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Best Business Opportunities in Maharashtra- Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Automotive Sector: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra



The automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing globally. A sound transportation system plays a pivotal role in a country’s rapid economic and industrial development. The well-developed Indian automotive industry ably fulfils this catalytic role by producing a wide variety of vehicles. The automobile industry comprises automobile and auto component sectors. It includes passenger cars; light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles; multi-utility vehicles such as jeeps, scooters, motorcycles, three-wheelers and tractors; and auto components like engine parts, drive and transmission parts, suspension and braking parts, and electrical, body and chassis part. The automotive industry designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells motor vehicles, and is one of the world's most important economic sectors by revenue. Indian automotive sector is a key contributor to the economic growth. India is World’s second largest two wheeler market, Asia’s third largest passenger vehicle market and World’s fourth largest commercial vehicle and tractor market. Maharashtra has strongly emerged as the top destination in India for automobile sector with a strong presence across the value chain.



Maharashtra accounts for approximately 33% of the country’s output of automobiles by value. Major automobile clusters in the state are Pune, Nasik, Aurangabad and Nagpur. Maharashtra is the leading producer of heavy and commercial vehicles in the country. Auto and auto ancillaries contribute to 9% of Maharashtra’s manufacturing strength. Maharashtra has a strong skilled labour base supporting the automotive industry. The state offers a strong educational infrastructure with technical institutions providing automobile engineering courses across the state. India's premier automotive R&D, testing and certification organisation, Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) is present in Pune. India’s first Auto Cluster Development and Research Institute are in the state.



Policy aims to promote integrated, phased, enduring and self-sustained growth of the Indian automotive industry. Special policies for Auto industry make it a lucrative investment sector.

·        Exalt the sector as a lever of industrial growth and employment and to achieve a high degree of value addition in the country; Promote a globally competitive automotive industry and emerge as a global source for auto components

·        Establish an international hub for manufacturing small, affordable passenger cars and a key centre for manufacturing Tractors and Two-wheelers in the world. Ensure a balanced transition to open trade at a minimal risk to the Indian economy and local industry

·        Conduce incessant modernization of the industry and facilitate indigenous design, research and development

·        Assist development of vehicles propelled by alternate energy sources;

·        Automatic approval for foreign equity investment of up to 100 per cent for manufacturing of auto components.

·        Setting up of a technology modernization fund, with special emphasis on SMEs and encouragement to establish development centres for SMEs.

·        Increasing exports and related infrastructure and streamlining training/research institutions around auto hubs.

·        Setting up of automotive training institutes and auto design centres, special auto parks and auto component virtual SEZs

·        To enhance and upgrade the testing and validation infrastructure and establish centres of excellence for automotive R&D.

·        Lowering of excise duty on small cars, increasing budgetary allocation for R&D activities and lowering duty regime in general.

·        Weighted increase in the in-house R&D expenditure from 150% to 200% and from 120% to 175% on outsourced R&D expenditure.

Chemical Sector: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra



Chemical industry is one of the oldest industries in India. It not only plays a crucial role in meeting the daily needs of the common man, but also contributes significantly towards industrial and economic growth of the nation. The industry, including petro-chemicals, and alcohol-based chemicals, has grown at a pace outperforming the overall growth of the industry. India’s chemical industry contributes close to 3% to country’s GDP (2009). India is expected to grow at more than 11% till 2011 at almost double growth rate of the global industry. The chemical industry accounts for about 17.6% of the output of the manufacturing sector and around 11% in total exports of the country. The industry registered a growth of 16% from FY 2005 to 2010 In terms of volume, India is 12th largest in the world and 2nd largest in the developing world after China, Maharashtra has strong presence in chemical, petrochemicals, oil and gas sector. Maharashtra contributes 27.4% of total chemicals, petrochemicals and oil and gas output and around 15% of the total production of basic petrochemical products in India. Mumbai, Nagothane, Rabale & Patalganga are major petrochemical hubs while Thane, Mumbai, Pune and Wardha are chemical hubs.



Maharashtra has a well developed chemical and petrochemicals sector that has been doing extremely well on the economic front. The chemical industry in Maharashtra is among the main industries which has an important contribution to the economy of the state. There are many categories of the chemical industries in Maharashtra such as agrochemicals, dye & pigments, inorganic chemicals, petrochemicals, polymers, textile chemicals, pharmaceuticals etc. Chemical sector has been traditionally strong in Maharashtra with specific strength in Raw materials, Building Block production and Value Addition & Processing with clusters located in the Mumbai, Thane, Pune belt. Maharashtra has a strong skilled labour base supporting the chemical industry. The state offers a strong educational infrastructure with technical institutions providing Chemical engineering courses across the state. There is a strong resource pool and backward linkages with the well-developed chemicals and petrochemicals sector serves as an added advantage. All major domestic and number of global chemicals & petrochemicals players have a presence in the state. It contributes 27.4 per cent of the country's chemicals, petrochemicals and oil & gas output. The state also accounts for 18.2 per cent of the country's employment in the sector. The chemical sector in the country is expected to grow at 15 per cent per annum till 2010 and thus, presents ample opportunities for the state. Opportunities would primarily exist in the areas of polymers & plastics, fertilisers and synthetic yarns. Some of the names are Hindustan Petroleum, Bharat Petroleum, Reliance Industries, and Indo-Rama Synthetics. Maharashtra has a strong presence in the chemicals, petrochemicals, and oil and gas sector.



