Project Report

Wood and Wood Products, Plywood, Board, Particle Board, Wooden Furniture, Bamboo, Engineered wood, Forest product, Lumber, Tree, Wood drying, Wood plastic composite, Door, Window, Modular Furniture, Timber, Woodworking Projects

Wood and wood based products are an important part of our day to day life. In India, three main types of wood based panels viz., plywood including blockboards and flushdoors, fibreboards and particleboards are manufactured. Wood products include: cases, boxes, hard wood flooring, joinery, wood casks, treated rough wood, pre-fabricated wooden buildings, wood carvings, door frames and other niche items. Most wood in India is used for the manufacture of doors, window frames, wall panels, moldings and furniture. Domestic manufacturing is highly fragmented and unorganized with much of the production, particularly for doors, windows and interiors still done by individual carpenters on site. The appreciation of the need for rational utilization of wood as a raw material has resulted in the increased consumption of these products everywhere.

The share of American woods in the Indian import market is relatively small, but has grown from 0.4 percent to almost 1 percent ($12.8 million). India’s supplies of domestic wood are very limited. Because of this shortage, the import market for raw and semi-processed wood is expected to increase with demand and construction activity over the next few years.

The upcoming Commonwealth Games in 2010 will also support growth of the housing and construction sectors in India. Imports constitute 20 percent of total annual consumption of wood in India, while plantations and forestry contribute 58 and 22 percent respectively.

Logs account for the largest portion (67 percent) of all wood and wood products imported into India due to relatively lower import tariffs and a local preference for unprocessed wood. Imports of logs have increased by 72 percent to $1.14 billion. India imports logs mostly from Malaysia, Myanmar, Ghana and New Zealand due to a freight advantage and relatively lower prices.

The furniture market is the second largest wood processing segment after logs, making India a fast emerging market for high-end, value-added imported products.

The manufacture of pre-fabricated doors and windows is relatively new and the current market is growing at 10% per annum. The total annual market for furniture in India is estimated to be US$ 1.25 billion about 90% of which is for wooden products. The branded (higher quality) wooden furniture industry is growing at 15% annually.

Imports of fiber and particle board, veneer and sawn lumber have also increased over the last decade, indicating positive demand in the housing, construction, household products, furniture and packaging sectors.

Panel and plywood products are main wood products in India. Product categories include veneer sheets, particle board (composite wood core with plastic laminate finish), panel products (fiber board), plywood made from both hard and softwood (veneered panels and laminated woods), and medium density fiber board. Indian particle board and plywood industry have large producers who accounts for 15% of the total production, producing some 30 million sqm of plywood and blockboards. The Indian market for particle board and plywood is estimated in value terms, at over Rs 17billion. Of the total market, particle board accounts for over 30% of the market with the rest over 70% accounted by plywood segments. Western India has emerged as the leader in the particle board segment. A relatively new product in the industry is medium density fibre board (MDF board).Two large companies are major players in this field, one by the Birla group, Mangalam Timber and another by Nuchem Plastics.

In the Plywood segment, Greenply Industries with a market share of 4.1% leads the pack and is closely followed by Century Plywood (3.4%),Kitply Industries(3.2%) and Worthy Plywood(2.3%).Other important players in the segment, though with a very small market share, include Sarda Plywood Industries(1.8%) and Uniply Industries(1.4%).

As in many emerging markets, India is experiencing a rapid phase of urbanization with a change in lifestyles, a growing demand for engineered wood panel products, and a high infrastructure, industry sources expect positive growth for wood productssuch as plywood, particleboard, medium density fiberboard, oriented-strand board and laminated veneer lumber in near future.

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S No. Select Project Name Project Cost Rate of Return
1 Plywood for Tea Chest -
2 Bent Wooden Furniture -
3 Composite Carbon Fiber -
4 Cylindrical Agarbatti Sticks -
5 Hard Board From Saw Dust -
6 Pre-Laminated Particle Board -
7 Plywood and Board -
8 Plywood for Tea Chests --
9 Plywood -
10 Picking Stick From Laminated Wood -
11 Rubber Wood Processing plant -
12 Soft Board & Hard Board Coir Dust -
13 Tooth Picks -
14 Timber Seasoning -
15 Table Top (Black Board) -
16 Wooden Furniture (with Mediocre Automation) -
17 Wooden Furniture ---
18 Wooden Doors, Windows Wooden Shutter with Seasoning Plant --
19 Wood Seasoning --
20 Wood Wool Slab -
21 Fuel Bricks From Groundnut, Soyabean Hull & Jute -
22 Particle Boards from Agro Waste & Sugarcane Bagasse
23 Particle Board From Agro Waste & Sugarcane Baggase
30 Decorative Laminates,Decorative Laminate Sheets (Sunmica Type)
31 Laminate Wood Flooring
32 Teakwood Meranti Doors Solid & Semi Solid Doors
33 Wooden Doors & Frames
34 Knock Down Furniture -
35 Chipboard Plant -
37 Modular Furniture 1
38 Wood Pellets From Sawdust -
39 Solid Wood Furniture -
40 Particle Board From Banana Tree Trunks -
41 WPC Door -
42 Wood Flour -
43 Plywood from Bagasse -
44 Wood Fibers (used in MDF) -
45 Particle Board from Eucalyptus Wood- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
46 Wooden Cutlery- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
47 Dining Table & Lamps-Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for new business setup -
48 Rice Syrup & Rice Protein- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plan -
49 Ply Board from Poplar and Eucalyptus Wooden Logs- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
50 Wooden Furniture and Doors- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
51 Chipboard- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout -
52 Handicraft & Carvin Products Statue, Furniture & Kitchen Equipments- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
53 Wood Epoxy River Table Tops, Counter Tops and Kitchen Tops -
54 Lumber, Outboard, Mat and Sheets, Flooring & Wall Panel- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
55 Lumber, Outboard, Mat and Sheets, Flooring & Wall Panel- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
56 High Pressure Decorative Laminate and Compact Boards- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
57 Prelam HDF, MDF & Ply Boards- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
58 Particle Board from Silver Oak and Eucalyptus- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
59 Particle Board from Paper Waste- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
60 Nailless Plywood Boxes- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
61 HDHMR Plywood from Eucalyptus Chips- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
62 MDF Board from Bagasse- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
63 Medium Densified Board and High Densified Fibre Board from Wood- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
64 Panel Board from Agricultural Waste Similar to MDF Board- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -

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