
Modern Technology Of Milk Processing & Dairy Products (4th Edition)

Author: NIIR Board
Published: 2013
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9788190568579
Code: NI9
Pages: 550
$ 150
$ 39.86



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The dairy industry plays an important role in our daily life. It is difficult to realize how fast changes are taking place in the dairy industry. Milk is an important human food, it is palatable, easy to digest and highly nutritive. One of the important factors affecting the total amount of milk produced and the way in which this milk is utilized is the demand for the various products. In order to prepare such a diversity of products, many different processes have been developed by the industry. There are numerous types of milk products such as ghee, butter, paneer, cheese, yogurt, ice cream powder, baby cereal food, cream, and so on. Each of these has been designed to take advantage of some particular property of milk. Dairy products are generally defined as food produced from the milk of mammals; they are usually high energy yielding food products. Enzymes play an important role in the production of cheese. Raw milk contains several native enzymes some of which can be used for analytical and quality purposes for example pasteurization can be assessed by determining indigenous alkaline phosphate activity. India is known as the Oyster of the global dairy industry, with opportunities galore to the entrepreneurs globally. Anyone might want to capitalize on the largest and fastest growing milk and milk products market. The dairy industry in India has been witnessing rapid growth. The liberalized economy provides more opportunities for MNCs and foreign investors to release the full potential of this industry. The main aim of the Indian dairy industry is only to better manage the national resources to enhance milk production and upgrade milk processing using innovative technologies.
The major contents of the book are cholesterol, coronary heart disease and mil fat, cholesterol and cardio vascular diseases, fatty acids & cholesterol, factors affecting cardio vascular disease, application of enzymes in dairy and food processing, utilisation of milk components: casein, advances in the heat treatment of milk, varieties of sheep's cheese, whey cheese, potted cheese, filled cheese, testing butter at different stages, presentation of butter at different stages, condensed and evaporated milk, dried milk powder, skimmed powder, malted powder, butter powder, ghee yoghurt, technology processing of dairy and dairy products, dried milk shake, milk powder, dahi from sweet cream butter milk, packaging of dairy and milk products, dairy farm, dairy products & milk packaging in pouches, etc.
Developments in the dairy industry are enough to justify a revision of a considerable amount of material in this book. This book deals with processes, formulae, project profiles, details of plant, machinery & raw materials with their resources etc. of various dairy products. This book will help all its readers from entrepreneurs to food industries, technocrats and scientists. 


1. Cholesterol, Coronary Heart Disease and Mil Fat
Cholesterol and Cardio Vascular Diseases
Fatty Acids & Cholesterol
Factors Affecting Cardio Vascular Disease
Dietary Recommendations

2. Application of Enzymes in Dairy and Food Processing
Enzymes in Dairy Industry
Enzymes in Food Industry

3. Utilisation of Milk Components: Casein
Extraction of Casein from Milk
Properties of Casein from Milk
Composition of Caseinates
Composition of Co-Precipitates
Industrial Uses of Casein
Uses of Rennet Casein

4. Developments in Cream Separation and Processing
Separation and Development in Separators
Consumer Cream Products
Packaging & Presentation of Cream

5. Advances in the Heat Treatment of Milk
Raw Milk
Sterlised and UHT Milks
Comparison of Direct/Indirect Processes
Volatile Sulphur components Milk
Flavour Improvement
Nutritional Value
Texture of UHT Milks
Heat Exchanger Fouling
Concluding Remarks

6. Utilisation of Milk Components: Whey
Whey Characteristics
Processing of Whey
Unit Processing and Products
Lactose Production

7. Grading Dairy Produce
Early History
The Separator

8. The Cream Supply
Value of Well Mixed Cream

9. Grading of Milk and Cream
Knowledge Required
Grading Milk

10. Butter Grading
Microflora of the Dairy
Framing for Flavours
Grading Statistics
Commercial Grading & Buying
Fixity of Flavour in Butter
Butter Grading

11. Cheese
Hard Varieties
Factors of Viral Importance
Process of Making Cheese
Value of Experiments
Varieties of Sheep's Cheese
Whey Cheese
Potted Cheese
Filled Cheese

12. Refrigeration
Testing Butter at Different Stages
Presentation of Butter at Different Stages

13. Condensed and Evaporated Milk
Dried Milk Powder
Skimmed Powder
Malted Powder
Butter Powder
Presentation of Common Defects in Cheese
Processed Cheese

14. Milk

15. Co-Operative Role in Dairy Development

16. Technology Processing of Dairy and Dairy Products
Milk Shake
Steps in Processing
Dried Milk Shake Milk Powder
Dahi from Sweet Cream Butter Milk
Acidoptiles Milk
Yoghurt from Butter Milk
Cheddar Cheese from Cow Milk
Cheddar Cheese from Buffalo Milk
Mozzarella Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Surti Cheese
Soft Cheese

17. Packaging of Dairy and Milk Products
Form Fill & Seal (FFS) System
Aseptic System

18. Baby Cereal Food & Milk Powders
Uses & Application
Manufacturing Processes of Milk Powder
Raw Material Supplier
Supplier of Plant & Machinery

19. Confectionery Industry-Semi Automatic Plant
Uses and Application
Process of Manufacturing
Suppliers of Plant & Machinery
Suppliers of Raw Materials

20. Condensed Milk (Sweetened)
Uses & Application
Methods of Manufacturing
Address of Raw Materials Suppliers
Address of Plant & Machinery Suppliers
List of Plant & Machinery

21. Dairy Farm
Uses & Applications of Milk
Composition of Milk
Manufacturing Process
Refrigeration or Freezing System
Addresses of Complete Plant & Machinery Suppliers
List of Plant & Machinery

22. Dairy Products & Milk Packaging in Pouches
Uses & Application
Manufacturing Process
Suppliers of complete Plant & Machinery
Suppliers of Raw Material
List of Plant & Machinery

23. Flavored Milk
Flouring Essence
Process of Manufacture
Supplier of Plant & Machineries

24. Ice Cream of Different Flavours
Process of Manufacture
Complete Plant & Machinery Suppliers
Raw Material Suppliers

25. Milk Powder
Composition of Dry Milk Powder
Property of Milk Powder
Process of Manufacture
Suppliers of Raw Materials
Suppliers of Plant & Machinery

26. Milk Toffee Manufactures
Manufacturing Process
Complete Plant & Machinery Suppliers
Suppliers of Raw Materials

27. Milk Preservation and Marketing to Wholesalers
Properties of Milk
Buying & Collection of Milk
Chilling & Transportation of Milk to Processing Station
Manufacturing Process
Suppliers of Raw Material, Plant & Machinery

28.   Paneer
Nature of cheese
Classification of Cheese
Uses & Applications
Equipment's Required
Process of Manufacture
Plant & Machinery Supplier
Raw Material supplier

29. Directory Section

30. Machinery Section

Sample Chapters

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