
Just For Starters: Selected Projects to Start with 15,00,000

Author: NIIR Board
Published: 2004
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8178330237
Code: NI128
Pages: 276
$ 50
$ 12.84


Publisher: Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.

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Everyone wants to do something that gives them chance to earn more money and it is possible by becoming an entrepreneur. Starting your own business is one of the few remaining paths to wealth. Entrepreneurship is one of the critical decisions to be made and it involves number of risk and has its own advantages also. But the charm of being a master of you is always above any other form of work. To start your own venture you have to decide on many things. Making a choice of the right project is a difficult decision for an entrepreneur and is an imperative decision. For the reason that rest of the challenges for setting up a business is based on the type of the product and fund to invest. It is necessary for the entrepreneur to have qualities like ability to plan, maintain good public relation, reasonable risk taking capacity and of course have adequate financial resources. The first step towards setting up an industry is the identification of product and feasible product line after a thorough study of the market for the product, its demand and supply position, peoples changing attitudes, competition in the line, method of distribution etc. In both developed and developing countries, the Government is turning to small and medium scale industries and entrepreneurs, as a means of economic development and a veritable means of solving problems. It is a seedbed of innovations, inventions and employment. You do not need to be a genius to run a successful small business, but you do need some help. And that is exactly what this book is, a guide into the stimulating world of small business ownership and management. 

Startup India Stand up

Our Prime Minister unveiled a 19-point action plan for start-up enterprises in India. Highlighting the importance of the Standup India Scheme, Hon’ble Prime minister said that the job seeker has to become a job creator. Prime Minister announced that the initiative envisages loans to at least two aspiring entrepreneurs from the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Women categories. It was also announced that the loan shall be in the ten lakh to one crore rupee range. 

A startup India hub will be created as a single point of contact for the entire startup ecosystem to enable knowledge exchange and access to funding. Startup India campaign is based on an action plan aimed at promoting bank financing for start-up ventures to boost entrepreneurship and encourage startups with jobs creation. 

Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India, intended to build a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and Startups in the country. This will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. The Government, through this initiative aims to empower Startups to grow through innovation and design.

What is Startup India offering to the Entrepreneurs?

Stand up India backed up by Department of Financial Services (DFS) intents to bring up Women and SC/ST entrepreneurs. They have planned to support 2.5 lakh borrowers with Bank loans (with at least 2 borrowers in both the category per branch) which can be returned up to seven years.

PM announced that “There will be no income tax on startups’ profits for three years”

PM plans to reduce the involvement of state government in the startups so that entrepreneurs can enjoy freedom.

No tax would be charged on any startup up to three years from the day of its establishment once it has been approved by Incubator.

This book is meant to help new entrepreneurs in product identification along with market survey studies, cost estimation, profitability calculation and various other aspects. Although guidance is available from the various promotional agencies, consultants etc., the initiative and zeal for setting up of industrial ventures must come from the entrepreneur himself. Some fundamentals of the book are market potential, basis and presumptions, implementation schedule, technical aspects, process of manufacture, quality control and standards, plant economics of various projects like auto miniature lamp, gold plating on metallic optical frames and jewelry, hockey sticks, multipurpose computer centre for IT enabled services/ cyber cafe etc.

The identification of a suitable project within the investment limit of a new entrepreneur is very difficult. This book offers you to choose from many businesses which you can start with Rs. 1500,000. The present book strives to meet this specific entrepreneurial need. Undoubtedly, this book is a gateway leading you to become your own boss.


1. Aluminium Seal for LPG Cylinder
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Plant economics

2. Auto Miniature Lamp
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Manufacturing process
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

3. Automobile Silencer
Market potential
Bright days ahead
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Plant economics

4. Bicycle Rims
Bicycle rims
Implementation schedule
Machinery required
Market potential
Manufacturing process
Plant economics

5. Engine Mounting - Rubber Bonded
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Plant economics

6. Gold Plating on Metallic Optical Frames and Jewelery
Market potential
Industrial uses
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Preparation of the bath
Quality control and standards
Pollution control
Plant economics
7. Hard Chrome Plating
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Sequence of operation
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Motive power
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Plant economics

8. Hockey Sticks
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Manufacturing process
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Plant economics

9. Loud Speakers
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

10. L.T. Power Capacitor
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

11. Muti-Purpose Computer Centre for IT Enabled Services/ Cyber Café
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Production capacity
Quality control and standards
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

12. Opthalmic and Sun Photochromatic Glasses
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Plant economics

13. Raw and Processed Spices
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Plant economics

14. Regulated D.C. Supplies
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

15. Thermometers (upto 150OC)
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Plant economics

16. Transformer and Coils (for Electronic Applications)
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

17. TV Tuners (Turret Type)
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

18. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
Market potential
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics
Addresses of Present Manufacturers

19. Wind Cheater
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Plant economics

20. Wire Wound Resistors
Market potential
Basis and presumptions
Implementation schedule
Technical aspects
Process of manufacture
Quality control and standards
Production capacity
Pollution control
Energy conservation
Additional information
Plant economics

21. Addresses of Raw Materials, Machinery / Equipments Suppliers

Sample Chapters

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