Project Report

Electrical, Electronic Industries and Power Projects

Electric equipment industry contributes over 2% of GDP which is projected to increase to about 12% in 2015 according to a study by Frost & Sullivan. During the period, consumption of electrical equipment is estimated to increase from over USD 28 billion now to USD 363 billion, growing at a CAGR of about 30%. It is also expected that during 2010-2015, the Indian equipment manufacturing will grow at 5.5 times the growth rate of global electronic equipment production.

The electrical equipment and accessories industry, with its highly diversified content, may be broadly segmented into (i) generation equipment, (ii) transmission equipment, and (iii) distribution equipment. The equipments and accessories under these segments include motors, turbines, generators, switchgears, transformers, circuit breakers, induction motors, power capacitors, meters, transmission towers. Besides these, the spectrum covers a whole range of power cables including XLPE and AAC and ACSR conductors and electrical consumer products like fans, electric lamps, exhausts and domestic appliances and accessories. Inverters, gensets, UP also fall under its domain.

The electrical industry has been showing signs of recovery after poor performance in the recent years. The domestic electrical industry, which includes equipment for generation, transmission, distribution and use of power in industrial units, constitutes a major part of the electrical products.

The growth of the industry is directly related to the development of power generation and distribution. India's generation capacity of 2,300 MW in 1950 expanded to over 116,500 MW including non-utilities at the end 2000-01. The total installed capacity of electric power generation further increased to 141,080 MW in 2007-08 (upto January 2008) compared to a capacity of 128,000 MW during the same period in 2006-07. The Eleventh Plan has targeted a capacity addition of 78,570 MW.

The five years (2007-2012) may be the best of times for power equipment makers with the power sector on an expansion spree. With order-book growth expanding over the last three years, there is a good chance that this will continue. Close to 82% of the planned generation capacity for the Tenth Plan was either implemented or was in the process of being implemented. Even assuming a 70% implementation ratio for the Eleventh Plan, close to 55,000 MW will be added. Five ultra mega power projects, totaling 20,000 MW are coming up in 2008. In the transmission sector, for example, Power Grid Corporation is planning a capex of Rs 710 billion by 2010.

Earlier, the shortfalls in achieving the Plan targets of addition to power generation and up-gradation of transmission and distribution had adversely affected the electrical equipment industry. The peak shortage which was over 11% of the requirement in 2003-04 increased to 11.7% in 2004-05 and to over 12% in 2005-06. The shortage further rose to about 14% in 2006-07. In the ten months of 2007-08 the peak shortage had risen to over 15% of the peak demand of 107,010 MW.

Major players in electrical equipment segment are ABB, BHEL, BHEL Power Solutions, Havell's India, Kirloskar Electric, Crompton Greaves and Suzlon Energy.

According to the Power Ministry, the power sector has tied up Rs 2,240 billion worth of investments to build power plants with 70,000 MW capacities in the next three years.

With some fast moves at launching fast track projects to augment supplies, the Indian industry needs to improve its competitiveness. The Indian market is growing and multinationals with newer technologies are now more active.

We can provide you detailed project reports on the following topics. Please select the projects of your interests.

Each detailed project reports cover all the aspects of business, from analysing the market, confirming availability of various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial requirements. The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the cash flow statement, projecting the balance sheet etc.

We also offer self-contained Pre-Investment and Pre-Feasibility Studies, Market Surveys and Studies, Preparation of Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports, Identification and Selection of Plant and Machinery, Manufacturing Process and or Equipment required, General Guidance, Technical and Commercial Counseling for setting up new industrial projects on the following topics.

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We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.

We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.

