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Edible Oils, Non Edible Oils, Fats, Vegetable Fats and Oils, Corn Oil, Cooking Oils, Rice Bran Oil, Castor Oil, Sesame Oil, Linseed Oil, Vanaspati Ghee Projects

India is a leading player in edible oils, being the world’s largest importer (ahead of the EU and China) and the world’s third-largest consumer (after China and the EU).A growing population, increasing rate of consumption and increasing per capita income are accelerating the demand for edible oil in India.

India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and this sector occupies an important position in the agricultural economy. Oilseeds and edible oils are two of the most sensitive essential commodities.  India grows oilseeds on an area of over 26 million hectares, with productivity of around 1000 kg a hectare. But self –reliance in edible oils is not in sight and the country imports almost half of its edible oil requirements.

India has a wide range of oilseeds crops grown in its different agro climatic zones. Groundnut, mustard/rapeseed, sesame, safflower, linseed, castor are the major traditionally cultivated oilseeds.  Soyabean and sunflower have also assumed importance in recent years. Coconut is most important amongst the plantation crops. Among the non-conventional oils, rice bran oil and cottonseed oil are the most important. The Indian edible oil industry is composed of some 15,000 oil mills, 600 solvent extraction units, 250 vanaspati units and about 400 refining units.

The National council of Applied Economic Research has projected the demand for edible oils under three scenarios on the basis of per capita income growing annually by 4%, 5% and 6%.Under the low growth scenario, the demand was to rise to 22.8 million tones, under medium growth scenario to 25.9 million tones and under high growth scenario to 29.4 million tones in the near future. The edible oil industry is largely dominated by the bulk segment. Unbranded segment accounts for anywhere between 80 and 90% of the total consumption. Imports are taking place in two forms-refined and crude oil. A large part of the crude oil gets sold as unbranded oil. The share of raw oil, refined oil and vanaspati in the total edible oil market is estimated at 35%, 55% and 10% respectively.

Coming to the non edible oil sector, there has been a great potential for production of bio-fuels like bio-ethanol and biodiesel. The country has been hit hard by the increased cost and uncertainty and so is exploring other energy sources occurring, bio-diesel, extracted from trees is one such alternative under consideration. Bio-diesel would be cheap to produce as it can be extracted from certain species of tree that are common in many parts of India. Due to the concern on the availability of recoverable fossil fuel reserves and the environmental problems caused by the use those fossil fuels, considerable attention has been given to biodiesel production as an alternative to petrodiesel. The focus is on biodiesel production which is produced from vegetable oils, animal fats or non-edible oils. Talking of non edible oils, the castor oil presently bears a great importance in this sector. Castor oil is one of the most useful plant oils. Castor Oil, in various grades, is used in pharmaceuticals, food and other industries. In addition, castor oil and its derivatives & castor-based oleochemicals are the source of a number of useful oleochemicals.

India’s edible oil imports increased to 6.12 lakh tonnes in the fiscal ended March 2010 while the non-edible oil imports fell to 20,575 tonnes, according to the Solvent Extractors Association.
The fall in the imports of non-edible oil was due to the higher imports due to the larger stocks at ports for lift and in pipelines. The country had imported 6.41 lakh tonnes of vegetable oils comprising edible and non-edible oil in March 2009. However, the overall import of vegetable oils rose 4.3% to 37.47 lakh tonnes during November 2009 to March 2010 compared with 35.92 lakh tonnes in the corresponding period of the previous year. Non-edible oil imports rose by 2.5% to 1.62 lakh tonnes during November 2009 to March 2010 compared with 1.58 lakh tonnes in the year-ago period, while edible oils imports increased to 35.85 lakh tonnes from 34.34 lakh tonnes.

Going by the market Statistics, the edible and non edible oil sector is all set for a boom in the market.The edible and non edible oil Industry needs to be strengthened by raising productivity, ensuring a reasonable price to the farmers and levying import duties at a reasonable level. Controls and regulations by government have left the oil industry in a highly competitive market dominated by both domestic and multinational players. It is the right time for an entrepreneur to venture into this sector which is highly profitable.



