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Handbook on Herbal Drugs and its Plant Sources

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Handbook on Herbal Drugs and its Plant Sources

Author: H. Panda
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 8186623736
Code: NI97
Pages: 596
Price: Rs. 1,000.00   US$ 26.95

Published: 2004
Publisher: National Institute of Industrial Research
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India is a large repository of herbal drugs and become a big centre and fountain in the field of herbal therapy and beautification. Treatment through the herbs is very popular in the ancient time in Indian subcontinent and now approaching to new boundaries. Plants had been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. It is becoming more main stream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease. Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as asthma, eczema, migraine, etc. Medicinal plants have been used as a major source of therapeutic agents by human being for thousands of years. Ancient men obtained more than 90% of his medicaments from higher plants. However, the importance of plants as a source of drugs decreased to certain extent. In spite of the fact that synthetic drugs and antibiotics have improved the life expectancy of man, plants still constitute as one of the major sources of raw materials for drugs all over the world. Now a day people are very much aware of the ingredients in synthetic drugs, the benefits of plant products and harmful effects of chemical ingredients. Herbal drugs are in huge demand in the developed world for health care for the reason that they are efficient, safe and have lesser side effects. The formulations based on herbs are safe and effective.
The major content of this book are an ancient drug for filariasis, tribal remedies against snake bite and scorpion stings in Rajasthan, traditional herbal contraceptives from North-West Uttar Pradesh, cervical spondylosis through herbal drugs, medicinal uses of cucurbits, traditional Chinese herbal drugs in the light of scientific studies, significant medical plant, medicinal and poisonous plants in history.

This particular book clearly describes chemical analysis, the original source drugs, biological activity, herbal preparation of medicine, and many more. This book also contains description of more than 200 medicinal plants which is beneficial to scientists and scholars.

