
Herbs Cultivation & Medicinal Uses (2nd Edition)

Author: H. Panda
Published: 2004
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8186623469
Code: NI32
Pages: 634
$ 100
$ 25.95


Publisher: National Institute of Industrial Research

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India is one of the leading Herbs producer and exporter in the world. Several meticulous researches were conducted and experimented with herbs. They arrived at more precise conclusions about the usefulness of diverse plants and herbs that are utilized in different fields like medicine. Ayurveda is the time honoured therapeutic form, prevailing in India since 2000 B.C. The Ayurveda healing is completely based on herbs, which have definite medicinal importance or significance. In the primeval times, the Indian sagacious held the view that Ayurveda herbs are the only resolution to treat numeral health related problems and diseases. Several meticulous researches were conducted and experimented with herbs to arrive at more precise conclusions about the usefulness of diverse plants and herbs that have medicinal value. Herbal products are replacing the synthetics products because of its harsh nature. Herbal products are in huge demand in the developed world for health care for the reason that they are efficient, safe and have lesser side effects. Growing herbs is easy to do, and people continue to turn their love for gardening into successful businesses growing and selling fresh cut herbs, herb plants, and other herb related products. Understanding the worth and heritage of excellence of Ayurveda in India the book makes an attempt to provide information on cultivation and medicinal use of herbs. 
The book contains the Cultivation of different herbs with photograph of a variety of herbal plants. The book also includes the habitat constituents, action and use in Ayurveda, sidda and Unani medicines. The book contains information on more than 100 herbs. The book contains chapters on cultivation of some of the very important herbs like: Pyrethrum Cultivation, Periwinkle Cultivation and Belladonna Cultivation and many more. The book also has the abbreviations for languages section at the end.
There are many who have a genuine interest in understanding the medicinal benefits of herb. The book also has a section on some common home remedied that could be tried at home for quick relief of certain problems. The book can also be a good option for those looking for a guide to understand basics for starting cultivation of different herbs and taking it as a business opportunity. It is a ready manual and information database for traders, new entrepreneurs, manufacturers, project consultant and libraries etc.


1 Pyrethrum Cultivation
2 Periwinkle Cultivation
3 Bellodonna Cultivation
4 Duboisia Cultivation
5 Ergot Cultivation
6 Artemisia Annua Cultivation
7 Sapogenin Bearing species of yams
and their cultivation
8 Abelmoschus Esculentus
9 Amroma Augusta
10 Abrus Precatorius
11 Abutilon Indicum
12 Acacia Arabica
13 Acacia Catechu
14 Achyranthes Aspera
15 Aconitum Ferox.
16 Aconitum Heterophyllum
17 Aconitum Napellus
18 Aegle Marmelo
19 Agati Grandiflora
20 Allium Cepa
21 Allium Sativum
22 AlocasiA Indica
23 Aloe Indica
24 Alpina Galanga
25 Anacardium Occidentale
26 Ananas Sativus
27 Andropogon Muricatus
28 Annona Squamosa
29 Anthemis Nobilis
30 Areca Catechu
31 Argemone Mexicana
32 Aristolochia Indica
33 Asclepias Asthmatica.
34 Asparagus Adscendens
35 Balsamodendron Mukul
36 Balsamodendron Myrrha
37 Bambusa Arundinacea
38 Bassis Longifolia
39 Berberis Vulgaris
40 Beta Vulgaris
41 Bombax Malabaricum
42 Boswellia Glabra
43 Brassica Campestris
44 Brassica Juncea
45 Brassica Nigra
46 Brassica Oleracea.
47 Caesalpinia Bondus
48 Calophyllium Inophyllum
49 Calotropis Gigantea
50 Camellia Theifera
51 Camphora Officinarum