·        Licensing requirements have been removed, except for hazardous chemicals and a few special drugs.

·        Entrepreneurs are allowed to set up chemicals industries following the Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) route.

·        Under the automatic route, 100% FDI is allowed for all chemicals except hazardous chemicals.

·        In the Union Budget 2009-10, the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals was granted an outlay of USD 5.12 Billion

·        To mitigate the impact of anti dumping, Government has imposed 20% safeguard on soda ash

·        The peak rate of customs duty on most chemicals is 7.5%.

·        Plans are underway to set up port-based chemicals parks in SEZs to encourage clustering, provide infrastructure and enable tax concessions.

·        16% excise duty on almost all chemicals

·        Downstream SEZs have been planned to use the output of chemicals parks



Food and Agro Sector: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra



India is one of the world’s largest producers as well as consumers of food and food products Maharashtra is a bio-diverse state with 9 agro climatic zones and varying soil types, suitable for agricultural development. The export from Maharashtra for fresh vegetables and fruits accounts for 30% and for processed food products is almost 50%. Mumbai port (MPT) and Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT) are major ports used for exporting processed food products. The state has a strong skill base with a total of 73 institutions with an intake capacity of 5,895 students including 4 Agriculture Universities and 5 national level research organizations. Maharashtra has 8 Agricultural Export Zones (AEZ).


Reaching top most position in the country Maharashtra is India’s leading agriculture state.  The state has achieved many innovative agro-industrial ventures, the sugar co-operative and cooperatives for cultivating and marketing, including exports of grapes, mangoes, strawberries etc. Wide availability of varied horticultural produce due to varied range of climate & soil conditions offers tremendous scope to flourish state’s processing industry to increase the processing & value addition from present 1.5% to reach up to 35% of total produce.  Bio-diverse state with 9 agro climatic zones and varying soil types is suitable for agricultural development. Maharashtra is the major horticulture state with more than 22.04 lakh hectares area under horticulture and 4.48 lakh hectare area under vegetables. Alphonso Mangoes accounts for 90% of India’s export in mangoes. It leads sugar industry with 201 sugar factories. The export from Maharashtra for fresh vegetables and fruits accounts for 30% and for processed food products is almost 50%. Maharashtra has the highest gross value addition to food products in the country 16.18%. Maharashtra has eight Agri Export Zones spread across the state for Grapes and Grape Wine, Mangoes, Kesar Mango, Flowers, Onion, Pomegranate, Banana and Oranges. It also has additional five crop cluster for Cashew, Sapota, Sweet Orange, Fig and Custard Apple.


Maharashtra Government initiatives are very unique to make agriculture, horticulture, Agri business, Food Processing industry highly competitive and successful in the country.

·         Reimbursement of 50% of the net VAT paid, instead of 25%;

·         5% interest subsidy on term loans for fixed capital investment for 5 years;

·         In the case of products attracting zero VAT, incentives against the amount of VAT retained and not refunded on input purchases.

·         Eligibility criteria (additional investment of 25% subject to a minimum of INR 1 crore) for providing incentives in the case of expansions under PSI 2007

·         The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) provides 50% of the capital cost with a cap of Rs. 3 lakh per unit for basic infrastructure.






Textile Sector: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra



The textile industry occupies a leading position in the hierarchy of the Indian manufacturing industry. It has witnessed several new directions in the era of liberalization. While textile exports are increasing and India has become the largest exporter in world trade in cotton yarn and is an important player of readymade garments, country’s international textile trade constitutes a mere 3% of the total world textile trade The textile industry is one of the most important pillars of the Indian economy. It contributes about 4% to the GDP, and 17% to the country’s export earnings. It provides direct employment to over 35 million people. Indian textile industry is estimated to be at USD 51.4 billion. The industry accounts for 4% of the country’s GDP and 14% of its industrial production. Maharashtra contributes to about 10.4% to India’s textiles and apparels output. Maharashtra has the largest area under cultivation for cotton (33.4%). The State has witnessed 122 major textile projects with an investment of USD 224 Million.  There exists largest number of the sectors 100% export oriented units, with a count of 560 are based in Maharashtra.



Maharashtra contributes to about 10.4% to India’s textiles and apparels output. Cotton is available in bulk in Maharashtra which is one of the key factors that have enabled the state to establish a competitive edge. Vidarbha region has a predominant cotton production, while western region is famous for spinning mills. The major clusters of Maharashtra for the industry are Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nashik, Pune, Sangli, Satara, Sholapur and Thane. The State has witnessed 122 major textile projects with an investment of USD 224 Million.  There are largest numbers of the sectors 100% export oriented units, with a count of 560 are based in Maharashtra. Maharashtra has abundant raw material availability, cost effective labour pool, growing domestic market & presence across value chain.





