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Business Ideas: 3 - 3.5 Crore (Plant and Machinery): Selected Project Profiles for Entrepreneurs, Startups

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CEMENT PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

In the most general sense of the word, cement is a binder, a substance which sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The name "cement" goes back to the Romans who used the term "opus caementitium" to describe masonry which resembled concrete and was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. The volcanic ash and pulverized brick additives which were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic binder were later referred to as cementum, cimentum, cäment and cement. Cements used in construction are characterized as hydraulic or non-hydraulic. The most important use of cement is the production of mortar and concrete - the bonding of natural or artificial aggregates to form a strong building material which is durable in the face of normal environmental effects. The cement industry is experiencing a boom on account of the overall growth of the Indian economy. The demand for cement, being a derived demand, depends primarily on the industrial activity, real estate business, construction activity, and investment in the infrastructure sector. India is experiencing growth on all these fronts and hence the cement market is flourishing like never before. Indian cement industry is globally competitive because the industry has witnessed healthy trends such as cost control and continuous technology upgradation. Global rating agency, Fitch Ratings, has commented that cement demand in India is expected to grow at 10% annually in the medium term buoyed by housing, infrastructure and corporate capital expenditures. The Indian cement industry is the second largest producer of quality cement, which meets global standards. The cement industry comprises 130 large cement plants with an installed capacity of 156. 26 million tonnes and more than 300 mini cement plants with an estimated capacity of 11.10 million tonnes making a total installed capacity of 167.36 million tonnes. Keeping in view the trend of growth of the industry, a production target of 142 million tonnes was fixed for the year 2005-2006. Cement production during April to December 2005 was 106.83 million tonnes, registering a growth of 9.31 percent. During November 2006, cement production was 12.43 Million tonnes, registering a growth of 11.98% as compared to 11.10 million tonnes in November 2005. Indian cement industry meets entire domestic demand and is able to export cement and clinker. The export of cement and clinker during April- December 2005 was 4.24 Million Tonnes and 2.53 million tonnes respectively. During November 2006, cement export showed a decline of 36.92% (from 0.65 million tonnes in November 2005 to 0.41 million tonnes in November 2006), whereas clinker export grew by 40.74% (from 0.27 million tonnes in Nov 2005 to 0.38 million tonnes in November 2006). continuous technological upgradation and assimilation of latest technology has been going on in the cement industry. Indian cement industry is modern and uses the latest technology. India is also producing different varieties of cement like Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC), Portland Blast furnace Slag Cement (PBFS), Oil Well Cement, Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement, White Cement, etc. Future growth will be driven by expected GDP growth of more than 8 percent, growth of the housing sector and the development of roads, ports, airports and other infrastructure. The major players in the cement sector are ACC, Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited, Grasim Industries and Ultratech, India Cements Limited, Jaiprakash Associates and JK Cements. Foreign players such as Holcim Italcementi, Heidelber and Lafarge have also entered the cement market.
Plant capacity: 4000 Bag / DayPlant & machinery: 3 Crore
Working capital: -T.C.I: 10 Crore
Return: 59.00%Break even: 36.00%
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TMT Bars (Sariya) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Thermo Mechanical Treatment (TMT) is a term used to describe a variety of process combining controlled thermal and deformation treatment to obtain synergistic effect such as high yield strength, improved toughness and weld ability, higher resistance to brittle cleavage and to low-energy ductile fractures. An additional reduction in cost is provided due to the fact that controlled rolling process allows one to achieve desired properties. Steel is a generic name for a group of ferrous metals which due to their abundance durability versatility and low cost are most useful metallic material known to mankind. Thermo Mechanical Treatment (TMT) process for reinforcement bars is opening up new vistas. In composite RCC, the re-enforcing steel is the costliest constituent (30 To 40% Per Cu. m. of concrete). This cost can be substantially reduced by using higher grades of steel re-enforcing bars. Production of re-bars by the addition of micro-alloy gives the desired result of high strength but at a cost, which is prohibitive. The need for reduction in the steel used for concrete re-enforcement has prompted most countries of switch to re-bars of higher yield strengths of 500 to 550 MPa. The use of TMT process has not only helped produce re-bars of high yield strength but also having superior ductility, weld ability, band ability, better corrosion resistance and thermal resistance creating a revolution in re-enforcement engineering. The TMT bars are widely used in construction works such as high rise building, industrial structures, flyovers and bridges etc. Steel is one of the critical inputs required to sustain the growth of the economy. In fact it is the basic input for all kinds of economic activity. With the sustained growth of the Indian economy, there has also been a remarkable growth of the Steel Industry.