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5.Medicinal uses of Cucurbits
6.Medicinally and Biologically Important Seed Oil
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10.Medicinal and Poisonous Plants in History
11.Studies on Nepeta Ruderalis Hamitt Examination
of the Petroleum Ether Extractive of the Flower and Stems
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13. Stoechas Linn
13.Herbal Preparations
14.List of Medicinal Plants
Abroma (Sterculiacease)
Acacia (Mimosaceae)
Acalypha (Eupharbiuaceae)
Acathospermum (Asteraceae)
Acer (Aceraceae)
Achillea (Asteraceae)
Achyranthes (Amaranthaceae)
Aconitum (Ranunculaceae)
Acorus (Araceae)
Acronychia (Rutaceae)
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Adoxa (Caprifoliaceae)
Aegle (Rutaceae)
Ailanthus (Simaroubaceae)
Alangium (Alangiaceae)
Albizia (Minesaceae)
Alisma (Alismataceae)
Allamanda (Apocynaceae)
Allium (Liliaceae)
Aleo (Liliaceae)
Aloysia (Verbenaceae)
Alpinia (Zingiberaceae)
Alstonia (Apocynaceae)
Amaranthus (Amarantha (ene)
Ammi (Apiaceae)
Ananas (Brameliaceae)
Andrographis (Acanthaceae)
Annona (Annomaceae)
Anthemis (Asteraceae)
Antirrhinum (Scorphulariaceae)
Apium (Apiaceae)
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Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae)
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Asclepias (Asclepiadaceae)
Asparagus (Liliaceae)
Aster (Asteraceae)
Atropa (Salanaceae)
Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae)
Banistereopsis (Malpighiaceae)
Berberis (Berberidaceae)
Betula (Betulaceae)
Boerhavia (Nyctaginaceae)
Boswellia (Barseraceae)
Brassica (Brassicaceae)
Brucea (Simaroubaceae)
Calendula (Asterceae)
Calophyllum (Clusiaceae)
Cannabis (Cannabaceae)
Canscora (Gentionaceae)
Capparis (Capparaceae)
Capsicum (Solanaceae)
Carica (Caesalpiniaceae)
Carpesium (Asteraceae)
Cassia (Caesalpiniaceae)
Catharanthus (Apoynaceae)
Cedrus (Pinaceae)
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Centella (Apiaceae)
Centratherum (Asteraceae)
Cephaelis (Rubiaceae)
Cephalotaxus (Cephalotoxaceae)
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Cinchona (Rubiaceae)
Cinnamomum (Cephalotoxaceae)
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Cleistanthus (Eupharbiaceae)
Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae)
Cocculus (Minispermaceae)
Colchicum (Liliaceae)
Coleus (Lamiaceae)
Commiphora (Burseraceae)
Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae)
Corchorus (Tiliaceae)
Corydalis (Funariaceae)
Costus (Zingiberaceae)
Crotalaria (Papilionaceae)
Croton (Eupharbizceae)
Cucurbita (Amaryllidaceae)
Curculigo (Amaryllidaceae)
Curcuma (Zingiberaceae)
Cuscuta (Cuscutaceae)
Cyamopsis (Papailionaceae)
Cyclea (Menispermaceae)
Datisca (Datiscaceae)
Datura (Solonaceae)
Dauncus (Apiaceae)
Delonix (Caesalpiniaceae)
Desmodium (Rutaceae)
Dictamnus (Scrophulariaceae)
Digitalis (Ebenaceae)
Diospyros (Meliaceae)
Dyxoxylum (Myrsinaceae)
Embelia (Myrsinaceae)
Enicostemma (Gentianaceae)
Epilobium (Onagraceae)
Ervatamia (Apecynaceae)
Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae)
Eucalyptus (Mytraceae)
Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae)
Fagopyrum (Polygonaceae)
Fagraea (Loganiaceae)
Ferula (Apiaceae)
Ficus (Moraceae)
Fritillaria (Liliaceae)
Fumaria (Fumariaceae)
Gardenia (Rubiaceae)
Geranicum (Geraniaceae)
Gloriosa (Liliaceae)
Glycyrrhiza (Papilianaceae)
Gossypium (Ranunculaceae)
Hedera (Araliaceae)
Hedychium (Zingiberaceae)
Helleborus (Ranunculaceae)
Hibiscus (Malraceas)
Hippomane (Euphorbiaceae)
Holarrhena (Apocynaceae)
Hordeum (Poaceae)
Humulus (Moraceae)
Hunnemannia (Pappaveraceae)
Hypericum (Hypericaceae)
Hyphaene (Arecaceae)
Iberis (Brassicaceae)
Indigofera (Papilionaceae)
Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae)
Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae)
Lantana (Verbenaceae)
Lepidium (Brassicaceae)
Leucas (Lamiaceae)
Liriodendron (Mangnoliaceae)
Lycopodium (Lycopodiaceae)
Madhuca (Sapotaceae)
Magnolia (Magnoliaceae)
Mammea (Clasiaceae)
Matricaria (Asteraceae)
Maytenus (Celastraceae)
Medicago (Papilionaceae)
Melilotus (Papilionaceae)
Mentha (Lamiaceae)
Morus (Moraceae)
Nelumbium (Nymphaeaceae)
Nepeta (Lamiaceae)
Nerium (Apocynaceae)
Nicotiana (Solanaceae)
Nigella (Ranunculaceae)
Nothapodytes (Icacinaceae)
Ocimum (Lamiaceae)
Ophiorhiza (Rubiaceae)
Pachygone (Menispermaceae)
Panax (Araliaceae)
Papaver (Papaveraceae)
Parthenium (Asteraceae)
Paspalum (P. scrobiculatum L.)
Phaseolus (Papilionaceae)
Picrorhiza (Scrophalariacear)
Pimpinella (Apiacene)
Piper (Piperaceae)
Plumeria (Apocynaceae)
Podocarpus (Padocarpaceae)
Psoralea (Papilionaceae)
Pterocarpus (Papilionceae)
Rauvolfia (Apocynaceae)
Robina (Papilionaceae)
Rosa (Rosaceae)
Rosmarinus (Lamiaceae)
Roylea (Lamiaceae)
Saccharum (Poaceae)
Sagittaria (Alismataceae)
Salacia (Celastraceae)
Salvadora (Salvadraceae)
Saliva (Celastraceae)
Samadera (Simaroubaceae)
Sapindus (Sapindaceae)
Saraca (Caesalpiniaceae)
Schefflera (Araliaceae)
Selinum (Apiaceae)
Semecarpus (Anacardiaceae)
Sesbania (Papilionaceae)
Shorea (Dipteracarpaceae)
Sida (Malvaceae)
Silybum (Asteraceae)
Solanum (Solanaceae)
Solidago (Asteraceae)
Sophora (Papilionaceae)
Stephania (Menispermacene)
Strophanthus (Apacynaceae)
Strychnos (Strychnaceae)
Swertia (Gentianaceae)
Tagetes (Asteraceae)
Taxus (Taxaceae)
Tecomella (Bignoniaceae)
Tectona (Verbenaceae)
Terminalia (Combretaceae)
Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae)
Thevetia (Apocynaceae)
Tiliacora (Menispermaceae)
Tinospora (Minispermaceae)
Tithonia (Asteraceae)
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Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae)
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Sample Chapters

