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Business Ideas: Upto 25 Lakhs (Plant and Machinery): Selected Project Profiles for Entrepreneurs, Startups

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You won't spend much time and effort starting up a business to find out later that the concept has an enormous chance of failing that will endlessly hamper your company's progress.

Choosing the right business idea is highly important. You need to pay off your time and labor if you spend years in your business. All that follows is constructed based on a good idea for a company.

It is tough to come up with business concepts that will never work. There is no assurance. It's only confidence.

We at NPCS assist in finding a business idea on which you can trust that you will move ahead. However, you will not know anything until you start working on it, so the NPCS team comes into the picture to help you choose a better business opportunity.

Three steps to choose a business idea:

1. Pursue your dreams

The best choice is to develop or sell something you know and love. Then get in, make your money, and get out. To establish a long-term business that fits your temperament, strengths, and preferred lifestyle, you must like it.

Following your passion has many benefits. For one thing, you'll be more likely to sell something if you truly believe in it. And you'll be more inclined to persevere when the going gets rough.


2. Be Sincere

While creating a business based on your interests and experience is important, it is equally important to create a viable business prospect.

Examine the appropriate market without bloodshed. Is the business you want to start in high demand? Is America or the globe clamoring for this? Assure that your product or service not only meets this opportunity but does it effectively.

3. The Internet should be respected

Determine how to utilize this game-changing resource best. It can let you create a business for less money and faster than ever before. 

Aside from knowing or being able to master search engine optimization, establishing an internet business requires little infrastructure and no bricks and mortar.

Remember that the Internet works both ways. While opportunities seem exciting, appealing, and perhaps limitless, rivals are seeing the same vision. That means that no matter what business you select, you will encounter basic marketing difficulties.

How we can help in choosing the Right Business Idea

We have listed upto 25 lakh business ideas to assist you in choosing the most appropriate business idea for your business.

Our In-depth project reports cover all aspects of the business, from market research to confirm the availability of necessary items like machinery, raw materials, and financial predictions. To plan business diversification, the report comprises of calculating raw material costs, constructing the cash flow statement, and projecting the balance sheet, among other things.

Our report also assists in identifying and selecting machinery, required manufacturing process and other equipment, general guidance, technical and commercial counseling for starting new industrial projects.

