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Kuttu (buckwheat) Seed Dehulling)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Kuttu or Buckwheat or beech wheat gets its name from its triangular seeds, which resemble the much larger seeds of the beech nut, and the fact that it is used like wheat is a non-glutinous psendo-cereal. It is similar to sunflower seed, with a single white seed inside a hard dark brown/black outer hull. Buckwheat is commonly grown for its black or gray triangular seeds. It can also be grown as a green manure crop, a companion crop, a cover crop, a source of buckwheat honey, and as a pharmaceutical plant yielding rutin. There are three known species of buckwheat: common buckwheat, fagopry esculentum moench; tartary buckwheat, F.tartaricum gaertn; and perennial buckwheat, F.cymosum L. common buckwheat, also known as F. sagittatum Gilib, is by far the most economically important species, accounting for over 90% of the world buckwheat production. Buckwheat is cultivated through out the world as a subsidiary food crop, buckwheat has been a crop of secondary importance in many countries and yet it has persisted through centuries of civilization and enters into the agriculture of nearly every country where cereals are cultivated. Buckwheat grain is grown mainly for human consumption and as animal feed, although it can also be used as a vegetable, a green manure crop, as a smother crop to crow out weeds and as a source of buckwheat honey. Demand for buckwheat grain is solid and steadily improving. The primary demand has come from the export market, but even in the India, U.S. buckwheat use has risen, in part due to multi-grain baked foods. In India the cultivation has been restricted to the cool, moist and temperate regions of Jammu & Kashmir, H.P., U.P., interior parts of the Himalayas ranging to an altitude of 700 to 3000 m and in some Southern States. It is a short term important Crop which can be grown in all types of soil and takes a total of 60-70 days to mature. It occupies about 90% of cultivated lands in the higher Himalayas with a solid stand. There is good export as well as domestic demand. New entrepreneur enter in this project will be successful.
Plant capacity: 9000 MT/Annum Dehulling Kuttu Seed (Buckwheat)Plant & machinery: 194 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 763 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 36.00%
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