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Just for Starters: Selected Projects to Start with 30,00,000

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Just for Starters: Selected Projects to Start with 30,00,000

Author: NIIR Board of Consultants and Engineers
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 8178330229
Code: NI124
Pages: 364
Price: Rs. 475.00   US$ 12.84

Published: 2004
Publisher: Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
Usually ships within 5 days

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Everyone wants to do something that gives them chance to earn more money and it is possible by becoming an entrepreneur. Starting your own business is one of the few remaining paths to wealth. Entrepreneurship is one of the critical decisions to be made and it involves number of risk and has its own advantages also. But the charm of being a master of you is always above any other form of work. To start your own venture you have to decide on many things. Making a choice of the right project is a difficult decision for an entrepreneur and is an imperative decision. For the reason that rest of the challenges for setting up a business is based on the type of the product and fund to invest. To start a business of your own you need to understand the environment to set up an enterprise of you own. The small scale enterprise sector is a dynamic and vibrant segment of the Indian Economy. This sector is the nursery for the development of entrepreneurial talent and has grown into an important component of the production chain. In both developed and developing countries, the Government is turning to small and medium scale industries and entrepreneurs, as a means of economic development and a veritable means of solving problems. It is a seedbed of innovations, inventions and employment. You do not need to be a genius to run a successful small business, but you do need some help. And that is exactly what this book is, a guide into the stimulating world of small business ownership and management.

Startup India Stand up

Our Prime Minister unveiled a 19-point action plan for start-up enterprises in India. Highlighting the importance of the Standup India Scheme, Hon’ble Prime minister said that the job seeker has to become a job creator. Prime Minister announced that the initiative envisages loans to at least two aspiring entrepreneurs from the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Women categories. It was also announced that the loan shall be in the ten lakh to one crore rupee range.

A startup India hub will be created as a single point of contact for the entire startup ecosystem to enable knowledge exchange and access to funding. Startup India campaign is based on an action plan aimed at promoting bank financing for start-up ventures to boost entrepreneurship and encourage startups with jobs creation.

Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and Startups in the country. This will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. The Government, through this initiative aims to empower Startups to grow through innovation and design.

What is Startup India offering to the Entrepreneurs?

Stand up India backed up by Department of Financial Services (DFS) intents to bring up Women and SC/ST entrepreneurs. They have planned to support 2.5 lakh borrowers with Bank loans (with at least 2 borrowers in both the category per branch) which can be returned up to seven years.

PM announced that “There will be no income tax on startups’ profits for three years”

PM plans to reduce the involvement of state government in the startups so that entrepreneurs can enjoy freedom.

No tax would be charged on any startup up to three years from the day of its establishment once it has been approved by Incubator.

The major contents of this book are manufacturing of batting gloves, noodles, public address amplifiers, surgical dresses, wrought iron furniture, quality control and standards, market potential, present manufactures, textile screen printing, technical aspects etc.

This book gives an insight to the products to start with in order to become a part of this growing section of industries with their plant machinery, Raw material requirements as well as market and manufacturing details.

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Sample Chapters

(Following is an extract of the content from the book)
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[p]Fresh noodle is an extrusion product made of tapioca flour and maida. They are long thread-like of thickness. This is a eatable food item under instant food products and very popular now-a-days as fast food. It is one of the most conventional foods available in the market.[/p]

[h3]Material Potential[/h3]

[p]Noodles and chowmein are ready-to-eat food item and is very popular in developed countries and now it has created good market potential in our country also and is becoming a popular item. The factors governing its demand are:[/p]

[li]Increasing population of the country.[/li]
[li]Rapid industrialization in the country.[/li]
[li]Increase in the purchasing capacity/power of the people.[/li]
[li]Durability of the product.[/li]
[li]Change in people eating habits especially the younger generation.[/li]
[li]It is ready-to-eat product.[/li]
[li]Convenience of preparation.[/li]

[p]Keeping in view the above factors, the demand of this product is likely to increase manifold in the coming years.[/p]

[h3]Present Manufacturers[/h3]

[p]M/s. A.G. International[/p]

[p]2222, Sector 21-C,[/p]

[p]Chandigarh- 160021[/p]

[p]Tel.: +91-172-2720181[/p]

[p]Mobile No. 9814212222[/p]

[p]Fax: +91-172-2728205[/p]

[p]E-mail: [email protected].[/p]


[p]M/s. Bombino Agro Industries Ltd.[/p]

[p]4E, Surya Towers, 4th floor,[/p]

[p]E Block Sardar Patel Road,[/p]


[p]Tel.: +91-40-27816611[/p]

[p]Fax: +91-40-27816615[/p]

[p]E-mail: [email protected][/p]



[p]M/s. Magic foods Limited[/p]

