Open a skill development and entrepreneurship Training Centre, which is a Profitable Investment in Educational Sector.
Start a Skill Development Training Centre
Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic process and social development of any country. They need become even a lot of necessary given the increasing pace of economic process and technological changes give each challenges that’s taking place within the world. Countries with higher and higher levels of skills adjust a lot of effectively to the challenges and opportunities of globalization.
Skill development refers to the identification of skill gaps and developing the present skills to enable a person to achieve his/her goals. This generation lacks the necessary skills and there’s a large gap between the skills existing in a person and therefore the skills demanded by the business.
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The skills development centers are launched so as to bring down the unemployment and harness the creative energies of the youth therefore creating them self-sufficient. With the assistance of modern technology beauty and wellness skills, knowledge entry operational, operating sewing machines, mobile repair and phulkari (embroidery) skills would be taught at these centers.
Need for Skill Development
Livelihood opportunities are affected by supply and demand side issues. On the supply side, India is failing to create enough job opportunities; and on the demand side, professionals entering the job market are lacking in skill sets. This is resulting in a scenario of rising unemployment rates along with low employability.
- Job Creation
- Youth Skilling
- Demand for Skilled Workforce
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The Role of Government Policies and Programs for Skill Development in India
Skills and knowledge are driving forces of economic growth and social development in any country. Countries with higher levels and higher standards of skills modify a lot of effectively to the challenges and opportunities in domestic and international job markets. The country, however, has a huge challenge ahead because it is estimated that only 14.69 p.c of the whole workforce in India has undergone formal skill coaching. As India moves progressively towards becoming a ‘Knowledge Economy’ it becomes increasingly necessary that the Eleventh plan ought to focus on advancement of skills and these skills need to be relevant to the emerging economic environment.
The government has come upon the ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship with an enabling framework to facilitate job creation and entrepreneurship through varied policies and programs. so as to make a pool of skilled personnel in appropriate numbers with adequate skills in line with the utilization requirements across the whole economy with particular emphasis on the targeted high economic growth, high employment sectors, the Govt can set up an SDM consisting of an agglomeration of program and appropriate structures aimed at enhancing training opportunities of recent entrants to the labor force from the existing 2.5 million within the non-agricultural sector to 10 million each year to provide within a five-to eight-year time frame, a pool of trained and mean workforce, sufficient to meet the domestic requirements of a rapidly growing economy, with surpluses to cater to the skill deficits in 70 talent india and women empowerment different ageing economies, thereby effectively investment India’s competitive advantage and harnessing India’s demographic dividend. the Government’s policies and programs in skill development and also analyzed achievement and target of skill India development that play an awfully important role for enhancing the productivity of labor still as economic growth in India.
Objectives of National Policy on Skill Development
The objectives of the national policy on skill development are to:
- a) Create opportunities for all to acquire skills throughout life, and especially for youth, women and disadvantaged groups.
- b) Promote commitment by all stakeholders to own skill development initiatives.
- c) Develop a high-quality skilled workforce/entrepreneur relevant to current and emerging employment market needs.
- d) Enable the establishment of flexible delivery mechanisms that respond to the characteristics of a wide range of needs of stakeholders.
- e) Enable effective coordination between different ministries, the Centre and the States and public and private providers.
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
A Department of skill Development and Entrepreneurship was created under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in July, 2014 and was subsequently upgraded to full-fledged ministry in November 2014.The role of the Ministry involves coordinating and evolving skill development frameworks, mapping of existing skills and certification, industry-institute linkages among others. Human Resource and skill requirement reports across 24 sectors were ready that serve as a baseline for all skill development initiatives. The Ministry works primarily through the National skill Development Corporation (NSDC), National skill Development Agency (NSDA), and therefore the directorate of training (DT).
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Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
Approved for another four years (2016-2020) to benefit 10 million youth:-
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The objective of this Skill Certification Scheme is to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry-relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will also be assessed and certified under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Under this Scheme, Training and Assessment fees are completely paid by the Government.
Key Components of the Scheme:-
- Short Term Training
The Short Term training imparted at PMKVY training Centers (TCs) is expected to profit candidates of Indian position who are either school/college dropouts or unemployed. Aside from providing training in keeping with the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), TCs shall also impart training in Soft Skills, Entrepreneurship, financial and Digital skill. Related Videos: – Profitable Business Ideas in Education Sector. Project Opportunities in Education Industry
Duration of the training varies per job role, ranging between 150 and 300 hours. Upon successful completion of their assessment, candidates shall be provided placement help by training Partners (TPs). Under PMKVY, the whole training and assessment fees are paid by the govt. Payouts shall be provided to the TPs in alignment with the Common Norms. Trainings imparted underneath the Short Term Training component of the scheme shall be NSQF Level five and below.
- Recognition of Prior Learning
Individuals with previous learning experience or skills shall be assessed and certified under the popularity of previous Learning (RPL) component of the scheme. RPL aims to align the competencies of the unregulated work force of the country to the NSQF. Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs), similar to Sector skill Councils (SSCs) or the other agencies designated by MSDE/NSDC, shall be incentivized to implement RPL projects in any of the three Project types (RPL Camps, RPL at Employers Premises and RPL centers). To address knowledge gaps, PIAs could provide Bridge Courses to RPL candidates.