S No. Select Project Name Project Cost Rate of Return
1 Air Conditioner Assembling Unit -
2 Air Conditioner Assembly and Exhaust Fans Manufacturing -
3 Alkaline Cells -
4 Aluminium Cable -
5 Aluminium Power cables -
6 Aluminium Conductor -
7 Alkaline Accumulator for Batteries -
8 Aluminium Cables -
9 Alkaline Accumulator (Silver Zinc) -
10 Alternators 1 to 75 KVA -
11 Assembly of Transistor, Radio & Servicing -
12 ACSR & AC Aluminium Conductors -
13 Audio Cassette Assembly & Recording -
14 Audio Magnetic Heads -
15 Audio Cassettes (Plain & Recorded) -
16 Audio Tape Recorders -
17 Audio Cassettes (Complete Audio Reco- rding System) -
18 Audio Magnetic Tape -
19 Audio, Video and other Magnetic Cassettes Tapes -
20 Audio Video Cassettes Shell -
21 Auto Transformer (Dimmer) or Continuous Variable Transformer -
22 Auto Bulbs/lamps -
23 Automatic Electro Computerised Washing Machine -
24 Auto Telephone Recording and Answering Machine -
25 Auto Telephone Recording and Answering Machine -
26 Air Conditioners (Window Type) -
27 Aternators -
28 Audio Stereo Cassette Recorder Players -
29 Audio Cassette Manufacturing -
30 Battery Plate -
31 Band opto Mechanical & Electro Optical Equipment -
32 Battery Charger -
33 Battery for Auto Vehicles -
34 Battery And its Parts -
35 Battery Plates -
36 Brass Holder -
37 Calculator, Torch & Alarm -
38 Carbon Brushes -
39 Choke & Starter For Flourscent tube -
40 Capacitors -
41 Capacitors -
42 Capacitors For Domestic Gadgets -
43 Car Cassette Players -
44 Carbon Electrode Paste -
45 Carbon Brushes -
46 Carbon & Graphite Electrodes -
47 Carbon Potentiometers -
48 Car Burglar Alarm -
49 Choke, Small Transformer and Eliminators -
50 Cassette Tape Recorders, Car Stereo Cassette Player, Stereo Tape Recorders cum Radio -
51 Cassette Tapes -
52 Cassettes Assembling & Pre-Recorded Cassettes -
53 Cassettes Assembling -
54 Computer Ribbons -
55 Carbon Film Resistors -
56 Carbon Film Resistors -
57 Ceiling Fans -
58 Ceramic Capacitor (Disc Type) -
59 Current Transformers -
60 Chokes of Fluorescent Tubes -
61 Chokes, Transformers & Eliminators --
62 Chokes Used for Fluorescent lamps -
63 Computer Peripherals -
64 Computer Stationery -
65 Carbon Brushes -
66 Colour Television -
67 Computer Cable Felt/Ribbon -
68 Computer Hardware -
69 Colour TV Picture Tube -
70 Computer Software -
71 Cine Arc Carbon -
72 Cordless Telephone -
73 Control Panel Board Accessories -
74 Carbon Rods for Cinema Machine -
75 Carbon Potentio Meters -
76 Computer Terminals -
77 Carbon Composition Resistor -
78 CT/PT Epoxy Casting Transformer -
79 Circuit Diagram of UHF to VHF Convertors
80 Dry Cell -
81 Distribution Transformer -
82 Domestic Refrigerator -
83 Dry Cell -
84 Digital Electronic Watches -
85 Diode Valves -
86 Distribution Transformers & Repairs -
87 Domestic Electrical Appliances Room Heater -
88 Dry-Rechargeable Cells -
89 Deflection Components -
90 Distribution Transformer & Repair -
91 Detonator Fuse -
92 Dry Cells -
93 Digital Tachometers -
94 Deflection Components for Colour and B/W TV -
95 Delay Line Chrome and Laminates -
96 Dry Cells & Rechargeable Cells -
97 Deflection Components for Colour TV -
98 Electric Mosquito Repellent Liquidator, vaporizer -
99 Electric Fan -
100 Electric Fluorescent Tube -
101 Electric Geyser -
102 Electrical Lamp -
103 Electronic Ballast (Choke) -
104 Electronic Digital Weighing Machine -
105 Electronic Energy Meter -
106 Electronic Toys -
107 Emergency Tube Light -
108 EGT Transformer For B&W T.V. & Transformer For Voltage Stabilizers -
109 Electrical Panel Boards -
110 Electronic Calculator -
111 Electric Motor -
112 Electric Motor Starter -
113 Enamelled Reflectors -
114 Electrical Accessories -
115 Electrical Arc Furnace -
116 Electrical Kit Kats Insulators -
117 Electric Lamps Incandescent -
118 Electrical Insulation Tape (Using BOPP Film) -
119 Electric Water Heater (Geyser) -
120 Electric Water Heater -
121 Electric Horns For Automobiles -