(Following is an extract of the content from the book)
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[h3](Acet. Mylab.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Mylabris, bruised[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2o z.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Glacial acetic acid[/td][td colspan="2"]a sufficient quantity[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td colspan="2"]a sufficient quantity[/td][/tr]

[p]Macerate the mylabris with 900 ml. (18 fl. oz.) of a mixture of equal volumes of glacial acetic acid and distilled water for twenty-four hours, transfer to a percolator; when the liquid ceases to pass, pour sufficient of the same menstruum in successive portions over the contents of the percolator to produce 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Acet. Urg.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Urginea, braised[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dilute acetic acid[/td][td]1000 ml.[/td][td]20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Macerate the urginea with the dilute acetic acid in a closed vessel for seven days with occasional stirring. Drain off the liquid, press the mare; mix the two liquids; heat to boiling. Set aside for seven days; filter.[/p]

[p][b]Standards-[/b] Specific Gravity at 20º, 1.017-1.032. Acidity: 10 ml. After a wild 10 ml. of water requires for neutralization not less than 9.0 ml., and not more than 10.5 ml. of N/I sodium hydroxide, using solution of phenolphthalein as indicator.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.6 to 2 ml. (10 to 30 min.)[/p]


[h3](Aq. Aneth. Cone.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Oil of Indian dill[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 percent[/td][td]600 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled Water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of Indian dill in the alcohol and add sufficient distilled water in successive small quantities to produce the requied volume shaking vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc and shake; allow standing for a few hours, occasionally shaking, and filter.[/p]

[p]Standard- Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose- 0.3 to 1 ml. (5 to 15 min.).[/p]

[p]This concentrated water, when diluted with 39 times its volume of distilled water, yields a preparation which is approximately equivalent in strength to distilled Indian dill water, but contains 1.5 per cent v/v of alcohol (90 per cent).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Aneth. Dest.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Indian dill fruit[/td] [td]100 g[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]2000 ml.[/td][td]40 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Distil 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) ; filter when cold.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]

[p]When Indian dill water is ordered, distilled Indian dill water not being specified, Indian dill water prepared by any of the general methods may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Aq. Anis. Conc.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Oil of anise[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]600 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled Water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of anise in the alcohol and add sufficient distilled water in successive small quantities to produce the requied volume shaking vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc and shake; allow to stand for a few hours, occasionally shaking, filter.[/p]

[p]Standard- Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.3 to 1 ml. (5 to 15 min.).[/p]

[p]This concentrated water, when diluted with 39 times its volume of distilled water, yields a preparation which is approximately equivalent in strength to distilled anise water, but contains 1.5 per cent v/v of alcohol (90 per cent).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Anis. Dest.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Anise[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]2000 ml.[/td][td]40 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Distil 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) ; filter when cold.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]