Plant capacity: 50,000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 310 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1189 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 74.00%
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TMT BARs (SARIYA) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Steel is a generic name for a group of ferrous metals due to their abundance, durability, versatility and low cost, are most useful metallic material known to mankind Thermo Mechanical Treatment (TMT) process for reinforcement bars is opening up new vistas in composite RCC; the re-enforcing steel is the costlier constituent .The TMT bars are widely used in construction works such as high rise building, industrial structure, flyovers and bridges etc. The Indian iron and steel industry has come to occupy a dominant position in the socio-economic development of the country and it is certainly matter of pride that India is the 7th largest crude steel producing nation in the world. The industry continues to be fragmented with top 5 players ,today Arcelor (Europe ) is the largest producer of the world followed by LNM- Ispat group, Nippon steel, Jee holdings ,Pasco and Shangai. The growth of infrastructure, road and bridges, civil construction projects and modern town ship complexes will ensure continued demand of TMT Bar. There is wide scope for new entrepreneurs to venture into this project
Plant capacity: 480 M.T/dayPlant & machinery: 332 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 1949 Lakhs
Return: 42.00%Break even: 76.00%
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ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

GOOD SCOPE FOR ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION PLANT Extrusion is a process equally suitable for the simplest shapes and for the most complex for the wide range of large and the small items for structural members or for decorative trim. Some sections produced by extrusion cannot be made by other process economically. The two main advantages of this process over other manufacturing processes are its ability to create very complex cross-sections and work materials that are brittle, because the material only encounters compressive and shear stresses. It also forms finished parts with an excellent surface finish. Aluminium sections made by the extrusion process offer many advantages. The aluminium industry can be categorized into two principal segments. The key segment is the production of primary aluminium by integrated producers engaged in the entire value chain from the mining of bauxite in an alumina refinery, and conversion of alumina into primary aluminium metal. The second principal segment consists of secondary or downstream producers who are engaged in the manufacture of value-added semi fabricated aluminium products such as rolled products, extrusions and foils. The cost of an extruded aluminium sections depends on many factors such as alloy, temperature, overall size, weight per meter, complexity of design, quantity and tolerance requirements. As a general rule the cost per meter of an extrusion increase where high strength alloys are used and it decreased in range that designers have it’s yet fully exploit the possibilities of sections made in this way. The extrusions segment is the preserve of the secondary producers with nearly 40 players, such as Jindal Aluminium, Century Aluminium, Sudal Industries, Bihar Extrusions and Bhoruka Aluminium, which account for over 80 per cent of the aggregate production capacity of tonnes. Primary aluminium producers such as INDAL, HINDALCO, MALCO AND BALCO account for the remaining of production capacity. The capacity overhang can be gauged from the fact that as against an aggregate capacity of tonnes, the domestic demand is currently only around tonnes. The dependence on exports will be critical to the survival of the secondary, players in the extrusion markets. Extruded aluminium products are finding growing exports prospects. Aluminium extruded products are mainly tubes, pipes and blanks. These are manufactured in various forms and can be broadly classified in (a) rods & (b) sections. Sections include hollow and solid sections. In extrusion, the cylindrical rod called billet, is squeezed hydraulically into any shape by forcing the hot billet through the die orifice. Extrusion presses of various sizes are available ranging from 200 ton to 5000 tons capacity. These presses can be designed from simple to very complicated type with intricate and most sophisticated component. Aluminium extrusion products are widely used in transport industry, railroads, electronics and housing industry etc. Extrusion process achieves cheaper, lighter and neater products. HINDALCO, BALCO, INDAL, and Jindal extrusion Ltd are the major producer in this segment. The extrusions market is expected to grow at an annual rate of eight percent over the next few-year. The exports of aluminium-extruded products are gradually on rise. Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burma, Hong Kong, Kenya, Kuwait, Oman, Sri Lanka, U.A.E. etc. are the main middle East countries to whom aluminium extruded products like tubes, pipes and blanks are being exported. At present aluminium extrusion products have penetrated a large area of applications and are manufactured in India with or without foreign collaborations. It requires moderately high level of technology and investments but the industry is quite profitable and finds ready market within and outside the country. Demand for aluminium is driven by use in growth industries such as aerospace, and characteristics such as light weight and recyclability make it increasingly attractive for use in cars and consumer electronics. India is the eighth leading producer of primary aluminium in the world, with total production amounting to over 1,200 KT. The country has witnessed significant growth in aluminium production during the past five years. The Indian aluminium market is growing at a rapid pace and it is one metallic industry where India can emerge as a powerhouse within the next decade. According to industry sources, India with total bauxite reserves of about 3 billion accounts for almost 7.5% of the world’s 65 billion bauxite reserves and is ranked sixth among the countries with highest bauxite reserves. Indian bauxite reserves are expected to last over 350 year with proven and probable reserves is estimated at 1200 Mt. The worldwide alumina production competence is around 58 million tonnes in which India have 2.7 million tones, being the fifth largest producer, after Australia, Guinea, Brazil and Jamaica. The Indian aluminium market is growing at a rapid pace, yet per capita consumption is extremely low: With over 7% growth per annum, one of the highest in the world, the Indian aluminium market is booming. Even better, sectors that extensively use aluminium are themselves booming, ensuring that this sector stays firmly on the growth path for times to come. The complete range of plants and machinery are available indigenously and compare well with imported extrusion plants. Looking at the future scopes for aluminium and aluminium extruded sections, it can be foreseen that new entrepreneurs will find it quite attractive to come up with good production targets.
Plant capacity: 2400 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 318 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 738 Lakhs
Return: 44.00%Break even: 58.00%
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GOOD FUTURE PROSPECTS FOR TMT BARS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The advent of thermo mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars has heralded a new era of economy in the construction industry in India. Round plain steel ruled over this industry up to sixties while Tor steel took over the scene in seventies and maintained its supremacy till nineties. 1997 and 1998 has now seen an extensive use of TMT steel and corrosion resistance steel thereby ushering in greater economy and longer life for RCC structures. TMT bars are widely used in general purpose concrete reinforcement structures, bridges and flyovers, dams, thermal and hydel power plants, industrial structures, high-rise buildings, underground platforms in metro railway and rapid transport system. TMT Bars is an acronym for thermo-mechanical treatment. Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) bars are manufactured using the Quenching & Tempering (Q & T) technology. A TMT bar gets its strength properties from quenching and tempering. No mechanical treatment is involved in TMT Bars. In TMT bars, the carbon content can be restricted to 0.2% to attain weldability and at the same time no strength is lost on this account. The joints can be welded by ordinary electrodes and no extra precautions are required. Another advantage of TMT bars is their tough surface providing high yield strength and a soft core providing excellent ductility. Strength, weldability and ductility are such properties which declare TMT steel highly economical and safe for use. An additional advantage of TMT steel is that a twisting operation is included in Tor steel, which subjects the bars to torsional stresses making them less corrosion resistant while TMT bars are free of such stresses thus having superior corrosion resistance. The TMT process gives the bar superior strength and anti-corrosive properties. Controlled water-cooling prevents the formation of coarse carbides, which has been cited as the main cause for the corrosive nature of common bar. Due to very