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Virgin Coconut Oil - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is the purest form of coconut oil. Introduced onto the world market at the end of the 20th century, it is one of the highest value products derived from the fresh coconut. It is growing in popularity as functional food oil and the public awareness of it is increasing. It is the oil obtained from the fresh and mature kernel of coconut by mechanical or natural means, with or without the use of heat, without undergoing chemical refining, bleaching or deodorizing, and which does not lead to the alteration of the nature of the oil. It is expected that VCO will experience a dramatic growth in the market. The introduction of VCO has open up new research that basically reveals new things besides what has already been known on commercial coconut oil. Coconut oil is extensively used for food and industrial purposes. The oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids and exhibits good digestibility. The growing demand for virgin coconut oil (VCO) in the international market is expected to directly benefit coconut farmers in the State, with the Coconut Development Board (CDB) initiating steps to help local farmers set up their own large-scale VCO units. “The demand for VCO in the international market has increased considerably. In 2013-14, the export of VCO was Rs 5 crore, which increased to Rs 25 crore in 2014-15. This year, we estimate that VCO exports from India would touch Rs 75 crore.Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corpn. Ltd. • ConfroAgros Ltd. • Diligent Industries Ltd. • K P L Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd. • Prima Industries Ltd. • Raj Oil Mills Ltd. • Sambandam Solvent Extraction Ltd.
Plant capacity: Virgin Coconut Oil (Packed in 1 Ltr Glass Bottle): 945,000/Annum Virgin Coconut Oil (Packed in Capsules) : 315,000/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 221 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 440 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Edible Oil Refinery (Sunflower Oil, Groundnut Oil & Rice Bran Oil)-Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

Edible oils are a major source of nutrition. The fatty acids in edible oils are required by the body as a vehicle for carrying vitamins, and they provide energy which is twice that of the cereals. Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil expressed from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds.Groundnut is the major oilseed crop in India accounting for 45% of oilseed area and 55% of oilseed production in the country.Rice bran oil produced is mostly used for industrial purposes particularly in the soap industry and when intended to edible purposes they are further subjected to refining treatment. Oil seeds occupy a prominent position among the farming commodities in India, perhaps next only to the food crops. India occupies a premier position among the oil seeds producing countries of the world, accounting for about 10 per cent of the total output of vegetable oils and fats. It is the largest producer of ground nut, rapeseed mustard and sesame; second in respect of castor seed production, third in coconut production, forth in cottonseed and fifth in linseed. With around 8% of world oilseeds production, over 7% of global protein mealproduction, around 4% of world oil meal export, total oilseeds production of 23 mn tonne and 5.6 mn tonne of edible oil production, India is the fourth largest edible oil economy in the world valued at USD 16.5 bn (Rs. 660 bn).Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • 3 F Industries Ltd. • A D M Agro Inds. Latur&Vizag Pvt. Ltd. • Acalmar Oils & Fats Ltd. • Dhara Vegetable Oil & Foods Co. Ltd. • EmamiAgrotech Ltd. • Gemini Edibles & Fats India Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Sunflower Oil : 5,000,000 Kgs/Annum Groundnut Oil : 5,000,000 Kgs/Annum Rice Bran Oil: 5,000,000 Kgs/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 806 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 1718 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Cotton Seed Delinting, Crushing and Refining of Oil

Cotton is considered as the white gold and king of fibrecrops.It is one of the most important commercial crops of India and is the single largest natural source of fibre. It plays a dominant role in its agrarian and industrial economy as the backbone of textile industry, which consumes 70% of the country's total fibre produced. Cottonseed contains hull and kernel. The hull produces fibre and linters. The kernel contains oil, protein, carbohydrate and other constituents such as vitamins, minerals, lecithin, sterols etc. Cottonseed oil is extracted from cottonseed kernel. Cottonseed oil, also termed as"Heart Oil" is among the most unsaturated edible oils. It need not be as fully hydrogenated formany a cooking purposes as is required in case of some of the more polyunsaturated oils. According to analysts, cottonseed oil is cheaper than most other edible oils, and is gaining in popularity in the Indian market, promising better returns to those in the trade and at the same time benefitting consumers. MadanMangla, owner of Mangla Oil mills said, "There has been a significant jump in the demand in the last five years. So, not only have existing processors expanded capacity, but many new players have also been attracted. Five years ago there were around 10-12 players processing around 40-50 tonnes per day. Now, there are over 30 players processing about 100 tonnes per day. As a whole it is a good project for new entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • A G Oils Pvt. Ltd. • Akash Agro Inds. Ltd. • Growmore Solvent Ltd. • Morvi Vegetable Products Ltd. • Poshak Oils & Fats Ltd. • Vijay Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. • Vimal Oil & Foods Ltd.
Plant capacity: Refined Cotton Seed Oil : 27000mt/annum Linter: 8100mt/annum DOC: 33750mt/annum Hulls: 40500mt/annum Soap Stock: 21600mt/annum Acid OilPlant & machinery: Rs 1474 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 3024 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 50.00%
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Ghee Manufacturing Unit

