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Best Business Opportunities in Goa - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Agriculture: Project Opportunities in Goa


Agriculture sector contributes one-fourth of the country’s GDP. India is the largest producer of milk, fruits, pulses, cashew nuts, coconuts and tea in world and accounts for 10 % of the world fruit production. India’s food grain production is expected to rise to 208.5 million tons by March 2006, from 204.6 million tons in 2005. Horticulture sector contributes 30 % of the agriculture GDP and accounts for 8.5 % of cultivated area. In the Global food processing industry Asia-pacific is accounting for 31.10 % of global market. India is the World’s second largest producer of food, next to China and has potential to be number one.


The major food crops in the State are rice, paddy, maize, jawar, bajra and ragi. While, main cash crops are coconut, cashew nut, arecanut, sugarcane and fruits like pineapple, mango and banana. Out of the total geographical area of 3702 sq km, the State has a rich forest cover of about 1424.46 sq km. Of this, 1224.46 sq km has been classified as Government forest (of which about 62% has been brought under Protected Areas (PA) of Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks) and the rest as private forests.


Indian agriculture policy is aimed essentially at improving food self sufficiency and alleviating hunger through food distribution. In India, agricultural trade policy is a part of a larger food and agriculture policy regime that seeks to maintain food self-sufficiency while providing income support to the agricultural sector and poor consumers. The salient features of the new agricultural policy are:

•        Over 4 per cent annual growth rate aimed over next two decades.

•        Greater private sector participation through contract farming.

•        Price protection for farmers.

•        National agricultural insurance scheme to be launched.

•        Dismantling of restrictions on movement of agricultural commodities throughout the country.

•        Rational utilisation of country's water resources for optimum use of irrigation potential.

•        High priority to development of animal husbandry, poultry, dairy and aquaculture.

•        Capital inflow and assured markets for crop production.

•        Exemption from payment of capital gains tax on compulsory acquisition of agricultural land.

•        Minimise fluctuations in commodity prices.

•        Continuous monitoring of international prices.

•        Plant varieties to be protected through legislation.

•        Adequate and timely supply of quality inputs to farmers.

•        High priority to rural electrification.

•        Setting up of agro-processing units and creation of off-farm employment in rural

Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector: Project Opportunities in Goa


The 'fisheries and aquaculture sector' is recognized as the sunshine sector in Indian agriculture. It stimulates growth of number of subsidiary industries and is the source of livelihood for a large section of economically backward population, especially fishermen, of the country. Fish production in India has increased more than tenfold since its independence in 1947. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, fish output in India doubled between 1990 and 2010. India has 8118 Km of marine coastline, 3827 fishing villages, and 1914 traditional fish landing centres. India's fresh water resources consists of 195,210 Km of rivers and canals, 2.9 million hectares of minor and major reservoirs, 2.4 million hectares of ponds and lakes, and about 0.8 million hectares of flood plain wetlands and water bodies. As of 2010, the marine and freshwater resources offered a combined sustainable catch fishing potential of over 4 million metric tonnes of fish.


Fishing is another traditional and important economic activity of the State. Goa, being located on the west coast of India, has a coastline extending over 100 Km and inland waterways of another 250 Km, rich in marine wealth. Prawns, the valuable foreign exchange earner, mackerels, sardines, etc. are available in plenty in Goa coast. Fish is a protein rich food. It forms a chief component in the diet of about 90% of the population of Goa. Capture fisheries of Goa (India) constitute a highly productive sector. They remain one of the major sources of valuable food and employment and a net contributor in the foreign exchange earnings. As a result of this dramatic increase some marine fish stocks have started showing the sign of over-exploitation. Many small scale units based on fisheries resources like salt curing of mackerels, fish meat, fish oils, dehydration of fishes etc. are being set up under the State. The fishing activity has also given a big boost to canning, freezing and other fish processing units in the State. A couple of fish oil extraction as well as fish meal manufacturing units can also be set up in the State by utilising the rich fisheries resources.