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PAN MASALA, GUTKA & POUCH MAKING PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Pan Masala is widely used to remove bad odour of mouth and for scenting the breath in order to impart it a pleasant feeling. Pan masalas are available in the market in many different types, forms, brand, and standards. Now a day’s Pan Parag, Prince Gutka, Pan Mayur, Darbari, Tambul, Maruti, Pan Bahar, Rajni Gandha, Manik Chand, pan masalas are commonly used. These are the best Pan Masalas and are made of Kuth, Lime betal-nuts and other sophisticated item and perfumes. The sale and marketing of Pan Masala is increasing day by day. It is very clear from the fact that wherever you go in the market, in the town, in a village you will find some panwari shops around everywhere in every mohalla and in every street. As the sale of pan and Pan Masala is increasing there is enough scope for starting the manufacture of Pan Masala on a small scale. Pan Masala is widely used for removing bad odour to impart a pleasant feeling. Now a day’s pan Masala has very good market demand due to customer's habit. There is very wide scope and good market potential of products manufactured in this sector.
Plant capacity: 200 Kg/day Pan Masala, 200 Kg/day Zarda, 200 Kg/day KimamPlant & machinery: 14 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 132 Lakhs
Return: 46.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Goat Farming for Meat and Breeding - Cattle Breeding Farm, Fodder, Livestock Farming, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Profile Goat is one of the world’s smallest domesticated livestock, have been actively managed for food and fiber earlier and longer than cattle and sheep. Goats can survive on bushes, trees, desert scrub, and vegetation that sheep and cattle are not able to consume. This dietary versatility and adaptability combined with a hardy constitution is what makes goats a primary livestock animal for most of the world. The goat; a mini cow is multipurpose animal to provide milk meat, hide, hair (fur) and manure for soil. In hilly areas goats are also used for hauling light load. Now in rural areas goat farming plays a vital role to solve unemployment. The economic return from keeping goats is high compared to other farming enterprises. Goats can reproduce under extreme conditions that would eliminate other species. They can live in hot, tropical climates as well as cool, temperate climates. They seem to be able to live and even flourish under desert conditions. These factors have made goats a very important domestic animal. Goat farming can be a profitable occupation of a farmer and can be fit well into mixed farming. Classification of Goats The wild goats have four species as follows Ibex (Capra ibex), Spanish Idex (Capra pyrenacia), Markhor (Capra falconeri), and Wild Goat (Capra aegarus). On the basis of body weight goat breeds in India can be broadly classified as large sized (Jamunapari, Beetal, Jhakarana), mediusm sized (Sirohi or Marwari/Golwadi, Zalabari, Kitchi, Surti, Sangamneri, Osmanabadi, Gaddi, Ganjam, Chegu) and small sized (Bengal types, Assam hill goat). The scientific name of domestic goat is Capra hircus aegagrius. Advantages of Goat Farming / Utility of Goats: • The goat is a multipurpose animal producing meat, milk, hide, fiber and manure. In hilly areas, goats are also used for hauling light loads. • Goats have very few demands of housing and management. They hardly need separate housing and happily share their homes with their owners or his other livestock. • Goats can be raised by landless agricultural labourers, ladies and children because they can thrive well on variety of leaves, shrubs, bushes, kitchen waste etc. • Goat farming can be a profitable occupation for a farmer and can fit well into mixed farming. • Goats are cheaper to maintain, easily available and have a friendly disposition. • Goats are capable of adapting to various agro climatic conditions ranging from arid dry to cold arid to hot humid. They can be raised in plains, hilly tracts, sandy zones and at high altitudes. • Goats are more tolerant to hot climate than other farm animals. • Goats suffer from fewer ailments than other large animals. • Goats are called the foster mother of man, as their milk is considered better for human nutrition than other species of livestock. Milk is cheap, wholesome, easily digestible and nutritious. • Goat milk is finer than cow milk i.e. the fats and proteins are present in a finer state and are more easily digestible, especially by children and invalids. • Goat milk has lesser allergic problems than other species of livestock. • Goat milk