Ghee, also referred to as clarified butter, is a good alternative to cooking oil and is often used in Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. It is very fragrant and has a rich nutty taste. Ghee is solid at room temperature but can easily be melted if necessary. Many people prefer cooking with ghee over butter because it does not burn as easily as butter. Ghee, which is widely used in Indian cooking, is the pure butter fat left over after the milk solids and water are removed from butter. It is very fragrant with a rich nutty taste and represents the second largest consumed dairy product in India, after liquid milk. The ghee market in India has witnessed a strong growth in recent years. Some of the factors which have contributed in influencing the market growth are increasing disposable incomes, expanding distribution channels and introduction of organic ghee. The strong growth of the Indian ghee market can be attributed to numerous factors. One of the major driving factors is the fact that the majority of the Indian population is engaged in agricultural practices which involve a lot of physical labour. Thus, ghee is considered as a vital source of energy and nutrition in an Indian household. Apart from this, growing health-consciousness among the consumers has prompted manufacturers to come up with organic ghee, which in turn, has added to the overall demand. Some of the other driving factors include population growth, rising disposable incomes and expanding distribution channels in the country. The market is further expected to reach a value of more than INR 3014 Billion by 2021, growing at a CAGR of nearly 15% during 2017-2021.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Spice Oil Extraction from Curry Leaves (100% EOU)

Murraya koenigii, commonly known as curry leaf or kari patta in Indian dialects, belonging to Famil Rutaceae which represent more than 150 genera and 1600 species1 Murraya Koenigii is a highly values plant for its characteristic aroma and medicinal value. Curry leaves are a rich source of minor constituents, such as Ca, K, Mg, P, along with Fe, Mn, Se and Zn, in trace amounts. Toxic element (As, Cd, Hg and Pb) contents were found to be below USFDA limits. The mineral content of curry leaves are: Fe 152 to 158 mg/kg, Na 795 to 800 mg/kg, Mg 14 to 18mg/kg, Mn 96 to 98 mg/kg. According to the proximate analysis leaves of Murraya Koenejii consists moistures 63%, total nitrogen 1%, fat 6%, total sugar 14%, crude fiber 7% and ash 13%. The curry leaf (Murraya koenigii spreng) has 2.6% volatile essential oils (terpenes: beta caryophylline, beta gurjunene, beta elemene, bete phellandrene, beta thujene and others). These oils in the curry leaf are sufficiently soluble in water and terpenes are lighter than water. The global essential oil market size was valued at USD 3.36 billion in 2015 and is expected to witness an estimated growth rate of 9.0% from 2016 to 2024. Around 200 different types of essential oils are consumed all over the world annually, and the U.S. plays a major role in overall demand. Essential Oil Market is expected to reach $11.188 million by 2022, with a CAGR of 8.7% from 2016 to 2022. Essential oils, also known as volatile oils/aetherolea/ethereal oils, are derived from leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other parts of a plant. Which facilitates the development of new technologies and ensure a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Concert Spices & Exports Ltd. • Dabur India Ltd. • Gangotri Oils & Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. • Gulab Oil & Foods Pvt. Ltd. • Khandelwal Edible Oils Ltd. • Mahesh Edible Agro Oil Inds. Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Curry Leave Oil: 500 Kgs. /DayPlant & machinery: Rs 13 lakhs
Working capital: N/AT.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 152 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 59.00%
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Investment Opportunity in Edible Oil Manufacturing Unit

