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Herbs & Herbal Products Finder, Directory of Herbs, Herbal Medicines, Cosmetics, Herbal Products, Essential Oils, Perfumes, Pan Masala & Tobacco Products

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Herbs & Herbal Products Finder, Directory of Herbs, Herbal Medicines, Cosmetics, Herbal Products, Essential Oils, Perfumes, Pan Masala & Tobacco Products

Author: NIIR Board
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 8186623671
Code: NI133
Pages: 988
Price: Rs. 1,600.00   US$ 42.95

Published: 2003
Publisher: National Institute of Industrial Research
Usually ships within 5 days

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This directory (B2B database) basically deals with list of institutes, consultants, specialist for different medicinal, aromatic and herbs cultivation, supplier of seeds, planting materials for different medicinal and aromatic plants, herbal medicinal plants, herbs, leaves health care products, pan masala, tobacco & tobacco products perfumery compounds, chemicals, pesticides, spices, fragrances & flavors association of India, organization of pharmaceutical producers of India, pesticides, association of India pesticides manufactures & formulators association of India
pharmaceutical and allied manufacturers distributors, ingredients suppliers for cosmetics (foreign) etc.
This is the first Directory of its kind which covers addresses, phone and fax nos., e mail, product details of manufacturers of Herbal products, Medicines, Essential Oils, Perfumes, Pan Masala and Tobacco products along with Consultants, Importers, Exporters, Suppliers & Manufacturers of Plant & Machinery etc. The directory will be very helpful for new entrepreneurs, professionals, libraries and suppliers of herbs and other ingredients to these industries.

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1. Institutes, Consultants, Specialist for different medicinal, Aromatic and Herbs cultivation
2. Supplier of Seeds, Planting Materials for different Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants
3. Suppliers of Machinery, Equipment for processing of Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants
4. Buyers, Distributors, Brokers, Dealers, Agents, Traders of Mentha
Products, Essential oils and Aromatic Products
5. Buyers, Distributors, Agents, Users, Producers of various Essential oils.
6. Buyers, Dealers, Sellers of different Herbs in India
7. Major Manufacturers of Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines
8. Leading Exporters of Mentha Products, Essential oils and Aromatic
9. Manufacturers, Dealers of Herbal Cosmetics, Products and extracts
10. Manufacturer, Dealers of Essences, Perfumes, Flavours and
11. Herbal Medicinal Plants, Herbs, Leaves
12. Health care Products
13. Pan Masala, Tobacco & Tobacco Products
14. Perfumery compounds, Chemicals
15. Pesticides
16. Spices
17. Miscellaneous Products
18. Association & their Members
Fragrances & Flavours Association of India
M.P. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Organization,
Organisaton of Pharmaceutical Producers of India
Pesticides Association of India
Pesticides Manufactures & Formulators Association of India
Pharmaceutical and Allied Manufacturers Distributors
Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association of Tamil Nadu
Rajasthan Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association
19. Indian Importers
20. Indian Exporters
21. Foreign Buyer & Importers
22. Foreign Exporters
23. Ingredients Suppliers for Cosmetics (Foreign)

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