high elongation values and consistent properties throughout the length of bar, TMT rebars have excellent workability and bend ability. The soft ferrite pearlite core enables the bar to bear dynamic and seismic loading. TMT bars have high fatigue resistance to Dynamic/ Seismic loads due to its higher ductility quality. This makes them most suitable for use in earthquake prone areas and above all it is cost effective. The grades of TMT bars available are Fe- 415, Fe - 500, & Fe - 550. The diameters of TMT bars manufactured are 8,10,12,16,20,25, 28 MM & the standard length is around 5.5 mtrs to 13 mtrs. Thus summing up, thermo mechanically treated steel is a new-generation-high-strength steel having superior properties such as weldability, strength, ductility and bend ability meeting highest quality standards at international level. The market for TMT bars is quite fragmented with a large number of small sized and regional players. The Indian iron and steel industry has come to occupy a dominant position in the socio-economic development of the country and it is certainly a matter of pride that India is the 7th largest crude steel-producing nation in the world. After having gone through the highs and lows of business cycles over time, today the Indian steel industry is on the threshold of a major change as it gears up to give substance to an expansion plan that is ambitious by any standard. Joining forces with the ‘Main Producers’ are the ‘Secondary Producers’ as well, whose emergence in the post-liberalized decade in the Indian steel scene had been initially modest but over the years, they have made a significant contribution to the growth of the domestic iron and steel industry, in terms of spread, capacity, production and commodity basket, necessitation thereby, a fresh look at the segment, traditionally labeled as the ‘Secondary’ Producers, under the Indian context. Steel production in India got a momentum with the announcement of the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 when three SAIL plants were set up in the public sector in the late 1950s and the fourth in early 1970. These plants along with IISCO (now, a part of SAIL), VISL and TISCO (now Tata Steel Ltd) were the only integrated steel producers till the eighties. Vizag Steel plant/RINL came into production in the early nineties. The 70s saw the emergence of the Secondary sector – small scale steel producers who opted for the scrap-DRI based electric arc furnace/induction furnace routes – to meet primarily local demand. The semi finished ingots/billets produced by this segment, in turn led to the commissioning of a large number of re-rolling units to convert the semi finished steel into bars and rods, to be used mainly by the construction industry. Moving over the Re-rolling segment, challenges include facing the market downs, specially prices and operational factors like high energy consumption. Prospect for future growth may be considered bright, given the pace and scale of infrastructure / construction activities. Such prospects are captured in the projections for the 11th Five Year Plan of the Government of India, which indicates that share of Secondary Producers in total crude steel production would rise from the present below-50% mark to 53% at the end-of the plan period, as the Secondary sector consolidates their position further. As the steel industry, including the foreign steel giants setting up steel plants in India, prepares to launch their dream projects, the future of steel in India is awaits a new chapter to be written a phase which would in all likelihood would witness the Secondary Steel sector further increase their dominance and criticality in the overall operations of the Indian iron and steel industry. After a sluggish growth in the last five years, capacity additions in the steel industry are expected to gain momentum. Progress of a large number of steel projects has gathered pace over the last 2-3 years and these are now scheduled to be commissioned by March 2013. If we were to pause for a moment to think about the growth of human civilization, we would find that the pace of social and economic growth has been closely linked to the proficiency with which people have been able to use of shape materials. Steel is one of the critical inputs required to sustain the growth of the economy. In fact it is the basic input for all kinds of economic activity. With the sustained growth of the Indian economy, there has also been a remarkable growth of the Steel Industry. The growth of infrastructures, roads and bridges, civil construction projects, and modern town ship complexes will ensure continued demand of TMT bars. There is a very good scope, market potential and demand for such products and new entrepreneurs should venture into such projects.
