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FUEL BRIQUETTES FROM BIOMASS (Bio Coal Briquettes from Agricultural Cellulosic Waste) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials

Energy is the key factor in economic development of country. As we approach the turn of century our requirements of energy will increase rapidly and vastly. Though there are several alternative conventional as well as non-conventional energy sources have been developed, still world is facing energy crisis day by day and it will rise in the coming future with rapid increase in population as well as industrialization. India is one of the big countries in the world having vast energy resources but these are not properly exploited to achieve maximum benefit and to check energy crisis. At present our country is fulfilling its demand by importing the crude petroleum oil from gulf countries. It has been expected that approximately 450 million tons of coal, 80 million tons of crude oil and 150 million tons of firewood will be required at that time to meet the domestic demand in our country. Among the non-conventional forms of energy, Bio-Energy offers vast potential under Indian conditions, due to the wide spectrum of biomass available in different agro-climatic regions of the country. It is estimated that over 120 million tons of agricultural and forest residues are generated annually. The biomass includes agro-industrial bi-products and animal refuse. These constitute tremendous waste problems in spite of their known high energy potential. Currently both storage and disposal only add to costs and hence affects productivity and profitability. At present most of these are not collected at all, or are burnt to reduce fire hazards or used inefficiently. Handling and transportation of these materials is difficult due to their low bulk densities and irregular sizes. These wastes, after processing can be converted into high density, high value solid fuel briquettes, known as "BIOCOAL" which can be efficiently used to replace coal and fire wood. Briquettes solid fuel known as biocoal can be used by the industrial, commercial and household domestic sectors. It has been found that several alternative energy sources has come up, among them, utilization of agricultural residues, forest residues, municipal garbage into valuable solid fuel is one which is one of the modern and latest concept which has come up to meet the growing demand of fuel. It is a cheaper solid fuel with high calorific and heating value. Its demand will definitely rise with rapid industrialization in the coming future. So a new entrepreneur can well venture into this field by fully assessing the fuel requirement by different small, medium and large-scale industries. The new prospective and decisive entrepreneurs can well venture by installing a unit of biocoal manufacturing to satisfy present and future demand.
Plant capacity: 4800 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 28 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 129 Lakhs
Return: 46.00%Break even: 38.00%
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ALUMINIUM SECONDARY BILLET CASTING PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The 20th century has seen the emergence of aluminium as a key industrial and strategic material, second to only steel in terms of importance and tonnages of production. Beginning with an experimental production of 1.7 tonnes in 1859, the world production of primary aluminium has grown to about 16 million tonnes in the year 1983-recording in the produces the fastest rate of growth of consumption for any metal. A point to notice is the upsurge in production synchronizing with the two world wars pointing to the need for aluminium as strategic material. In today’s industrial civilization, aluminium is important because it serves as a basic input for a number of industries; it is indispensable for building up and strengthening the industrial infrastructure in the basic sectors viz. power and transportation besides finding extensive use in other vital sectors like space, defense, buildings, construction, domestic hardware’s etc. Aluminium is a metal with high strength-to-weight ratio, better formability, and high ductility, anti-corrosive properties, with thermal and electrical conductivity. Because of these unique combinations of properties, aluminium (including its alloys) has substantially replaced a number of traditional materials from their established uses e.g. steel, copper, lead, zinc among metals and glass, wood and paper among non-metals. Aluminium is crucial for expansion of power availability and electrification programme. It has a significant role to play in saving energy in transportation sector, thus help reducing the consumption petroleum products. Aluminium plays a key role in the progress of industrial development because it serves as basic input for a number of industries from its use as a strategic metal. In view of the present day energy and fuel crisis and the need for preservation of forests for ecological balance, application of aluminium in place of steel and wood in transport sector, which has high growth potential, has become more important especially because aluminium with its inherent properties of light weight, high strength-to-weight ratio, non-corrosive, tensile strength consumes less fuel. Building and construction industry has now started evincing keep interest in the