[p]When aqua anisi is required and distilled anise water is not specified, anise water prepared by any of the general methods may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Aq. Aurant. Conc.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Oil of neroli[/td][td]6.2 ml.[/td][td]60 min.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]600.0 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]to 1000.0 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td] [/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of neroli in the alcohol and add sufficient distilled water in successive small quantities to produce the required volume shaking vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc and shake; allow to stand for a few hours, occasionally shaking, filter.[/p]

[p]Standards-Specific Gravity at 20º, 0.920-0.930. Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v[/p]

[p]This concentrated water, when diluted with 39 times its volume of distilled water, yields a preparation which is approximately equivalent in strength to orange flower water, but contains 1.5 per cent v/v of alcohol (90 per cent).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Cari Conc.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Oil of caraway[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]600 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled Water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of caraway in the alcohol and add sufficient distilled water in successive small quantities to produce the required volume, shaking vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc, and shake; allow to stand for a few hours, occasionally shaking and filter.[/p]

[p]Standard-Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.3 to 1 ml. (5 to 15 min.).[/p]

[p]This concentrated water, when diluted with 39 times its volume of distilled water, yields a preparation which is approximately equivalent in strength to distilled caraway water, but contains 1.5 per cent v/v of alcohol (90 per cent).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Cari Dest.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Caraway[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]2000 ml.[/td][td]40 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Distil 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); filter when cold.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]

[p]When caraway water (aqua cari or aqua carui) is ordered, distilled caraway water not being specified, caraway water prepared by any one of the general methods may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Aq. Caryoph. Cone.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Oil of clove[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]600 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled Water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of clove in the alcohol and add sufficient distilled water in successive small quantities to produce the required volume, shaking vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc and shake; allow to stand for a few hours, occasionally shaking, filter.[/p]

[p]Standard-Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.3 to 1 ml. (5 to 15 min.).[/p]

[p]This concentrated water, when diluted with 39 times its volume of distilled water, yields a preparation which is approximately equivalent in strength to distilled clove water, but contains 1.5 per cent v/v of alcohol (90 per cent).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Caryoph. Dest.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Clove[/td][td]25 g.[/td] [td]1/2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]2000 ml.[/td][td]40 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Distil 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) ; filter when cold.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]

[p]When aqua caryophylli is required, and distilled clove water is not specified, clove water prepared by any of the general methods may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Aq. Cinnam. Conc.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Oil of cinnamon[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]600 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled Water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of cinnamon in alcohol and add sufficient water in successive small quantities to produce 1000 ml., shaking vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc, and shake; set aside for a few hours, with occasional shaking, filter.[/p]

[p]Standard-Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.3 to 1 ml. (5 to 15 min.).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Cinnam. Dest.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Cinnamon, bruised[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]2000 ml.[/td][td]40 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Distil 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) ; filter when cold.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]

[p]When cinnamon water is ordered, distilled cinnamon water not being specified, cinnamon water prepared by any of the general methods may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Aq. Ptych. Conc.)[/h3]


[p]Synonym-Aqua Trachyspermum Concentrata.[/p]

[tr][td]Oil of ajowan[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]600 ml.[/td][td]12 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled Water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Dissolve the oil of ajowan in the alcohol and add sufficient distilled water in successive small quantities to produce the requied volume; shake vigorously after each addition. Add 50 g. (1 oz.) of purified talc and shake; allow to stand for a few hours, occasionally shaking, filter.[/p]

[p]Standard-Alcohol Content: 50-56 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.3 to 1 ml. (5 to 15 min.).[/p]

[p]This concentrated water, when diluted with 39 times its volume of distilled water, yields a preparation which is approximately equivalent in strength to distilled ajowan water but contains 1.5 per cent v/v of alcohol (90 per cent).[/p]


[h3](Aq. Ptych. Dest.)[/h3]


[p]Synonym-Aqua Trachyspermum[/p]