The Indian government announced NDSP as part of the economic reforms programme. The policy involved three schemes - leasing out of foreign fishing vessels to operate in the Indian EEZ, engaging foreign fishing vessels for test fishing and forming joint ventures between foreign companies and Indian companies on 49:51 equity basis in deep sea fishing, processing and marketing. Government of India started giving licenses to joint venture, lease and test fishing vessels.

Tourism: Project Opportunities in Goa


Tourism in India is the largest service industry, with a contribution of 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India. Tourism has become an important industry in many countries of the world, both in the east and the west. Various initiatives are being taken by the Government and other organizations to promote tourism here. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The number of tourists worldwide has been registering phenomenal growth and it is expected that this number would shortly touch 1.5 billion. Tourism contributes about 11% of the world work force and 10.2% of the global gross domestic products. The dynamic growth of this industry is evident from the fact that a new job is added to this sector every 2.5 second.


Goa is one of the most preferred places of holiday in India. It may not be the state to receive maximum number of tourists in India but the state is well known to receive international tourists on a large scale, more than probably any other state in the country. Thus, it is evident that tourism is the main source of income for the state government as well as residents who rely heavily on the tourists to boost of their trade. Notably, Goa is the state with the highest GDP in India. Agonda, Candolim, Calangute and Dona Paula are some of the Goa beaches that are most inviting. However, these are not the only beaches in the state. The beaches are known to witness a massive footfall throughout the year. Besides, the churches in the state are the living reminiscent of the Portuguese rule in the state of Goa. The beautifully adorned churches are one of the major contributors that led the state earn the sobriquet of "Pearl of the Orient".


The basic Government policy would be to raise the quality of the infrastructure, which is a foundation for the sustainable growth of tourism and is crucial for accelerated benefits to the people of the state. Accordingly, Government would endeavour to provide:-

•        Encouragement to existing private initiatives through an appropriate package of fiscal and friendly taxation measures.

•        Investor friendly environment for new private initiatives through a combination of prompt processes and progressive fiscal and taxation policies.

•        Develop tourism as a non-invasive instrument of revitalization, conservation and growth.

•        A balanced tourism development as a part of the overall Area Development Strategy.

•        Public infrastructural facilities including local planning and zoning arrangements.

•        Entrust regulatory measures to ensure social, cultural and environmental sustainability.

•        Ensure that the type and scale of tourism development is compatible with the environment and social cultural milieu of the area.

•        Ensure that the local community is involved and the benefits of tourism accrue to them.

•        Ensure availability of trained manpower primarily from amongst the local pollution.

•        Undertake research, prepare Master Plans, formulate marketing strategies and organize domestic and overseas promotion and marketing jointly with the industry.

•        Ensure Regulation of Indigenous Tourism related Health Care System.

•        Measures to ensure promotion, facilitation and regulation of Tourist Trade.

Mineral and Mining: Project Opportunities in Goa


A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. Common rocks are often made up of crystals of several kinds of minerals. There are some substances, like opal, which have the appearance of a mineral but lack any definite internal structure, are sometimes called "mineraloids". The minerals produced in India constitute one-quarter of the world's most popular mineral resources.


The State of Goa is a tiny emerald land on the west coast of the Indian Peninsula. The rich and varied mineral resources of the State have contributed handsomely towards the development and industrialization of the State. The State of Goa has an important position in the Mineral Map of the Country.  The production of iron ore accounts to about 13% of the iron ore production in India and its exports accounts to about 35% of the Country exports. The State of Goa is endowed with Mineral Resources.  Iron ore, Manganese ore, Bauxite are minerals of economic importance.  Besides there are minor minerals like Basalt, Laterite stones and rubbles, River sand, Murrum etc., which are in great demand as construction material.  This industry is labour intensive and provides work to large number of people. The Bauxite Mines are situated in South Goa over an area of 1263.678 Ha. with estimated reserves of 70 million tons. These are metallurgical grade bauxite which can also be used for various applications such as cement, alumina chemicals, etc.


Strategy for mineral development and exploitation:

•        Notification for re-grant of mineral concessions.

•        Sustainable Development

•        Mine Rehabilitation

•        Simplification of Procedure

•        Environmental and ecological balance.