use of aluminium as it replaces wood and thereby promotes conservation of the fast depleting forest wealth. Development of high strength alloys good formability, improved casting and welding techniques have opened up wide areas of application of aluminium in the machinery and equipment sector. Another important area is the utensils, household appliances and consumer durables. Aluminium due to its conductivity, lightweight, durability and non-toxicity constitutes the most fuel-efficient and hence the ideal material for kitchenware’s. Widespread usages of aluminium utensils is, therefore, necessary in the larger context of fuel saving. The global aluminium industry has undergone remarkable changes in the recent past and the outlook for the metal is quite optimistic in the coming years, as the global demand is expected to grow by eight percent in the next few years. The aluminium production is moving forward at full pace worldwide with the notable increase in demand for the metal, as a result of developments in the traditional areas of its application. Though the rate of growth of the aluminium industry is relatively low in the developed countries, having already reached a peak, in developing countries of Asia like India and China, an accelerated growth can be expected. Globalization has opened up a worldwide market for the metal and along with it new challenges and opportunities to be faced by the industry. New entrepreneurs should venture into this field. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Associated Aluminium Inds. Pvt. Ltd. Balaji Aluminium Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Bharat Aluminium Co. Ltd. Hindalco Almex Aerospace Ltd. Namo Alloys Pvt. Ltd. National Aluminium Co. Ltd. Shree Pomani Metals & Alloys Ltd. Sun Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: 21600 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 410 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 2020 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 63.00%
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EMU BIRDS (Farming, Breeding & Meat Production) - Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

EMU (Dromaius novaehollandiae) bird belong to ratite group has high economic value for their meat, eggs, oil, skin and feathers. Meat from emu is of high quality in terms of low fat, low cholesterol, gamey flavour. These birds are adoptable to varied climatic conditions. Although emu and ostrich were introduced in India, emu farming has gained much importance. Emu and ostrich features, management of these birds during chick, growing, fattening, breeding and non-breeding stages were covered. Care and hatching of eggs, nutrient requirements, healthcare and products of emu and ostrich were also covered. Economics of emu rearing with reference to the cost of maintaining breeders cost of production of eggs and chick are covered. Commercial aspects of rearing emu has picked up in India in a big way as it promises a long-term return as compared to the initial investment. Emu bird farming is basically just like poultry. The way we look after poultry, cattle farming or goat farming, it is a similar kind of farming which is flourishing in India. As the rearing of Emu birds has increased several fold over the years, several enterprising farmers have come together to open units for separating the various products of the bird and make them available in the market in good quantities. There are several organizations making more efforts to spread awareness of the many health benefits of consuming Emu meat and using its oil. Valued cuts are from thigh and larger muscle of drum or lower leg. Emu skin is fine and strong. Leg skin is of distinctive pattern hence highly valued. Emu fat is rendered to produce oil, which has dietary, therapeutic (anti inflammatory) and cosmetic value. The country's first commercial emu farm was started in 1996 by an NRI named Mutiyala but it soon closed down. Mutiyala left for the US within months of starting his project because of the poor response. The reason for the growth of emu farms today is the increasing demand for the bird's meat and oil, which is believed to have medicinal properties, especially for treating joint pains and also high economic value for their eggs, skin and feathers. Far from its native habitat in Australia, the flightless emu is leaving its footprint across the plains of India, with an increasing number of farmers commercially rearing the ostrich-size bird. From a single farm in 1996, there are today more than 900 emu farms in 14 states, with a majority of them in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) and ostrich (Struthio camelus) are reared commercially in many parts of the world for their meat, oil, skin and feathers, which are of high economic value. The anatomical and physiological features of these birds appear to be suitable for temperate and tropical climatic conditions. These birds can be well maintained on extensive (ranches) and semi intensive rearing systems with reasonably high fibrous diets. United State, Australia and China are leading in emu and of America ostrich farming. Emu and ostrich were introduced recently into India. Compared to ostrich, emu rearing is picking up. The Emu rearing is a promising source of considerable revenue and employment generation where the farmers would be able to sustain if a ready market was created by way of opening slaughter and processing units right here. The growth in Emu rearing would further indirectly boost the development of maize and soya crops. Emu birds are well adapted to Indian climatic conditions. Although emu farming is economical so far none of the farmers have entered in to the marketing of emu products. Emu business can bring handsome profit in both domestic and international market in the long run. EMU farming is a complementary to agriculture and is going to be the most profitable business in the near future. Emu farming offers great scope and potential because of its supplementary income, additional employment and simplicity in operation EMU farming in India is a huge business scheme with an enormous growth potential. New entrepreneurs should venture into this field. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Simran Emu Farm & Hatchery, Sami’s Rearing and Farming Raman Gujral Aditya Emu Farm Queen Emu Farms Private Limited Platinum Emu Farms Sri Ramachandra Emu Farm House Ganesh Emu Farm VSP Emu Farm J.P. Emu Farm Sree Bakawathe Emu Farm Umrigar Emu Farm Rangrej Emu Farm Gurukrupa Emu Farm Aditya Emu Farm RK Emu Farm Rangrej Emu Farm Tirumala EMU Farm Siva Naga Emu Farm Golden Emu Farms Private Limited Haryana Emu Farms Sri Krishna Emu Farms Private Limited Lalitha Emu Farms The Golden Birds Poultry Farm NS Agro Farm & Hatchery Sumukha Farms V. R. 3 Emu Farms & Hatchery Unit Susi Emu Farms India Private Limited Rangrej Emu Farms Madhus EMU Farms Sri Palayathamman Emu Farms
Plant capacity: Meat 20,000 Kgs., EMU Chick 5000 Nos., EMU Oil 4000 Kgs., Eggs 20,000 Nos. /AnnumPlant & machinery: 44 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 759 Lakhs
Return: 40.00%Break even: 34.00%
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LUBE OIL BLENDING BASED ON IMPORTED BASE OIL - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Lube oil is a substance (often a liquid) introduced between two moving surfaces to reduce the friction between them, improving efficiency and reducing wear. They may also have the function of dissolving or transporting foreign particles and of distributing heat. Lubricants today are classified into two major groups: Automotive lubricants and Industrial lubricants. One of the single largest applications for lubricants, in the form of motor oil is to protect the internal combustion engines in motor vehicles and powered equipment. Practically lube oil contain 90% base oil (most often petroleum fractions, called mineral oils) and less than 10% additives. Vegetable oils or synthetic liquids such as hydrogenated polyolefin, esters, silicones, fluorocarbons and many others are sometimes used as base oils. Additives deliver reduced friction and wear, increased viscosity, improved viscosity index, resistance to corrosion and oxidation, aging or contamination, etc. The basic functions of a lubricant are friction and wear reduction, heat removal and contaminant suspension. Apart from important application in internal combustion engines, vehicles and industrial gear boxes, compressors, turbines or hydraulic systems, there are vast numbers of other applications, which mostly require specifically tailored lubricants. Designing a lubricant to perform above stated functions in different systems is a complex task, involving a careful balance of properties both in the lube base stocks and the performance enhancing additives. Between 5000 and 10000 different lubricant formulations are necessary to satisfy more than 90% of all lubricant applications. India is the sixth largest consumer of lubricants in the world. Each one of the vast contingent of 22 Multinationals and a total of 80 big & small players are vying for a pie of Rs.5, 500 Crore market. Worldwide established brands, some of them albeit new to India, like Shell, Mobil, Caltex, Elf, Pennzoil are fighting it out with established Indian brands like SERVO & others to establish their foothold in the 6th largest lubricant market in the World. Compared to the average World consumption of 35 Million tonnes per annum & Asia-Pacific region consumption of 7.5 million tones, the Indian lube industry with annual demand of 1 million tonnes is just behind Japan and China in Asia having a demand growth rate of 4% compared to the World growth rate ranging between zero to 2%. That is the lube industry in India today. The current lubricants market is estimated to be of Rs. 60 billion. The automotive lubricants market in India was controlled by the four major public sector oil companies such as major public sector oil companies such as Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and a handful of private companies such as Castrol, Tidewater, and others until 1992. Following liberalization, major policy initiatives were taken and which, encouraged foreign companies to invest in India. Companies are adopting a more customer-oriented approach where they are likely to focus on creating brand awareness through print and visual media. For example promotional campaigns and trade shows offering gifts to their customers are methods of driving sales of automotive lubricants. The original equipment segment and retail trade are the two major marketing channels in the Indian automotive lubricants market. Due to the growing competition, tie-ups with original equipment manufacturers (OEM) are becoming important as they reinforce the value proposition of a particular brand. There is a very good scope for new entrepreneurs in this field. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Alicid Organic Inds. Ltd. Anand Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Asia Refinery Ltd. Atreya Petrochem Ltd. Bharat Shell Ltd. Burmah Petro Products Ltd. Caltex Lubricants India Ltd. Castrol India Ltd. Chemoleums Ltd. Continental Petroleums Ltd. Gantley Speciality Products Ltd. Gujarat Indo-Lube Ltd. Gujarat Oiland Inds. Ltd. Gujarat Speciality Lubes Ltd. Gulf Carosserie India Ltd. Gulf Oil Corpn. Ltd. Gulf Oil India Limited Gulf Oil India Ltd. Houghton Hardcastle (I) Ltd. Iccon Oil & Specialities Ltd. Iftex Oil & Chemicals Ltd. Indian Additives Ltd. Indian Oil Blending Ltd. Lubrizol India Pvt. Ltd. M P Petrochem Ltd. Madras Petrochem Ltd. Motorol (India) Ltd. Motorol Speciality Oils Ltd. Nandan Petrochem Ltd. Panama Petrochem Ltd. Paras Lubricants Ltd. Pennzoil-Quaker State India Ltd. Petrosil Lubricants Ltd. Powerlink Oil Refinery Ltd. Raj Lubricants (Madras) Ltd. Raj Petroleum Products Ltd. Renaissance Petrolube Ltd. Sagar Petroleums Ltd. Sah Petroleums Ltd. Savita Oil Technologies Ltd. Southern Refineries Ltd. Speciality Petrolubes Ltd. Stanrose Mafatlal Lubechem Ltd. Starol Petroleum Ltd. Sunstar Lubricants Ltd. Tata B P Lubricants India Ltd. Tide Water Oil Co. (India) Ltd. Total Lubricants India Ltd. Unique Oils India Ltd. Universal Petrochemicals Ltd. Valvoline Cummins Ltd. Velloils Lubricants & Petrochem Ltd. Waxpol Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: 15000 Kls./AnnumPlant & machinery: 142 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 804 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 51.00%
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CLINKER GRINDING FOR CEMENT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The most commonly used cement in the world is Portland cement, which is formed at high temperatures that chemically combine the ingredients into new components, including calcium silicates and calcium aluminates. When the cement clinkers are ground with approximately 5% gypsum, they form Portland cement. These compounds allow cement to set when combined with water and to form strong bonds that can withstand pressure, water immersion, and other elements. In the manufacture of Portland cement, clinker is lumps or nodules, usually 3-25 mm in diameter, produced by sintering limestone and alumino-silicate during the cement kiln stage. Cement clinkers are formed by the heat processing of cement elements in a kiln. Limestone, clay, bauxite, and iron ore sand in specific proportions are heated in a rotating kiln at 2,770° Fahrenheit (1,400° Celsius) until they begin to form cinder lumps, which are also known as cement clinkers. Cement clinkers are usually ground with gypsum to produce the fine powder later mixed with liquid to produce cement, although some manufacturers ship cement clinkers in their lump form to cut down on dust. Cement is heavily relied upon to produce mortar, grouts, and concrete, and cement clinkers are the first stage, post firing, in making cement. Cement has strong bonding qualities when mixed with gypsum and water to form a hydration reaction, and it forms approximately one tenth of concrete, mixed with rocks, sand, and other materials and used in building construction all over the world. Concretes high versatility makes it an ideal tool for building projects of all shapes and sizes, from skyscrapers to pool sides. Concrete can also be recycled when it has outlived its usefulness and converted back into cement clinkers through careful processing. Clinker is ground (usually with the addition of a little gypsum, that is, calcium sulfate dehydrate) to become Portland cement. It may also be combined with other active ingredients or chemical admixtures to produce: ground granulated blast furnace slag cement, pozzolana cement & silica fume cement. The cement industry is one of the main beneficiaries of the infrastructure boom. With robust demand and adequate supply, the industry has bright future. The Indian Cement Industry with total capacity of 165 million tones is the second largest after China. Cement industry is dominated by 20 companies who account for over 70% of the market. Individually no company accounts for over 12% of the market. The major players like L&T and ACC have been quiet successful in narrowing the gap between demand and supply. Private housing sector is the major consumer of cement (53%) followed by the government infrastructure sector. Similarly northern and southern region consume around 20%-30% cement while the central and western region are consuming only 18%-16%. India is the 2nd largest cement producer in world after china. Right from laying concrete bricks of economy to waving fly overs cement industry has shown and shows a great future. Domestic demand for cement has been increasing at a fast pace in India. Cement industry has contributed around 8% to the economic development of India. Outsiders (foreign players) eyeing India as a major market to invest in the form of either merger or FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Cement industry has a long way to go as Indian economy is poised to grow because of being on verge of development. The company continues to emphasize on reduction of costs through enhanced productivity, reduction in energy costs and logistics expenses. The cement sector is expected to witness growth in line with the economic