[tr][td]Ajowan[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Water[/td][td]2000 ml.[/td][td]40 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Distil 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) ; filter when cold.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]

[p]When ajowan water (aqua ptychotis) is ordered, distilled ajowan water not being specified, ajowan water prepared by any of the general methods may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Bellad. Pulv.)[/h3]


[p]Synonyms-Belladonna Praeparata; Pulvis Belladonnae; Prepared Belladonna Herb.[/p]

[p]Belladonna herb reduced to a fine powder and adjusted, if necessary, either by the admixture, in suitable proportions, of powdered belladonna herb, having lower or higher alkaloids' content or by the addition of powdered, exhausted belladonna herb, powdered lactose or rice starch to contain 0.30 per cent of alkaloids, calculated as hyoscyamine.[/p]

[p]Standards-Ash : Not more than 15 per cent. Acid-insoluble Ash: Not more than 3.0 per cent. Alkaloid Content: 0.28-0.32 per cent.
Assay-Carry out the assay as directed under "Belladonna Herba".[/p]


[h3](Cataplasm. Lin)[/h3]


[tr][td]Crushed linseed[/td][td]200 g[/td][td]4 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Boiling water[/td][td]500 ml.[/td][td]10 fl. oz.[/td] [/tr]

[p]Place the boiling water in a previously warmed basin and gradually stir in the crushed linseed with a spoon until a mass of uniform consistency is obtained. Place the poultice in a muslin bag, smear the surface of the bag with oil to prevent adhering to the skin and apply hot.[/p]


[h3](Chlorof. Aconit.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Aconite, in moderately fine powder[/td][td]1000 g.[/td] [td]20 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dilute solution of ammonia[/td][td]250 ml.[/td][td]5 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]a sufficient quantity Chloroform[/td][td][/td][/tr]

[p]Moisten the aconite with the dilute solution of ammonia and set aside for twenty-four hours. Transfer to a percolator and percolate with a menstruum consisting of one volume of alcohol and seven volumes of chloroform until 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) of percolate is obtained.[/p]


[h3](Chlorof. Bellad.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Liquid extract of belladonna[/td][td]500.0 ml.[/td][td]10 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Magnesium oxide, heavy[/td][td]4.6 g.[/td][td]40 gr.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Sodium sulphate exsiccated[/td][td]300.0 g.[/td][td]6 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]100.0 ml.[/td][td]2 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Chloroform[/td][td]to 1000.0 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Place the liquid extract, magnesium oxide, alcohol and 750 ml. (15 fl. oz.) of chloroform in a dry bottle and shake well; add 225 g. (4 oz.) of the exsiccated sodium sulphate, shake frequently during ten minutes and filter; to the filtrate add the reminder of the exsiccated sodium sulphate and agitate as before; filter and add sufficient chloroform to produce the required volume.[/p]


[h3](Collod. Bellad.)[/h3]


[p]Synonyms-Emplastrum Belladonnae Fluidum; Liquid Belladonna Plaster.[/p]

[tr][td]Liquid extract of belladonna[/td][td]500 ml.[/td][td]10 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Canada balsam[/td][td]40 g.[/td][td]350 gr.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Castor oil[/td][td]20 ml.[/td][td]192 min.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Camphor[/td][td]15 g.[/td][td]131 gr.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Pyroxylin[/td][td]25 g.[/td][td]oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]100 ml.[/td][td]2 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Ether[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz..[/td] [/tr]

[p]Mix the liquid extract of belladonna, canada balsam, castor oil, alcohol and 400 ml. (8 fl. oz.) of ether. Shake well and allow to stand for twelve hours; decant the clear liquid and strain the remainder, mix the two liquids, dissolve the camphor and pyroxylin in the mixture and add sufficient ether to produce the required volume.[/p]


[h3](Conf. Piper.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Black pepper, in powder[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Caraway, in powder[/td][td]150 g.[/td][td]3 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Purified honey[/td][td]750 g.[/td][td]15 oz.[/td][/tr]