Investment Opportunity in Edible Oil Manufacturing Unit. Edible Oil Refinery Plant (Sunflower, Groundnut & Rice Bran Oil). Cooking Oil Production. Sunflower Oil: Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil compressed from the seeds of sunflower. Sunflower oil is commonly used in food as frying oil, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. It is commonly used as cooking oil as well as in cosmetic formulations due to its emollient properties. Sunflower seed oil is extracted from the black seeds as well as the entire flower. The sunflower oil benefits are surplus. Sunflower oil has a large number of benefits that help in keeping the body healthy and strong. Though it is included in the list of high fat items, it is gaining popularity as cooking oil due to its wide variety of health-enhancing nutrients. The perfect balance of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats makes it perfect for reducing the levels of bad cholesterol. Thus, more and more people are incorporating it in their diet. Some of the benefits of sunflower oil for health are given below. Groundnut Oil: Groundnut is also known as goober, pinder, groundnut, earthnut and ground pea. Peanut oil is natural sweet and flavoured edible oil. Refined peanut oil has a light yellow color and a neutral taste. This is extracted from pressing peanut kernels. In addition to extracting the oil, peanuts are eaten raw or roasted, and used in cooking and bakery as well. Peanut oil is very high on energy, has a very high burning and smoking point, and contains monounsaturated fats, Vitamins A, D and E Groundnut oil, also known by other names such as groundnut oil and arachis oil, is a type of vegetable oil commonly used in cooking that is derived from peanuts. Peanut oil comes in a number of varieties, including refined, unrefined, roasted, and cold-pressed, which have slight differences in their nutritional value and health benefits. Generally, people use peanut oil in their cooking for the interesting flavor that it gives to the food, particularly if you use the roasted variety, as well as the fact that it is healthier than many other types of oil. Rice Bran Oil: Rice bran oil is an increasingly popular vegetable oil that offers many advantages over standard vegetable oils that millions of people commonly cook with all over the world. Rice is one of the most widely available and popular foodstuffs on the planet, and rice bran oil is extracted from the germ and the husk of rice kernels. Rice bran oil is most commonly used in Asian cultures, including Japan and China, primarily because rice is already such a staple food in their cuisines. However, rice bran oil is becoming increasingly popular in other parts of the world because of its relatively low price point and the many health benefits that come from using it in food preparation. Few Indian Major Players are as under • A D M Agro Inds. Latur & Vizag Pvt. Ltd. • Acalmar Oils & Fats Ltd. • Dhara Vegetable Oil & Foods Co. Ltd. • Emami Agrotech Ltd. • Gemini Edibles & Fats India Pvt. Ltd. Market Outlook Edible oil industry in the India, which is hugely driven by import of edible oils, registered revenues of INR ~ billion in FY’2012. With an increase in consumption of edible oils in the country, the revenue of edible oils had inclined by 30.8% compared to FY’2011. Each segment in the edible oil industry is subject to a gamut of different factors such as price hikes and change in government policies play an important role in determining their respective revenues. The edible oil industry in the India has grown at a CAGR of 13.1% from INR 638.4 billion in FY’2009 to INR ~ billion in FY’2014. The competition in India edible oil market is highly fragmented owing to the presence of a large number of organized as well as local and unorganized players. The major players are Cargill, Adani Wilmar, Ruchi Soya, Agrotech Foods, and others. India is the second-largest producer of Rice bran oil after China and the country has the potential to produce more than 1.4 million tonnes of rice bran oil. Rice Bran Oil market in India is still at its nascent stage, but the segment has showcased immense growth in the past few years. In FY’2012, the market for Rice Bran Oil in India grew at a sizeable growth rate of 14.0%. The Indian per capita consumption for edible oil is expected to grow from the current consumption levels of ~16kg to ~24 kg’s by 2020 with a conservative CAGR of ~6% & 1% (Historical Growth rates) for Total edible oil consumption and Population respectively. Edible oil consumers in India are increasingly turning towards Sunflower Oil, which has witnessed an increase in consumption by about five-fold rise over the past 15 years. Sunflower oil market in India has showcased a promising growth in revenues during the past few years. The sunflower oil market revenues during the period FY’2009-FY’2014 has surged at a healthy CAGR of 3.2%. The edible oil market is expected to be dominated by various national and multinational players due to the increasing import dependence of the country in the near future. Rice bran oil market are expected to be the fastest growing category in the entire edible oil segment with Oils such as Mustard, Sunflower, Groundnut and Cottonseed tend to remain region specific in the near future with a moderate fluctuation in their prices. India imports around 15 million tonnes of edible oil to meet the country’s local consumption of around 25 million tonnes. Countries like Malaysia and Indonesia continued to promote their own refineries through levy of export duty on crude oil and exemption on refined oil. The global edible oil market is anticipated to witness a substantial growth owing to increasing popularity of unrefined, unprocessed, healthy, and organic oil. In the coming years, vegetable oils with low cholesterol, fat, and calories are likely to gain high response due to growing health awareness among people across the world. In addition, major improvement in retail network, increasing crop yields, oil production, and growing economies are some of the prominent factors supporting the growth of the global edible oil market. The market for edible oil can be segmented on the basis of type, end-users, and geography. In terms of type, the market can be classified into palm oil, canola oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, specialty blended oil, and corn oil. Increasing consumption of fried foods has significantly increased the demand for edible oils. Based on end-users, the marker for edible oil can be divided into food processor, food service, and retail. Improving living standards, changing dietary habits, and increasing consumer preference for healthy edible oil supporting the growth of the global edible oil market. Tags Edible Oil Refining, Edible Vegetable Oil Processing, Refining of Sunflower Oil, Edible Oil Refinery Plant, Edible Oil Refinery, Sunflower Oil Refinery, Cooking Oil Refining, Cooking Oil Extraction, Cooking Oil Refinery Plant, How Refined Cooking Oil is Made?, Small Scale Oil Refining Plant, Edible Oil Refinery Plant, Mini Oil Refinery, How to Make Refined Oil, Cooking Oil Refining Process, Cooking Oil Refining Plant, Edible Cooking Oil Refinery from Rice Bran Oil, Sunflower Oil, Rice Bran Oil Plant, Vegetable Oil Processing, Edible Oil Extraction, Rice Bran Oil Refinery Separation Process, Edible Oil Extraction Process, Sunflower Oil Refining Plant, Sunflower Oil Refining Plant, Sunflower Oil Production, Sunflower Oil Processing Plant, Sunflower Oil Factory, How Oil is Extracted from Sunflower Seeds?, How Rice Bran Oil Produce, Rice Bran Oil Mill, Manufacturing of Rice Bran Oil, India, Oil Mill Plant, Rice Bran Oil Refining Plant, Rice Bran Oil Processing Plant, Rice Bran Oil Factory, Making of Groundnut Oil, Ground Nut Oil Extraction, Groundnut Oil Mill Plant, Groundnut Oil Processing Plant, Groundnut Oil Mill, Groundnut Oil Producing Plant, Small Scale Oil Processing, Edible Oil Refinery Plant, Processing and Refining Of Edible Oils, Vegetable Oil Industry, I Want to Start Small Scale Rice Bran Oil Refinery in India?, Rice Bran Oil Making Plant, Rice Bran Oil Extraction Process, Set Up Rice Bran Oil Factory, Rice Bran Oil Industry, Secret to Making Money by Starting Small Business, Small Business Ideas with Small Capital, Top Best Small Business Ideas for Beginners 2018, Small Business But Big Profit in India, Best Low Cost Business Ideas, Small Business Ideas that are Easy to Start, How to Start Business in India, Top Small Business Ideas in India for Starting Your Own Business, Top Easy Small Business Ideas in India, Sunflower Oil Production project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Edible Oil Refining Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Rice Bran Oil Processing Industry in India, Edible Oil Extraction Projects, New project profile on Edible Oil Refining, Project Report on Rice Bran Oil Processing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Sunflower Oil Production, Project Report on Rice Bran Oil Processing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Edible Oil Extraction, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Edible Oil Extraction, Feasibility report on Edible Oil Extraction, Free Project Profile on Edible Oil Refining, Project profile on Sunflower Oil Production, Download free project profile on Edible Oil Extraction, Industrial Project Report, Project consultant, Project consultancy, NPCS, Niir, Process technology books, Business consultancy, Business consultant, Project identification and selection, Preparation of Project Profiles, Startup, Business guidance, Business guidance to clients, Startup Project for Sunflower Oil Production, Startup Project, Startup ideas, Project for startups, Startup project plan, Business start-up, Business Plan for a Startup Business, Great Opportunity for Startup, Small Start-up Business Project, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel, Detailed Project Plan Report
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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How to Start Mustard Oil Mill