52 Cannabis Sativa
53 Canscora Decussata
54 Capsicum Annuum
55 Careya Arborea
56 Carica Papaya
57 Cephalandra Indica.
58 Cinchona Cortex
59 Action of Cinchona Alkaloids
60 Cinnamomum Cassia
61 Cinnamomum Iners
62 Citrullus Colocynthis
63 Citrullus Vulgaris
64 Citrus Aurantium
65 Citrus Bergamia
66 Croton Tiglium
67 Cubeba Officinalis
68 Cucumis Sativus
69 Cuminum Cyminum
70 Curculigo Orchioides
71 Curcuma Longa
72 Cyperus Pertenuis
73 Cyperus Rotundus
74 Datura Alba
75 Daucus Carota
76 Euphorbia Neriifolia.
77 Euphorbia Pilurifera.
78 Feaula Assafoetida
79 Ficus Bengalensis
80 Ficus Carica
81 Ficus Glomerata
82 Ficus Religiosa
83 Foeniculum Vulgare
84 Garcinia Pictoria
85 Garcinia Purpurea
86 Helleborus Niger
87 Hemidesmus Indicus
88 Herpestis Monniera
89 Ipomoea Digitata
90 Ipomoea Turpethum
91 Jasminum Grandiflorum
92 Lepidium Sativum
93 LinUM Usitatissimum
94 Luffa Echinata
95 Mallotus Phillippinensis
96 Mangifera Indica
97 Melia Azadirachta
98 Mentha Arvensis
99 Metha Piperita
100 Mentha Sylvestris
101 Michelia Champaca
102 Mimosa Pudica
103 MiMusops Elengi
104 Momordica Charantia
105 Moringa Oleifera
106 Mucuna Pruriens
107 Musa Sapientum
108 Myristica Fragrans
109 Myrtus Caryophyllus
110 Nardostachys Jatamansi
111 Nelumbium Speciosum
112 Nerium Odorum
113 Nicotiana Tabacum
114 Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis
115 Nymphaea Lotus
116 Ocimum Basilicum
117 Ocimum Sanctum
118 Opuntia Dillenii
119 Orchis Mascula
120 Oxalis Corniculata
121 Paederia Foetida
122 Pandanus Odoratissimus
123 Papaver Somniferum
124 Pedalium Murex
125 Peganum Harmala
126 Peucedanum Graveolens
127 Phaseolus Mungo
128 Phaseolus Roxburghii
129 Picrorrhiza Kurrooa
130 Pimpinella Anisum
131 Piper Betle
132 Piper Longum
133 Piper Nigrum
134 Pistacia Lentiscus
135 Plantago Ispagula
136 Pongamia Glambra
137 Portulaca Oleracea
138 Prunus Amygdalus
139 Psidium Guyava
140 Psoralea Corylifolia
141 Ptychotis Ajowan
142 Punica Granatum
143 Pyrus Malus
144 Quercus Infectoria
145 Randia Dumetorum
146 Raphanus Sativus
147 Rauwolfia Serpentina
148 Rheum Emodi
149 Rhus Succedanea
150 Ricinus Communis
151 Rosa Damascena
152 Rubia Cordifolia
153 Ruta Graveolens
154 Saccharum Officinarum
155 Salix Caprea
156 Salvadora Persica
157 Salvia Officinalis.
158 Santalum Album
159 Sapindus Trifoliatus
160 Saraca Indica
161 Saussurea Lappa
162 Semecarpus Anacardium
163 Shorea Robusta
164 Sida Cordifolia
165 Smilax China
166 Solanum Jacquinii
167 Solanum Melongena
168 Solanum Nigrum
169 Solanum Tuberosum
170 Solanum Xanthocarpum.
171 Sphaeranthus Hirtus
172 Strychnos Colubrina
173 Strychnos Nux-Vomica
174 Strychnos Potatorum
175 Styrax Benzion
176 Swertia Chirata
177 Symplocos Racemosa
178 Tamarindus Indica
179 Tamarix Gallica
180 Terminalia Arjuna
181 Terminalia Belerica
182 Terminalia Chebula.
183 Theobroma Cacao
184 Thevetia Neriifolia

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