinery) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The American petroleum industry had its inception when the now famous drake well was drilled in the year 1859. The ratio of proven reserves to production in the US in 1957 stood at 11.9 to 1. The ratio does not indicate that there are only twelve and one half years to go before the US reserves are exhausted. Now pools are continuously being discovered and when proven add to the known reserves. Nevertheless, this ratio does indicate an increasing reliance on foreign crude oil. Domestic crude oil production together with liquid products from natural gas and coal tars amounted to 2,749,023,000, leaving a deficit of 322,625,000, which is made up by an excess of imports over exports. The US is depending upon foreign supplies for about 15 percent of its requirements. The largest tank ship now building is of 106,000 D.W. tones, has a speed of 18 knots and carries 820,000 barrels of oil a giant larger than the Queen Mary. Ships of 45,000 to 60,000 D.W. tons are already in service and others of 80,000 upward to the 106,000 tons giant are under construction. Thank ships bring the crude oil to the coastal refineries from producing centers such as the Texas-Louisiana gulf coast and from foreign sources, principally Venezuela and the middle east. Every industry used it. Most of the domestic people uses it in the house. In the every commercial industry used it. The energy demand is expanding worldwide especially in low consumption developing countries. India is no exception. In fact to be able to catch up with the global development the demand from the developing countries is bound to expand. World wide the oil demand is likely to grow from the present 76 mm barrels a day (bpd) to 115 mm barrels a day in 2020, a growth of 2 mm barrels a day each years. Any entrepreneurs may come into this field will be successful.
Plant capacity: 200000 Cube Meter/DayPlant & machinery: US $ 273.3 Million
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: US $ 3083 Million
Return: 1.00%Break even: 12.00%
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Tractor Manufacturing - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Tractor is one of the most important farming machine. We can say that tractor is the forehand of the farming industry. This is the blessing of god as well as science to get largest amount crops in the limited farming land with limited time. It belongs to the automobile industry. India agriculture in the fifties followed age-bound tradition, characterized by total dependence on rain except in a few isolated pockets irrigated with canals, and tanks. Country ploughs drawn by 45 million sickly bullocks, seed strains handed down through generations, no use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Because of this backwardness in agriculture, the country did not produce enough food grains to feed its 360 million population and families were a recurrent feature. The large surface water resources were more a cause of misery through flooding/ than valuable input to agriculture. It is used all over the country and world by the farmers. Deployment of tractors has been a major thrust in the processes of mechanization of farming in India. There is very bright scope for entrepreneurs in this field.
Plant capacity: 10 Nos/DayPlant & machinery: 91 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1735 Lakhs
Return: 79.00%Break even: 18.00%
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Prestressed Concrete Sleepers - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Prestressing is the process of applying a load to a structure deforming, so that it will withstand a work load more effectively or deflect less. Prestressed concrete is that in which internal stresses are introduced to such a magnitude and distribution that the tensile stresses resulting from the service loads are encountered to a desired degree. The prestresses are commonly introduced by tensioning the tensions. Steel wire having a very high tensile strength, called prestressed wires and used in prestressed concrete by embedding it under tension in the concrete members can be come smaller, span greather distances between supports and support greater loads. There are two methods of making prestressed concrete articles namely pre-tensioning and post tensioning. Trains are a very important necessity of our daily life. Lakhs of people travel from here to there and thousands of tonnes goods are shifted from one place to another. You can come in this project. There is very good scope for new investment.
Plant capacity: 500 Nos./DayPlant & machinery: 144 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 514 Lakhs
Return: 56.00%Break even: 37.00%
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Calcination of Non Plastic Clay - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost & Revenue

The term clay has a double meaning and therefore should be defined when it is used. Clay is used both as a rock term and as a particle size term. As a rock term, clay is used for a natural, earthy, fine-grained material composed largely of a limited group of crystalline minerals known as the clay minerals. As a particle size term, clay is used for the category that includes the smallest particles. Soil investigators and mineralogists generally use 2µm as the maximum size, although the went worth scale defines clay as material finer than 4µm. Grim uses the term clay material for any fine-grained, natural, earthy, argillaceous material. In this way, the term can include clays, shales, or argillites and some soils if they are argillaceous. Clay are comprised of certain groups of hydrous aluminium, magnesium and iron silicates that may contain sodium, calcium, potassium, and other ions. These silicates are called the clay minerals and the major clay mineral groups are kaolins, smectites, illites, chlorites and hormites. Clay and clay minerals are important geologically, industrially and agriculturally. They are important to the engineer in building foundations, tunnels, road cuts and fills and dams. Feldspar have a vitreous to pearly luster, the colours ranging through white, cream, pink, buff brown, red, grey, green and bluish, they may be clear or milky. The fracture is uneven. More than seven industries in organized sector are engaged in the manufacturing of calcined non plastic clays. There is bright future for new entrepreneurs.
Plant capacity: 9500 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 158 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 289 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 73.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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