The Ministry of Textiles in India has formulated numerous policies and schemes for the development of the textile industry in India. The Government of India recently announced the new National Textile Policy (NTP), with the objective of facilitating the industry to attain and sustain a pre-eminent global standing in the manufacture and export of clothing.

·         Suitable incentive either in capital or in the form of Interest subsidy shall be provided to the Textile units including spinning and ginning pressing units to promote employment.

·         Credit based capital subsidy or suitable interest subsidy on capital investment and working capital shall be provided to the upcoming Textile units including spinning and ginning units to make them self reliance.

·         Providing Technological Upgradation support to the Textile sector under Technological upgradation Fund (TUF) scheme.

·         Setting up of Textile Parks preferably in Vidarbha, Marathwada and Khandesh Region.

·         Rationalize debt equity ratio with special consideration in Marathwada, Vidarbha and Khandesh region.

·         Development of Infrastructure facilities with integration from fibre to garment manufacturing.

·         Pilot projects for power looms in Malegaon and Bhiwandi, Nanded and Nagpur.


Small-Scale Industries: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra



Small Scale Industries may sound small but actually plays a very important part in the overall growth of an economy. Small Scale Industries can be characterized by the unique feature of labour intensiveness. The small scale industries sector plays a vital role in the growth of the country. It contributes almost 40% of the gross industrial value added in the Indian economy. It has been estimated that a million Rs. of investment in fixed assets in the small scale sector produces 4.62 million worth of goods or services with an approximate value addition of ten percentage points. The small-scale sector has grown rapidly over the years. The growth rates during the various plan periods have been very impressive.





The Maharashtra Small Scale Industries Development Corporation Ltd., popularly known as MSSIDC, was established with a view to giving a new orientation and strength to the development of Small Scale Industries in the State of Maharashtra. The main objective of MSSIDC is to aid, counsel, assist, finance, protect and promote the interests of Small Industries. The Corporation renders assistance to approximately 30000 SSI units in the State. MSSIDC plays a vital role in revival, development and growth of traditional handicrafts of Maharashtra by responding to the diversified need s of rural artisans and marketing their products in India as well as abroad. Over the years, MSSIDC has grown to become India's leading Small Scale Industries Development Corporation, continuously responding to the expanding and diversified needs of Small Scale Industries, Village and Cottage Industries, providing support services like Training and Entrepreneurship Development Programme.


The Policy for Small Enterprises aims to create a congenial atmosphere conducive to the healthy growth of the Small Scale Sector in the State. The broad policy objectives are enumerated below:

·         To achieve an annual growth rate of 15%.

·         To assist the small scale industries in the State to become competitive, domestically as well as internationally.

·         To increase employment generation - particularly by promoting the labour intensive segments.

·         To improve the export performance of the SSI sector by providing adequate support services.

·         To create a more congenial and hassle-free environment for the functioning of the SSI sector

·         To help the SSI sector acquire new technologies and skills so as to compete effectively in the market place.

·         To promote appropriate linkages between the large and small scale sectors in the interest of harmonious industrial development.

·         To strive to promote an appropriate institutional mechanism to revive sick industries

·         To encourage SSI units to grow vertically and graduate, in the course of time, from small scale to medium and large scale unit.




Information Technology Industry: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra


Information Technology (IT) industry in India is one of the fastest growing industries. Indian IT industry has built up valuable brand equity for itself in the global markets. The Information technology industry in India has gained a brand identity as a knowledge economy due to its IT and ITES sector. The IT–ITES industry has two major components: IT Services and business process outsourcing (BPO). The growth in the service sector in India has been led by the IT–ITES sector, contributing substantially to increase in GDP, employment, and exports. The sector has increased its contribution to India's GDP from 6.1% in 2009-10 to 6.4% in 2010-11. India is a preferred destination for companies looking to offshore their IT and back-office functions. It also retains its low-cost advantage and is a financially attractive location when viewed in combination with the business environment it offers and the availability of skilled people.


Considering Maharashtra’s strengths in terms of human resources, connectivity and infrastructure, and the special significance of Information Technology (IT) for generating employment, increasing efficiency and improving the quality of life, the State Government announced its first IT Policy in 1998. It was followed by the IT and IT Enabled Services (ITES) Policy in 2003 which provided comprehensive support for the further development of this sector in Maharashtra. Information technology (IT) sector in tier two cities like Nagpur, Aurangabad and Nashik are any indication, Maharashtra is all set to emerge as the next IT hub, after Bangalore and Hyderabad. So far, the growth of IT industry in the state has been concentrated in the Pune-Mumbai stretch. However, with the new focus in place, tier two cities are expected to mushroom as key IT centres.



Government of Maharashtra has been supporting development of industry and business through a series of far-reaching policy initiatives. The Information Technology industry has been an important thrust area and has been receiving government support. During the last five years, the Government focussed on HRD, IT related infrastructure, fiscal incentives to IT units, IT in Governance and Institutional Framework for the IT sector.  These initiatives have enabled the IT industry in the State to establish an initial lead and a firm foundation for a quantum leap has been laid. Exports of software and ITES from the State presently account for about 20% share of the country’s exports.  These exports have registered an annual growth of more than 30% during the last four years. The whole State has been connected through an Optical Fibre Cable Network and a state wide network of competent training institutions has been established for building a pool of world-class IT professionals for providing strength and support to the IT industry in the State.