[p]Dose-4 to 8 g. (1 to 2 dr.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Acalyph.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoction of Muktajhuri.[/p]

[tr][td]Acalypha, bruised[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Boil acalypha with 1500 ml. (30 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain, pour sufficient distilled water over the content of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Api.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Celery, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]200 g.[/td] [td]4 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the celery with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.). Strain and pour sufficient water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-8 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Arjun.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Arjun, in moderately coarse powder[/td] [td]200 g.[/td] [td]4 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the arjun with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain, pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Asok.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoctum Saracae.[/p]

[tr][td]Asoka, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]250 g.[/td] [td]5 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the asoka with 2500 ml. (50 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain; pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Asteracan.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoctum Hygrophyllae[/p]

[tr][td]Asteracantha[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil asteracantha with 3000 ml. (60 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 60 ml. ( to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Cent.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Centella, dried, cut small and bruised[/td][td]50 g.[/td] [td]1 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the centella for fifteen minutes with 1200 ml. (24 fl. oz.) of distilled water. Allow to cool, strain and, if necessary, pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-30 to 60 ml. (1 to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Cinchon. Conc.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Cinchona, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]500 g.[/td] [td]10 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Glycerine[/td][td]250 ml.[/td][td]5 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]100 ml.[/td][td]2 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz.[/td][/tr]

[p]Add the cinchona to 8000 ml. (160 fl oz.) of boiling water and continue to boil in a covered vessel for ten minutes. Allow to cool, strain and wash the contents of the strainer with water. Evaporate the mixed decoction and washings to 650 ml. (13 fl. oz.); allow to cool, filter, add the glycerine, the alcohol and, if necessary, sufficient water to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p][b]Standards -[/b] Specific Gravity at 20º, 1.08-1.10. Alcohol Content : 8-10 per cent v/v.[/p]

[p]Dose - 4 to 8 ml. (60 to 120 min).[/p]

[p]When decoction of cinchona (decoctum cinchonae) is prescribed, the concentrated decoction diluted with seven times its volume of water may be dispensed.[/p]


[h3](Dec. Cissam.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Cissampelos, thinly sliced[/td][td]125 g.[/td][td]2 oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil cissampelos with 1200 ml. (24 fl. oz.) of distilled water for fifteen minutes; cool, strain, pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-4 to 8 ml. (60 to 120 min.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Corchor.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Corchorus, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]100 g.[/td] [td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the corchorus with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml.(20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.). [/p]


[h3](Dec. Galang.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Galangal, bruised[/td][td]100 g[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil galangal for fifteen minutes with 1250 ml. (25 fl. oz.) of distilled water; allow to cool, strain and pour, if necessary, sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Gossyp. cort.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Cotton root bark, bruised[/td][td]200 g.[/td][td]4 oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the cotton root bark with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml.(20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 60 ml. ( to 2 fl. oz.). [/p]


[h3](Dec. Granat. Fruct. Cort.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Pomegranate rind, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]200 g.[/td][td]4 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the pomegranate rind with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 60 ml. ( to 2 fl. oz.). [/p]


[h3](Dec. Granat. Rad. Cort.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Pomegranate root bark, in moderately coarse powder[/td] [td]200 g[/td][td]4 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the pomegranate root bark with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 60 ml. ( to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Hemid.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Hemidesmus root, bruised[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td]2 oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil hemidesmus with 3000 ml. (60 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-30 to 60 ml. (1 to 2 fl. oz.). [/p]


[h3](Dec. Jambol.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Jambul seeds, coarsely powdered[/td][td]100 g.[/td][td] 2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the jambul with 1500 ml. (30 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the content of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.). [/p]


[h3](Dec. Kantak.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoctum Xanthocarpi.[/p]

[tr][td]Kantakari, bruised[/td][td]125 g.[/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil kantakari with 1400 ml. (28 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain; pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-30 to 60 ml. (1 to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Matric.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoctum Chamomillae.[/p]

