Project Report

Rubber & Plastic Industries, FRP Products, Polymers, PET, PVC, LDPE, HDPE, Polypropylene, Acrylic and Polyurethane Projects

Rubber and plastics are two very different, important materials which are used a great deal in our everyday life, both in indoors and outdoors. The usage of the materials is increasing day by day and it has become an integral part in our surroundings. India, being the fourth largest producer of natural rubber in world, is considered to be one of the key players in the global rubber business. Rubber is a versatile product with multiple usages. It is grown in various countries worldwide and plays a crucial role in the Indian economy too. India is one of the leading rubber producers in the world.

The use of rubber is widespread, ranging from household to industrial products, entering the production stream at the intermediate stage or as final products. Tyre and tubes are the largest consumers of rubber. The remaining 44% is taken up by the general rubber goods sector, which includes all products, except tyres and tubes. Synthetic rubber is mainly used for the production of auto tyres and tubes, cycle tyres and tubes and footwear. Other applications for the synthetic variety are camel back, belts and hoses. The market segmentation includes Auto tyres and tubes   56%, Bicycle tyres and tubes    9%, Footwear    18%, Latex goods    8%, Belts and hoses    4%, Camelback   5%.

The rubber industry is expected to grow at over 8 per cent per annum this decade, as the per capita consumption of rubber is 0.8 kg against 14 kg in the developed world. There exists a huge scope for expansion causing import of machinery, technology and raw materials and export of rubber goods.

Plastics, the material of the new generation, have been catching up faster than was expected since the 1980s. With restrictions on the use of wood to conserve forests, its importance has grown phenomenally.  Because of its light weight, ease in maintenance and natural sparkle, it is substituting not only wood but also metal and glass. The automobile industry, the white and brown goods and the packaging industries, all offer expanding prospects.

Plastic polymers are classified into thermoplastics and thermosettings. Thermoplastics include elastomers (unvulcanised), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), polyurethane (PU) and other resins. Thermosettings include elastomers (vulcanized), polyethylene (crosslinked), phenolics, alkyds, polyesters. The product variation includes PVC 21%, HDPE 25%, LDPE 5%, PS 5%, PP 33%, LLDPE 8% and ABS 3%.

Major Players in this sector includes Reliance 32%, IPCL 22%, DCM Sriram 4%, Finolex 5%, Chemplast 3%, DCW 3%, etc.

          The industry has expanded along with expansion of diverse applications, such as packaging, extrusions, blow mouldings and industrial mouldings for automobiles, telecommunications, and white goods.  User segments are electrical appliances, domestic ware, leatherite, decorative laminates, fittings and fixtures, extrusions for construction industry, automobile components, machinery and equipment, water tanks, pipes and fittings, drink bottles, medical appliances, weather protection. The opportunities are also opening up with the expansion and sophistication of food processing, automobiles, entertainment electronics and appliances. Besides these, industry's contributions have been vital in areas of rural electrification, telecommunication, horticulture, medicare, apart from a perceptible change in living styles and standards.

Polymers have found uses in all spheres of life with demand for better materials, greater functional use, more economical packaging and versatile and durable all-weather products. The per capita consumption of polymers in India is around 5 kg. The average per capita global consumption of polymers is estimated to be about 17 kg. The plastic and polymer industry has been expanding at a rate of 11% a year. Presently the consumption/demand is estimated at around 5.5 million tonnes. The demand estimates for all polymers including engineering polymers is envisaged to increase from 1.8 million tonnes in 1995-96 to 7.5 million tonnes in 2006-07 and to 9.5 million tonnes in 2009-10. It is projected at close to 14 million tonnes in 2014-15.  India is one of the fastest growing polymer market in the world, and is expected to become the world's third largest polymers market, after the US and China, within a decade. The significant domestic demand growth is expected from the user industries such as telecom, food and beverages, packaging, transportation and consumer durables, and from continued substitution of traditional materials like wood, metal, glass.

We can provide you detailed project reports on the following topics. Please select the projects of your interests.