Plant capacity: 144000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 332 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1949 Lakhs
Return: 42.00%Break even: 76.00%
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Green Peas Processing & Preservation - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

The pea (Pisum sativum) is one of the oldest vegetable crops to be cultivated. Its culture reaches so far back into the past that the wild ancestor is unknown to us. The crop belongs to the legume family (Leguminosae) and is one of the most important vegetables in India. Peas are divided into two main groups according to their use, namely green and dry peas. Green peas can be divided into varieties that are more suitable for a single mechanical harvesting with a view to freezing and dehydration, and those varieties that are suitable only for canning and fresh marketing. Pea is a very rapid growing annual plant requires trellis as support for growth. It flourishes well in well drained sandy soil with adequate moisture and cool weather conditions. Short stalked green pods which appear during late winter or spring. The pods measure about 2 to 3 inches long, swollen or compressed, straight or slightly curved, filled with single row of 2 to 10 light green color smooth edible seeds. Uses & Applications Like any other green vegetable, green peas are available for around 4 to 5 months only. In view of their demand round the year, they can be preserved with the help of dehydration process and sold during off season. It is also possible to produce powder which has got good market prospects. But this note considers only dehydration of green peas. Market Survey Indians generally prefer green and fresh vegetables but they are available only during seasons. Some their shelf life is not more than 3 to 4 days. But dehydration technique preserves them for few months and the original taste, flavour and colour is also retained. Green peas are very popular and they are used along with other vegetables in many vegetarian and continental dishes. Many fast food and snack items also include green peas. Thus apart from household demand, there is a continuous demand from restaurants, dhabas, caterers and canteens. Price is the main consideration as these eateries cannot afford high prices. Green peas are one of the few pulses in India that are consumed whole, rather than in split or flour form. Green peas are generally more expensive than yellow peas, and these prices are even higher for American green peas which are considered the highest quality and garner a premium price. The current demand of high quality foods in the food market requires dehydrated products with high nutritional and organoleptic properties with similar levels as found in the initial fresh product. In addition, the drying process should have a low production cost and a low environmental impact. As a consequence, there is a need for better understanding of the factors affecting the properties and quality of the product during the dehydration. The use of heat pump dryers (HPD) operating in at atmospheric pressure and freeze drying mode can fulfill such requirements. If properly designed a HPD employs only a fraction of the energy used by a conventional dryer with similar capacity. The closed drying loop in the HPD also eliminates the common problem concerned to dust release to the atmosphere.
Plant capacity: 5 MT/DayPlant & machinery: 320 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 767 Lakhs
Return: 40.00%Break even: 41.00%
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Functional Food Based Bakery Products (Bread, Cookies and Biscuits) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

Biscuits Sweet biscuits are commonly eaten as a snack food, and are, in general, made with wheat flour or oats, and sweetened with sugar or honey. Varieties may contain chocolate, fruit, jam, nuts, or even be used to sandwich other fillings. Savory biscuits or crackers (such as cream crackers, water biscuits, oatcakes, or crisp breads) are usually plainer and commonly eaten with cheese following a meal. Other savory biscuits include the Jewish biscuits known as matzos. Many savory biscuits also contain additional ingredients for flavor or texture, such as poppy seeds, onion or onion seeds, cheese (such as cheese melts), and olives. Cookies The term cookies generally refer to a baked product containing a percentage of sugar and fat relative to the flour and a small quantity of water. This general statement on composition separates cookies from bread that contain relatively low level of sugar and fat and intermediate level of water. The type of cookies is defined not only by their