Biotechnology industry: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra



Biotechnology deals with living systems, including plants, animals and microbes. Biotechnology derives its strength by harnessing biological processes that sustain life. It incorporates any technique, which uses living organisms, parts of organisms and enzymes, proteins, etc., which are either naturally occurring or are derived from such living systems. Such techniques can be used to make or modify the products, improve plant or animal productivity or develop microorganisms for special use. Emerging Biotechnology uses recombinant DNA, cell fusion, embryo manipulation, etc. Biotechnology has the potential to transform the lives of the people in the State by impacting hugely on agriculture, animal husbandry, health, environmental protection, material transformation, etc. Further, Maharashtra has the potential to become a leader in Biotechnology, not only in the country but also in the entire world.


The State has an excellent intellectual infrastructure. Through nearly 1000 institutions, it produces around 163,000 trained technical personnel each year. The State has already set up specialised parks for different sections including IT. The bio-industrial enterprises cannot sustain themselves unless they are backed up by a highly trained and skilled human resource. Some of the best Centres of excellence in India that are present in Maharashtra do precisely that. These include the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, University Department of Chemical Technology, and the Cancer Research Institute, all at Mumbai. The Animal Diseases Investigations Laboratory, Pune involved in diagnosis and research of animal diseases, especially in four States of the Western region of the country, has been recognised as reference laboratory by Government of India. New forward looking initiatives in providing specialized education in Biotechnology have already begun to emerge. A number of defence research establishments in the State have been engaged in conducting cutting edge research in Biomedicals, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology.


Maharashtra government is trying to develop biotech industry in the state in order to help to develop affordable and more cost effective drugs and devices to counter diseases common to India and to tropical and sub-tropical areas to reduce the disease burden. To lead the biotechnology industry in the State to a growth path from where it can become globally competitive, the following steps would be taken:

• Providing the appropriate policy framework which will smoothen its path;

• Providing adequate infrastructure, especially in the form of Biotechnology Parks

• Providing an appropriate package of incentives

• Developing a world-class higher education and research base to serve the needs of a growing Biotechnology industry and for creating high quality employment in the State

• Creating supporting institutions for the Biotechnology industry for  the development of human resource as well as for the applications of Biotechnology

• Simplifying the application of labour and other laws and procedures to accelerate the development and growth of the biotechnology industry

• Facilitating new ventures and innovations


Waste management: Project Opportunities in Maharashtra


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


There are 250 urban local bodies (ULBs) in Maharashtra which comprises 23 Municipal Corporations, 220 Municipal Councils, 3 Cantonment Boards and 4 Nagar Pachayats. Per capita MSW generation in various towns of the state ranges 100 to 600 gram per day.  For class I cities in Maharashtra, the waste generation rates are in the range of 14 to 63 kg per capita per day, which includes Mumbai having the highest range of 0.63 kg per capita per day (pcpd). The average waste generation rate for the state is estimated as 35 kg pcpd.  As per the projection, the waste quantities are estimated to increase from 6.18 million tons per year in the year 2004 to 8.05 million tons per year in 2011 and 11.77 million tons per year in 2021. In total over 21632.3 tons per day (TPD) of MSW is generated of which around 50% is generated in Mumbai (8500 TPD), Thane (680 TPD), Pune (1740 TPD) and Kalyan (1050 TPD). Compare to other Metropolitan cities in India, MSW generation is highest in Mumbai.  Available data indicates that Waste generated in Maharashtra contains about 55% of Non-biodegradable and 45% biodegradable components. 


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Maize Processing (Glucose, Sorbitol and Oil) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Glucose is a monosaccharide (or simple sugar) also known as grape sugar, blood sugar, or corn sugar, is a very important carbohydrate in biology. The living cell uses it as a source of energy and metabolic intermediate. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and starts cellular respiration in both prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, and protists). Sorbitol, also known as glucitol, is a sugar alcohol, which the human body metabolizes slowly. It can be obtained by reduction of glucose, changing the aldehyde group to a hydroxyl group. Most sorbitol is made from corn syrup, but it is also found in apples, pears, peaches, and prunes. It is synthesized by sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and converted to fructose by succinate dehydrogenase and sorbitol dehydrogenase. Succinate dehydrogenase is an enzyme complex that participates in the citric acid cycle. Corn oil (maize oil) is oil extracted from the germ of corn (maize). Its main use is in cooking, where its high smoke point makes refined corn OIL a valuable frying oil. It is also a key ingredient in some margarines. Corn oil is generally less expensive than most other types of vegetable oils. The corn contains corn oil 2.8% by weight. Corn oil is also a feedstock used for biodiesel. Other industrial uses for corn oil include soap, salve, paint, rust proofing for metal surfaces, inks, textiles, nitroglycerin, and insecticides. It is sometimes used as a carrier for drug molecules in pharmaceutical preparations. A large part of the demand for starches arises from the paper, textile, construction and pharmaceutical industries. Their use in foods is growing at a low rate. Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd. • Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd. • Anil Nutrients Ltd. • Aries Agro Ltd. • Aries Marketing Ltd. • Godrej Agrovet Ltd. • Hanuman Minor Oils Ltd. • Indo Euro Indchem Ltd. • Intercorp Biotech Ltd. • Jupiter Biotech Ltd. • K S E Ltd. • Kapila Krishi Udyog Ltd. • Kerala Feeds Ltd. • Maharashtra Agro-Inds. Devp. Corpn. Ltd. • Metahelix Life Sciences Ltd. • Origin Agrostar Ltd. • Pan Asia Global Ltd. • Pranav Agro Inds. Ltd. • Sonitpur Solvex Ltd. • Sukhjit Starch & Chemicals Ltd. • Superhouse Ltd. • Tara Health Foods Ltd. • Tirupati Starch & Chemicals Ltd. • Zeus Biotech Ltd.
Plant capacity: Glucose 60 MT/Day,Sorbitol40 MT/Day, Maize Oil 12 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 5405 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 7732 Lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 46.00%
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Solar Panel