Each detailed project reports cover all the aspects of business, from analysing the market, confirming availability of various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial requirements. The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the cash flow statement, projecting the balance sheet etc.

We also offer self-contained Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Studies, Market Surveys and Studies, Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports, Identification and Selection of Plant and Machinery, Manufacturing Process and or Equipment required, General Guidance, Technical and Commercial Counseling for setting up new industrial projects on the following topics.

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We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.

We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.

S No. Select Project Name Project Cost Rate of Return
1 Acrylic Fibre -
2 Acrylic Yarn -
3 Acrylic Based Industries -
4 Agricultural Pipe (Kisan Pipe) -
5 Acid & Alkali Proof Rubber Hand Gloves -
6 Acrylic Sheet -
7 Alkyd Resin from Linseed Oil and Soyabean Oil -
8 Alkyd Resin from Cashew Nut Shell Oil -
9 Air Bubbles Packaging -
10 Auto Flaps -
11 Azo Dicarbon Oxide -
12 ABS Granules -
13 Automobile Tube & Flaps -
14 Automobile Tyre, Tubes & Flaps -
15 Auto Tubes & Tyres (for Scooters, Motor Cycle) --
16 Acrylic Mirror -
17 Acrylic Sheet -
18 Automobiles Tyre, Tubes & Flaps -
19 Audio Cassette Manufacturing -
20 Bicycle Tyres -
21 B.O.P.P. Film -
22 Baby Nipple -
23 Baby Nipple (Big Size) -
24 Baby Nipple (Big Size) -
25 Bakelite Moulding Powder -
26 Bakelite Moulded Products -
27 Plastic Balloons for Advertising -
28 Black Insulating Tape
29 Blowing Agents (Diphenyl Triazene) and Dinitrosopenta-methylene Tetramine -
30 BOPP Film -
31 Brake Rubber Blocks with Fibre Reinforcement -
32 Brake Hoses -
33 Building Blocks --
34 C.N.S.L. Based Resins in Powder and Liquid form -
35 Canvas Shoes -
36 Carboys (blow moulding) -
37 Cassette Tapes Cover -
38 Co-Extrusion Film -
39 Co-Extrusion Blow Films Multilayer Flexible Composites -
40 Coir Foam -
41 Conveyor Belting -
42 Colour Coating on Polystyrene Molded Beads -
43 Colour Grader From Latex rubber -
44 Crepe Rubber -
45 Cycle Tyres -
46 Cycle Tyres & Tubes -
47 Cycle Tyre & Tubes -
48 HDPE/PP Woven Sacks Using Plain Looms -
49 Disposable Plastic Syringes -
50 Disposable Medical Syringes -
51 Decorative Laminated Sheets (Sunmica) -
52 Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) -
53 Disposable Cigarette Gas Lighter (Plastic) -
54 Disposable Plastic Syringes -
55 Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needles -
56 Disposable Plastic & Glass Syringes & Needles -
57 Disposable Plastic Syringes with Needles -
58 Dyeing & Bleaching -
59 Egg Trays From Plastics -
60 Elastic & Rigid Tapes -
61 Elastic Waist Bands -
62 Elastic Threads & Twines -
63 Electrical Insulation Tape (using BOPP Film) -
64 End Fitting for Rubber Hose Pipe -
65 Engineering Plastic Auto Components -
66 Epoxy Resin -
67 Extrusion from Plastic Waste -
68 F.R.P. Boat Building -
69 F.R.P. Sheet & Product -
70 Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipes -
71 FRP Products (Helmet, Wash Basin Sheets Roofing Sheets) -
72 Fabricated Plastic Products -
73 Fibre Bearing -
74 Fibre Reinforced Plastics -
75 Field Rubber Converted to 60% Latex Rubber -
76 Field Rubber Converted to the 60% latex Rubber -
77 Flexible Office Furniture Systems -
78 Flexible P.U. Foam -
79 Flexible Polyurethane Foam -
80 Flock Velvet -
81 Flushing Cistern -
82 Foam & its Products (Mattresses, Pillows, Cushions & Sheets) -
83 Foam Leather (Rexin) -
84 Foam Sole for Hawai Chappals -
85 Formaldehyde Crockery and Other Items
86 Glass Silvering -
87 Good Quality Plastic Goods Industry -
88 Granules from Acrylic Monomer -
89 Gum Bottles (PVC) -
90 Gunny Bags Manufacture -
91 HDPE Film Sheet -
92 HDPE Twine & Rope -
93 H.D.P.E. Bags (Stiching) -
94 H.D.P.E. Woven Sacks/ Stitching -
95 Hard Rubber Battery Container -
96 Heat & UV Stabilizers For PVC & Other Engineering Plastics
97 HDPE Coated Paper Sacks -
98 HDPE Coated Paper Sacks -
99 HDPE Containers -
100 HDPE Containers & Carboys (Blow Moulding)
101 HDPE Drinking Straw -
102 HDPE Jerrycans, 50 Ltrs. & 100 Ltrs. Capacity -
103 HDPE Monofilament Yarn -
104 HDPE Pipes & Fittings -
105 HDPE/PP Woven Sacks
106 HDPE/PP Woven Sacks
107 HDPE/PP Woven Sacks Using Plain Looms
108 HDPE Sheets or Films -
109 HDPE Twins & Ropes -
110 HDPE Woven Fabrics and Sacks on Powerlooms (Plain Looms) -
111 HDPE Woven Sacks using Circular Looms & Plain Loom with Lamination (Tandem Process) & Printing -
112 HDPE/PP Woven Sacks, Using Circular Loom -
113 HDPE/PP Woven Sacks using Circular Looms -
114 HM Bag Plant with Printing Unit -
115 HM-Bag Plant with Printing Unit -
116 Hangers, PVC Coated and Non-Coated -
117 Hawai Chappals -
118 Hawai Chappals -
119 Hawai Chappals & Microcellular Sheets Manufacture -
120 Helmets for Coal Mines -
121 Helmet (FRP) -
122 High Density Polythene Boxes (Plastic Containers) -
123 High Density Polythene (HDPE)Plastic Containers -
124 High Impact Polystyrene -
125 High Pressure Hose Pipe -
126 Hosiery Industry -
127 I.V. Cannula -
128 Industrial Rubber Sheeting -
129 Industrial Rubber Lining on M.S. Tanks & Vessels -
130 Injection Moulded Article -
131 Injection Moulding Components -
132 Surgical Rubber Gloves -
133 Jute, Coir, Grass rope/sutli Making -
134 L.P.G. Gas Pipe -
135 Latex Rubber Products -
136 L.D.P.E. Co Extruded Film -
137 LDPE Lined Bitumen Hessian Bags -
138 LDPE Moulded Products (Sheets) -
139 LDPE/HDPE, Gasket Cone Chair Cone and Sutli -
140 L.P.G. Gas Pipe -
141 Laminated Jute bags -
142 Latex Based Adhesives -
143 Latex Foam Rubber (Sponge Rubber) -
144 Latex From Natural Rubber -
145 Latex Rubber Thread -
146 Lawn Tennis Ball -
147 Leather Shoes Injection Moulded PVC Soles -
148 Moulded Luggage -
149 Moulded Shoe & Hawai Chappal -
150 Melamine Crockery -
151 Melamine Formaldehyde Resin -
152 Metallising of Polyster Film -
153 Methyl Methacrylate (monomer) from Acrylic Scrap -
154 Microcellular Sheets (Rubber Sheets for Shoe) (Soles) -
155 Moulding of Rubber (Automobile Parts) -
156 Moulded Luggage -
157 Moulded Luggage -
158 Moulding Unit for Urea Formaldehyde Moulding Compound -
159 Moulded Plastic TV Cabinets -
160 Multi Layer Printed Circuit Boards -
