
Oils & Fats Importers Directory / Database (Global / World Wide /International Buyers)2nd Edition

Published: 2017
Format: XLS / XLSX
Code: NID199
Pages: 0
$ 150



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Today much of the world’s economy is based on the ability of countries to import and export goods to each other. This global economy is vital to allowing the exchange of technology and goods and relies upon a network of importers and exporters to ensure that goods can flow freely and be available to meet the ever growing demand of the public. In order to keep track of the most reputable importers, we have created Database of Importers.
Perhaps no other question is asked more frequently by exporters than "Where and how can I find importers??
Database of Importers is a perfect starting point for international exporters, manufacturers, traders and merchants looking to establish direct contacts with overseas customers. This Directory contains the latest and complete information about your potential business partners in several countries. The importers information listed in Buyers Directory has been collected from very reliable sources like electronic media, embassies and different association of concerned countries .Having in view the export promotional programme, our dedicated team has compiled Buyers Directory with hard work, efforts and devotion.
The Directory contains the most comprehensive database of importer information. We at NPCS collect data from around the world, and then classify the raw data into the kind of intelligent categories that companies around the world use to:
• Find new importers, new markets and new business opportunities
• Enhance international trade
• Support sales & marketing.

Oils & Fats Importers Directory / Database (Global / World Wide /International Buyers) 2nd Edition

(Fats & Oils, Vegetable Oil, Edible Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oils, Essential Oil)

Contains: Over 2,000 Importers / Foreign Buyers. Details include Company’s Name, Contact Person (480), Address (2,100), Phone (1,900 Landline/ Mobile), E-Mail (1,410), Fax (1,580), Website (460) and Product Description.

Note: All Records does not contain all fields of information. However, maximum information has been incorporated.
Format: MS Excel


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