
Market Research Report on FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS (Sanitary Napkins & Pads) in India Opportunities, Demand Analysis, Market Share, Industry Size, Sector Outlook & Forecasts Upto 2017

Author: NPCS Team
Published: 2014
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789381039403
Code: NI268
Pages: 63
$ 500



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The Market Research Report on FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS (Sanitary Napkins & Pads) in India- Opportunities, Demand Analysis, Market Share, Industry Size, Sector Outlook & Forecasts Upto 2017 released by Niir Project Consultancy Services, provides a comprehensive analysis on the sanitary napkin industry in India. The report provides sector analysis along with the technical textile sector segmentation and sanitary pad industry classification. The report aims at establishing a detailed study on the current and future prospects of sanitary napkins in India. It entails details like opportunities and challenges faced by the sector, a meticulous demand analysis of the product along with its foreign trade, market sizing, comparative analysis of key players, outlook and forecasts of important numbers for the next 5 years. The industry is dominated by MNC’s like P&G Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd (PGHHL) and Johnson & Johnson Ltd leaving very little scope for the other players to operate. It also provides profiles of the above mentioned players along with Kimberly Clark Lever Ltd, a JV between Kimberly Clark Corporation and Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
The report provides analysis of the opportunities that are present for the sanitary pads/feminine hygiene sector in India along with the challenges faced by the segment. Rising awareness among Indian women about menstrual hygiene is the biggest opportunity for the sector to reckon. As women literacy rates in India rises, the awareness and importance of feminine hygiene products is bound to rise. The report gives graphical representation of all the relevant data in opportunities for the sector. Growing share of women population in Indian population distribution coupled with rising urbanization and disposable incomes with population are anticipated to drive the growth of sanitary napkins in India. The challenges identified by the report are issue of sanitary waste disposal and feminine hygiene still being a taboo in the nation.
The next segment of the report includes exhaustive study on the market potential of sanitary napkins in India. The segment aims at providing market size of the sector along with forecasts, sensitivity analysis of sanitary napkin consumption by Indian women at various penetration levels and enumeration of new players entering the industry attracted by its high growth rates. It also elucidates import export numbers of sanitary napkins for the past 5 years. Further the report elaborates on key player data like key player profiles, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (market share of players) and comparative analysis of two lead players in the industry- PGHHL and Johnson & Johnson Ltd. It compares the two companies’ performance in the feminine hygiene segment and provides details like sanitary napkin brands owned by the companies, segment volume trend, segment sales and sales contribution over 2009-13. Also, the data mentioned above is graphically presented to enhance the understanding of comparative analysis of the two companies. The report further gives a peer group analysis of all the players operating in the sanitary napkin segment. It covers contact information like address of registered office and director’s name, key financials like plant location, raw material consumption and financial comparison covering balance sheet, profit & loss account and financial ratios.
The industry, as we anticipate, has all the triggers in place to experience explosive growth. It has already been growing at the rate of ~21% in the past and we estimate it to grow at 25% in the near future. The growth in the sanitary napkin consumption will be harnessed by factors like growing awareness among Indian women about feminine hygiene, availability of low cost sanitary napkins in the market as well as rising women population in our country. Escalating disposable incomes will also make sanitary napkins more affordable and will contribute in augmenting its usage. We anticipate the industry to grow to INR 45.9 billion by 2017.

Reasons for Buying this Report:
• This research report helps you get a detail picture of the industry by providing overview of the industry along with the market structure, classification and opportunities for the sector  
• This report helps to understand the present status of the industry by providing a scrutiny of the demand situation with forecasts
• Report provides analysis and in-depth financial comparison of major players/competitors
• The report provides in-depth analysis of the two major players of the segment- PGHHL and Johnson & Johnson Ltd, which will help highlight the performance of the companies in the feminine hygiene segment
• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance
Our Approach:
• Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.
• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players
• We use reliable sources of information and databases.   And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report


1.1 Classification of the Industry
2.1 Opportunities
2.1.1 Rising Urbanization
2.1.2 Growing Female Population
2.1.3 Rising Disposable Incomes
2.1.4 Rising Awareness & Literacy Levels
2.1.5 Government Initiatives
2.2 Challenges
2.2.1 Feminine Hygiene: A Taboo
2.2.2 Waste Disposal
3.1 Demand Analysis
3.2 Foreign Trade
3.2.1 Exports
3.2.2 Imports
3.3 New Entrants
4.1 Key Player Profiles
4.1.1 Johnson & Johnson Ltd
4.1.2 Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd
4.1.3 Kimberly Clark Lever Ltd
4.2 Herfindahl-Hirschman Index- Market Share Index
4.3 Johnson & Johnson Ltd Vs P&G Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd (PGHHL) - A Comparison
4.3.1 Company Snapshot
4.3.2 Segmental Sales Comparison
5.1 Contact Information
5.1.1 Registered Office Address
5.1.2 Director’s Name
5.2 Key Financials
5.2.1 Plant Locations
5.2.2 Product Capacity & Sales
5.2.3 Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Financial Comparison
5.3.1 Assets
5.3.2 Liabilities
5.3.3 Growth in Assets & Liabilities
5.3.4 Structure of Assets & Liabilities
5.3.5 Income & Expenditure
5.3.6 Growth in Income & Expenditure
5.3.7 Cash Flow
5.3.8 Liquidity Ratios
5.3.9 Profitability Ratios
5.3.10 Return Ratios
5.3.11 Working Capital & Turnover Ratios