[p]Magic House, [/p]

[p]D-3/1, R.P. Bagh.[/p]


[p]Tel.: 27111629, 27129583[/p]

[p]Fax: 91-11-27249497[/p]


[p]M/s. Moonrich Foods Pvt. Ltd.[/p]

[p]RH IV/L-5, Sector-9,[/p]

[p]C.B.D. Belapur,[/p]

[p]Navi Mumbai-400614[/p]

[p]Tel.: 27693895, 27602042[/p]

[p]Fax: 27570633[/p]


[p]M/s. Royal Marketing (Food Products Div)[/p]

[p]29, West Road, West C.I.T. Nagar[/p]

[p]Chennai- 600035 T.N.[/p]

[p]Tel.: 24356023, 24355726, 24363558[/p]

[p]E-mail: [email protected].[/p]


[h3]Basis and Presumptions[/h3]

[li]This project is based on the assumptions that productivity is done on single shift basis. The shift consists of 8 hours per day and number of working days per month is 25 calculating out 300 days in a year.[/li]
[li]It is supposed that the production unit is utilizing the latest automatic machines indigenously available.[/li]
[li]The machinery cost, cost of equipments & raw materials are all approximate to those prevailing at the time of preparation of this project.[/li]
[li]The machinery & equipment used are standard ones.[/li]
[li]Preoperative cost includes the cost of installation & electrification, which is considered to be equal to 10% of cost of machinery & equipment.[/li]
[li]Salary and wages for the workers are based on the prevailing rates and would certainly increase in future due the increasing prices of goods & services.[/li]
[li]Salary is calculated considering the factors of bonus & increment, so additional 20% p.a. is added to get total salary & wages.[/li]
[li]Raw material availability is the basic element for any industry, so it is advisable to set up the production unit nearest to the place where the raw material is in abundance and also considering the other cost factors such as rent, utilities etc.[/li]
[li]It is assumed that total capital investment consists of[/li]
[li]Total Fixed Cost[/li]
[li]Working capital of 3 months[/li]
[li]Interest on the capital investment has been taken @ 12% per annum[/li]
[li]Depreciations has been considered:[/li]
[li]on machineries @ 25%[/li]
[li]on office equipment @ 10%[/li]
[li]on building @ 12%[/li]
[li]The Break Even Point percentage indicated is of full capacity utilization.[/li]
[li]The project preparation cost, whenever required could be considered under pre operative expenses.[/li]

[h3]Implementation Schedule[/h3]

[li]The entrepreneur whether established or a new one arriving at a decision of venturing in this project, mainly consider the factors such as market potential, demand and suuply gap and availablity of resources. Then he would require a project report. It takes around a month's period.[/li]
[li]Once the selection of the product is done the entrepreneur has to essentially get a provisional registration certificate fom DIC, so that he can apply for the allotment of land, power etc. The process takes around 2 months.[/li]
[li]Now, entrepreneur is considered eligible for loans from financial institutions, which require a detailed copy of the project report. On the basis of this report the financial institutions may at least take around 3-4 months time for sanctioning and disbursing the loan.[/li]
[li]The building construction would take atleast 3-4 months.[/li]
[li]Simultaneously after 2 months of applying for loans, the order for plant machinery may be finalized after getting one/two installments of loan. The process of procurement of plant machinery would take around 2 months.[/li]
[li]Once the plant machinery and other equipments are procured, the installation, electrification and commissioning process of the production plant takes at least 1-1½ months.[/li]
[li]The order for the raw materials is also placed along with the process of installation of plant machinery and electrification. The procurement of raw material would take 1 month.[/li]
[li]The time period for the process of recruitment is considered to be 2 months.[/li]
[li]The production may be commenced after a trial run of the installed plant & machinery. The time period for trial run varies from process to process. For this unit the time of trial production is 15 days.[/li]
[li]After the trial production period is over the commercial production starts.[/li]

[h3]Technical Aspects[/h3]

[h3]Process of Manufacture[/h3]

[p]Noodles is the term being used to designate products made from blend of flours. The major component of noodles is tapioca flour and maida. A noodle is manufactured in different sizes, hollow as well as solid, for different cooking methods. Some are made for cooking and others are for frying. The noodles specified in this Profile are for frying.[/p]

[h3]Typical Blending for 16 Kg. of Product[/h3]

[tr][td]Maida[/td][td]:[/td][td]8 Kgs.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Starch[/td][td]:[/td][td]7 Kgs.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sodium bicarbonate[/td][td]:[/td][td]850 gms.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Salt[/td][td]:[/td][td]150 gms.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Edible colour[/td][td]:[/td][td]Q.S.[/td][/tr]

[h3]Process in Detail[/h3]

[h3]Dry Mixing[/h3]