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- Special Projects
The Special projects component of PMKVY envisages the creation of a platform which will facilitate trainings in special areas and/or premises of government bodies, Corporates or business bodies, and trainings in special job roles not outlined under the available Qualification Packs (QPs)/National occupational Standards (NOSs). Special projects are projects that require some deviation from the terms and conditions of Short Term training under PMKVY for any stakeholder. A proposing stakeholder will be either Government institutions of Central or State Government(s)/Autonomous Body/Statutory Body or the other equivalent body or corporates who need to supply training to candidates.
- Kaushal and Rozgar Mela
Social and community mobilization is extremely crucial for the success of PMKVY. Active participation of the community ensures transparency and accountability, and helps in investing the cumulative information of the community for better functioning. In line with this, PMKVY assigns special importance to the involvement of the target beneficiaries through a defined mobilization process. TPs shall conduct Kaushal and Rozgar Melas each six months with press/media coverage; they’re also required to participate actively in National Career Service Melas and on-ground activities.
- Placement Guidelines
PMKVY envisages to link the aptitude, aspiration, and knowledge of the skilled workforce it creates with employment opportunities and demands within the market. Each effort thereby needs to be made by the PMKVY TCs to provide placement opportunities to candidates, trained and certified under the scheme. TPs shall also give support to entrepreneurship development.
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- Monitoring Guidelines
To ensure that top standards of quality are maintained by PMKVY TCs, NSDC and empaneled scrutiny Agencies shall use varied methodologies, similar to self-audit reporting, call validations, surprise visits, and monitoring through the abilities Development Management System (SDMS). These methodologies shall be increased with the engagement of latest technologies.
The scheme will be implemented through the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
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Market Outlook
India is one of the youngest nations in the world with more than 54% of the total population below 25 years of age. India’s workforce is the second largest in the world after China’s. While China’s demographic dividend is expected to start tapering off by 2015, India will continue to enjoy it till 2040. However, India’s formally skilled workforce is approximately 2% – which is dismally low compared to China (47%), Japan (80%) or South Korea (96%).To leverage our demographic dividend more substantially and meaningfully, the Government launched the “Skill India” campaign along with “Make in India”. In this brief, we look at the Skill Development ecosystem in India – the need for Skill Development, initiatives taken by the Government and schemes introduced for skill government by the present government.
Alongside the daunting challenge of skilling a lot of youth coming into workforce every month, India also faces a large challenge of evolving a skill development system that can equip the workforce adequately to fulfill the requirements of the business. The workforce has to be trained across four levels, from the high finish specialized skills for ‘White Collar’ jobs to the low-level skills of the ‘Rust Collar’ jobs. Moreover, these skills have to be adequately linked to the on the market job opportunities. Several factors have inhibited the skill development eco-system in India to scale up to the desired levels. The skill development system in India is plagued with multiple issues related to awareness, perception, cost, quality and scale.
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In terms of infrastructure, the institutes often lack appropriate machinery to give students hands-on training. Even the course curricula often are outdated, redundant and non-standardized. Additionally, the lack of industry-faculty interaction on course curricula leads to irrelevant training modules.
The availability of good quality trainers is also a key concern. The quality of trainers is affected due to limited efforts towards re-training and skill improvement of trainers. There is a lack of focus on development of trainers with a clear career path which can make this an aspirational career choice and can ensure regular adequate supply of good-quality trainers in every sector.
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Government of India is keen to bridge the global shortage of labor force in the coming years by reaping the demographic dividend of young Indian labor force. To meet this objective, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship under the “Skill India” Mission has set up India International Skill Centre (IISC) to provide skill trainings and certification benchmarked to International Standards. One of the major focus area of the Skill India Mission is to prepare our youth for opportunities of employment in the global markets.
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List of Sector Skill Councils
Take a quick tour of the existing and upcoming Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) in India:
- Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC)
- Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI)
- Banking and Finance Sector of India (BFSI)
- Gem & Jewellery Skill Council of India (GJSCI)
- Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC)
- IT-ITeS Sector Skill Council
- Retail Association’s Sector Skill Council of India (RASCI)
- Media and Entertainment Skills Council (MESC)
- Tourism and hospitality Skill Council (THSC)
- Electronics Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCI)
- Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC)
- Leather Sector Skill Council (LSSC)
- Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative (FICSI)
- Logistics Skills Council (LSC)
- India Plumbing Skills Council (IPSC)
- Capital Goods Skill Council
- Construction Sector Skill Council
- Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council
- Iron and Steel Sector Skill Council
- Power Sector Skill Council
- Skill Council for Mining Sector
- Textile Sector Skill Council
- Apparel made ups and home furnishing sector skills council
- Beauty and wellness sector skills council
- Handicrafts and Carpet Sector Skills Council
- Green jobs sector skills council
- Domestic Workers Sector Skills Council of India
- Furniture and fittings skills council
- Instrumentation Automation Skills Council
- Coating and Painting Sector Skills Council
- Strategic Manufacturing Skills Council
- Aerospace and Aviation Sector Skill Council (AASSC)
- Sports Sector Skills Council
- Entrepreneurship, Management Services and Training Sector Skill Council
- Hydro Carbon Sector Skill Council (Oil and Gas)
- PwD sector skills council
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