How to Start Mustard Oil Mill. Profitable Business Idea. Business with huge Profit in India Mustard oil is a fatty vegetable oil extracted from the mustard seeds. It is dark yellow in color and slightly pungent. There are generally three types of mustard oils depending upon the manner of extraction. The first is a fatty vegetable oil obtained by pressing the mustard seeds. The second one is a essential oil that is made by grinding the seeds, mixing them with water and extracting the oil through distillation. The third process involves infusing mustard seed extract with other vegetable oils such as soy bean oil. All three categories of oil have a pungent nutty taste and a strong aroma. Mustard oil is extracted from mustard seeds and is commonly used in India. It is an ancient oil that is said to be loaded with many health benefits. Mustard oil is full of MUFA which is very important for our health. Mustard oil is made from pressing the seeds of a mustard plant to produce a spicy oil. Mustard oil is popular in Eastern cooking, although some American chefs have begun experimenting with the oil, which has a heat and distinctive flavor to it. Real mustard oil, however, is actually banned for cooking uses by the FDA. This is because it contains an ingredient called erucic acid that has been shown to cause heart problems. Erucic acid is a fatty acid that it is not well metabolized. It’s considered a contaminant. In Eastern and North Eastern India, it is hard to imagine life without a bottle of mustard oil at home. It is believed to have miraculous properties, and therefore is used as a remedy to treat cold, boost immunity, encourage hair growth, provide nourishment to skin (especially in case of babies who are massaged with mustard oil during winters and made to sunbathe for a dose of Vitamin D and also to strengthen the bones), oral health, so on and so forth. Mustard oil (sarson ka tel) is extracted from mustard seeds (black, brown and white), and is reddish brown or amber in colour. It has been commonly used in North and East India since ancient times, and comes with a bevy of health benefits. Market Outlook During the last few years, the domestic consumption of edible oils has increased substantially and has touched the level 17.5 million metric tonne (mmt) in 2012-13 from 11.6 mmt in 2003-04 and is likely to increase further. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for oils & fats, according to WHO, is 30 g/day or 11 kg/ annum. Ministry of Agriculture, under National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP), estimates that with per capita consumption of vegetable oils at the rate of 16 kg/year/person for a projected population of 1,276 million, the total vegetable oils demand is likely to touch 20.4 million tonne by 2017. Mustard oil market is further segmented on the basis of regions, as North America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific excluding Japan, Japan, and Middle East & Africa. On the basis of regions, mustard oil has market demand is higher in Asia-Pacific regions which includes India, Thailand, and china due to its huge consumption in food. North America market is expected to expand relatively higher CAGR due to its preference as essential oil in various industrial application. India is among major oilseed growers and edible oil importers and its vegetable oil economy is world’s fourth largest after USA, China and Brazil. The oilseed accounts for 13% of the gross cropped area, 3% of the Gross National Product and 10% value of all agricultural commodities. Considerable regional variance exists in the consumption of various edible oils in the country in accordance with the diverse food habits and tastes and preferences of consumers, and also between rural and urban areas. Among the other edible oils, households in Punjab, Himachal, J&K, Rajasthan, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh consume substantial quantities of mustard oil. Tags Mustard Oil Manufacturing Process, Mustard Oil Extraction, How to Start Mustard Oil Plant, Mustard Oil Plant, Mustard Oil, How to Make Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Unit, How to Make Organic Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Manufacturing Plant, Mustard Oil Manufacturing, Mustard Oil Manufacturing in India, Process to Get Mustard Oil From Mustard, Mustard Oil Factory In India, Mustard Oil Making, Mustard Seed Oil Extraction, How Do You Make Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Process, Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil, Sarso Ke Tel Ka Business, Small Scale Oil Production Line For Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Business , Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil, Cooking Oil Manufacturing, Production of Mustard, Mustard Oil Processing in Rural Area, Cooking Oil Production Process, Edible Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Manufacturing Process, Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil, How to Start Mustard Oil Business, Mustard Oil Processing Unit, Making Mustard Seed Oil, Extracting Oil, Starting Manufacturing Process Of Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Business, Project on Mustard Oil, Production Mustard Oil Business, Mustard Oil Extraction Business, Small Mustard Oil Business, Oil, Edible Oil, Sarso Oil Manufacturing, Mustard Oil Industry, Best Businesses You Can Start With Mustard Oil, Setting Up And Running a Small-Scale Cooking Oil Business, Refined Mustard Oil, Businesses of Edible Oils, Profitable Cooking Oil Manufacturing Business, Business Opportunities in Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil Business with Low Price in India, How Mustard Oil Mills are Running, Mustard Oil Unit, Project on Mustard Oil and Oil Cake Manufacturing, Edible Vegetable Oil Processing, Mustard Oil Manufacturing Plant, Mustard Oil Manufacturing Unit, Extraction of Mustard Oil, Vegetable Oil Processing in India, Vegetable Oil Processing, Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil, Sarso Ka Tel, Tel, Kachchi Ghani, Manufacturing Of Mustard Oil, Mustard Oil processing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Mustard Oil Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on Small Scale industries, How to Start Mustard Oil Processing Industry in India, Mustard Oil Processing Projects, New Project Profile on Mustard Oil processing industries, Project Report on Mustard Oil manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Mustard Oil Extraction, Project Report on Mustard Oil, Small Start-up Business Project, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel, Detailed Project Plan Report
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Extraction of Oil (Jeera, Ajwain, Ginger, Cardamom Oil )