growth because of the strong co-relation with GDP. Future drivers of cement demand growth in India would be the road and housing projects. As per the Working Group report on Cement Industry for the formulation of the 11th Plan, the cement demand is likely to grow at 11.5 per cent per annum during the 11th Plan and cement production and capacity by the end of the 11th Plan are estimated to be 269 million tones and 298 million tones, respectively, with capacity utilization of 90 per cent. There is a very good scope in this sector and new entrepreneurs should venture into this field. Few Indian Major Players are as under: ACC Ltd. Almora Magnesite Ltd. Ambuja Cement Eastern Ltd. Ambuja Cement Rajasthan Ltd. Barak Valley Cements Ltd. Bhilai Jaypee Cement Ltd. Binani Cement Ltd. Birla Corporation Ltd. Cement Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Century Textiles & Inds. Ltd. Chettinad Cement Corpn. Ltd. Deccan Cements Ltd. Dhar Cement Ltd. Greygold Cements Ltd. Gujarat High Tech Inds. Ltd. Gujarat Sidhee Cement Ltd. Heidelberg Cement India Ltd. Hemadri Cements Ltd. India Cements Ltd. Keerthi Industries Ltd. Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd. Lemos Cements Ltd. Malabar Cements Ltd. Mangalam Cement Ltd. Meghalaya Cement Ltd. My Home Inds. Ltd. N C L Industries Ltd. Namo Cements Ltd. Narmada Cement Co. Ltd. Penna Cement Inds. Ltd. Rain Commodities Ltd. Ramco Industries Ltd. Rishi Cement Co. Ltd. Sagar Cements Ltd. Sainik Finance & Inds. Ltd. Sanghi Industries Ltd. Saurashtra Cement Ltd. Shaktiman Cements Ltd. Shiva Cement Ltd. Shree Digvijay Cement Co. Ltd. Shri Hariganga Cement Ltd. Snhehadhara Industries Ltd. Sorabh Cement Ltd. Sparta Cements & Infra Ltd. Sri Vishnu Cement Ltd. Srichakra Cements Ltd. Sudarshan Cement & Multiprojects Ltd. Tata Chemicals Ltd. Ultratech Cement Ltd. Vinay Cements Ltd. Virgo Cements Ltd. Visaka Cement Industry Ltd. Zuari Cement Ltd.
Plant capacity: 75000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 433 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 727 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 58.00%
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Manganese (Mn), is a chemical element, one of the silvery-white, hard, brittle metals of Group VII b of the periodic table. It was recognized as an element (1774) by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele while working with the mineral pyrolusite and was isolated the same year by his associate, Johan Gottlieb Gahn. Although it is rarely used in pure form, manganese is essential to steelmaking. Manganese Oxide is derived from manganese, a brittle metal element. It is widely distributed in the earths crust, and is essential in steel-making. The element is needed for plant growth and in the physical development of higher animals. Manganese is involved in reducing the levels of nitrates in green plants. Lack of manganese causes testicular atrophy in animals. However, too much in either plants or animals is toxic. Manganese oxide is one of the major sources of manganese used in the dry feeds for cattle, pigs, & poultry. It helps to prevent breeding complications in cattle and ensures optimum growth for the pigs. In poultry it aids in hatchability and improves shell quality. Manganese oxide is the most important manganese compound. Pyrolusite is the chief source of manganese and all its compounds, when derived from ores. Pyrolusite is widely used as a chemical oxidant in organic synthesis. Manganese oxide is also used as the cathode material in electric dry cells. Synthetic manganese oxide is prepared by decomposition of manganese nitrate; by reaction of manganese sulfate, oxygen and sodium hydroxide; or by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of manganese sulfate. The ferrite grade manganese oxide (MnO) is not easily available in local market so sometimes manganese dioxide is reduced to manganese oxide for the ferrite grade. Ferrites are extensively used in the high-frequency magnetic cores of televisions, radios and other communications equipment such as magnetic heads, transformers and CRT deflection yokes. Ferrite may also be used as an ingredient of paints for the prevention of radio wave interference. Ferrite products currently applied in 42% of high-tech fields, such as home appliances (microwave ovens, air conditioners, and electrical home appliances), office supplies (copiers, fax machines) cars, motorcycles, high-fidelity audio, and instrument sensor parts. Middle and low areas of the application of traditional products accounted for 58%, such as speakers, adsorption magnets, toys, electrical, magnetic separation device. The growing convergence of information, communication, & entertainment is bringing a new momentum to the consumer electronics Industry in India. CE is one of the largest segments of the electronics market in India. With a market size of $5 billion in 2009 & significantly low penetration, the consumer electronics Industry in India promises huge potential in the years to come. It is estimated that the industry will grow to $11.8 billion by 2014. This growth will be aided by various factors such as increasing household incomes, local manufacturing & expanding distribution networks. The electronics industry as we know it today could not exist without the widespread use of ferrites. There is a very good scope for this product and new entrepreneurs should venture into this field.
