
Medicinal Plants Cultivation & Their Uses

Author: H. Panda
Published: 2002
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8178330962
Code: NI56
Pages: 598
$ 25.95



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The medicinal plants have been used since ancient times for the treatment of human ailments. Over three quarters of the world population relies mainly on plants and plant extracts for health care. The herbal medicines today symbolize safety in contrast to the synthetics that are regarded as unsafe to human and environment. In the primeval times, the Indian sagacious held the view that herbal medicines are the only resolution to treat numeral health related problems and diseases. Although herbs had been priced for their medicinal, flavoring and aromatic qualities for centuries, the synthetic products of the modern age surpassed their importance, for a while. However, the blind dependence on synthetics is over and people are returning to the naturals with hope of safety and security.
Understanding the worth and heritage of excellence of medicinal plants the book makes an attempt to provide information on cultivation of medicinal plants and their different uses. This book includes the chemical composition of plants, plant protection, essential oils extracted from plants, cultivation of more than 100 medicinal plants, list of rare medicinal plants and their various uses.
The book covers different parameters of medicinal plants cultivation and various ways of their uses. It covers medicinal plants containing alkaloids, steroids flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids, additives and other active metabolites. We hope that this book will be useful not only for technologists, professionals, but also for farmers, traders, exporters and importers of Medicinal Plants.


1. Cultivation and Utilization of Muskdana
2. Cultivation and Utilization of Ammi Majus
3. E. II. Indian Bdellium (Commiphora Wightu)
4. Cephaelis Ipecacuanha (Ipecac)
5. E. I. Cultivation of German Chamomile : A Review
6. Cinchona Calisaya
7. Digitalis Species as a Source of Cardiac Glycosides
8. Dubosia Species
9. Glycyrrhiza Glabra Linn.
10. Hyoscyamus Niger Linn.
11. Cultivation and Utilisation of Isubgol : Plantago Ovata
12. Podophyllum : A Review
13. Antimicrobial and Medicinal Properties of Ferns
14. Common Plants Used as Traditional Antimicrobials by Tribal People
15. Acacia Franesoiana, Willd.
16. Abies Webbiana, Lindi.
17. Adhatoda Vasica Nees
18. Aegle Marmelos
19. Aloe Littoralis-See A. Barbados; A. Indica.
20. Allium Sativum
21. Aloe Indica
22. Alpinia Galanga
23. Alstonia Scholaris
24. Andrographis Paniculata Nees
25. Andropogon Citratus, DC., or A. Shoenanthus.
26. Antiaris Toxicaria, Lesch.
27. Celery
28. Archis Hypogaea, Linn.
29. Artemisa Absinthium, Linn.
30. Artemisia Maritima, Linn. or A. Brevifolia, Wall.
31. Arundo Bambos
32. A Review on The Genus : Aristolochia
33. Asparagus Racemosus
34. Azadirachta Indica
35. Bambusa Arundinaceae
36. Bassia Latifolia, Roxb.
37. Bergenia Ligulata Wall
38. Boerhaavia Diffusa Linn.
39. Boswellia Serrata Roxb.
40. Butea Frondosa
41. Caesalpinia Sappan, Linn.
42. Cajanus Indicus, Spreng. & C. Bichlor and C. Flalvus.
43. Calotropis Procera. R. Br.
44. Carum Copticum
45. Cassia Angustifolia Vahl
46. Cassia
47. Celasturs Paniculatus Willd.
48. Centella Asiatica
49. Cichorum Endivia Linn.
50. Cinnamomum Tamala
51. Cissampelos Pareira, Linn.
52. Cissus Quadrangularis
53. Citrus Limonum, Sp. Risso.
54. Citrus Medica Linn.
55. Cleroendrum Serratum (Linn.) Moon
56. Commiphora Mukul
57. Chemistry of Costus Speciosus
58. Crataeva Nurvala
59. Crocus Sativus
60. Cucumis Melo, Linn.
61. Cucumis Trigonus, Roxb.
62. Cycyrbita Maxima, Duchesne.
63. Curcuma Zedoaria, Rose.
64. Cynodon Dactylon
65. Daemia Extensa, R. Br.
66. Dolichos Biflorus
67. Eclipta Alba Hassk
68. Elettaria Cardamomum
69. Embelia Ribes
70 Enicostemma Littorale
71. Eugenia Aromatica
72. Evolvulus Alsinoides
73. Ferula Foetida
74. Feronia Elephantum, Correa
75. Ficus Racemosa
76. Fumaria Officinalis
77. Galega Purpurea, Linn.
78. Garcinia Mangostana, Linn.
79. Hedychium Spicatum
80. Hermodactylus Gol
81. Hibiscus Rosa - Sinensis Linn.
82. Holarrhena Antidysenterica
83. Impomoea Headeraceae, Jacq.
84. Inula Racemosa Hook F.
85. Jatropha Montana or Baliospermum
86. Juglans Regia, Linn.
87. Lawsonia Inermis Linn.
88. Leptadenia Reticulata
89. Liquidambar Orientalis, Miller.
90. Luffa Acutangula, Roxb.
91. Luffa Amara, Roxb., or L. Plucketiana
92. Lycopersicum Esculentum, Mill or Solanum
93. Matricaria Chamomilla, Linn. M. Suaveolens
94. Medicago Sativa
95. Melaleuca Leucadendron, Linn.
96. Melia Azedarach, Linn. M. Sempervirens.
97. Mesue Ferrea, Linn.
98. Myrica Nagi, Thunb, or M. Sapida; M. Cerifera
99. Nardostachys Jatamansi
100. Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn
101. Nigella Sativa Linn., N. Indica
102. Operculina Turpethum (Linn.)
103. Oryza Sativa Linn.
104. Phoenix Dactylifera Linn.
105. Phyllanthus Emblica Linn.
106. Phyllanthus Niruri Linn.
107. Pinus Longifolia Roxb.
108. Pisum Sativum, Linn.
109. Piper Betle
110. Pluchea Lanceolata B. C.
111. Psychotria Ipecacuanha Linn
112. Pterocarpus Marsupium Roxb.
113. Pterocarpus Santalinus Linn.
114. Castor Seeds
115. Saraca Indica Linn.
116. Sesamum Indicum, DC.
117. Sinapis Juncea
118. Soja Hispida. Moench or Glycine Soja
119. Solanum Indicum Linn.
120. Strychnos Nuxvomica Linn.
121. Tephrosia Purpurea (Linn.)
122. Tinospora Cordifolia (Willd) Miers
123. Tribulus Terrestris Linn.
124. Trichosanthes Dioica Roxb.
125. Trigonella Foenum- Graeccum Linn.
126. Tylophora Indica (Burm.) Merr.
127. Valeriana Wallichii DC.
128. Vanda Roxburghii R. Br.
129. Viola Odorata Linn.
130. Vitex Negundo Linn
131. Wedelia Calendulaceae Less
132. Ashwagandha [Withania Somnifera Dunal (Solanaceae)]
133. Woodfordia Fruticosa Kurz
134. Zingiber Officinal Roscoe