161 Multiple Lamination Industry -
162 Nylon Polyester & P.P. Ropemaking Plant -
163 Nylon Straps for Hawai Chappals -
164 Nylon Niwar -
165 Oil Seals -
166 Nylon Zip Fastners -
167 Nylon Zip fasteners -
168 Pet Bottle & P.P. Bottles -
169 Pet Bottles From Pre-Form Pet -
170 Pet Pre Form From Pet Resin -
171 Plastic Buckers Bottles & Doli -
172 Plastic Buttons From Polyester Sheet & Rod -
173 Plastic Cards (Smart Cards) -
174 Plastic Fan Guard (Automatic) -
175 Plastic Felt -
176 Plastic Spectacle Frame -
177 Plastic Tooth Picks -
178 Polyester Yarn From Waste --
179 Polyethylene Tarpauline (PE Tarpauline) -
180 Polyurethene Foam (Flexible) -
181 PVC Battery Separator -
182 PVC Compounding -
183 Pvc Extrusion Profile (Wiring Channel) -
184 PVC Granules & Rigid Pipes -
185 PVC Granules Form PVC Resin -
186 P.V.C. Lining for Metal Crown Caps -
187 P.V.C. Wires And Cables (Flexible) -
188 Plastic Smart Card (Credit Card, Discount Card)
189 Plastic Cards (Smart Cards) Utilised Credit Cards -
190 Plastic collapsible Tubes & Printing Plastic Collapsible Tube for Tooth & Cream -
191 Plastic I.V. Bottles --
192 Polypropylene Multifilament Yarn -
193 PVC Electric Wires & Cables -
194 PET Bottles/Containers -
195 PET Containers -
196 PTFE Components -
197 PU/PVC Sole for Sport Shoe by Imported Machineries -
198 PVC Battery Separators -
199 PVC Coated Conveyor Belting -
200 PVC Coated Electric Wire -
201 PVC Coating on Textile -
202 PVC Compounds (Cables Grade) -
203 PVC Compounding for Cables Grade -
204 PVC Cans, Bottles -
205 PVC Cork Blank for Crown Cap -
206 PVC Crown Cap Lining Compound -
207 PVC Film & Sheets -
208 PVC Fittings -
209 PVC Flexible Fusible Powder (Heat Fusible Powder) -
210 PVC Granules (For Insulation & Sheets Grades) -
211 PVC Granules from PVC Scrap -
212 PVC Granules Compounding (Cables,Conduit Pipes,Transparent Tubing Grades) -
213 PVC Hoses -
214 PVC Leather Cloth -
215 PVC Pipes -
216 PVC Rigid Pipe -
217 PVC Resin & Compound (For Bottle Making) -
218 PVC Self Adhesive Tapes -
219 PVC Sheet Fire Proof and Shock Proof -
220 PVC Soles Cables for automobiles -
221 PVC Wire -
222 PVC Wire & Cables -
223 Phenol Formaldehyde Resin -
224 Phenolic Resin -
225 Photo Graphic Film -
226 Pilfer Proof caps -
227 Plastic Board -
228 Plastic Bobbins -
229 Plastics Buttons From Poll Sheets and Rods -
230 Plastic Cans -
231 Plastic Container for Packing Detergent Powder -
232 Plastic Extrusion From Plastic Scraps -
233 Plastics Films and sheets with printing (flexo and roto) LDPE/PP/HM/PVC -
234 Plastic Granules or Powder from Plastic Scrap -
235 Plastic Items Manufactured from Powder Melamine -
236 Plastic Jerry Cans -
237 Plastics Manufacture -
238 Plastic Novelties by Vacuum Forming Press -
239 Plastics Office Product -
240 Plastic Products (Blow Moulding & Injection Moulding) -
241 Plastic Products -
242 Plastics Products (Gold, Silver, Nickel) -
243 Polyester Yarn Doubling Plant -
244 Polyethylene Film -
245 Polyethylene Granules, Monofilament, Twines & Ropes -
246 Polypropylene film (Printed and Bag Manufacturing) -
247 Polyster Beading -
248 Polyester Film -
249 Polyester Film -
250 Polyester Staple Fibre from Polyester Fibre Waste -