[p]The average moisture content of dry mixes is 10-11%. The three main ingredients of noodles maida, starch and soda bicarbonate are blended in a vertical mixer alongwith the edible colours.[/p]

[h3]Dough Formation[/h3]

[p]Dough is formed from the above blend only by using boiled water, when a part of the starch is gelatinized. The ingredients are supplied in dough mixer for about 12 to 15 minutes mixing.[/p]


[p]Now, the kneaded dough is transferred to noodles making machine where extruded material of desired shape and length is obtained by using an appropriate type of die and suitably adjusting the distance between the dye surface and cutting blade. The moisture content of the product at this stage is about 33%.[/p]


[p]At this stage the cut noodles goods from the cutting machine fall on wooden trays. The product undergoes surface drying and becomes sufficiently hard enough to be handled without sticking or being crushed. The moisture content of the pre-dried product is about 29.5%.[/p]


[p]The pre-dried product is finally semi-dried. The moisture content of the product will be 17%. Drying is done by exposure to indirect sunrays or placing in shade. The noodles dried as above do not have a satisfactory cooking quality and undergo a heavy loss on cooking. This can be reduced considerably by giving heat treatment to the product. This is optioned as this gives a brown colour to the product which may not be appealing to some of the customers.[/p]

[p]Recent development in the manufacture of noodles is that the product is exposed to steam. The steamed product has three advantages: (1) longer shelf-life (2) harder grain, and (3) better eating quality than unsteamed product. Steaming is done by exposing the product in thin layer to steam for about 15 minutes. The steamed and subsequently dried product has a moisture content of about 10%. The steaming is done before the product is semi-dried.[/p]

[h3]Quality Control and Standards[/h3]

[p]The product must meet Processed Foods Association (PFA) specifications. However, BIS specification for Noodles is IS: 1485: 1976.[/p]

[p]For further detail, please contact....[/p]



[p]9, MANAK BHAVAN,[/p]

[p]B.S. ZAFAR MARG,[/p]

[p]NEW DELHI - 110 002.[/p]

[p]Tel.: (091) (11) 23230131, 23233375, 23239402[/p]

[p]Fax: 011-23234062, 23239399[/p]

[p]E-mail: [email protected][/p]



[h3]Production Capacity[/h3]

[tr][td][/td][td align=center]Quality per annum[/td][td align=center]Value per annum(In Rs.)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Fresh Noodles[/td][td align=center]187.5 MT[/td][td align=center]45,00,000[/td] [/tr]

[h3]Pollution Measures[/h3]

[p]The manufacturing process of this product does not cause any type of pollution i.e. air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. However it is essential to obtain a no-objection certificate (NOC) from concerned state Pollution Control Board.[/p]

[p]This general process of obtaining NOC certifies the manufacturing unit as a non-polluting unit. [/p]

[h3]Energy Conservation[/h3]

[p]Proper insulation reduces the heat loss during drying and steaming processes.[/p]



[tr][td]Number of Working Days[/td][td]=[/td][td]25 Days/Month 300 Days/Annum[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Number of Shift[/td][td]=[/td][td]1 Per Day[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]One Shift[/td][td]=[/td][td]8 Hours[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Employment Generation[/td][td]=[/td][td]12 People[/td] [/tr]

[h3]Production capacity[/h3]

[tr][td]a)[/td][td]Quantity[/td][td]=[/td][td]187500 Kgs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]b)[/td][td]Value[/td][td]=[/td][td]Rs 45 Lakhs.[/td][/tr]

[h2]A. FIXED COST[/h2]

[h3](1) Land & Building[/h3]

[tr][td]Sl.No.[/td][td]Particulars[/td][td]Sq.Mtr.[/td][td] Rate(Rs.)[/td][td]Value(Rs.)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]b.[/td][td]Cost of Land development, fencing, approach road, inside roads, land scaping, drainage etc.[/td][td]500 [/td][td]200[/td][td]1,00,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]c.[/td][td]Total built-up area[/td][td]225[/td][td]3000 [/td][td]6,75,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]i) Administrative Building[/td][td][/td][td] [/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]ii) Factory Shed[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]iii) Stores, Staff Canteen etc.[/td][td][/td] [td][/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]Total[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]12,75,000[/td] [/tr]

[h3](2) Machinery and Equipments[/h3]

[tr][td]1.[/td][td]Vertical type powder mixer with motor complete [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]2.[/td][td]Dough mixer blade type[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]3.[/td][td]Noodles making power operated machine with different size die-heads[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]4.[/td][td]Wooden trays[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]5.[/td][td]Plastic Buckets[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]6.[/td][td]Aluminium/Galvanised iron water tape pipe line fittings[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]7.[/td][td]Water boiler-fuel heated[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Approx. Total[/td][td align=center]4,00,000[/td][/tr]