Plant capacity: 1200 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 123 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 316 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 54.00%
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SORBITOL - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Sorbitol, a polyol (sugar alcohol), is a bulk sweetener. Sorbitol is produced either from starch hydrolysates, from dextrose syrup, or from dextrose monohydrate. It is a water soluble polyhydric alcohol, having sweet taste and high stability besides properties of humectancy and plasticizing. Sorbitol is about 60 percent as sweet as sucrose with one-third fewer calories. It finds a wide range of application such as oral care, cosmetics, pharma, paints, etc. Sorbitol also combines well with other food ingredients such as sugars, gelling agents, proteins and vegetable fats. It functions well in many food products such as chewing gums, candies, frozen desserts, cookies, cakes, icings and fillings. It is used to manufacture toothpaste, tonics/liquid pharmaceutical formulations, cosmetic products like face creams and lotions, etc. It has a smooth mouthfeel with a sweet, cool and pleasant taste. It is non-cariogenic and may be useful to people with diabetes. In pharmaceutical sector it finds application in vitamin syrups, cough syrups, tablet compounding and many others. A newly developing outlet for sorbitol is its use in producing clarifying agents for polypropylene. Clarifying agents enable polypropylene to substitute for higher cost polymers in food packaging, drinking cups and housewares. Sorbitol meant for other applications, be it food, hygiene products or pharmaceuticals, can be of the "non-crystallizing" type and is produced from starch hydrolysates. Sorbitol is produced either from starch hydrolysates, from dextrose syrup, or from dextrose monohydrate. Sorbitol is manufactured by reaction with hydrogen gas with high pressure hydrogenation of 50% aqueous dextrose solution at 140 to 165 Deg C in 3 to 4 hours with Raney nickel catalyst, using promoters such as salts of magnesium, nickel, molybdenum, iron etc. Generally dextrose is produced in house from Starch by enzymatic process The Indian demand is around 90000 tonnes per annum. In India, Sorbitol is produced only as 70% solution and the operating capacity is around 125900 tonnes per annum. The global demand is around 1.6 million tonnes per annum (both liquid and crystalline) with a growth rate of around 3% per annum. Major Manufacturers • Anil Products Ltd.,Ahmedabad • Gulshan Polyols (Gulshan Sugars & Chemicals Ltd.,) Delhi • Maize Products,Ahmedabad • Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd. Ahmedabad • Sukhjit Starch Chemicals, Punjab • Kasyap Sweetners Ltd., Madhya Pradesh • Roquette America, Inc.US • Atanor S.A.USA • Coyne Chemical,USA • Habib Arkady Ltd.,Pakistan • Mudanjiang Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.China • Pt Sumi Asih Oleochemical Industry,China • Shanghai Haohua Chemical Co., Ltd.Shanghai,China Sorbitol’s good taste, reduced caloric value, versatility and other advantages facilitate its use in a wide variety of products. With the increasing demand for products reduced in calories or fat, sorbitol’s use should increase as well. Considering the application potentials of sorbitol and the feasibility of exploiting the export opportunities, creation of new capacity for Sorbitol can be considered in the country.