is used as ayurvedic medicine for personas ailing with asthma, cough, diabetes etc. And has higher buffering qualities and this enhances its value for patients suffering from peptic ulcers, liver dysfunction, jaundice, billiard disorders and other digestive problems. • Goat hide is used for the manufacture of leather products. • Goat hairs are used for the manufacture of rugs and ropes. • Pashmina shawls, Mohair and Kashmere carpets are in great demand and are sold at very high prices. • Goat manure is 2.5 times richer in nitrogen and phosphoric acid than cow manure. Market Scenario The world population of goats is approximately 674 million, of which 94% are found in the developing countries. Africa and Asia account for about 81% of the total population in the developing countries, including a bewildering variety of breeds. Goat rearing is the backbone of economy of small and landless farmers in India. It is an insurance against crop failure and provides alternate source of livelihood to farmers all the year round. Goats play an important role in income generation, capital storage, employment generation and improving household nutrition. Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India, whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Besides meat, goats provide other products like milk, skin, fibre and manure. Goats are important part of rural economy, particularly in the arid, semi arid and mountainous regions of the country with more than 124 million population. The largest amount of goat milk is produced in India, followed by Bangladesh and Sudan. China has the largest total number of goats in the world, but they are mainly kept for meat production. ?
Plant capacity: 1000 GoatsPlant & machinery: 6 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 115 Lakhs
Return: 47.00%Break even: 33.00%
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GUTKHA & PAN MASALA - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Pan Masala are widely used to remove bad odour of mouth and for scenting the breath in order to impart it a pleasant feeling. Pan masalas are available in the market in many different types, forms, brand, and standards. Now a days Pan Parag, Prince Gutka, Pan Mayur, Darbari type, Tambul, Maruti, Pan Bahar, Rajni Gandha, Manik Chand and number of other brands pan masalas are commonly used. The sale and marketing of Pan Masala is increasing day by day. It is very clear from the fact that wherever you go in the market, in the town, in a village you will find some panwari shops around everywhere in every mohalla and in every street. As the sale of pan and Pan Masala is increasing there is enough scope for starting the manufacture of Pan Masala on a small scale. It is being manufactured by various trade names like Pan Bahar, Pan Parag, Pan Mayur, Darbari Pan Masala, Manoranjan pan Masala, Tambul Pan Masala, Rajni Gandha Pan masala Santoor Pan masala etc. Powder form pan masala is made under various trade names now a days and are widely used. Uses of Pan Masala Pan Masala is widely used for removing bad odour to impart a pleasant feeling, For scenting the breath in order to impart a pleasant feeling, For serving the guests, friends and in the parties and functions, As a substances for tobacco chewing and for smoking, It can be used in the Hotel and restaurants. Properties of Pan Masala It should not produce irritation effects in the mouth, It should cool the mouth, It should have scented affect in the mouth & NO excess of lime should be in the pan Masala. Market Survey Now days pan Masala has very good market demand due to customer's habit. There is very good scope of pan masala. Actually on pan masala market data is not available but tobacco based product has market survey data. Basically pan masala is a substitute of tobacco products. Users of tobacco products largely converted to use pan Masala. The major factors contributing to tobacco consumption have been global population and income growth. Tobacco is consumed mainly by the adult population and about 70 percent of world population is over 15 years of age. Per adult tobacco consumption, however, is on the decline in both the developing and developed countries. This significant development, however, is concealed by the fact that overall world tobacco use is expanding with population. Cost Estimation Capacity : 180000 Kgs/Annum 200 Kgs Pan Masala/ day 200 Kgs Zarda/ day 200 Kgs Kiman/ day
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 14 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 132
Return: 47.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Poly Aluminum Chloride - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