A solar panel is a collection of solar cells. Lots of small solar cells spread over a large area can work together to provide enough power to be useful. The more light that hits a cell the more electricity it produces, so spacecraft are usually designed with solar panels that can always be pointed at the Sun even as the rest of the body of the spacecraft moves around, much as a tank turret can be aimed independently of where the tank is going. Solar panel refers either to a photovoltaic module, a solar thermal energy panel, or to a set of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules electrically connected and mounted on a supporting structure. A PV module is a packaged, connected assembly of solar cells. Solar panels can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. Uses Assemblies of photovoltaic cells are used to make solar modules which generate electrical power from sunlight, as distinguished from a "solar thermal module" or "solar hot water panel." The electrical energy generated from solar modules, colloquially referred to as solar power, is an example of solar energy. The PV MARKET has been on an upward trend for years now. The market is expected to continue to grow until 2050. The demand far outstrips supply and there is a huge gap to be filled. In India, there is about 1.4 GW of module manufacturing capacity and this is expected to increase in the future since the solar PV segment is one part of the entire value chain where the barriers to entry is relatively low. Thus, as an entrepreneur, solar module production offers an exciting opportunity to you. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Central Electronics Ltd. • Environ Energy-Tech Services Ltd. • Epic Energy Ltd. • Euro Multivision Ltd. • H B L Power Systems Ltd. • Helios Photo Voltaic Ltd. • I T I Ltd. • Indosolar Ltd. • J S W Green Energy Ltd. • Jupiter Solar Power Ltd. • N E P C India Ltd. • P L G Power Ltd. • Pentafour Solec Technology Ltd. • Photon Energy Systems Ltd. • Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd. • Reliance Industries Ltd. • Renewable Energy Systems Ltd. • Res Photovoltaics Ltd. • Shurjo Energy Pvt. Ltd. • Surana Ventures Ltd. • Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd. • Titan Energy Systems Ltd. • Udhaya Semiconductors Ltd. • Ujaas Energy Ltd. • Usha (India) Ltd. • Websol Energy System Ltd. • X L Energy Ltd.
Plant capacity: Solar Panel 5MW/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 109 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 450 Lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 62.00%
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Medical College with Hospital - Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Trends, Market Research, Survey, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics, Working Capital Requirement, Plant Layout, Cost of Project