composition but also by their method of production. Cookies containing high amount of fats and sugar can be processed by three procedures, like Rotary mold, wire cut, or bar press process. Bread Bread is a staple food prepared by baking dough of flour and water. It is popular around the world and is one of the world's oldest foods. Combinations of different flours, differing proportions of ingredients and varying preparations have resulted in a wide variety of bread types, shapes, sizes, and textures. It may be leavened (aerated) by a number of different processes ranging from the use of naturally occurring microbes to high-pressure artificial aeration during preparation and/or baking. Breads may also be left unleavened. Ingredients from fruits and nuts to various fats, to chemical additives designed to improve flavor, texture, color, and/or shelf life can be used. Bread is served in different forms at the various meals of the day, eaten as a snack, and used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations. As a basic food worldwide, bread has come to take on significance beyond mere nutrition, evolving into a fixture in religious rituals, secular cultural life, cuisine and language. Uses Bread can be served at many temperatures; once baked, it can subsequently be toasted. Bread can be dipped into liquids such as gravy, olive oil, or soup; it can be topped with various sweet and savory spreads, or used to make sandwiches containing myriad varieties of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments. Bread may also be used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations, such as the use of breadcrumbs to provide crunchy crusts or thicken sauces, sweet or savory bread puddings, or as a binding agent in sausages and other ground meat products. Biscuits are frequently eaten with tea or coffee. The biscuit is dunked into the tea and eaten quickly due to the biscuit's tendency to disintegrate when wet. Biscuit is also used as a cracker with cheeses, and is often included in 'cracker selection' packets. Market Survey The Indian biscuit market is estimated at around 2 mn tonnes per annum of which the unorganized sector accounts for over 50% of the market share. The unorganized sector is composed of some 30,000 small and tiny bakeries across the country. The organized industry includes two large units, about 50 medium scale and approximately 2,500 small scale industry (SSI) units manufacturing biscuits and other bakery products. The two major bakery products, biscuits and bread, account for 82% of all bakery production. The unorganized sector accounts for about half of the total biscuit production. It accounts for 85% of the total bread production and around 90% of the other bakery products estimated at 750,000 tonnes. The last includes pastries, cakes, buns, rusks and others. Biscuits are estimated to enjoy around 37% share by volume and 75% by value of the bakery industry. The organized sector caters to the medium and premium segments, which are relatively less price-sensitive. The organized sector is unable to compete at the lower price range due to the excise advantage enjoyed by the informal sector. In India, the per capita consumption of biscuits is around 2 kgs; compared to more than 10 kgs in the US, UK and the West European countries and over 4.25 kg in South East Asian countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia. China has a per capita consumption of 1.9 kg, while in the case of Japan it is reported at 7.5 kg. Britannia, claiming a 38% share of the market in value terms, is investing Rs 1.30 bn to increase its capacity of biscuits of 433,000 tonnes, a year. The company had registered a growth of 8.6% a year during 2001-06 period. At a turnover of Rs 19.8 bn from biscuits in 2006-07, the company registered a year-on-year growth of 24%. Currently, biscuits contribute 90% of Britannia’s annual revenue of Rs 22 bn. Britannia's seven brands - Tiger, Good Day, Marie, Treat, 50:50, Milk Bikis and Nutrichoice - have already become household names across the country. Modern Foods, the first public sector undertaking to be privatized by the government in a strategic sale to Hindustan Lever (now Hindustan Unilever India) is now being merged with its buyer as a wholly-owned subsidiary. Apart from paying nearly, Rs 1.50 bn to acquire Modern Foods, HUL had incurred nearly Rs 300 mn on VRS to the employees of the Modern Foods, apart from investing on upgrading the production capabilities at certain units. This was its first foray into baking business. Modern Foods had nearly half of the organized market to itself. The size of the bread market is estimated at close to Rs 17 bn. A limited number of producers in