PAC is basic aluminium chloride, polybasic aluminium chloride, aluminium hydroxychloride, aluminium oxychloride, and aluminium chlorohydrate. The presence of polymeric, aluminium containing cations, the distribution of which can differ greatly, typifies PAC products. Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) is a water soluble inorganic macromolecule polymer that is intervenient with ALCL3 and AL(OH)3. Its molecular formula is [AL2(OH)NCL6 NLm]. The m in the formula represents Polymerization and n for Neutralization. It is a type of vitreous solid with colors varying from yellow, light yellow, dark brown and heavy gray and has a strong bridgework absorbance. The basic difference between PAC and other traditional products is that the traditional ones are electropositive with small molecular and crystalloids. PAC has the structure of many hydroxyl Polymers with various different shapes. Its strengths are high speed deposition, wide range of PH value, does not cause harm to equipment, a great water purifier, clears up SS, COD, BOD, and heavy metal ions like AS with high efficiency. Poly aluminum chloride is one of the significant inorganic flocculants. The most important inorganic flocculants are currently the trivalent salts of aluminum and iron as well as activated silica. Flocculants are used to optimize the separation of the solid phase from the liquid phase in aqueous suspension. These suspensions usually consist of organic or inorganic particles, which are of finely divided to colloidal consistency and are distributed in water as a dispersing medium. With smaller particles, the suspension is more stable i.e. the lower is the tendency for the particles to agglomerate and sediment. However, addition of a flocculant drastically increases the rate of particle sedimentation so that a clear, supernatant liquid is obtained. The settled sludge can then be filtered rapidly or centrifuged, resulting in a more efficient separation. Advantages PAC reacts faster than aluminium sulphate because of its polymeric structure which allows higher coagulation efficiency. The formed flocs are bigger which means a faster sedimentation. Moreover, PAC remains effective over a wider turbidity range and even at very low temperatures. Lower quantities of residual aluminium in water (compared with the analogous value with aluminium sulphate) reducing consequently health .problems (Alzheimer).Reduced cleaning frequency of the filters (longer runs in the sand filters).PAC consumes less alkalinity than the other coagulants. In most cases, there is no need of alkalinity addition for an effective flocculation, so additional pH correction chemicals aren’t necessary. Lower doses are required for equivalent results in comparison with aluminium sulphate.PAC remains efficient over a larger pH range. Less sludge production compared to the other coagulants. ? Uses & Applications Polylaluminium chloride PAC as an alternative coagulant. Application of In Line coagulation/Ultra filtration Process in Water Treatment. Coagulation of Wastewater Containing Reactive Dyes with the Use of Polyaluminium Chloride. Dosing Aluminium Floccing Agents. Microbial counts and pesticide concentrations in drinking water after alum flocculation of channel feed water at the household level .Using Polyaluminium Coagulants in Water Treatment and stabilization of formation of clays. Market Survey PAC has good performance coagulation, with high efficiency, rapid precipitation, suitable for a wide range of advantages. PAC has been gradually replacing the traditional flocculation trend. At present, the PAC domestic demand has shown a growth trend, this PAC to expand production and development of a broad market space, coupled with the PAC’s extensive source of raw materials, the use of advanced production technology development and production of PAC’s bright future. Industries in particular generate enormous amount of wastes which can cause serious pollution in the environment. Water pollution mainly occurs due to the presence of dissolved inorganic materials, organic materials, other substances found in domestic and industrial wastewater and their subsequent products. The main objective of the wastewater treatment is to dispose the treated effluent without causing an adverse impact on the ecosystem of receiving water body and the compliance with stipulated norms and standards. Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited (KCI), one of the leading Indian manufacturers of chemical intermediates, announced the commissioning of its Poly Aluminium Chloride plant at the company's integrated Chlor Alkali manufacturing unit in Renukoot, Uttar Pradesh. The unit has a capacity to manufacture up to 60,000 tonnes per year of Poly Aluminium Chloride, a specialty chemical for water treatment. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Andhra Sugars Ltd. Grasim Industries Ltd. Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. Kanoria Chemicals & Inds. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 1MT/DayPlant & machinery: 17 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 62 Lakhs
Return: 50.00%Break even: 45.00%