135. Acalypha Indica Linn.
136. Agava Cantula Roxb.
137. Ageratum Conyzoides Linn.
138. Alectra Parasitica
139. Ampelocissus Latifolia (Roxb). Planch.
140. Anisomeles Indica (Linn.) Kuntze.
141. Apama Siliquosa Leamk.
142. Atylosia Scarabaeodies (Linn.) Benth.
143. Bidens Biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sherff.
144. Borreria Articularis (L.F.) F.N. Williams
145. Bridelia Retusa Spreng.
146. Caesalpinia Digyna Rottl.
147. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Linn.
148. Clerodendrum Viscosum Vent.
149. Cochleospermum Religiosum (L.) Alston
150. Craterostigma Plantagineum (Benth.) Hochst.
151. Cleistanthus Collinus Benth.
152. Ceropegia Bulbosa Roxb.
153. Commelina Benghalensis Linn.
154. Corallocarpus Epigeus C. B. Clare
155. Costus Speciosus (Koenig.) Sm.
156. Dipteracanthus Prostratus (Poir.) Nees.
157. Elytraria Acaulis (Linn. F.) Lindau
158. Enicostema Hyssopifolium (Willd.) Verdoorn.
159. Glossogyne Bidens (Retz.) Alston.
160. Glycosmis Mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka
161. Leonotis Nepetifolia (L.) R. Br.
162. Lepidagathis Cristata Willd.
163. Morinda Citrifolia Linn.
164. Naregamia Alata W. & A.
165. Orthosiphon Pallidus Royle Ex Benth
166. Pentanema Indicum (L.) Ling.
167. Phlogacanthus Thyrasiformis (Hard) Mabb.
168. Rivea Hypocrateriformis (Desr.) Choisy.
169. Sauromatum Venosum (Ait.) Kunth.
170. Stachyrarpheta Jamaicensis (L.) Vahl.
171. Solena Amplexicaulis (Lamk) Gandhi
172. Typhonium Frilobatum Schott.
173. Tridax Procumbens Linn.
174. Tragia Hispida Linn.
175. Ventilago Denticulata Willd.
176. Xanthium Strumarium Linn.

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