
Project Report

Best Business Opportunities in Jordan, Middle East - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship

Reasons for Starting a Business in Jordan?

People opt to start enterprises in Jordan for a variety of reasons. One of these factors is that entrepreneurs believe a domestic market is safer than a foreign market. Another reason is that Jordan, with its free economy and free trade zones, provides many opportunities for success. Furthermore, Jordanian partners are preferred over foreign ones by entrepreneurs. This enhances the likelihood of their business endeavours prospering. Furthermore, because most businesspeople work inside their own social circles or regional groups, they tend to promote one other's firms via word-of-mouth marketing.


What are the Natural Resources in Jordan?

Jordan's natural resources include arable land, modest gold and phosphate deposits, limited crude oil supplies, fresh water from springs, and a few tiny hydroelectric units. Despite these natural riches, King Abdullah II has made it a priority for Amman to become more attractive for foreign investment in order to strengthen the Jordanian economy. He has tried to reduce government bureaucracy, develop free trade zones with favourable tax rates, and provide incentives for businesses operating in Jordan's free zones by exempting them from taxes for up to 15 years as part of his proposal.


What are The business Opportunities in Jordan?

Jordan, a service or manufacturing business is definitely your best chance.

Make important to examine what is currently successful in your country when picking which business to start. If you're opening a restaurant, for example, try a variety of dishes to determine which ones are the most popular with guests. From there, you can construct your own recipes utilising regionally typical items. This will assist you in becoming more acquainted with Jordanian culture and provide you with an understanding of what Jordanians expect from their food. It also offers you an idea of how competitive the business environment in your area to open one on your own When determining which business to start, examine what is currently succeeding in your industry. While many investors are interested in Jordan's real estate market, there are other investment opportunities accessible. Agriculture offers numerous opportunities. If you want to invest in agricultural or food processing, he says there's a lot of promise here. It's a fantastic time, in my opinion, because we need investments now more than ever.is. If there appear to be numerous other restaurants in the area selling identical meals, it may not be worth your time and money.

Business-Friendly Policies and Government Initiatives;

Jordan was placed 27th in the World Bank's annual report Doing Business 2014, which evaluates business regulations around the world. The government took significant steps to improve efficiency and openness, including the implementation of an e-governance system that allows businesses to apply for permits and licences electronically. Small-business awards from various government agencies also help entrepreneurs; numerous multinational companies have built up assistance centres for small businesses near their headquarters in Amman. Furthermore, there is significant public-private sector collaboration to improve financial access and skills training.

Private consumption (68%) is the most important driver of the Jordanian economy, followed by services (24%), and industry (24%). (8 percent). While it is critical, It's critical for any entrepreneur to be aware of economic conditions in his or her place of operation, but it's especially important for those trying to expand into countries outside of Western Europe or North America, as consumer purchasing patterns differ greatly.


Jordan Industrial Infrastructure

There's nothing like knowing that your products and services will have access to critical infrastructure when it comes to starting a business. Companies of all sizes must be able to engage with and serve customers on a global scale in today's hyper-connected world, where enterprises are no longer bound by boundaries. Nations all over the world know that building robust infrastructure networks offers inhabitants with new chances for prosperity and attracts outside investment. Jordan is positioning itself as a key site for foreign investment and entrepreneurship by actively crafting its own industrial destiny. Better transit alternatives, fewer logistical costs, greater economic stability, and a higher quality of life are all benefits of solid infrastructure, and these aspects make Jordanian entrepreneurs more competitive on the global stage.


What are the steps for Starting a Business in Jordan?

(1) company registration; (2) trademark registration; (3) trademark registration; (4) trademark registration; (5) trademark registration; (6) trademark registration;


(3) Look for an office or place to rent or own. To make things easier, we've compiled a list of all of them here: It is relatively simple to register your business in Jordan. You can register your company online through the JORDAAN website. After that, you should apply for a trade name at the Intellectual Property Center (IPC).


(4) The next stage is to look for a suitable office or workspace. In Amman, there are numerous real estate brokers who can assist with business space and rents. The next step is to select staff and, if applicable, partners, as well as open a bank account and complete other requirements associated with starting a new business in Jordan.


(5) Finally, you must publicise your services.

That concludes our discussion. Good luck on your path to being a successful Jordanian business.


Market size of Jordan

Jordan's overall GDP was estimated by The World Bank to be $37.664 billion in 2012, giving it an average per capita income of $5,700. Jordan's economy has steadily developed throughout time, with per capita income and living standards increasing steadily until 2000. Jordan is one of the most attractive countries for foreign investors, according to a JETRO report (2016), due to its increasing market, diverse economic sectors, and government programmes targeted at stimulating investment. In 2015, gross capital creation totaled JD 3.2 billion, with domestic investments accounting for 70% and foreign investments accounting for 30%. With a population of 9.5 million people and rising, there is plenty of room for new enterprises. Jordan also boasts a 2.5 percent yearly growth rate, which is above the global average. will become more prevalent over time $48.8 billion in 2015 – $67.1 billion in 2016, accounting for 3.2 percent of the overall regional market and expected to expand at a rate of 5% per year through 2020; Business population: 2 million persons out of a total population of 10 million, with 60% living in Greater Amman and 25% in the Aqaba Free Zone (Jan 2018). Due to rapid expansion and increasingly permissive rules that have helped enhance foreign investment and cross-border commerce, the Jordanian market presents a fantastic potential for new businesses.


Industrial Growth

More over 40% of Jordanian businesses were held by foreigners. Jordan's status as an economic powerhouse in the area has been boosted by the expansion of manufacturing, tourism, and other significant industries. These businesses also make a substantial contribution to Jordan's GDP. Indeed, according to Arab Advisors Group, the industrial and services sectors play a significant role in employment rates, which are now at 53% for men and 32% for women, as well as foreign exchange rates and capital income within the country. Jordan's Industrial Growth Program is a project led by and for the country's industrial sector. Its goal is to support SMEs in modernising and becoming competitive on regional and worldwide markets by providing training, export assistance, and networking opportunities.

Reasons for buying our reports

  • This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in the product
  • This report provides vital information on the product like its characteristics and segmentation
  • This report helps you market and place the product correctly by identifying the target customer group of the product
  • This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like machinery required, project costs and snapshot of other project financials
  • The report provides a glimpse of government regulations applicable on the industry
  • The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions.

Our Approach

  • Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.
  • The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players
  • We use reliable sources of information and databases. And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report

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NIIR PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (NPCS) is a reliable name in the industrial world for offering integrated technical consultancy services. NPCS is manned by engineers, planners, specialists, financial experts, economic analysts and design specialists with extensive experience in the related industries.

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