•        Development of Infrastructure Facilities

•        Financial Assistance

•        Value Addition and Upgradation of Minerals

•        Information Dissemination

•        Foreign Capital Investment

Waste Management and Recycling: Project Opportunities in Goa


Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resource consumption and the environmental impact of waste. Recycling is an integral part of any waste management system as it represents a key utilization alternative to reuse and energy recovery (Waste-to-Energy). Which option is ultimately chosen depends on the quality, purity and the market situation. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The lack of technical and financial resources and the regulatory control for the management of hazardous wastes in the past had led to the unscientific disposal of hazardous wastes in India, which posed serious risks to human, animal and plant life.


Goa produces around 300 tonnes of garbage, but with municipal bodies. The proliferation of plastic wastes in the urban and village environments of Goa, and the abysmally hopeless and inadequate arrangements of municipalities and authorities for the disposal of this plastic litter, are subjects which many environment NGOs and citizens have expressed anguish over right from the inception of the Goa Environment Federation (GEF). Goa receives around 2 million of domestic and international tourists per year. A tourist produces an average of 1kg of waste a day. If we calculate the waste therefore, generated by the tourism industry in Goa the figures are shocking and huge. This waste is leading to a loss of biodiversity which is linked to human activities and loss of landscape attractiveness affect a number of tourist destinations. Though a few civic bodies, including CCP, have initiated solid waste management programmes, the problem is also in coping with the huge outflow of non-biodegradable waste from tourism industry, shops and establishments and plastic-oriented packaging in a consumerist society. Around 2,000 composting units to treat wet waste have been set up at various levels, including individuals and housing colonies.


National policy on waste management is set out in the October 1998 policy statement on waste management - Changing our Ways. It outlines the Government's policy objectives in relation to waste management, and suggests some key issues and considerations that must be addressed to achieve these objectives. The policy is firmly grounded in an internationally recognised hierarchy of options, namely prevention, minimisation, reuse/recycling, and the environmentally sustainable disposal of waste which cannot be prevented or recovered.

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Lead Acid Battery (Maintenance Free)

Lead acid batteries are the most common large-capacity rechargeable batteries. They are very popular because they are dependable and inexpensive on a cost-per-watt base. Maintenance Free- Sealed Lead Acid (MF-SLA) batteries are available in a few different formats. Their principal manufacturing process, including number of plates and plate thickness determines its designated end user application. SLA batteries tend not to sulphate or degrade as easily as wet cells and are regarded the safest lead acid battery to use. India lead acid battery market is projected to reach $ 7.6 billion by 2023. Anticipated growth in the market can be attributed to booming demand for automobiles, in addition to increasing focus of the government towards boosting the penetration of electric vehicles in the country. India Lead Acid Battery Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 9% during 2018-24. As a whole there is a good scope for new entrepreneur to invest in this business. Few Indian major players are as under • Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. • Eastman Auto & Power Ltd. • Exide Industries Ltd. • H B L Power Systems Ltd. • Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt. Ltd. • Johnson Controls (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 500 Nos./DayPlant & machinery: Rs 233 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 590 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 60.00%
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Aluminium Foil Containers

Aluminum foil containers are formed by combining mechanical and air pressure to force light gauge aluminum foil into a shaped die cavity. Esthetically appealing aluminum foil containers are ideal for table-ready service after the container has functioned first as a package and a heating utensil. Aluminum foil containers are used to prepare, freeze, store, transport, cook and serve a variety of foods. Containers made from aluminum foil are the only containers that can be used in all types of ovens: microwave, conventional, convection and broiler. The growing demand for cost-effective, light-weight, and single-serve packaging solutions is likely to propel the growth of the aluminium foil containers market, during the forecast period. Globally, the revenue generated by the aluminium foil containers market has been estimated to be around US$3,092.0 Mn in 2019 and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 5.4% in terms of value throughout the forecast period. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under • Amco India Ltd. • Archer Metal Ltd. • Asian Consolidated Inds. Ltd. • Bharat Containers (Nagpur) Pvt. Ltd. • Green Pack Foils Pvt. Ltd. • J P Foil Ltd.
Plant capacity: 172800 Pcs./DayPlant & machinery: Rs 94 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 304 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 44.00%
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Bungalow Construction

