
Modern Technology of Agro Processing & Agricultural Waste Products

Author: NIIR Board
Published: 2001
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8186623493
Code: NI11
Pages: 504
$ 100
$ 25.95


Publisher: National Institute of Industrial Research

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Agriculture being a foundation stone for most budding economies, it would be benefiting to know about agro processing and waste management of agriculture produce. The book will act as an encyclopaedia for enriched information on the processing of a variety of products manufactured from agro crops and the waste management of agriculture products. Agro processing can be defined as set of techno economic activities carried out for preservation and treatment of agricultural produce and to make it useful as food, feed, fibre, fuel or manufacturing objects . Therefore, the span of the agro-processing industry covers all operations from the phase of harvest to the phase where the material reaches the end users in the desired form, packaging, quantity, quality and price. Agro processing is a complex process and a clear understanding will certainly help to grow your business. The agro processing is functional to all the produces, originating from agricultural farm, livestock, aqua cultural sources and forests for their preservation, treatment and value-addition to make them serviceable as food, feed, fibre, fuel or industrial raw materials. 
The book deals with varied information on the agro product like Quality Parameters of Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables, Fruit Specific Preservation Technologies, General Properties of Fruits and Vegetables; Chemical Composition and Nutritional Aspects; Structural Features. Some chapters provide information on the various by products of agro products like Alcohol from Potatoes, Activated Carbon from Saw Dust, Rice Husk and Coconut Shells, Cattle Feed from Molasses, Bio coal Briquettes from Agriculture Cellulosic Waste, Maize Processing for Glucose etc.
The book also gives a touch to the growth of agro processing Industries in India that has experienced expansion during last 5 decades, starting with a handful of facilities to the present level. The book in addition contains the number of products made from agricultural waste. With the current expansion and growth of agro processing and the waste management the book will render you comprehensive information on the project profiles, requirements of basic infrastructure like plant, machinery and raw materials and the addresses of their suppliers. 
Agro processing has recently emerged as the dawn sector of the Indian economy with its enormous prospective for growth and direct assistance to economic aspect especially on employment and income generation. A number of estimates propose that in developed countries, up to 14 per cent of the total labour force is engaged in agro-processing sector directly or indirectly. Though, in India, a meagre number of 3 per cent of the work force finds employment in this sector revealing its underdeveloped state and vast untapped potential for employment. The book will provide you comprehensive information to tap the opportunities available in the sector.


1. Quality Parameters of Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables
2. Shelf-Life of Maize-Soya Based Ready-to-Eat Extruded Snacks
3. Growth of Agro Processing Industries in India
4. General Properties of Fruits and Vegetables; Chemical Composition and Nutritional Aspects; Structural Features
5. General Procedures for Fruit and Vegetable Preservation
6. Packaging Materials
7. Fruit Specific Preservation Technologies
8. Castor Oil Derivative Oleo Resin
9. Biocoal Briquettes from Agriculture Cellulosic Waste
10. Modern Bee Keeping
11. Fruit Pulp and Juice Concentrates Mango and Pineapple Pulp and Concentrates
12. Garlic Oil and Powder
13. Banana Wafers
14. Dal / Pulse Mill
15. Cattle Feed from Molasses
16. Herbal Plantation (Medicinal)
17. Mango Plantation
18. Cardamom Oil
19. Ginger Processing (Peeling Drying, Grinding Bleaching of Fresh Ginger)
20. Red Chilli Powder
21. Cashew Nut Shell Liquid and Kernels
22. Coconut Processing Unit
23. Activated Carbon from Saw Dust, Rice Husk and Coconut Shells
24. Atta Chakki Plant
25. Alcohol from Potatoes
26. Fresh / Frozen Potato (Ready to Cook) Peled/Slices (Chips) Potato
27. Maize Processing for Glucose
28. Processing of Food Grains / Pulses and Retail Packaging
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Sample Chapters

  • Dipti Gulati – Mar 22, 2023:


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