251 Polystyrene Moulding Powder -
252 Bottles for Mineral water --
253 Polythene Lined Jute Bags with Printing System -
254 Polypropylene Bags -
255 Polythene Moulding Powder -
256 Plating on Plastic -
257 Polyethylene Sheets -
258 Polyethylene Bags from Waste Polyethylene -
259 Polypropylene Bags & Printing with Handles -
260 Power Loom -
261 Plastic Packing Materials -
262 PVC Pipes -
263 PVC Rigid Pipes -
264 Plastic Containers (Manufacture of Plastics) -
265 Plastic Cover Manufacturing Unit with Printing -
266 Plastic Products -
267 Printing of HDPE Bags -
268 Plastic Caps and Spoons -
269 PVC Pipes & Fittings -
270 Polythene Tubes & Bags -
271 Polyethylene Bags (Coloured & Printed) -
272 Plastic Barrels -
273 PVC Compounding, Wire Drawing & Insulation -
274 Plastic Rain Coat -
275 PVC Gem Clips -
276 PVC Insulated Compound -
277 PTFE Components -
278 Plastic Bottles & Containers -
279 PVC Battery Separators -
280 Polyester Resin -
281 Polyester Yarn fibre -
282 PVC Resins -
283 PVC (Flexible) Pipe -
284 PVC Fittings -
285 PVC Foot Wear -
286 Plastic Packaging material for Ghee and Milk -
287 Plastic Polypropylene Sutli -
288 Plastic collapsible Tubes -
289 Polyester & Plastic Film Capacitors -
290 Popcee Nipple -
291 Plastic Bottles Used in Medicines (Small Sizes) ---
292 Plastic Buckets & Doli -
293 PVC Profile --
294 PVC Asbestos Floor Tiles -
295 PVC Resin Based Granules -
296 PVC Spare Parts -
297 Polypropylene & H.M. Bags -
298 Plastic Clip for Ladies -
299 Plastic Buttons -
300 PVC Granules by Chemical Process -
301 Polythene Granules -
302 PVC Bottles Packaging for Use in Hair Oil -
303 PVC Drinking Straw -
304 Polyurethane Cycle Seats -
305 Polypropylene spinning Filament Yarn -
306 Plastic Ampules used for Distilled Water -
307 Polythene Bags & Automatic Printing -
308 Polythene Bags -
309 Polythene Bags -
310 PVC Granules, Film & Printed Bags -
311 PVC Films -
312 Polyurethane Foam -
313 PVC Wire & Cables -
314 Photo Polymer Emulsion -
315 Ink for Roto Gravure & Screen Printing -
316 Polypropylene Bags for Fertilizers -
317 PVC Cables & Twin Flex Cable (T V Antenna Cables) -
318 PVC Cables & Twin Flex Cables/Cable Wire -
319 PVC Granules (Granules & Footwears) -
320 PVC Compounding from Plastic Waste -
321 PVC Compounds from PVC Resins (PVC Granules) -
322 PET Containers -
323 Plastic Bottles & Caps -
324 Plastic Drinking Straw (PVC) -
325 Plastic Industry -
326 Plastic Processing Moulds -
327 Plastic Sutli -
328 Plastic Tarpauline -
329 PVC Conduit Pipes -
330 Plastic Moulded Toys -
331 Plastic Moulded Furniture --
332 Plastic Moulded Articles (Using Agro Waste as Fillers) -
333 Plastic Corrugated Sheets -
334 Plastic Cone -
335 PU Shoes Soles -
336 Polyurethane Sole Manufacture -
337 PVC Roofing Sheets -
338 Polyurethane In-situ Insulation -
339 Polythene Bags & Automatic Printing -
340 Polyurethane Foam & Its Products -
341 Pouches Filling and Making for Tomato Sauces -
342 Plastic Buttons -
343 Pouch Making -
344 Plastic Flash Light Torches -
345 Processing Unit -
346 Rubber Processing Oil -
347 Rubber Roller & Ebonite Roller -
348 Recycling Of Polythene -
349 Rubber Band (Disco type) -
350 Rubber Compound -