122 Electrical Stampings -
123 Electric Energy Meters -
124 Electrical Appliances -
125 Electronic Digital Weighing Machine -
126 Electric Iron (Steam Iron) -
127 Eletronic Gas Stove Lighters -
128 Electronic Telephone Instruments -
129 Electronic Digital Watches -
130 Electromagnetic Relay -
131 Electronic Watches & Clocks -
132 Electric Fans -
133 Electronic Toys -
134 Emergency Tube Lights -
135 Electric Switches, Plugs and Sockets -
136 Electronic Toys -
137 Electronic Quartz Clock Movement -
138 Electrical Grade Insulating Paper Bound Square Tube for Switch Gear -
139 Electronic Telephones -
140 Electronic Gas Lighter (Multi Spark) -
141 Electric Energy Meters -
142 Enamelling of Copper Wire -
143 Electrical Stamping -
144 Electrolytic Capacitors -
145 Etching Process -
146 Electronic Tuners -
147 EHT Transformers -
148 Electronic Watches -
149 Electrolytes -
150 Electronic Blood
151 Exhaust Fan -
152 Ferrite Magnets -
153 FHP to 10 HP Motors -
154 Ferrite Core Transformer and Eicore Transformers -
155 Floppy Diskettes -
156 Fluorescent Tubular Lamps with Introduction to Mercury Vapour Lamps -
157 Electronic Gas Stove Lighters -
158 Electric Motor Starter --
159 Electric Meters (AC/DC/Moving Iron Type) -
160 Elelctrical Stamping -
161 Electronic Cash Register -
162 Electronic Digital Weighing Machines -
163 Electrical Horn -
164 Epoxy Transformer (CT & PT) -
165 Emergency Tube Light -
166 Electronic Quartz Clock -
167 EPABX/EPAX System -
168 Electric Insulating Tape -
169 Electrical Appliances -
170 Electronic Cut Out used in Automobiles -
171 Electronic Fan Regulators -
172 Electro Cardiograms (Machine) -
173 Electro Magnetic Relay -
174 Electronic Service Centre -
175 Electronic Testing And Measuring Instruments -
176 Exhaust Fan -
177 Fluorescent Paint (Powder) -
178 Foam Booster -
179 Ferrite Magnet --
180 Fluorescent Powder for Fluorescent Tubes -
181 Fluorescent Tubes -
182 Fluorescent Lamp -
183 Flexible Circuit Wires -
184 Floppy Discs -
185 Ferrite Cores for Balun Deflection Components Coil Cores E & U --
186 Facsmile of FAX Machine -
187 F.H.P. Motors -
188 Fluorescent Tube Light Patti -
189 Fluorescent Tube Frame (Patti) & Starter -
190 Gas Detectors Of L.P.G. -
191 G.L.S. Lamps -
192 Gas Detectors of LPG -
193 Generator Set & Pump Sets -
194 Generator Sets and Pump Sets -
195 Graphite Carbon Plates -
196 Hard Rubber Battery Container -
197 H.T and M.V. Industrial Cubical Switch Board -
198 HT & LT Insulator (manufacture) -
199 Hardware Fitting for Transmission Line (Overhead Line Material) -
200 Heater Element -
201 Hot Plate -
202 Hot Mix Plant -
203 Home Computer -
204 Heating Plates -
205 Headers for Transistor IC -
206 Invertor and Convertor -
207 Intercoms -
208 Integrated Circuit -
209 Immersion Heater -
210 Inverters 50 Hz; 100 to 1000 KVA -
211 Ignition Coil -
212 Ignition Capacitor -
213 Ignition Condenser -
214 IF/RF Coils for Radio/TV -
215 Insulation Paper (For Electric Motor Use) -
216 Information Moving Display (LED Type) -
217 Jelly Filled Cables -
218 Lamp Shades & Chandeliers -
219 L.T. and H.T. Power Factor Correction Capacitor -
220 Lamp Filaments -
221 Lead Acid Batteries -
222 Lead Acid Battery & PVC Separator -
223 Light Emitting Diode (LED) -
224 Linear ICs Trainer Kit -
225 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) -
226 Loud Speaker -
227 Low Tension Insulators -
228 Magnet -
229 Maintenance Free Re-Chargable Battery -
230 Multilayer Printed Circuit Board -
231 Magnetic Starter -
232 Metal Film Resistors -
233 Mica Base Electronic Components -
234 Mica Processing Plant for Electrical Insulation -
235 Mica Paper for Electrical Insulation -
236 Mica paper --
237 Mini Motors -
238 Mini (Personal) Computer -
239 Mini Computer (Personal Computer) -
240 Miniature Circuit Breaker -
241 Miniature Watch Batteries (Button cell) -
242 Miniature Circuit Breaker -
243 Motor Start Electrolytic Capacitor -
244 Musical Door Bell -
245 Multichannel TV Tuners -