the organized industry is supplemented by a large number of units in the unorganized sector. According to industry sources, companies, such as Blue Foods, Sweet Chariot, Nilgiris and others are brushing up their strategies to be present in the fast growing premium bakery segment. Britannia has since been joined by other bread manufacturers like Candico (India), Elite Breads and a host of others with small market presence. From a low priced commodity, bread has graduated into a branded product with discriminating prices. Barring Premium Bake, the others are priced high - almost double the standard bread brands. Few Indian Major Players are as under Ampro Products Ltd. Anmol Bakers Pvt. Ltd. Anmol Biscuits Ltd. Aurofood Pvt. Ltd. Bakemans Industries Pvt. Ltd. Bonn Nutrients Pvt. Ltd. Britannia Industries Ltd. Cadbury India Ltd. Candico (I) Ltd. Century Biscuits Ltd. Cremica Agro Foods Ltd. Daily Bread Gourmet Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. Devyani International Ltd. Farco Foods Pvt. Ltd. Ganges Valley Foods Pvt. Ltd. Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. Goldcoin Health Foods Ltd. Harinagar Sugar Mills Ltd. Heritage Foods (India) Ltd. International Bakery Products Ltd. J B Mangharam Foods Pvt. Ltd. Jaya Proteins (India) Ltd. Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. Just Desserts Ltd. Kishlay Foods Pvt. Ltd. Kissan Products Ltd. Kwality Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Manna Foods Pvt. Ltd. Modern Food Inds. (India) Ltd. Nezone Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Nimbus Foods Inds. Ltd. Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Priya Food Products Ltd. Reliance F & B Services Ltd. Rose Valley Inds. Ltd. Saj Industries Pvt. Ltd. Sathe Biscuit & Chocolate Co. Ltd. Saturday Club Ltd. Shah Foods Ltd. Shakti Bhog Foods Ltd. Shangrila Food Products Ltd. Sunrise Biscuit Co. Pvt. Ltd. Surya Foods & Agro Ltd. Triad Foods Pvt. Ltd. Veeramani Biscuit Inds. Ltd. Windsor Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 1800 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 324 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 600 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Roller Flour Mill (with Color Sorter)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Wheat is an annual grass belonging to the Poaceae (Gramineae) family, and represents one of the world’s most important field crops. In contrast to the other cereal grains, wheat possess the unique gluten proteins capable of forming the fully visco-elastic dough required to produce pasta, noodles and leavened baked products, especially bread. Additionally, wheat and wheat derivatives such as wheat malt, flour and starch are commonly used as adjuncts in the brewing industry. Wheat flour is high in nutrients. Because of its fiber properties, wheat flour is the first choice of the health conscious people. Wheat flour is obtained by milling wheat. There are various types of wheat. Wheat flour is used to make chapatti’s, parathas etc. for daily meal. There are various other uses such as in bread and other bakery products as well as in many other recipes in which wheat flour is used as main ingredient. An excellent source of complex carbohydrates is wheat flour. Wheat flour contains B-vitamins, calcium, folacin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, minimal amounts of sodium and other trace elements. The roller flour milling industry is the largest organized segment for utilization of wheat in the country. The Indian roller flour milling industry is essentially small-scale and highly fragmented, with no major group having share of more than two per cent of the national capacity. For the last 10 years, roller mill owners have been increasingly targeting the market for packaged branded atta. Traditionally, Indian families store wheat at home and take 10 to 15 kilograms (kg) at a time to chakkis for custom milling. In the largest cities, only 10% to 30% of families still take wheat to chakkis. Thus, it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Ambe Agro Inds. Ltd. Ambuja Flour Mills Ltd. Anirudh Foods Ltd. Ankit India Ltd. Aruppukottai Shri Ramalinga Roller Flour Mills Ltd. Bambino Agro Inds. Ltd. Brindavan Roller Flour Mills Ltd. Century Flour Mills Ltd. Daawat Foods Ltd. Dhanlaxmi Solvex Pvt. Ltd. Farmax India Ltd. Flour & Food Ltd. Gallantt Ispat Ltd. Gallantt Udyog Ltd. General Mills India Pvt. Ltd. Govind Mills Ltd. Gujarat Ambuja Cotspin Ltd. Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corpn. Ltd. Gupta Nutritions Pvt. Ltd. Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corpn. Ltd. Himanshu Flour Mills Ltd. Itarsi Oils & Flours Ltd. Jai Mata Foods Ltd.