351 Rubber Floor Mat -
352 Rubber Caps for Vials -
353 Roofing and Water Proofing Compound -
354 Readymade Garments & Hosiery -
355 Recovery of Nylon from Nylon Waste -
356 Re Rubbersing of Solid Type -
357 Rexine -
358 Rexine Cloth and Alike Products -
359 Rubber Auto Parts -
360 Rubber Belting -
361 Rubber Moulding Unit Including Lining Rubber Sheeting -
362 Rubber Reclaiming -
363 Rubberized PVC Gasket -
364 Rubber Coats & Apron -
365 Rubber Auto Parts -
366 Rubber Floor Mat for Automobiles -
367 Rubber Auto Parts -
368 Rubber Sheet -
369 Rubber Bushes For Automobiles -
370 Rubber Solution From Synthetic Rubber --
371 Rubber Goods --
372 Rubber Solution From Latex ---
373 Rexine -
374 Rubber Sheet from Reclaimed Rubber -
375 Rubber Band -
376 Rigid Polyurethane Foam -
377 Rubber Belting -
378 Rubber Condom (Nirodh) contraceptive or Rubber Protective Sheets -
379 Rubber Toys ---
380 Rubber Lining --
381 Rubber Blowing Agent -
382 Rubber Lining and FRP Lining in Acid Storage Tanks -
383 Rubber Pertizing Agent -
384 Rubber Balloons -
385 Rubber Powder from Used Tyres -
386 Rubber Hose Pipe & Rubber Glazing -
387 Rubber Reclaiming Agents -
388 Rubber Moulding Units (Rubber Industry) -
389 Retreading Rubber From Natural Rubber -
390 Rubber Hose Pipe -
391 Rubber Rollers -
392 Rubber Roller For Printing machine 24 -
393 Rubber Roller For Rice Mill -
394 Recovery of Nylon From Nylon Waste -
395 Rubber Goods From Waste Rubber
396 Rubber Vacuum Brake Components -
397 Rubberised Coir Fibre Products -
398 Rubber Foam Mattresses -
399 Rubberised Plant for Solid Tyres used for Fork Lift Trucks, Pallet Truck -
400 Rubber Moulded Parts -
401 Rubber Reclamation Unit --
402 Rubber Hot Water Bottles -
403 Rubberised Coir -
404 Rubber Reclamation -
405 Rubberised PVC Gasket -
406 Shoe Laces -
407 Sport Shoe (Automatic Imported Plant) -
408 Silicone Rubber -
409 Steel Tubes & P.V.C. Pipes -
410 Sanitary Napkins
411 School Rubber (Pencil Eraser) -
412 Solution Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate -
413 Seat Cushion -
414 Silicone Rubber Nipples/Teats -
415 Silk Fabrics on Handloom -
416 Shawls (Woollen) -
417 Spectacle Frames (Plastic) -
418 Spectacle Frames (Plastic) -
419 Spirit Soluble Maleic Resin -
420 Sponge Rubber -
421 Sponge Rubber -
422 Sport Shoes -
423 Stearate Pulverizer Factory -
424 Sterilized Disposable Plastic Syringes
425 Stoppers (Rubberised Cork & Block) -
426 Storage Battery Container for Automobile -
427 Surgical Cotton & Bandage -
428 Surgical Rubber Goods -
429 Surgical and Industrial Gloves -
430 Surgical Gloves From Latex -
431 Synthetic Pearl Coating on Polystyrene Beeds -
432 Tape Recorder Pich Roller, Rubber, Drive, Belt Flat -
433 Thermocuple
434 Tyre Retreding By Hot Process -
435 Teflon Tape -
436 Thermofoaming Plant For Glassbowels & Plates -
437 Tread Rubber Used For Cold Process -
438 Tyre & Tubes For Scooter & Motorcycle -
439 Tar Plastics -
440 Teflon -
441 Teflon Tape -
442 Teflon manufacturing -
443 Terry Cloth Towels, Bed Sheet Covers -
444 Transmission & conveyor Belt (Rubber Belt) -
445 Tread Compound, Cushion Compound & Vulcanising Solution -
446 Tooth Brushes -
447 Tread Rubber -
448 Tyre Retreading by Cold Process -
