
Products From Waste (Industrial & Agro Waste) 2nd Edition

Author: NIIR Board
Published: 2002
Format: paperback
ISBN: 818662337X
Code: NI76
Pages: 608
$ 100
$ 25.95


Publisher: National Institute of Industrial Research

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Processing of useful products from waste is achieved by Integrated Waste Management (IWM) which is the most important approach for the management of wastes. Rather than incurring the costs and risks of managing waste, it has been recognized, it is better to reduce the generation of waste. A waste minimization approach is outlined, in order to save costs and greatly minimize environmental liability. The major technique for waste management is recycling, though recycling and use reuse are the two major techniques for waste minimization, the options must be carefully evaluated. In the chemical industry, recovery of solvents, metal values, lubricant and oils has proven particularly cost effective in many countries. There are many such products processed from industrial and agricultural waste like silicon from rice husk, caffeine from tea waste. Here we are going to describe the waste management options and risks of hazardous waste and technologies related to it. Integrated waste management approach is one of the essential components of any successful waste management programme to control hazardous waste. Hazardous waste management is a new concept for most of the Asian countries including India. The utilization of resources and generation of waste is for beyond the limit that the biosphere was made to carry.

This book basically describes about the waste management options and technologies for the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste, economic policies and analysis in effluent treatment and financial constraint, municipal waste water treatment and energy recovery, cogeneration: a technology in waste reduction, utilization of industrial wastes in cement manufacture, quality and stability factors in composting, environmental legislation and enforcement mechanism etc.
We have made a sincere effort to bring out this book which is a key to the goldmine which can be obtained from waste. For the conservation of our environment and sustainable development, we have tried to bring about the solution. This book is a careful attempt in bringing together some selected articles from both entrepreneurs and specialist on all that is possible in the field of waste management.



1. Waste Management Options and Technologies for the Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Waste
2. Economic Policies and Analysis in Effluent Treatment and Financial Constraint
3. Municipal Waste Water Treatment and Energy Recovery
4. Cogeneration: A Technology in Waste Reduction
5. Utilisation of industrial wastes in cement manufacture
6. Quality and Stability Factors in Composting
7. Power Generation Based on Distillery Spentwash
8. Environmental Legislation and Enforcement Mechanism
9. Managing the Environment
10. Removal of lead from industrial effluents using coconut shell carbon
11. Biological Computer Aided Design of a Waste Water Treatment Plant
12. Cost-benefit analysis of various treatment options for waste water from starch industry
13. Pollution control strategies in India
14. Wastewater treatment at pulp and paper mills
15. Fumes and Dust Extraction System in Aluminium Industry
16. Making waste work
17. Silicon from Rice Husk
18. Silver Extraction from Waste Hypo Solution X-Ray Film and Cinema Film
19. Rubber Powder from Waste Tyres
20. Bricks from Flyash (Compression Process)
21. Vermiculture
22. Particle Board from Rice Husk
23. Oxalic Acid from Vegetable Waste
24. Plastic Granules from Scraps/Waste
25. Mini Paper Plant from Waste Paper
26. Biocoal Briquettes from Agricultural Cellulosic Waste
27. Cotton from Waste Yarn
28. Caffine from Tea Waste
29. Pectin from Organe/Lime Peels
30. Cement from Rice Husk
31. Acrylic Sheets from Acrylic Scraps
32. Activated Carbon from Saw Dust, Rice Husk and Coconut Shells
33. Leading Environment Consultants In U.S.A
34. Leading Pollution Control Equipment Manufacturers from United Kingdom
35. International Environmental Organisations
36. Central and State Pollution Control Boards in India
37. Pollution Control Equipment Manufacturers
38. Powers and Functions of the Pollution Control Boards
39. Standards for Cleaner and Greener Environment

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