Figure 1 Region Wise Consumption of Sanitary Napkins in India
Figure 2 Indian Sanitary Napkin Industry- Segmentation
Figure 3 Technical Textile Industry- Segmentation
Figure 4 Consumption Pattern of Sanitary Napkins in India
Figure 5 Indian Population Distribution Over Various Census Periods
Figure 6 Urban Population Composition of India (2001-11, %)
Figure 7 Female Population Statistics (2001-11, In Millions)
Figure 8 India's Annual Per Capita Income (2008-13, In INR)
Figure 9 Indian Middle Class Population (Current-2026)
Figure 10 Female Literacy Rate in India (%)
Figure 11 Male & Female Literacy Rates in India (2001-11, %)
Figure 12 Indian Sanitary Napkin Industry- Market Size (2009-17, In INR Billions)
Figure 13 Women Population Distribution- Age Group 15-59 years (2010-17, In % of total women population)
Figure 14 Sanitary Napkin Consumption in India by 2017 (At Various Penetration Levels, In Million Pieces)
Figure 15 Sanitary Napkin Exports from India (2009-13, In INR Millions)
Figure 16 Sanitary Napkin Imports to India (2009-13, In INR Millions)
Figure 17 P&G Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd- Shareholding Pattern (June 2013)
Figure 18 Market Share of Key Players
Figure 19 Johnson & Johnson and PGHHL- Sanitary Napkin Brands
Figure 20 PGHHL- Total Sales & Segment Sales (2009-13, In INR Billions)
Figure 21 Johnson & Johnson Ltd- Total Sales & Segment Sales (2009-11, In INR Billions)
Figure 22 Johnson & Johnson Ltd and PGHHL- Feminine Hygiene Sales Contribution to Total Sales
Figure 23 Johnson & Johnson Ltd and PGHHL- Feminine Hygiene Sales Volume (In Million Pieces)
Figure 24 Johnson & Johnson Ltd and PGHHL- Feminine Hygiene Sales Volume (In Tonnes)

Table 1 Sanitary Napkin Consumption by 2017 at Various Penetration Levels
Table 2 Top Export Destinations of Sanitary Napkins
Table 3 Top Import Countries of Sanitary Napkin
Table 5 PGHHL- Plant Locations (June 2013)
Table 6 PGHHL- Financial Summary (2011-13, In INR Millions)
Table 7 Johnson & Johnson Ltd and PGHHL - General Information
Table 8 Johnson & Johnson Ltd and PGHHL- Feminine Hygiene Segment Sales Comparison (In INR Billions)
Table 9 Johnson & Johnson Ltd and PGHHL- Feminine Hygiene products Volume Comparison

Sample Chapters


Sanitary Napkin comes under Nonwoven fabrics which as a whole come under technical textile sector. Sanitary napkins constitute a major chunk of the technical textile usage in Meditex segment.

Sanitary napkins have come a long way since their first forms as bandages. The invention of cellucotton in World War I lead to the invention of sanitary napkins. Kotex, manufactured by Kimberly-Clark, was the first incarnation of sanitary napkins after the war.      

The 1ST sanitary napkins were in the form of a cotton wool or similar stringy rectangular structure, sheathed with an absorbent liner. The design of the sanitary napkins has also changed through the 1980's to today. Disposable sanitary napkins started to be available in the markets only around the year 1895.

Sanitary napkin market has huge potential in a country like India where feminine hygiene levels are reckoned to be appallingly low. A sanitary napkin is a product with a stable demand among its consumer group.

Figure 1 Region Wise Consumption of Sanitary Napkins in India

Source: Intecos-CIER

Figure 2 Indian Sanitary Napkin Industry- Segmentation

Source: Intecos – CIER

Indian sanitary napkin market which was once ruled by belted category has broken the trend and has paved way for Beltless napkins. Today beltless napkins capture ~75% of the total market.










Figure 3 Technical Textile Industry- Segmentation

1.1           Classification of the Industry




This segment of the report elaborates on the opportunities in India for the sanitary napkin market as well as factors restraining its growth.

2.1          Opportunities

2.1.1      Rising Urbanization

Rising level of urbanization in the nation will be one of the biggest opportunities for the sanitary napkin market in India. Urbanization often leads to improved standard of living coupled with significant changes in consumer preferences, lifestyles and thus spending patterns. Therefore, as more and more women starts occupying urban areas, the demand and consumption of sanitary napkins will see a surge.

The charts below illustrate the composition of urban population and consumption pattern of sanitary napkins in the nation.

Figure 4 Consumption Pattern of Sanitary Napkins in India

Source: Intecos-CIER


Figure 14 Sanitary Napkin Consumption in India by 2017 (At Various Penetration Levels, In Million Pieces)





Figure 15 Sanitary Napkin Exports from India (2009-13, In INR Millions)











Figure 16 Sanitary Napkin Imports to India (2009-13, In INR Millions)


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