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Corrugated Galvanized Sheet - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Galvanized Corrugated Sheets are manufactured using best grade steel and is widely applied in construction industry. Galvanized Corrugated Sheets have excellent corrosion resistance, these Sheets have become the most preferred material for various construction purposes, particularly roofing and walling. The demand for corrugated iron sheet depends mainly on the performance of its end-user (i.e. the construction sector or more specifically the building construction sector). Therefore, the demand for the products under consideration is a derived demand, which depends directly on themperformance of its major end – user. The construction sector of the country has undergone tremendous changes and development in recent years. The contribution of the construction sector to the GDP during the period 2001 – 2010 have been growing at annual average growth rate of 13 percent which is above the average annual growth rate of real GDP during the period under consideration (11.4 %), indicating a rise in the share of the construction sector within the overall economy. Moreover, during the GTP period (2010 – 2015), the construction sector is expected to grow at annual average growth rate of 20%. Uses and Applications The corrugated galvanized iron sheets are extensively used in various fields e.g. industries sheds, dairy farm sheds, poultry farm sheds etc. for roofing purpose. In recent years, a lot of multi scale projects have taken up the Indian industry by a storm and these levels have given a larger scope for steel companies. The galvanised plain coils / sheets and corrugated sheets (GP/GC) are value - added steel products which are tough, sturdy, light weight, bright and corrosion resistant. In India these are produced in the thickness range of 0.15 mm to 2.0 mm and width range of 800 mm to 1560 mm. The function of the zinc layer is mainly three fold: To retain the steel intact with its full initial strength; to provide the surface a more pleasing appearance and to increase the life of any suitable organic finishing system applied over it. Market Survey There is always a need for galvanized sheets, rollers, and other varieties of pressed sheets that make up the steel industry. The construction process needless to say remains the same but has new implementations that are adapted from the western counterparts. Steel manufacturers are now in demand for infrastructure and automobile sectors as well, thus widening their scope of development. The recent growth of these newly developed industries has given a new lease of hope to steel developers. This sudden splurge of industrial growth has honed the success of the leading steel companies in India. Roofing industry in India is preparing for the next generation of ambitious projects. That roofing is an important component of the construction industry is evident from the fact that it accounts for over 25 per cent of the total building construction cost. There are many roofing options in the Indian roofing sector, such as asbestos cement fibre sheets, corrugated galvanised iron sheets. Growth in the infrastructure and industrial segment has been a major demand driver for roof and wall cladding industry. It has registered a double digit growth over past three years and the future of this industry is also looking bright considering the low steel penetration and high demand in construction industry. Major shift is observed from clay tiles and conventional roofing system to metal cladding solution. Customers are looking for architectural solution which provides innovative shapes such as convex, concave in addition to new attractive colors. The future of roof and wall cladding industry is bright considering the low steel penetration and high demand in construction industry. Few Major Players are as under:- Bharat Berg Ltd. National Steel & Agro Inds. Ltd. Ram Krishan Kulwant Rai Enterprises Ltd. Sipta Coated Steels Ltd. [Erstwhile]
Plant capacity: 500 Nos./ dayPlant & machinery: Rs.12 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project : Rs.165 Lakhs
Return: 39.00%Break even: 59.00%
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PVA Adhesive (Fevicol Type) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Fevicol type adhesives come under the category of synthetic resins and latex adhesives are made from polyvinyl acetate is a thermoplastic, odourless, tasteless, non-toxic, essentially clear and colourless resin. . It has a non-crystalline and relatively branched rather than linear structure. Most grades of resin have a somewhat broad molecular weight distribution. They do not melt, but soften over a temperature range. The resin is unaffected by sunlight, ultraviolet light and air, furthermore it will absorb a small amount of water. Polyvinyl acetate is neutral and non-corrosive. Because of their relatively low cost, ready availability, wide compatibility and excellent adhesive characteristics, many polyvinyl acetate resins, solutions and emulsions are treated as commodity items by the adhesives industry. Although loosely referred to as an emulsion, the product is not a liquid/liquid system, but mainly an aqueous dispersion of swollen solid particles. Uses and Applications A synthetic resin substitute for hide glue is called polyvinyl acetate. These adhesives are adaptable to high speed machinery in paper conversion and packaging fields and find place as wood adhesives Polyvinyl acetate is now used in adhesives for various application including the following :-book binding, paper bags, drinking straws, envelopes, gummed tapes, folding boxes, multi - wall shipping bags, labels, film and paper boards, foils decals, cigarette tips, wood assembly, padding automobile, upholstery, pencils, leather binding, tile cements etc. The vinyl acetate adhesive is also used for lamination; combination of two or more plies of material into a new composite. Market Survey Strong construction activity in recent years has boosted consumption of flooring adhesives, nearly all of which are water-based. Other larger formulated water-based construction-adhesive applications include glass insulation, and paper and vinyl wall coverings. Cementitious polymer additives are 13% of the construction-adhesive volume. These polymer products serve to modify the physical, bonding and application properties of cement-based products. Exterior-insulating and finish systems (EIFS), ceramic-tile mortars and grouts, flooring underlayments, concrete-repair products, and bridge decks are outlets. Applications where water-based adhesives are classified as binders are wallboard-joint compounds and cellulose-insulation products. Both applications are mature. Packaging is the third-largest end use in both volume and