Extraction is the first step in the refining process. Oils and fats are extracted from their original source (the seeds, fruits or other oil-bearing raw materials) using a variety of different methods. In some cases, for example virgin olive oil, the oil is extracted directly from the fruit by means of a simple mechanical press and used without the need for any further processing. This process is known as cold pressing. For most oils however, the process is more complex. Modern oil mills extract oil using a combination of pressing, cooking and solvent extraction. This process is often carried out in the country of origin. The seeds of Ajwain have been popularly used in India by many households in order to treat upset stomach, and used in the preparation of various food items to prevent stomach related issues. The scientific nomenclature name of the ajwan is Trachyspermum ammi (other: Trachyspermum copticum, and Carum copticum). The Ajwain essential oil is extracted from the Ajwain seeds. The color of the Ajwain oil can vary from orange to red, and the oil gives a pungent thyme odor. The global cardamom oil market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% over the forecast period i.e. 2017-2024. Further, cardamom oil market is anticipated to reach USD 7.2 billion globally by 2024. The growth of cardamom oil market is driven by the increasing consumer awareness regarding health benefits of cardamom oil. Further, its heightening application in personal care products is also envisioned to bolster the growth of cardamom oil market. Ginger is majorly used in spices and thus ginger oils and oleoresins are preferred to prepared dried spices as flavoring in food industry, because they are more stable, contamination free , cleaner, , and can be easily standardized by blending. Thus the growth of food industry and spices demand are another factors driving growth of ginger oil market. The growth of natural personal care products industry is another growth driver for ginger oil market. The global essential oils market has grown steadily in the last few years. The market size is projected to reach USD 11.19 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 8.83% from 2017 to 2022.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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Neem Oil (Cold Process)