246 Multichannel TV Tuner (Mechanical) -
247 Motor Control -
248 Micro Motors for Tape Recorder -
249 Micro Film Projector -
250 Metal Film Resistors -
251 Motor Start Electrolytic Capacitor -
252 Memory Telephone -
253 Multichannel Intercom -
254 Micro-Wave Oven -
255 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers -
256 Metallised Poly Propylene Used in Condensers and Resistors -
257 M.S. Welding Electrodes -
258 Neon Bulb -
259 Needles for Record Players -
260 Nickel Cadmium Cells -
261 Nickel Cadmium Batteries -
262 Kanthal Wire -
263 Neon Bulbs -
264 Nichrome Wire -
265 P.V.C. Wires And Cables (Flexible) -
266 Power Plant (Agro based) -
267 Power Plant (Hydro based) -
268 PVC Electric Wires & Cables -
269 PCB Manufacturing (Flexible) -
270 PCB Manufacturing (Multilayer) -
271 Printed Circuit Board (Automatic Plant) -
272 P.C.B with Graphite & Silver Coating -
273 PVC Wire & Cable -
274 PVC Electrical Insulation Tape -
275 Printed Circuit Board -
276 Paper Capacitors -
277 Picture Tube -
278 Plain Paper Copier -
279 Printed Circuit Board -
280 Polyester Film Capacitor -
281 Portable Generator Set -
282 Power Inverters -
283 Punched Cards -
284 Polyster Capacitors -
285 Power Capacitors -
286 Power Transformer & Power Sub Station -
287 Power Capacitors -
288 Push Button and Rotary Switches -
289 Power Supply (Linear & Switch Mode) -
290 Power Amplifiers -
291 Photo Engravurs Cylinders (Used in Roto Printings) -
292 Power Factor Capacitors -
293 Porcelain Insulator (High Voltage 11 KV or Above) -
294 Portable Generator Set -
295 Pedestal Fans -
296 Portable Electric Tools -
297 Personal Computer (Mini & Main frame Computer) -
298 Photo Setter Plant -
299 Plastic Film Capacitor -
300 Pressure Measuring Instrument -
301 Pre-Recorded Video Cassettes -
302 Rosin Cored Soft Soldering Wire -
303 Fluroscent Tube -
304 Reconditioning Of T.V. Picture tube -
305 Refrigeration & Mini Refrigeration -
306 R.F.C. Coaxial Cable Connector -
307 Radio Receiver Sets -
308 Refrigerator & Mini Refrigerator -
309 Rechargeable Torches Using Ni-Cd Cells -
310 Rechargeable Alkaline Manganese Cell -
311 Radio Frequency Induction Heaters -
312 R.F. Coaxial Cables -
313 Reclamation of Automatic Batteries -
314 Re-Conditioning of Picture Tubes (B/W) -
315 Reconditioning of Transformers (Distribution Transformers & Repairs) -
316 Repair Shop of Electric Energy Meter -
317 Resin Cast CT & PT (11 KV) -
318 Satellite Broadcasting T.V. Channel -
319 Solar Power Plant -
320 Switch Mode Power Supply -
321 Solar Cells -
322 Solar Modules -
323 Solar Powered Electronic Calculators -
324 Soldering Paste -
325 Solar Cells -
326 Solar Cooker -
327 Solar Pump -
328 Solar Water Heating Panels -
329 Steel Furniture & Electrical Appliances -
330 Stereo Casette Recorders/ Players -
331 Stereo Amplifiers -
332 Street Light Fittings -
333 Stereo Tape Recorder -
334 Semi-Conductors (Transistors and Diodes) -
335 Semi Conductor Devices -
336 Semi-conductors For Transistors & Diodes -
337 Setting up of a Video Studio -
338 Servo Motors -
339 Servo Controlled Stabilizer -
340 Stamping & Laminators -
341 Small Transformer -
342 Step Down Transformer -
343 Squirrel Gauge Induction Motor -
344 Street Light Fittings -
345 Solar Power Plant -
346 Storage Battery -
347 Storage Battery Containers for Automobiles -
348 Semi-Conductor Devices -
349 Spark-Plugs -
350 Tape Recorder Pinch Roller, Rubber, Drive, Belt Flat -
351 T V Signal Boosters -
352 T V Tumers -
353 T.V. Signal Boosters -
354 T.V. Signal Booster (50 160 dB) -
355 Table Fan -
356 Thermistors -
357 Thermostat -
358 Television -
359 Television -
360 Television Deflection Components -
361 Television Deflection Components -
362 Television (3-D) -
363 Television Picture Tubes -
364 Telephone Accessories -
365 Telephone Cables -
366 Television Aerial (Antenna) -
367 Torch Size Battery Cells -
368 Transformer Oil -
369 Transformer Repair -
370 Transformer Core -