dollars, capturing 10% of the weight and 17% of the value. Water-based technology dominates in packaging, and a sluggish 1% annual rate of growth is forecast. Growing substitution of plastic packaging, which uses no adhesives, and the slight trend to hot melts, are negative growth factors for water-based adhesives. The manufacture of adhesive from synthetic resin is simple and can be started with a very little investment. The most advantageous factor in this plant is that it can be switched over to any type of adhesive as per market demand. Few Major Players are as under:- Advanced Adhesives Ltd. Anabond Ltd. Arofine Polymers Ltd. C I C O Technologies Ltd. Century Plyboards (India) Ltd. D I C India Ltd. F C L Technologies & Products Ltd. Feroke Boards Ltd. Henkel C A C Pvt. Ltd. India Tyre & Rubber Co. (India) Ltd. Jesons Industries Ltd. Jyoti Resins & Adhesives Ltd. Konar Organics Ltd. Leela Packagings Ltd. Mica House Ltd. N G Adhesive Industries Pvt. Ltd. Nikhil Adhesives Ltd. Pidilite Industries Ltd. S R Continental Ltd. Uflex Ltd.
Plant capacity: 1 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 20 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost Of Project : Rs.82 Lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 57.00%
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SPICES (100% EOU)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Spices which are basically plant products, have a definite role to play in enhancing the taste flavour, relish or piquancy of any food; most of the spices are fragrant, aromatic & pungent. They comprise seeds, bartes, rhizamer, leaves fruits and other parts of plants, which belong to varigated species and genera since time immemorial, India in renamed to be the have of spices. Most important spices like black pepper (king of spices) cardamom (queen of spices), ginger, chillis and turmeric, which are produced in India import it great reputation, and these constitute. In the list of spices, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon and cassia are known as tree spices, however, spices like fennel, fenugreek, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, vanilla, saffron; etc. There are a number of spices used along with food namely; Common Salt ,Coriander ,Chilli ,Turmeric, Ajwain & Methi ,Onion and Garlic .Now a day’s use of spice as ground form is changed towards in the liquid form. It is actually use of spice oil. Spicy oil drops are so much more active rather than ground powder. Ground powder is much more used in compare to oil drops. Oil drops are basically essential aromatic oils, which has very good specific spicy flavour. For Export Oriented Unit, should be quality conscious. Laboratory should be cleaned. There is no adulteration in the product; product should be totally microbial free. Quality of the products and factory premises should satisfy I.S.O standard. These spices are not used at a time. For preparation of any dish may be Indian or European, vegetarian or non-vegetarian we use more than one spice. The combination of all the spices but together for the use of one particular dish as known as ‘masala’ the bulk of the dry matter consists of carbohydrates, proteins, tannius, resins, volatile oil, fixed oil, for pigments, mineral, elements, etc. These constituents differ greatly in their composition and content in different spices. Harvesting of each spice is done at a particular storage of maturity in a particular manner suitable for it avoiding any sort of damages before processing. It is transported to the processing centre as early as possible and stored properly before it is taken to up for processing. The basic prerequisite of the export-oriented spices is that almost all of them are exported to other countries and not sold in the indigenous market. Only the product that does not conform to the standard stipulated for the export-oriented product, and is recorded in the form of rejects. This should not exceed more than 25% and may be sold in the indigenous market. USES & APPLICATIONS There are a large number of dishes used commonly and on special occasions; correspondingly, there may be large variety of masalas (spices) also. However, the purpose or use of spices (a masalas) in dishes is two folds - and being the appetizer and the other being taste and appearance. Spices have a definite roll to play in enhancing the taste and flavor of any forces. A dish of spices adds individuality to standardised foods, traditional or modern. In the indigenous system of medicine in India, spices are used widely. But, till recently, there was a prejudice in many foreign countries that spices are injurious to health. Fortunately, this view has been contradicted recently by research workers in India and abroad. Most of the spices are carminative, digestive, stimulant, stanachic, resolvent, antiseptic, etc. Spices are now considered as the natural and necessary component of daily nutrition. MARKET SURVEY India is one of the leading producers, consumers and exporters of spices. The Spices Board, under the umbrella of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, government of India, is the apex body for promoting exports of Indian Spices. Established in 1987, the Board plays an important role as a development agency for Indian spices. Its board-based activities include formulation and important role as a development agency for Indian spices. Its broad-based activities include formulation and implementation of quality improvement system, research and development programmes, imparting education and training to farmers, processors, packers and exporters on post-harvest handling, etc. For promotion of spices, the Spice Board is regularly participating in international food fairs. Assisting exporters in trade fair participation and sending business delegations to identified markets for export development. India is known as ‘the home of spices’. No India meal is considered complete without the tangy and delectable flavour of Indian