Plant capacity: 40.0 Tonnes/DayPlant & machinery: 1
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: 1
Return: 1.00%Break even: 1.00%
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MODIFIED STARCH - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Starches are modified to enhance their performance in different applications. Starches may be modified to increase their stability against excessive heat, acid, shear, time, cooling, or freezing; to change their texture; to decrease or increase their viscosity; to lengthen or shorten gelatinization time; or to increase their viscostability. Modified starches, starch derivatives, are prepared by physically, enzymatically, or chemically treating native starch, thereby changing the properties of the starch. Modified starches are used in practically all starch applications, such as in food products as a thickening agent, stabilizer or emulsifier; in pharmaceuticals as a disintegrater; or in paper as a binder .Carboxymethyl starch is used as an additive in oil drilling mud. Starches, especially modified starches, are also used as glues in cardboard manufacturing. Starches such as Gum Arabic and Gum Tragacanth are used as the glue for stamps and postal envelopes. They are also used in many other applications. The major Application Sector of modified starches is paper, oil drilling, textile, food / pharmaceutical, etc. Thus starch can be used in numerous possible functional application areas, including adhesion, antistaling, binding, clouding, dusting, emulsion stabilization, encapsulation, flowing aid, foam strengthening, gelling, glazing, moisture retention, molding, shaping, stabilizing and thickening. There are many types of important modified starch. To name a few some of them are physically modified starch, chemically modified starch and enzymatically modified starch. Starches can be modified in several ways to change their function as additives in products. They can be cross-linked, where the chains get stuck together into a mesh. They can be heated to break the long chains down into simpler molecules like dextrin, polydextrin, and maltodextrin. These are simply short starches. Starches can have hydrogen replaced by something else, such as a carboxymethyl group, making carboxymethyl starch. Some Indian manufacturers Gujarat Ambuja Proteins Ltd, Ahmedabad Sahyadri Starch & Chemicals (P) Ltd., Bangalore Tirupati Starch & Chem Ltd., Indore SPA Starch & Chemicals, Mumbai Karandikars Cashell Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai Universal Starch & Chemicals Ltd, Maharashtra The growth rate in demand for Starch/Modified starch is likely to be in tune with the performance and growth rate of downstream sector in the coming years. The Indian demand for the last financial year was around 75000tonnes per annum. The global production of starch is around 37 million tonnes per annum and the global demand is around 4 million tonnes per annum for modified starch. A number of potential applications of modified starch have not been exploited to a large extent. For example, modified starch can be used in various food applications as instant noodles, ham sausages, flavouring, frozen foods, beverages, ice-cream etc. Modified starch also can find application in biodegradable plastics and bioplastics, which is used in packaging, agricultural films, disposable cutlery. There is good potential for modified starch in food applications and prospects for growth seem bright. New entrepreneurs have a very good scope for exploration into such segments.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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PRECIPITATED SILICA FROM RICE HUSK ASH - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Rice husk is an agricultural residue easily available in rice producing countries. India is a major rice producing country, and the husk generated during milling is mostly used as a fuel in the boilers for processing paddy, producing energy through direct combustion & or by gasification. The rice husk contains about 75% organic volatile matter & the balance 25% of the weight of this husk is converted into ash during the firing process, is known as rice husk ash (RHA). This RHA in tern contains around 85%–92% amorphous silica. About more 20 million tones of RHA are produced annually in India. Generally rice husk is not used as cattle feed since its cellulose & other sugar contents are low. So the RHA produced is a great environment threat causing damage to the land & the surrounding area in which it is dumped. Lots of ways are being through off for disposing them by making commercial use of this RHA. Silica is one of the valuable inorganic chemical compounds. It can exist in gel, crystalline and amorphous forms. It is the most abundant material in the earth’s crust. Silica is the major constituent of rice husk ash. With such a large ash content & silica content in the ash it becomes economical to extract silica from the ash, which has wide market & also takes care of ash disposal. Precipitated Silica (also called particulate silica) is composed of aggregates of ultimate particles of colloidal size that have not become linked in massive gel network during the preparation process. It is an amorphous form of silica; the