[h3](3) Preoperative (Erection & Installation Charges)[nbsp] [nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]40,000 [/h3]

[h3](4) Office furniture & equipments[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] 25,000[/h3]

[p]Total FIxed Cost [nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp](1+2+3+4)[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] [nbsp]17,40,000[/p]

[h2]B. WORKING COST[/h2]

[h3](1) Salary & Wages (per month)[/h3]

[tr][th]Sl.No.[/th][th]Designation[/th][th]Number[/th][th] Salary(Rs.)[/th][th]Total(Rs.)[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]1.[/td][td]Manager[/td][td]1[/td][td]8,000[/td][td]8,000 [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]2.[/td][td]Supervisor[/td][td]1[/td][td]4,500[/td][td] 4,500[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]3.[/td][td]Chemist[/td][td]1[/td][td]4,000[/td][td]4,000 [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]4.[/td][td]Clerk[/td][td]1[/td][td]3,000[/td][td]3,000 [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]5.[/td] [td]Peon/Watchman[/td][td]1[/td][td]2,000[/td] [td]2,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]6.[/td][td]Skilled Workers[/td][td]2[/td][td]2,500[/td] [td]5,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]7.[/td] [td]Unskilled[/td][td]4[/td][td]2,000[/td][td] 8,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]Plus perks @ 10% per annum[td][/td][td][/td] [/td][td]3,450[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]TotalCost[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]37,950[/td] [/tr]

[h3](2) Raw material (per month)[/h3]

[tr][td]c.[/td][td]Chemicals, Salt etc.[/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]d.[/td][td]Packaging Material[/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]Approx. Total[/td][td]Rs. 1,80,000[/td][/tr]

[h3](3) Utilities & Overheads (Per Month)[/h3]

[li]Other Misc. Expenses[/li]
[li]Maintenance / Repair[/li]
[li]Postage and Stationery[/li]
[li]Sales Expenses[/li]
[li]Advertisement and Marketing[/li]
[li]Travelling and Conveyance[/li]

[p]Approx. Total Cost[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] 35,000[/p]

[h3](4) Working Capital (per month)[/h3]

[tr][td]a.[/td][td]Salary / Wages[/td][td]37,950[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]b.[/td][td]Raw Material[/td][td]1,80,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]c.[/td] [td]Utilities & Overheads[/td][td]35,000[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]Total [/td][td]2,52,950[/td][/tr]

[p](5)[nbsp][nbsp]Total Working Capital[nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp] Working Capital (per month) * 3[/p]

[p][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]= 7,58,850[/p]


[tr][td]a)[/td][td]Total Fixed Cost[/td][td]17,40,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]b)[/td][td]Total Working Capital[/td][td]7,58,850[/td] [/tr]


[h3](1) Production Cost (per annum)[/h3]

[tr][td]a.[/td][td]Total Recurring Expenditure Working Capital (per month) * 12[/td][td]30,35,400[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]b.[/td][td]Depreciation on Machineries @ 25%[/td][td] 1,00,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]c.[/td][td]Depreciation on office Equipment @ 10%[/td] [td]2,500[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]d.[/td] [td]Interest on Capital @ 12%[/td][td]2,99,862 [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]e.[/td][td]Depreciation on Building @12%[/td][td]93,000 [/td][/tr]

[h3](2) Sales / Turnover (per annum)[/h3]

[tr][th]Sl.No.[/th][th]Particulars[/th][th]Rate[/th][th]Amount (Rs.)[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]a)[/td][td]Fresh noodles in 250 g packet 7.50 lakhs packets[/td][td]6[/td][td]45,00,000[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][td]Total Cost[/td][td][/td][td]Rs. 45,00,000[/td] [/tr]

[p](3)Profit (per annum)[nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp]Sales - Production Cost[/p]

[p][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp](2) - (1)[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp]Rs 9,69,238[/p]


[p](4)Profit Sales Ratio[nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp]Profit / Sales * 100[/p]



[p](5)Rate of Return[nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp]Profit / Total Capital Investment * 100[/p]



[p](6) Break Even Point[/p]

[p](a) Fixed Cost of Plant[/p]

[p]i. Interests[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]2,99,862[/p]

[p]ii. Depreciation[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]1,95,500[/p]

[p]iii. 40% of salaries & Overheads[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] 3,50,160[/p]

[p]Total[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]Rs. 8,45,522[/p]

[p](b) Profit[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] Rs. 9,69,238[/p]

[p]As, B.E.P.[nbsp][nbsp] =[nbsp][nbsp] FIxed Cost of Plant * 100 / Fixed Cost of Plant + Profit[/p]

[p][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp]=[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] 46.6%[/p]

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