spices, locally known as ‘masala’. Indian spices are famous the world over for their high medicinal values. There is no other country in the world that produces as many kinds of spices as India. India grows over 50 different varieties of spices. The total production is around 2.7 million tonnes. Of this, about 0.25 million tonne (8-10 per cent) is exported to more than 150 countries.Some of the most widely consumed spices in India inter alia include chilli (lal mirach), cinnamon, cumin (jeera), curry leaf (curry patta), fennel (saunf), asafetida (hing/heeng), basil (pudina), bay leaves (tejpatta), small cardamom (chotti elaichi), large cardamom (badi elaichi), ginger (adrak), mustard, sishops weed (ajwain), cassia (dal chini), celery (kala jeera), clove, coriander (dhania), fenugreek (methi), garlic (lahson), kokam, mint, onion, parsley, pomegranate, turmeric (haldi), tamrind (imli), pepper (kali mirach), poppy (post dana/khaskhas), rosemary and vanilla. The climate of the country is suitable for growing almost all kinds of spices. India can now claim to be the monopoly supplier of spice oils and oleoresins the world over. The consistent effort during the last one decade has improved the share of value-added products in the exports basket to 60 per cent. Because of the varying climate-from tropical to sub-tropical temperate-almost all spices are grown splendidly in India. In fact, almost all the states and union territories of India grow one or the other spices. PRESENT MANUFACTURERS A V T Mccormick Ingrediants Pvt. Ltd. A V Thomas International Ltd. Aarkay Food Products Ltd. Bhagat International Pvt. Ltd. Chordia Food Products Ltd. Complete Spice Solutions India Ltd. Devon Foods Ltd. Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. Eastern Overseas Ltd. Empire Spices & Foods Ltd. Global Green Co. Ltd. Global Natural Products Ltd. Gokul Agro Inds. Ltd. Harmony Spices Ltd. Indana Spices & Food Inds. Ltd. Indian Chillies Trading Co. Ltd. Indian Products Ltd. Jagat Industries Ltd. Kedar Spices Ltd. Kerala Cardamom Processing & Mktg. Co. Ltd. Kohinoor Foods Ltd. Lucid Colloids Ltd. M T R Foods Pvt. Ltd. Madhur Industries Ltd. Malabar Spices Co. Ltd. Mas Enterprises Ltd. Om Oil & Flour Mills Ltd. Pals Industries Ltd. Periyar Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Ramdev Food Products Ltd. Rathi Oils Ltd. Shalimar Chemical Works Ltd. Spices Valley Estates Ltd. Sunrise Spices Ltd. Swani Spice Mills Pvt. Ltd. Unique Organics Ltd. Vallabhdas Kanji Ltd. Vishal Lakto (India) Ltd.
Plant capacity: 500 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 12 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 62 Lakhs
Return: 49.12%Break even: 39.64%
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SANITARY NAPKIN (LOW INVESTMENT PROJECT)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The Sanitary napkin industry is closely connected with the mode of life, which is in turn directly correlated to housing. Accordingly this industry has always grown by keeping space with improvement in living and it is new indispensable for sanitary in modern housing. Because of intensive improvement and progress of sanitary goods, sanitary napkin is replaced by absorbent cotton in many countries today, since it is clean & it can be carried easily. Generally absorption paper, waterproof paper, crushed pulp, and non-woven cloth or rayon paper is used as raw material. OBJECTIVES: • To popularize and sensitize the use of sanitary napkins among the rural women and girls. • To establish and start preparation of cost effective/low cost sanitary napkins in scientific way for better health and hygiene among females. • To engage some rural unemployed youths in production and marketing and also to fulfill the school requirements to maximum parts. • To provide and supplied quality based sanitary napkins to rural women in comparatively low price than the napkins prevalent in the present day markets. MARKET SCENARIO There is a well-developed sanitary napkin industry in India, with major players such as Proctor & Gamble, and Johnsons & Johnsons, these sanitary napkins are often unaffordable to the millions of Indian women living in low-income and under-privileged section. This is primarily due to the cost of the sanitary napkins resulting from the use of exorbitant plant & machinery and huge profit margins by these brand name companies. Therefore, this project report focuses on a worthwhile sanitary napkin manufacturing Plant/machine through which one can produce and market bio-degradable sanitary napkins. The sanitary pad “gap” is clearly a major global development problem, yet also presents a major market opportunity for innovative, impact driven social enterprises. Sanitary napkin market has huge potential in a country like India where feminine hygiene levels are reckoned to be appallingly low. A sanitary napkin is a product with a stable demand among its consumer group and such stability will act as a base for its explosive growth. The growth in the Indian sanitary napkin consumption will be driven by factors like growing awareness among Indian women about feminine hygiene, availability of low cost sanitary napkins in the market as well as rising women population in our country. Escalating disposable incomes will also make sanitary napkins more affordable and will contribute in augmenting its usage. Indian sanitary napkin market is dominated by MNC’s like P&G Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd (PGHHL) and Johnson & Johnson Ltd. But gradually many homegrown low cost producers have realized the market potential of the product and are swiftly emerging with their low cost affordable offerings and we believe it will change the consumption dynamics of sanitary napkin in our nation. LOW PROJECT INVESTMENT Large scale automatic production line for sanitary napkin costs Rs. 3.5 to 10 Crores, However, the semi-automatic equipments used in this project accounts for approximately Rs.12-15 Lakhs. This allows SME sector and aspiring entrepreneurs to efficaciously use this low cost sanitary napkin manufacturing plant. The equipments used in the project are a set of portable machines that acquires a small area. The machine incorporates pinewood fiber, a raw material which goes through basic 4 step process: (a) de-fiberation, (b) core formation (c) sealing with soft touch sensitive heat control (d) sterilization. Land Area Required: 1200 sq. ft.