Bungalows tend to be small and so are easily maintained and relatively cheap to heat and cool. As a result, they are often promoted as being suitable housing for the disabled or elderly, who may also benefit from their single storey layout.However, as they are single storey, they occupy more area than multi-storey buildings, and can have a higher cost per square metre. Real estate sector in India is expected to reach a market size of US$ 1 trillion by 2030 from US$ 120 billion in 2017 and contribute 13 per cent of the country’s GDP by 2025. Retail, hospitality and commercial real estate are also growing significantly, providing the much-needed infrastructure for India's growing needs. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Ganesh Housing Corpn. Ltd. • Godrej Greenview Housing Pvt. Ltd. • Kavya Buildtech Pvt. Ltd. • Kerala Police Housing & Construction Corpn. Ltd. • Lotus Properties Ltd. • Madhuvanthi City Homes Mirzapur Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 778337 Sq.fts./AnnumPlant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 23347 lakhs
Return: 25.00%Break even: 7.00%
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TMT Bars, Angles & Pipes

Steel is an iron based mixture containing two or more metallic and/or non metallic elements usually dissolving into each other when molten. Steel has been the key material with which the world has reached to a developed position. All the engineering machines, mechanical tools and most importantly building and construction structures like bars, rods, channels, wires, angles etc are made of steel for its feature being hard and adaptable. The TMT bars are widely used in construction works such as high-rise building, industrial structures, flyovers and bridges etc. Indian demand is projected to rise to 200 million tonnes by 2015. Given the strong demand scenario, most global steel players are into a massive capacity expansion mode, either through brownfield or greenfieldroute. By 2012, the steel production capacity in India is expected to touch 124 million tonnes and 275 million tonnes by 2020. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under • Brilliant Steel Products Ltd. • C P Re-Rollers Pvt. Ltd. • Chamundi Steel Castings (India) Ltd. • Dewas Metal Sections Ltd. • Essar Steel India Ltd. • Facor Steels Ltd.
Plant capacity: 120 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 400 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1629 lakhs
Return: 30.00%Break even: 51.00%
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Warehousing refers to the activities involving storage of goods on a large-scale in a systematic and orderly manner and making them available conveniently when needed. In other words, warehousing means holding or preserving goods in huge quantities from the time of their purchase or production till their actual use or sale. Warehousing is one of the important auxiliaries to trade. It creates time utility by bridging the time gap between production and consumption of goods. Warehousing plays a very vital role in promoting agriculture marketing, rural banking and financing and ensuring food security in the country. It enables the markets to ease the pressure during harvest season and to maintain uninterrupted supply of agricultural commodities during off season. Indian logistics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.17% by 2020 driven by the growth in the manufacturing, retail, FMCG and e-commerce sectors. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. ? Few Indian major players are as under • Asian Warehousing Ltd. • Continental Warehousing Corporation Ltd. • Greenland Warehousing Ltd. • Heena Warehousing Ltd. • Mofussil Warehouse & Trdg. Co. Ltd. • Orient Marine Lines Logistics & Warehousing Pvt. Ltd. • Punjab State Container & Warehousing Corpn. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 250000 Sacks/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 1497 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 14544 lakhs
Return: 24.00%Break even: 28.00%
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Fiberglass Doors (Surrounded Wood and Inside Filled Polyurethane Foam by Injection)

Fiberglass doors are two large molded skins with a polyurethane foam core between the skins which is a great insulator against heat and cold. They are popular for their high insulation values, low maintenance, and resistance to dents and scratches. Fiberglass is widely used for manufacturing and building in today’s most demanding industries- cars, boats, pools and more, due to its ability to create molds and create custom shapes and never become distorted over time. Commercial doors market will witness a valuation of over USD 60 billion by 2024. The demand varies depending upon the client’s requirement with varied functions. Increase in consumer spending on new construction as well as renovation of existing residential & commercial buildings will drive the global doors market growth. As a whole there is a good scope for new entrepreneur to invest in this business. Few Indian major players are as under • Arm Winsys Tech Pvt. Ltd. • Bajaj Eco-Tec Products Ltd. • Chevron Glassfibre Reinforcements Ltd. • Cosmos Fibre Glass Ltd. • Everlast Composites Pvt. Ltd. • Goa Glass Fibre Ltd.
Plant capacity: 150 Nos./DayPlant & machinery: Rs 89 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 392 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Oleoresin of Spices (Black Pepper, Paprika and Cardamom)