word amorphous denotes a lack or crystal structure, as defined by x-ray diffraction. Early interest in amorphous silica was purely academic. The ash produced after the husks have been burned is high in silica. RHA can be used in a variety of application like: green concrete, high performance concrete, ceramic glaze, water proofing chemicals, roofing shingles, insulator, specialty paints, flame retardants, carrier for pesticides, insecticides & bio fertilizers etc. Precipitated silica is also used as filler for paper & rubber, as a carrier & diluents for agricultural chemicals, as an anti caking agent, to control viscosity & thickness and as a cleansing agent in toothpastes & in cosmetics. The distinguishing feature of the growth of precipitated silica industry in India is that it has classifiably flourished in the small-scale sector. Readily available new materials low capital investment & high rates of return offer a distinct advantage to the small-scale manufacturers to venture into this field. There is a very good scope in this sector. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Gujrat Multi Gas Base Chemicals Private Limited Gujarat Multi Gas Base Chemicals Private Limited, Mumbai Manswill Chemicals Private Limited Wellink Chemical Industrial Company Limited, Nanping Insilco Limited Famous Minerals and Chemicals Private Limited Gujarat Silicon Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 600 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 53 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 273 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 47.00%
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SILICO MANGANESE - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Manganese and silicon are crucial constituents in steelmaking, as deoxidants, desulphurizers and alloying elements. Silicon is the primary deoxidizer. Manganese is a milder deoxidizer than silicon but enhances the effectiveness due to the formation of stable manganese silicates and aluminates. It also serves as desulphurizer. Manganese is used as an alloying element in almost all types of steel. Of particular interest is its modifying effect on the iron-carbon system by increasing the hardenability of the steel. Thus both silicon and manganese have an important influence on the properties of steel, depending on the amount added and the combined effect with other alloying elements. About 93 % of all manganese produced is in the form of manganese ferroalloys. The FeMn grades are high carbon (HC), medium carbon (MC), low-carbon (LC) and very low carbon (VLC), whereas the SiMn grades are medium carbon (MC) and low carbon (LC). The steel industry is the only consumer of these alloys. Silico manganese (SiMn), a ferroalloy with high contents of manganese and silicon, is made by heating a mixture of the oxides manganese oxide (MnO2), silicon dioxide (SiO2), and iron oxide (Fe2O3), with carbon in a furnace. They undergo a thermal decomposition reaction. It is used as a deoxidizer and an alloying element in steel. The standard grade silico manganese contains 14 to 16% of silicon, 65 to 68% of manganese and 2% of carbon. The low carbon grade SiMn has carbon levels from 0.05 to 0.10%. Demand for steel has been rising due to ongoing economic boom leading to rapid growth in various industries in the world's two largest populous countries in Asia-Pacific, China and India, with simultaneous increase in production leading to wide fluctuations is steel prices. Other countries in Asia-Pacific such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan; Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Latin America have witnessed an increase in steel consumption. A changing lifestyle, increasing disposable income, changing consumer thinking, rising consumption, and various other factors; demand for steel witnessed an increase leading to an increase in manganese demand. This trend is expected to continue for another five years after which demand is expected to stabilize. There is a very good scope in this field and new entrepreneurs should venture in such projects. Few Indian Major Players are as under: Aarti Steels Ltd. Adhunik Metaliks Ltd. Alok Ferro Alloys Ltd. Bhaskar Shrachi Alloys Ltd. Bihar Foundry & Castings Ltd. Bishwanath Ferro Alloys Ltd. Castron Technologies Ltd. Century Plyboards (India) Ltd. Cronimet Alloys India Ltd. Ductile Castings Ltd. Garg Industries Ltd. (Duplicate Name, Punjab) Indsil Hydro Power & Manganese Ltd. Jalan Ispat Castings Ltd. Karthik Alloys Ltd. Maharashtra Elektrosmelt Ltd. Nagpur Power & Inds. Ltd. Natural Sugar & Allied Inds. Ltd. Nav Chrome Ltd. [Merged] Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd. Quality Steels & Forgings Ltd. Shri Girija Smelters Ltd. Shyam Century Ferrous Ltd. Shyam Ferro Alloys Ltd. Silcal Metallurgic Ltd. Sova Ispat Alloys (Mega Projects) Ltd. Sova Ispat Alloys Ltd. Srinivasa Ferro Alloys Ltd. Star Metallics & Power Pvt. Ltd. Super Steel Casting Ltd. V B C Ferro Alloys Ltd.
Plant capacity: 14400 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 897 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1861 Lakhs
Return: 40.00%Break even: 70.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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