A medical college is meant to impart education of medical field to students to qualify them as doctors in different specialized disciplines so as to treat patients suffering from various ailments. Doctors with their dedicated spirit serve the nation at large by providing medication and treatment for eradication of diseases, which exchange health and add suffering to humanity. Normally a medical college is associated with a hospital. Hospitals provide the facilities of O.P.D. and admission for seriously ill seriously injured, seriously burnt and pregnant ladies, causalities etc. Presently, every city or town in India has no. of private hospitals furnished with latest medical facilities available and with more qualified surgeons, physicians and specialist doctors. Even sometimes, they are furnished with more modern machines than those available in the nearby Government Hospital. These hospitals can be seen well crowded as they provide very good service at a smile. As they are run by privates very good medical care is provided by them. A private hospital is a place where one may get treatment from ordinary fever to a major surgery operation. As a matter of fact, no limitation has been made for the facilities available in a hospital. However, generally all private hospitals are provided with latest facilities and ultra modern machines. In a hospital, surgeons, physicians, E.N.T., specialists, children specialist, Eye-surgeon, psychologists and sex-specialist are essential.
Plant capacity: Total Students per Annum:150 Students Admitted/Annum 700 Beded HospitalPlant & machinery: Rs 2047 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 31862 Lakhs
Return: 1.00%Break even: 36.00%
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Milk Powder (SMP, WMP and Dairy Whitener) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Powdered milk is a dairy product produced from cow milk. Cow milk basically contains water, fats, protein sugar and ash. About 86% to 88% of cow milk by weight is water. Milk powder is prepared by skimming the milk whereby a considerable but proportional cream substance is extracted before it is powdered. The processed milk powder, after some vitamins are added is packed in fully galvanized metal cans or plastic bags. Skimmed milk powder is deficient in fat and fat soluble vitamins but the proteins, water-soluble vitamins and minerals are preserved. Skimmed milk powder contains almost the same amount of proteins (26%) and carbohydrates (37%) as in the liquid form. However the water and the fat percentage is decreased to nil. As it is considered to be zero fats, it is a good substitute of whole milk and can be taken by patients with high cholesterol levels and cardiac problems. Skimmed Milk powder is also fortified with vitamins A and D. Vitamin A helps to improve vision whereas Vitamin D helps in the strengthening on bones. Both the vitamins play an important role in maintenance and repair of Skin. The calcium present in it promotes growth and maintenance of teeth and bones at every stage in life. Dairy Whitener is an alternative to making availability of condensed milk more convenient for people. In a vast country like India, any product’s availability is a matter of concern. The Dairy Whitener is prepared to keep intact the richness, smoothness and original taste which when added to tea or coffee adapts well. It is primarily preferred for being fat free with the process of skimming done in confirmation with the highest standards of quality. India is a major consumer of tea and coffee, which offers a very large market for dairy creamers. In addition to domestic consumption, the whiteners/creamers find a high level of institutional acceptance, especially by railways; hotels and restaurants; airlines; hospitals and nursing homes; and corporate offices. Any entrepreneur venture into this field will be successful. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Anik Industries Ltd. • Brooke Bond Lipton India Ltd. • Continental Milkose (India) Ltd. • Haryana Milk Foods Ltd. • Hatsun Agro Products Ltd. • Heritage Foods Ltd. • Herman Milkfoods Ltd. • Industrial Progressive (India) Ltd. • Kamala Sugar Mills Ltd. • Milk Specialities Ltd. • Narayan Agro Foods Ltd. • Olam Exports (India) Ltd. • P G Foods & Brewaries (I) Ltd. • Panchmahal District Co-Op. Milk Producers' Union Ltd. • Param Dairy Ltd. • Parul Foods Specialities Pvt. Ltd. • Premier Industries (India) Ltd. • S M Milkose Ltd. • Sarthak Industries Ltd. • Suman Agritech Ltd. • Swojas Energy Foods Ltd. • Umang Dairies Ltd.
Plant capacity: Skimmed Milk Powder 8.00 MT/Day • Whole Milk Powder 2.67 MT/Day • Dairy Whitener 1.50 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 387 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 973 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Barium Carbonate from Barium Sulphate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Barium carbonate (BaCO3), also known as Witherite, is an important material in industry for producing barium salts, pigment, optical glass, ceramic, electric condensers, as well as its close relationship with aragonite, biomineral and its use as a precursor for magnetic ferrites and/or ferroelectric materials. Witherite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. The crystals are invariably twinned together in groups of three, giving rise to pseudo-hexagonal forms somewhat resembling bipyramidal crystals of quartz, the faces are usually rough and striated horizontally. The good largest use for BaCO3 is in brick and clay products. The barium iron reacts with sulfate ions to prevent their precipitation on the surface of the brick, tile, or other product. The appearance of the white precipitate is called blooming or scumming. The average usage is 4 to 6 lb BaCO3 per 1000 bricks produced which is usually a large excess over the stoichiometric amount.BaCO3 is also used as a component in frits and glazes for coating of chinaware and steel ware such as stoves and refrigerators. Uses Barium carbonate is the most important and widely used barium compound. It is used in the brick ceramic, oil-well drilling, photograph, glass and chemical manufacturing industries.The greatest tonnage of barium carbonate is used in bricks industry. Brick making clay frequently contains appreciable quantities of calcium and magnesium sulfates and related compounds more or less soluble in water. Another major is in the manufacture of other barium salts by treatment with acids stronger than carbonic acid. Relatively pure salts are obtained after evaporation or crystallization. Barium carbonate is mainly used as a raw material in the electrical engineering industries for glass production, a raw material in the magnet manufacturing industry and as an additive in the ceramic industry. Thus, as an entrepreneur, barium carbonate production offers an exciting opportunity to you.