Oleoresin is a homogeneous mixture comprising of resin and oils that are volatile in nature. Spice oleoresins represent the complete flavour profile of the spice. It contains the volatile as well as non-volatile constituents of spices. Spice oleoresins guarantee superior quality of flavour and aroma. They have several applications like in the preparation of beverages, soup powders, confectionary, curries, noodles, sauces, canned meat etc. The Indian spice oleoresin market is about Rs.600 crores. India accounts for 70% of the world oleoresin production with competition from China, US, Lanka, South Africa and Latin America. Entrepreneurs who invest in this project will be successful. Few Indian major players are as under • Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd. • Kancor Ingredients Ltd. • Naturite Agro Products Ltd. • Omniactive Health Technologies Ltd. • Sanat Products Ltd. • Sijmak Oils Ltd.
Plant capacity: Black Pepper Oleoresin: 14 Kgs/Day Black Pepper Spent: 545 Kgs/Day Cardamom Oleoresin: 10 Kgs/Day Cardamom Spent: 120 Kgs/Day Paprika Oleoresin: 1.2 Kgs/Day Paprika Spent: 15 NPlant & machinery: Rs 234 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 424 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 53.00%
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Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a food paste made from ground nut or peanut. It consists essentially of cleaned, graded, blanched, roasted and crushed groundnuts containing about 45 percent of oil and over 25 percent of proteins, being thus a highly nutritive food. The paste is used in preparation of side dishes and is also cooked with vegetables, pearled sorghum and maize to make a variety of dishes. Indian butter market was valued at INR 420 crore in the year 2011-12 in value terms. On the other hand, cheese spread is expected to have market value of 5473 metric ton at the end of forecast period. Peanut butter market is expected to have growth rate more than 10% from 2017-18 to 2022-23. The India Peanut Butter market Size will be 3.3 Billion USD in 2023, with a CAGR of 13% between 2018 and 2023. This facilitates the development of new technologies and ensures a high quality product. Few Indian major players are as under • Dr. Oetker India Pvt. Ltd. • Innovative Foods Ltd. • Sampre Nutritions Ltd. • Sundrop Foods India Pvt. Ltd. • Veeba Food Services Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: 12595 Kgs/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 221 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 632 lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 63.00%
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Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) Manufacturing Business

Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) Manufacturing Business. Production of Ground Calcium Carbonate with 90% Brightness and Whiteness and > 90% CaCO3 Calcium carbonate is one of the most abundantly occurring minerals on earth and composes nearly four percent of earth’s crust. It exists naturally in the form of limestone, marbles and chalk formed by sedimentation over a period of time. It is one of the most versatile compounds and finds a variety of applications across a diverse set of industries including construction, steel, and agrochemicals among others. Advantages of Ground Calcium Carbonate • GCC is cheaper and it has high brightness. • GCC creates a porous surface on the paper sheet due to its rhombohedral particle shape. • GCC is hydrophobic as a result it is liberate water more rapidly. • Improve printability • Lower binder demand Uses Calcium carbonate, as it is used for industrial purposes, is extracted by mining or quarrying. Pure calcium carbonate can be produced from marble. The primary type of industrial product is "ground calcium carbonate,” or GCC. GCC, as the name implies, involves crushing and processing limestone to create a powdery-like form graded by size and other properties for many different industrial and pharmaceutical applications. • Paper, Plastics, Paints, and Coatings Calcium carbonate is the most widely used mineral in the paper, plastics, paints and coatings industries both as a filler – and due to its special white color - as a coating pigment. In the paper industry it is valued worldwide for its high brightness and light scattering characteristics, and is used as an inexpensive filler to make bright opaque paper. • Personal Health and Food Production Calcium carbonate is used widely as an effective dietary calcium supplement, antacid, phosphate binder, or base material for medicinal tablets. It also is found on many grocery store shelves in products such as baking powder, toothpaste, dry-mix dessert mixes, dough, and wine. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime, and is used in animal feed. Calcium carbonate also benefits the environment through water and waste treatment. • Building Materials and Construction Calcium carbonate is used in industrial settings to neutralize acidic conditions in both soil and water. Calcium carbonate crystals are referred to as calcite. The calcite crystal generally is considered a rhombohedron because of its cleavage properties. Cleavage is what causes crystals to angle where the bonding forces are weak and are apt to break into planes. Calcite is unique in that its cleavage takes three distinct directions. Market Outlook On the basis of detailed analysis in the report the growth of every one of those ventures, and a few others, will keep on surging the demand in the global calcium carbonate market at a considerable CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. As per the research, the global calcium carbonate market is foreseen to reach around worth of US$22,311.06 mn before 2025, considerably more the end of 2025, from the market's assessed valuation of US$15,158.33 mn back in 2017. The surge in requirement for paints and coatings on the back of thriving construction and building industry, augmented demand in the paper business, developing utilization of nano-calcium carbonate in the pharmaceutical and rubber enterprises are boosting the growth in global calcium carbonate market. Moreover, government activities for the development of the plastics industry in the Middle East are among the major factors fueling the demand in the global calcium carbonate market. Then again, environmental concerns of mining limestone and negative impacts of utilizing calcium carbonate in dietary supplements are a couple of limitations testing the market for the same. APAC is expected to be the major revenue contributor to the ground calcium carbonate market throughout the forecast period. The region is witnessing an increased demand for ground calcium carbonate from the fillers market due to innovations in terms of product and quality development. The market in this region is also driven by the growth of the paints and coatings, industrial, and packaging industries. The increasing demand from packaging and tissue paper application is identified as one of the primary growth factors for this market. The demand for ground calcium carbonate in packaging and tissue paper application is rapidly gaining prominence. Ground calcium carbonate is used in this segment as it creates a porous base on the sheet of paper, due to its rhombohedral particle shape. Moreover, the ground calcium carbonate is hydrophobic and it releases water rapidly. Also, the tissue paper market is constantly growing with the rise in number of quick service restaurant (QSR), food and beverages (F&B) chains, and other associated outlets. These facilities prefer disposable napkins and paper towels since they do not require washing and eliminate the need for labor and are more hygienic when compared to their conventional cloth counterparts. This will in turn, propel the demand for ground calcium carbonate in the coming years. In terms of market volume, global ground and precipitated calcium carbonate market is expected to witness a steady growth, registering a moderate single digit growth compounded annual rate during the forecast period. This forecast growth in consumption of ground and precipitated calcium carbonate is expected to primarily be attributed to steady growth in demand from end use industries based in Asia Pacific region. Thus, steady growth of construction sector coupled with forecast steady growth of global automotive production is expected to positively impact the consumption of ground and precipitated calcium carbonate across end use industries. Moreover, steady growth in demand from plastics and rubber industries is expected to propel the global ground and precipitated calcium carbonate market over the forecast period. However, relatively sluggish to slow growth of paper industry, major ground and precipitated calcium carbonate consuming industry, across key markets such as Europe and North America is likely to act as an impediment to growth of global ground and precipitated calcium carbonate market during the forecast period. Also, relatively slower economic growth is expected to restrain the growth of the market in the initial phase of the forecast period. Tags #Ground_Calcium_Carbonate, #Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC), #GCC, Calcium Carbonate, Ground Calcium Carbonate Manufacturing Process, Ground/Natural Calcium Carbonate, Ground Calcium Carbonate Manufacture, Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) / Limestone, Calcium Carbonate (Caco3), Chemical Industry, Calcium Carbonate Processing and Production, Ground Calcium Carbonate Process Diagram, Manufacturing of Ground Calcium Carbonate, #How_to_Manufacture_Ground_Calcium_Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate Production, #Caco3_Manufacturing_Process, Manufacture of Ground Calcium Carbonate, #Calcium_Carbonate_Industry, Calcium Carbonate Plant, Calcium Carbonate Indusrial Production, (GCC) Ground Calcium Carbonate, Process of Manufacturing of Ground Calcium Carbonate, Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) Production, #Ground_Calcium_Carbonate_Plant, Detailed Project Report on Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) Production, #Project_Report_on_Ground_Calcium_Carbonate_Manufacturing_Industry, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) Production, #Techno_Economic_feasibility_study_on_Ground_Calcium_Carbonate_Manufacturing Industry, #Feasibility_report_on_Ground_Calcium_Carbonate_(GCC)_Production, Free Project Profile on Ground Calcium Carbonate Manufacturing Industry, Project profile on Ground Calcium Carbonate Manufacturing Industry, Download free project profile on Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC) Production
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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TMT (Thermo Mechanically Treated) Steel Bars, Angles and Pipes Manufacturing Business