Plant capacity: 4.5 Lakhs packets/annum (one packet contains 8 sanitary napkins)Plant & machinery: Rs. 9.48 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 12.46 Lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 67.00%
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Sanitary Napkins (Low Investment Project)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The Sanitary napkin industry is closely connected with the mode of life, which is in turn directly correlated to housing. Accordingly this industry has always grown by keeping space with improvement in living and it is new indispensable for sanitary in modern housing. Sanitary napkin, a universally needed product, has very low penetration in India and other developing countries, partly due to its high price and partly due to the tradition of using cheaper but unhygienic old cloth piece. As a result they become the host of many infectious diseases. This is due to lack of awareness and economic inability for adopting better precautions like use of good sanitary napkins during menstruation period. Usually different varieties of sanitary napkins are found available in the market but they are very expensive and are not affordable for rural & under-privileged women and girls. Repeatedly using the same unsterilized cloth during menstruation, and using gunny bags or even plastic, instead of sanitary napkins, due to these unhygienic preventative methods, women are prey to a host of illnesses and fatalities. For example, out of every 10,000 women in India, 2000 women die during childbirth due to unhygienic menstrual practices. Therefore, the project focuses on a cost-effective sanitary napkin manufacturing machine through which one can produce and market bio-degradable sanitary napkins at a comparatively low cost. Feminine hygiene (lady napkins) is hygiene absorbent products engineered to absorb and retain body fluid without causing any leakage. The user should always feel dry and comfortable. It consists of an absorbent pad sandwiched between two sheets of nonwoven fabric. India’s sanitary napkin market has significant profit potential. The demand for such products is stable; purchases are recurring and not subject to normal business cycles. Historically, the price of feminine hygiene products have been relatively expensive, but that is changing as small and large businesses enter the market and make an accessible, lower-priced offering to a wider consumer base. Any entrepreneurs venture into this field will be successful.
Plant capacity: 450000 Pkts/ AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 9 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 12 Lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 67.00%
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Spices (100 % EOU)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Spices which are basically plant products, have a definite role to play in enhancing the taste flavour, relish or piquancy of any food; most of the spices are fragrant, aromatic & pungent. They comprise seeds, bartes, rhizamer, leaves fruits and other parts of plants, which belong to varigated species and genera since time immemorial, India in renamed to be the wave of spices. Most important spices like black pepper (king of spices) cardamom (queen of spices), ginger, chillis and turmeric, which are produced in India import it great reputation, and these constitute. In the list of spices, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon and cassia are known as tree spices, however, spices like fennel, fenugreek, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, vanilla, saffron; etc. Now a day’s use of spice as ground form is changed towards in the liquid form. It is actually use of spice oil. Spicy oil drops are so much more active rather than ground powder. Ground powder is much more used in compare to oil drops. Oil drops are basically essential aromatic oils, which has very good specific spicy flavour. For Export Oriented Unit, should be quality conscious. Laboratory should be cleaned. There is no adulteration in the product; product should be totally microbial free. Quality of the products and factory premises should satisfy I.S.O standard. There is no other country in the world that produces as many kinds of spices as India. India grows over 50 different varieties of spices. The total production is around 2.7 million tonnes. Of this, about 0.25 million tonne (8-10 per cent) is exported to more than 150 countries. India holds a prominent position in the world spice production. It commands a formidable position in the world spice trade with 48 per cent share in volume and 44 per cent in value. Thus, it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- A V T Mccormick Ingrediants Pvt. Ltd. A V Thomas International Ltd. Aarkay Food Products Ltd. Bhagat International Pvt. Ltd. Chordia Food Products Ltd. Complete Spice Solutions India Ltd. Devon Foods Ltd. Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. Eastern Overseas Ltd. Empire Spices & Foods Ltd. Global Green Co. Ltd. Global Natural Products Ltd. Gokul Agro Inds. Ltd. Harmony Spices Ltd. Indana Spices & Food Inds. Ltd. Indian Chillies Trading Co. Ltd. Indian Products Ltd. Jagat Industries Ltd. Kedar Spices Ltd.
Plant capacity: 6 Lakh Pouches/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs.14 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 44 Lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 68.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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