Plant capacity: 10 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 241 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 464 Lakhs
Return: 23.00%Break even: 53.00%
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BLOOD BAGS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Blood bag is a disposable bio-medical device used for collection, storage, transportation and transfusion of human blood and blood components. The system consists of a single or multiple bag connected with tubings, needle, needle cover, clamp etc. The Blood Bags are made of plastic-material, which are compatible with blood. The introduction of flexible PVC bags for the storage of blood and its components totally replaced the use of glass bottles because of its numerous advantages. Blood bags enable better separation of blood components in a more sterile manner and safer transfusion of components. This has led to increasingly wider use of blood component therapy than whole blood use, thus enabling more effective use of the scarce donor blood that is available. Blood Bags can successfully replace the use of glass bottles for collection storage, transportation and transfusion of blood and blood components since bottles require exhaustive cleaning, rinsing and autoclaving procedures and there are chances of breakage at any stage. Further, use of disposable bags eliminates the possibility of any contamination. Blood bags contain an anticoagulant solution and a red blood cell preservative solution, and are used in blood banks which both collect donor blood and separate blood components. Blood bags are made from imported, medical grade PVC granules & sheets in Class 10000 Clean room environments. Increase in the healthcare facilities will further act as a driver for the growth of medical devices sector in India. The blood bag market is expected to grow further in the coming years owing to continuous developments and rising demand for better blood collection technology. As a whole it is a good project for new entrepreneurs to invest.
Plant capacity: 30000 Nos./DayPlant & machinery: Rs 170 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 1221 Lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 65.00%
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Precipitated Calcium Carbonate - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Sizing Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC)—also known as purified, refined or synthetic calcium carbonate. It has the same chemical formula as other types of calcium carbonate, such as limestone, marble and chalk: CaCO3. The calcium, carbon and oxygen atoms can arrange themselves in three different ways, to form three different calcium carbonate minerals. The most common arrangement for both precipitated and ground calcium carbonates is the hexagonal form known as calcite. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), a manufactured form of calcium carbonate, is made by first hydrating high-calcium quicklime, and then reacting the resulting slurry or "milk-of lime" with carbon dioxide. The resulting product is extremely white and has a uniformly small particle size. It has numerous uses, most notably in the paper industry. With the trend in papermaking toward using the alkaline over the acid process, PCC is being used increasingly as a filler and coating pigment for premium quality paper. The trend is to produce PCC in slurry form at satellite plants located near the paper mills, using commercial quicklime, although it is also produced and sold commercially. PCC is used to enhance the brightness, color, smoothness, and bulk of the paper, replacing more expensive paper pulp. Approximately 75% of worldwide PCC production is used for this purpose. According to GIA, Global market for Calcium Carbonate is projected to reach 94 million tons by 2018, driven by the rising consumption in paper and plastic industries and the growing demand for PCC and GCC in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East. Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is an inorganic mineral that finds extensive use as functional and commercial filler in plastic, paper, rubber, coatings, light chemicals, and architectural materials, among others. Growth in the Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) market would be driven by the increasing number of paper mills and rising demand from plastics sector. Any entrepreneur venture into this field will be successful. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Citurgia Biochemicals Ltd. • Dewan Rubber Inds. Ltd. • Fimakem India Ltd. • Genus Prime Infra Ltd. • Gulshan Polyols Ltd. • Gulshan Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. • Lime Chemicals Ltd. • Niraj Petrochemicals Ltd. • Samana Plastic Ltd. • Searsole Chemicals Ltd. • Shyam Textiles Ltd. • Thirani Chemicals Ltd. • U P Lime-Chem Ltd.
Plant capacity: 30 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 800 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1320 Lakhs
Return: 18.00%Break even: 57.00%
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Vodka from Potato - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Vodka is a neutral spirit that is without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color. These properties are developed during the distillation process or by treating crudely distilled spirits with activated carbon or other materials. Finely distilled vodka may also be further purified and refined by treatment with activated carbon and other materials. Vodka is usually not aged and can be made from grains, potatoes, sugars, fruits, and just about anything else that can be fermented to produce alcohol. This makes vodka an economical spirit that can be made easily in a short amount of time from readily available materials. Alcohol has a depresent effect on the central nervous system and not a stimulating effect as was formerly supposed. One apparent exhartation is due to its inhibitory action on higher, nervous centres. A strong does of alcohol introduced into the stomach increases heart beat and causes rise in blood pressure. Hence, the use of brandy as a rostorative. Alcohol posseses excellent solvent properties and it is used for the extration of several drugs and for the manufacture of tinctures and other medicinal preparation. It is also employed for the extraction of essential oil; and for the preparation of perfumes; essences and flavours. Vodka is produced in India by very few brands; hence this list includes mostly IMFL (Indian Made Foreign Liquor) and imported brands available in the market currently. This list of Top 10 Brands of Vodka in India is compiled on the basis of their prices. The prices may differ from one state to another depending upon the duty structure and the flavour variant. The imported brands, of course, have a higher price tag. As a whole it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Allied