TMT (Thermo Mechanically Treated) Steel Bars, Angles and Pipes Manufacturing Business. Production of Steel Products. Profitable Business Ideas in Steel Industry Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars are manufactured using the metallurgical process which combines mechanical deformation such as compression, forging, and rolling with thermal processes such as heat treatment and quenching. In the thermal mechanical treatment process, a freshly rolled steel rod, which is at a high temperature, is rapidly cooled and its periphery, creating a hard material layer called martensite. TMT bars are one of the most widely used materials used in the construction industry. With a unique metallurgical process that combines work hardening along with heat-treatment to create robust and high strength bars from low-carbon steel, TMT bars have a great demand. Given below are the advantages and applications of these bars. TMT bars are widely used in the constructing buildings and other concrete structures. These bars are used to reinforce the concrete. Concrete has good compressive strength but poor tensile strength. This is why TMT bars are required for additional reinforcement. TMT bars forms a strong bond with the concrete. Also, it has thermal capability which makes the TMT bars resistant to fire accidents. Application of TMT bars TMT bars find their application in many avenues. They are used for constructing: • Bridges • Dams • High-rise apartments • Industrial structures • Flyovers Advantages of using TMT Bars in construction: • TMT Bars are environment friendly as they can be recycled and reused without any loss of quality. • TMT Bars are incredibly flexible, TMT bars can be created into required steel frames. • TMT Bars can withstand fires and earthquakes. • TMT Bars are easy to transport due to their lightweight built. • TMT Bars can increase the pace of the construction process • TMT Bars, with the superior malleability, ductility, strength, and their better weld ability. Steel Angles are the most basic type of roll-formed steel. They are formed by bending a single angle in a piece of steel. Angle Steel is ‘L’ shaped; the most common type of Steel Angles are at a 90 degree angle. The legs of the “L” can be equal or unequal in length. Steel angles are used for various purposes in a number of industries. Framing is one of the most common uses for steel angles, but steel angles are also used for brackets, trim, reinforcements, and many other uses. The larger the steel angle, the more weight and stress it can bear. These brass angels are used for manufacturing architectural and decorative items. Steel angle is widely used in construction and engineering sectors where greater strength and superior corrosion resistance is required. Features: • Broadloom finish • High tensile strength • Simple installation • Dimensional accuracy • Reliability Application Areas: • Architectural Applications • Construction Industries • Multi-storied building • Fastening industry • Overhead cranes. • Fabrication • Bridges Steel pipes are long, hollow tubes that are used for a variety of purposes. They are produced by two distinct methods which result in either a welded or seamless pipe. In both methods, raw steel is first cast into a more workable starting form. It is then made into a pipe by stretching the steel out into a seamless tube or forcing the edges together and sealing them with a weld. Uses of Steel Pipe Steel pipes are extremely versatile. That’s why they’re commonly used in many industries, from gas to sewage. They also come in a variety of types and sizes, and they can easily be customized to fit the needs of a particular project, adding even more to its versatility. Truth be told, it’s near impossible to find an industry that does not use steel pipe in some capacity. • Steel Water Pipes Steel has been used as a most durable product which will goes with the time hand by hand. Steel Water pipes used everywhere in housing societies, offices etc. Steel Water pipes, sometimes referred to as domestic pipes and are most commonly used in building and construction. • Medical Steel pipes are so popular in the medical field that they have used them for everything, including supporting fractured bones, medical machinery, surgical tools and dental procedures and even in pharmaceutical. Steel’s varied application is a testament to its durability, safety, and versatility. • Construction This is one of the most obvious uses of steel pipes. They are the go-to for many construction companies because they’re malleable and sturdy, at the same time. Steel pipes are used as construction piling, to support the weight of heavy buildings when the soil is too weak. It’s also used on the building itself and even its architectural design. Steel pipes are also used to construct ships, the ship yard where they’re kept, oil refineries and even space stations. Whether the construction is on land, over the water, or in space, steel pipes are a quality choice. • Industrial Steel Pipes & Tubes Steel pipes are also used in industries like in construction and energy. Industrial