with the problem of organization of systematic collection and crushing of seeds. Neem oil is usually opaque and bitter but it has recently been shown that it can be processed into non bitter edible oil with 50% oleic acid and 15% linoleum acid. 'Neem oil extractives', a waste from neem oil refining has been found to be effective mosquitolarvicide. The material acts as instant killer of the first instar larvae of Culexfatigans at 0.04% concentration whereas at lower concentrations it had delayed toxicity. Azadirachtin, an active compound derived from neem seeds and other parts has natural insecticidal properties. It is potentially a substitute for synthetic pesticides used in crop production.Projected growth in global bio-pesticide market at CAGR of 15.8 per cent from 2012 to 2017 could be a prospective growth driver for the neem products in future. As a whole there is a good scope for new entrepreneur to invest in this business. Few Indian major players are as under • Agro Extracts Ltd. • J S P Oils & Fats Ltd. • K G N Agro Internationals Ltd. • Morinda Overseas Inds. Ltd. • Vrundavan Agro Inds. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Neem Oil : 150 Kgs/Day Deoil Cake as by product : 1680 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: 23 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 51 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 67.00%
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Chili Oil

Chili oil is essentially dried chilies, preserved in oil. It adds a delightful kick to whatever dish you’re using it in. Commonly used as a finishing oil for risottos, pastas and seafood, it’s also a great oil for any stirfry. Chili also called red pepper belongs to the genus capsicum, under the solanaceae family. They are believed to have originated from South America. Chilies are referred to as chilies, chile, hot peppers, bell peppers, red peppers, pod peppers, cayenne peppers, paprika, pimento, and capsicum in different parts of the world. Total world chili oil demand to increase by 1.4 million bpd, which makes India's expected growth of some 300,000 bpd the most significant source of growth for crude producers outside of China's expected lift in demand of about 380,000 bpd.Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful.
Plant capacity: Chilli Oil: 27,300 Kg./Annum Oleoresin: 122,700 Kg./AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 1828 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs2450 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 45.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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