449 Tubular Poles for Electrical Transmission -
450 Tyre Retreading -
451 Tyre Retarding and Retreading -
452 Aseptic Packaging for Milk, Ghee and other Liquids Packaging -
453 Teflon Coating on Kitchen Wares -
454 Teflon Coated Electric Cables -
455 Tread Rubber -
456 Teflon Tape -
457 Tennis Ball -
458 Tarpaulin with Tent -
459 Thermocole Sheets (Expanded Polystyrene Sheet)
460 Thermoset Moulding Powder -
461 Tyre Retreading Materials -
462 Unplasticised PVC Pipe -
463 Two Layer Extrusion Film -
464 Tyre Tube and Flaps -
465 Tyre Retreading by cold Process Truck, Tractor -
466 Urea Formaldehyde Resin -
467 Urea Formaldehyde Moulding Powder -
468 Unsaturated Polyester for Rexine -
469 Vinyl Asbestos and PVC Wall paper
470 V-Belt and Fan-Belt -
471 V-Belts -
472 Vinyl Absestos Flooring & PVC Wall Paper -
473 Valve for Disposable Plastic Gas Lighter -
474 White Rubber Roller for Rice Mill -
475 Water Storage Tanks (HDPE) (Sintex Type) -
476 X-Ray Film -
477 HDPE Corrugated Pipe
478 Non Plastic Clay Calcination Plant
479 Rubber compound for Automobile Industry
480 Power Cable
481 Blood Bags
489 Automobile Tyre Plant
490 Radial Tyres (Tire) for Car & Trucks -
493 Industrial Rubber Covered Rollers (Used in Paper, Steel, Vinyl Industries) -
494 Synthetic Rubber based Cots & Aprons used in Textile Industry -
495 Tyre Recycling (Reclaim / Crumb Rubber) -
496 Tyre Recycling Pyrolysis process -
497 PU Solid Wheels (for Industrial, Hospital, Airport, Aerospace etc.) -
498 Elastic Thread (Latex) -
499 Rubber Flooring -
500 Multilayer Compressible Rubber Printing Blanket used in Web & Offset Printing Press -
501 Balloons (Latex) -
502 Adhesive (Latex) -
503 Condoms Rs 400 Lakhs
504 Condoms Rs 400 Lakhs
505 Blood Bags Rs 1221 Lakhs
506 Rubber Extrusion Plant (Epdm & Natural :-Sponge Rubber Cord From 3mm To 15mm, Alu. Section Profile, Automobile Glass Bedding, Hollow Tube Rubber and Extrusion of Rubber Profile) Colour Black & White Conveyor Curing System -
507 Rubber Extrusion Plant (Epdm & Natural :-Sponge Rubber Cord From 3mm To 15mm, Alu. Section Profile, Automobile Glass Bedding, Hollow Tube Rubber and Extrusion of Rubber Profile) Colour Black & White Conveyor Curing System -
508 Foam Production and Manufacturing of Mattresses -
509 EPDM Rubber Waterproofing Membranes -
510 EPDM Rubber Profiles Used In Construction And Automotive -
511 WPC Foam Board -
512 Rubber Engraving Sheet (Photo Sheet) -
513 EPDM Rubbers and Neoprene Rubbers -
514 PVC and Rubber Moulds for Concrete Blocks and Tiles -
515 PVC/HDPE Pipes (Irrigation, Drinking Water, Agriculture and Sewerage) -
517 Plastic Pipes (HDPE, PVC, uPVC) -
518 decorative pvc sheets -
519 Rubber Granules from Waste Tyre 1-7mm Tyre Granules -
520 Vacuum Blood Collection Tube- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
521 Heat Resistant Latex Thread- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, -
522 PL Aqua Rope from Plastic and Threads- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
523 Lay Flat Hose- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout -
524 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -

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