steel pipes can be used at any height, it is easy to maintain and also reliable. Steel Pipe Applications • Textile Machinery • Chemicals • Fertilizers • Dairy and Food Processing • Power Plants • Pesticides • Construction • Modern Architecture • Pharmaceuticals • Sugar • Oil and Gas Processing • Water treatment facilities • Desalination • Synthetic Fibers • Pulp and Paper • Breweries • Ship Building • Refinery & Petrochemicals • Energy industries Market Outlook The steel industry is one of the most important aspects of the economy for a number of developed and developing countries. Burgeoning economies such as India have a high consumption of steel as it the backbone of infrastructure. Therefore, the demand for steel has never been higher. The growth in the TMT bars market segment has come as a shot in the arm of the iron and steel industry. The iron and steel industry has been witnessing sustained growth in the recent past. Increase in demand for low cost reinforcement bars in construction projects such as dams and bridges drives the global thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars market. Rise in government support for the production of steel and coal propels the thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars market. Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars are preferred over torsional bars, as these have high strength and ductility. This is a key factor boosting the demand for global thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars market. However, technical constraints such as the properties such as ductility and strength associated with high-grade thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars are anticipated to hamper the global thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars market. Based on dimension, the global thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars market can be segmented into 12mm, 68mm, 812mm, and others. The selection of dimensions of the steel bar depends on its use. Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars are used in construction of the foundation, which bears the load of the building, beams, and slabs. Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars help withstand natural calamities such as windstorms and earthquakes. The sale of construction materials including TMT bars are estimated to grow at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.18% in terms of volume. Currently, the size of the Indian construction industry is USD 2.8 billion. Recently the government has announced an early completion of 10 million rural houses by the end of 2018, ahead of 2018 deadline and 11.8 million urban houses by 2020 instead or 2022 deadline under the “Housing for All” initiative. This will require huge amount of TMT bars and we expect multifold growth in demand in the coming years. Key players operating in the global thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) steel bars market include Arcelor Mittal Zenica, Balkan Steel Engineering Ltd., Essar Steel, HBIS Group, HUS Ltd., Metalopromet d. o. o. Kula, MMD, SIDERAL S.H.P.K., SIJ Group, and TATA Steel. Global Steel Pipes market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3.6% during the forecast period 2017-2024. Further, the global market is anticipated to reach 79.9 Million metric tons by the end of forecast period. Growing construction activities across the world and development of oil & gas industries are some major factors which are projected to foster the growth of global market of steel pipes. The global steel pipe market is expected to grow during the upcoming years owing to the features of steel such as reliability and durability. The wide range of usability of the steel pipe has increased demand of steel pipe in the market. The growing demand of replacing ageing pipes with the steel pipes boost the global demand of steel pipes. The increased demand of steel pipes is another factor propelling growth of the global steel pipe market. Moreover, steel pipes are ideal to carrying flammable gas owing to their non-reactive property. Global steel pipe market can be segmented into the five key regions, namely, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. Among them, Asia Pacific is expected to hold the largest market share in the global steel pipes market. This is due to increasing constructional activities and developing oil and gas industries in the region. These are some of important factors which may allow Asia Pacific to continue its dominance in the upcoming years. Some of the dominant players in the global steel pipe market are ArcelorMittal, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Hebei Iron & Steel Group, Baosteel, and Wuhan Iron & Steel Group. These players are increasing their product portfolio so as to stay ahead of each other and increase their shares in the global steel pipe market.
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: -
Working capital: -T.C.I: -
Return: 1.00%Break even: N/A
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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