Blenders & Distillers Pvt. Ltd. • Amber Distilleries Ltd. • Amrut Distilleries Ltd. • B D A Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. • B D A Pvt. Ltd. • Bacardi India Pvt. Ltd. • Balaji Distilleries Ltd. • Balbir Distilleries Ltd. • Baramati Grape Inds. Ltd. • Beam Global Spirits & Wine (India) Pvt. Ltd. • Central Distillery & Breweries Ltd. • Chhattisgarh Distilleries Ltd. • Empee Distilleries Ltd. • Hyderabad Distilleries & Wineries Ltd. • Interlink Exports Ltd. • Jagatjit Industries Ltd. • John Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. • Jubilant Industries Ltd. • Jubilee Beverages Ltd. • Kedia Distilleries Ltd. • Kerala Alcoholic Products Ltd. • Kerala Distilleries & Allied Products Ltd. • Kesarval Springs Distillers Pvt. Ltd. • Khemani Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. • Khoday India Ltd. • Mcdowell & Co. Ltd. • Mehra Beverages Ltd. • Mohan Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. • Mohan Rocky Springwater Breweries Ltd. • Narmada Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. • Nuway Organic Naturals India Ltd. • Pearl Distillery Ltd. • Pernod Ricard India Pvt. Ltd. • Piccadily Sugar & Allied Inds. Ltd. • Prag Distillery Pvt. Ltd. • Punjab Expo Breveries Pvt. Ltd. • Raj Breweries Ltd. • Ravikumar Distilleries Ltd. • S D F Industries Ltd. • Salamander Distillers Ltd. • Seagram Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. • Shaw Wallace & Co. Ltd. • Shaw Wallace Distilleries Ltd. (Maharashtra) • Shiva Distilleries Ltd. • Silver Oak (India) Ltd. • Southern Agrifurane Inds. Ltd. • Southern Agrifurane Inds. Pvt. Ltd. • Surya Organic Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. • Swarup Vegetable Products Inds. Ltd. • Tilaknagar Distilleries & Inds. Ltd. • Tilaknagar Industries Ltd. • Travancore Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. • Unitech Country Club Ltd. • Utkal Distilleries Ltd. • V R V Breweries & Bottling Inds. Ltd. • Vahni Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. • Vinayak Distilleries Ltd. • Vitari Distilleries Ltd. • Xylon Loquitur Distillers & Vintners Ltd.
Plant capacity: Vodka from Potato: 75 KLs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 2830 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 5042 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 42.00%
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E–Waste Recycling Plant - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their "useful life." Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Unfortunately, electronic discards are one of the fastest growing segments of our nation's waste stream. Electronic wastes, "e-waste", "e-scrap", or "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment" ("WEEE") is a description of surplus, obsolete, broken or discarded electrical or electronic devices. Technically, electronic "waste" is the component which is dumped or disposed or discarded rather than recycled, including residue from reuse and recycling operations. ? A range of techniques is currently applied for retrieving components and materials from WEEE. The essential features of these systems generally conform to a scheme of: sorting/disassembly; size reduction; separation. The main components of WEEE, in terms of weight, are iron and steel followed by plastics as can be seen, iron and steel are the most common materials found in electrical and electronic equipment and account for almost half of the total weight of WEEE. Plastics are the second largest component by weight representing approximately 21% of WEEE. Non-ferrous metals including precious metals represent approximately 13% of the total weight of WEEE and glass around 5%. WEEE has been identified as one of the fastest growing sources of waste in the India, and is estimated to be increasing by 16-28 per cent every five years. Within each sector a complex set of heterogeneous secondary wastes is created. Although treatment requirements are complicated, the sources from any one sector possess many common characteristics. However, there exist huge variations in the nature of electronic wastes between sectors, and treatment regimes appropriate for one cannot be readily transferred to another. Thus, as an entrepreneur, E- Waste recycling offers an exciting opportunity to you.
Plant capacity: Monitors:10 Nos./Day•Plastic Granules: 4,600.00 Kgs/Day •Copper Wire Scraps:20 Kgs/Day •Glass from CRT: 260 Kgs/Day • Other Metals:1100 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 233 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 613 Lakhs
Return: 8.00%Break even: 59.00%
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Guar Gum Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Guar is also called guaran, is a Galactomannan.It is primarily the ground endosperm of guar beans. The guar seeds are dehusked, milled and screened to obtain the guar gum.It is typically produced as a free flowing, pale, off-white colored, coarse to fine ground powder. It is available in form of: Guar Seed , Guar Gum Powder , Guar Refined Split ,Guar Churi Meal. Guar gum is water-soluble plant mucilage obtained from the grand endosperms of cyanopsis tetragonoloba, cultivated in Pakistan as livestock feed. The water-soluble portion of the flour (85%) is called `guaran' and consists of 35% galactose, 63% mannose, probably combined in a polysaccharide 5-7% protein. Guar gum exporter provides guar gum for food additives, guar gum for food ingredients, guar gum for pet food additives, guar gum stabilizing, food grade guar gum, industrial grade guar gum and technical grade guar gum. Gum manufactured from guar has got variety of uses. Guar Gum is used as Natural thickener, Emulsifier, Stabilizer, Bonding agent, Hydrocolloid, Gelling agent, Natural Fiber, Fracturing agent. Guar gum industry has ready market and there is a good scope for stabilizing further capacity in India. Guar gum seed treatment machinery can be utilized for dal splitting also with minor modifications and the micro pulveriser could be used for grinding. India accounts for 80% of the total guar produced in the world and 70% is cultivated in Rajasthan. Pakistan, Sudan and parts of USA are the other major Guar growing countries. 75% of the Guar Gums or their derivatives produced in India are exported mainly to USA and European countries. Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Ace Gum Industries Pvt. Ltd. • Hindustan Gum & Chemicals Ltd. • India Glycols Ltd. • Jai Bharat Gum & Chemicals Ltd. • K C India Ltd. • Lucid Colloids Ltd. • Rama Industries Ltd. • Vegan Colloids Ltd. • Vikas Granaries Ltd. • Vikas W S P Ltd.
Plant capacity: Guar Gum Powder: 6 MT/DayPlant & machinery: 24600000
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 705 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 68.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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