371 Transmission Power Line Fitting -
372 Transmission Tower Fittings -
373 Transistor Header -
374 Uninterrupted Power Supply -
375 Vaccum Cleaner -
376 Video Cassettes -
377 Video Cassette Recorder -
378 Video Cassettes Recorder -
379 Video Cassettes -
380 Video Cassettes (Complete Manufacturing & Assembling Unit) -
381 Video Cassette Covers -
382 Video Cassette Players -
383 VCR & VCP -
384 Video Cassette Moulds -
385 Video Cassette Assembly -
386 Video Camera -
387 Video Studio
388 Video Cassette Tape -
389 Voltage Regulator for Automobile -
390 Voltage Stabilizers -
391 Voltage Stabilizers -
392 Washing Machine
393 Washing Machine & Geyser -
394 Welding Electrodes -
395 Wire Wound Potentiometers -
396 Wire Wound Potentiometees -
397 Wire Wound Resistors -
398 Welding Electrodes -
399 X-Ray Film -
400 Ferrite Cores For Balun Deflection Components Coil Cores E & U -
401 Roof Light -
402 Porcelain Insulator -
403 Power Cable
404 Insulator (Made by fiber Glass & Reinforced Plastics by Hand Moulding Machine)
413 Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)
414 Electrical Motors (High Capacity)
415 Distribution Transformer -
416 Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) -
417 Electrical Fittings Manufacturing Unit -
418 PVC Coated Multi Strand Wires -
423 Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) -
431 PVC Wire & Cables Rs 189 Lakhs
432 Solar Panel Rs 450 Lakhs
434 LED Bulb -
435 LED Bulb -
436 Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing Plant (Battery Assembly) -
437 Electric Scooter -
438 LED Panel and Street Light -
439 Paper Insulated Copper & Aluminium Wires -
440 AAAC Aluminium Conductors -
441 ACSR Grade Aluminium Conductors -
442 Polymer Based Insulator -
443 CCTV Camera and Recorder Assembly Unit -
444 Non-Self Healing Lt Shunt Power Capacitor (Film Foil Capacitor) -
445 Aluminium Street Light Pole -
446 Polymer Insulator -
447 Single Phase and Three Phase Smart Billing Meter -
448 MCCB, ELCB and RCCB -
449 Servo Voltage Stabilizer -
450 L.T. and H.T. Shunt Capacitors -
451 Toroidal Core -
452 Power Transformers and Distribution Transformer -
453 LT Panels -
454 Smart Poles -
455 ABC Conductor -
456 Domestic Water Pump 0.25 HP to 2 HP -
457 Disc & Post Insulators -
458 Polymer Insulator Size: 11/23/33 KV PIN -
459 Electric Motors for Electric Vehicles -
460 Cast-Resin Dry-Type Transformer up to 33kv -
461 SMD Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
462 LED Bulb Manufacturing and Assembly Unit- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for new business setup -
463 Remote Control Toys (Electronic) for Kids- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
464 Latching Relay used in Smart Meters- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
465 Mosquito Killer Racket- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
466 Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
467 Oxygen Concentrator Assembly- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
468 Printed Circuit Board (Single Side and Double Side)- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
469 Control Panel •Electrical Control Panel •Machinery Control Panel •DB Box- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
470 Silicon Wafers- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout -
471 Bare Copper Wire & Conductors- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
472 Assembling of EV Chargers- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for new business setup -
473 BLDC Hub Motor, 0.25Kw to 5 Kw- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
474 Digital Electric Meter- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
475 Electric Kettles- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -
476 Mono Crystalline Silicon Ingots to Produce Semiconductor Wafers- Detailed Project Report, Business Plan for Manufacturing Plant -

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