Plant capacity: Maida: 9000 MT/annum,Sooji: 2100 MT/annum,Wheat Flour: 3900 MT/annum,Bran: 3000 MT/annumPlant & machinery: Rs. 310 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 683 Lakhs
Return: 16.00%Break even: 58.00%
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LPG Cylinders - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a term describing a group of hydrocarbon-based gases derived from crude oil and or natural gas. Natural gas purification produces about 55 percent of all LPG, while crude oil refining produces about 45 percent. LPG is mostly propane, butane or a mix of the two. It also includes ethane, ethylene, propylene, butylene, isobutene and isobutylene; these are used primarily as chemical feed stocks rather than fuel. The ultimate use of the LPG cylinder is for the storage and transportation of gas from one place to another. As the gas pipe line can only be managed to the nearby area of the gas producing centre, (though it is not applicable in India until now) the use of this cylinder has developed. The technology of transportation, e.g. U.S., U.K. etc. they have formed the system of piping. The supply is regulated a controlled from the initial point. But in India this is not applicable till now. Here the use of cylinder is existing; it is the only mode of supply and transportations of gas for cooking purpose. The LPG cylinder industry has grown phenomenally since early 1980s, when there were just about a dozen manufacturers. There was not much of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) available for distribution and hence the need for cylinders was limited. Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL) has accordingly initiated the process of launching the transparent fiberglass cylinders as a premium product in the country. The corporation has proposed making these cylinders available on demand with delivery within two hours. Due to demand growth, it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Any entrepreneurs venture into this field will be successful. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Balaji Pressure Vessels Ltd. Bharat Wagon & Engg. Co. Ltd. Confidence Petroleum India Ltd. Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd. Haryana Land Reclamation & Devp. Corpn. Ltd. Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corpn. Ltd. Hyderabad Allwyn Ltd. J R Fabricators Ltd. Kanodia Petroleum Ltd. Karnataka Pressure Vessels Ltd. Mahaveer Cylinders Ltd. Mauria Udyog Ltd. Minda Autogas Ltd. North India Wires Ltd. Pearey Lal & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Punjab Gas Cylinders Ltd. Rajasthan Cylinders & Containers Ltd. Sanmati Metals Ltd.
Plant capacity: L.P.G. Cylinders (14.2 Kgs Size): 180 Nos./Day, L.P.G. Cylinders (19 Kgs Size): 180 Nos./Day Plant & machinery: Rs. 310 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 547 Lakhs
Return: 21.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Sanitary Napkins -Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Sanitary Napkin comes under Nonwoven fabrics which as a whole come under technical textile. A sanitary napkin or a sanitary towel is an absorbent item used by a woman while she is menstruating or in any other situation where it is necessary to absorb a flow of blood. It also serves to protect clothing and furnishings. The Sanitary napkin industry is closely connected with the mode of life, which is in turn directly correlated to housing. Accordingly this industry has always grown by keeping space with improvement in living and it is new indispensable for sanitary in modern housing • Sanitary Napkins are exclusively used by adult girls & Ladies around the world during for maintaining physical aid & to avoid wetting or staining of the clothes. • Mostly Sanitary Napkin is not reusable. • Its use is much popular amongst the educated class of adult girls & ladies. India’s sanitary napkin market has significant profit potential. The demand for such products is stable; purchases are recurring and not subject to normal business cycles. Historically, the price of feminine hygiene products have been relatively expensive, but that is changing as small and large businesses enter the market and make an accessible, lower-priced offering to a wider consumer base. Any entrepreneur venture into this field will be successful. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Carewell Hygiene Products Ltd. • Centron Industrial Alliance Ltd. • Dhanalaxmi Roto Spinners Ltd. • Diapers India Ltd. • Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. • Gufic Biosciences Ltd. • Johnson & Johnson Ltd. • Kimberly Clark Lever Pvt. Ltd. • Mediklin Healthcare Ltd. • Mirah Dekor Ltd. • Procter & Gamble Hygiene & Health Care Ltd. • Regency Diaper Inds. Ltd. • Syncom Healthcare Ltd. • Tainwala Personal Care Products Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 30,000 Pkts./DayPlant & machinery: Rs 345 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 685 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 42.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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