[tr][td]Matricaria, bruised [/td][td]50 g.[/td][td]1 oz.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the matricaria for ten minutes with 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) of water in a covered vessel; strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]It should be freshly prepared.[/p]

[p]Dose-60 to 120 ml. (2 to 4 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Nardostach.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoction of Jatamanshi.[/p]

[tr][td]Nardostachys, bruised[/td][td]50g.[/td][td]1 oz.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the nardostachys for ten minutes with 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.) of distilled water in a covered vessel; strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 60 ml. (½ to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Neem)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoctum Azadirachtae[/p]

[tr][td]Neem leaf, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]100 g. [/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the neem leaf with 2000 ml. (40 fl. oz.) of water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml.(20 fl. oz.); strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]


[h3](Dec. Oldenland.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoction of Khetpapra[/p]

[tr][td]Oldenlandia, in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]100g. [/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the oldenlandia for fifteen minutes with 1200 ml. (24 fl. oz.) of distilled water in a covered vessel; strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-30 to 60 ml. (1 to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Papav.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Poppy capsule, bruised[/td][td]250 g.[/td][td]5 oz.[/td] [/tr]
[tr][td]Alcohol (90 per cent)[/td][td]250 ml.[/td][td]5 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil poppy capsule for ten minutes with 5000 ml. (100 fl. oz.) of water for fifteen minutes. Pour off the liquid and evaporate it to 500 ml. (10 fl. oz.). Exhaust the poppy capsule with further quantity of water, and mix with the previously reserved liquid. Allow to cool and add the alcohol. Allow to settle, decant the clear liquid, filter the remainder and mix.[/p]

[p]Dose-2 to 8 ml. ( to 1 fl. dr).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Piper. Long.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Long pepper,in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]100 g. [/td][td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the long pepper for fifteen minutes with 1200 ml. (24 fl. oz.) of distilled water in a covered vessel; strain and pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 60 ml. ( to 2 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Sympl.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonym-[/b]Decoction of Lodh.[/p]

[tr][td]Symplocos,in moderately coarse powder[/td][td]100 g[/td] [td]2 oz.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the symplocos with 1600 ml. (32 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain; pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.)[/p]


[h3](Dec. Tarax.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Taraxacum, sliced and bruised[/td][td]50 g.[/td][td]1 oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil taraxacum with 1200 ml. (24 fl. oz.) of distilled water for fifteen minutes; cool, strain, pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.).[/p]


[h3](Dec. Tylop.)[/h3]


[tr][td]Tylophora, in coarse powder[/td][td]100 g.[/td] [td]2 oz. [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Distilled water[/td][td]to 1000 ml.[/td][td]to 20 fl. oz. [/td][/tr]

[p]Boil the tylophora with 1500 ml. (30 fl. oz.) of distilled water until the volume is reduced to 1000 ml. (20 fl. oz.); strain; pour sufficient distilled water over the contents of the strainer to produce the required volume.[/p]

[p]Dose-15 to 30 ml. ( to 1 fl. oz.)[/p]


[h3](Digit. Praep.)[/h3]


[p][b]Synonyms-[/b]Digitalis Pulverata; Powdered Digitalis.[/p]

[p]Powdered digitalis is digitalis leaf in moderately coarse powder, no portion being rejected and adjusted, if necessary, either by the admixture in suitable proportions of powdered digitalis having higher or lower potency, or by the addition of powdered, exhausted digitalis leaf or rice starch to contain 10 international units per gram.[/p]

[p][b]Characters-[/b](a) Macroscopic: Colour green; odour slight; taste distinctly bitter.[/p]

[p](b) Microscopic : Epidermal cells with wavy wails; bluntly pointed, finely warty covering trichomes 3-5 cells long and fragments of the same; short glandular trichomes; storata of the ranunculaceous types. Small annular and spiral vessels, palisade and spongy mesophyll; calcium oxalate and sclerenchymatous elements absent.[/p]

[p]Standards-Acid -insoluble Ash, Foreign Organic Matter, Loss on Drying, Cardiotonic Glycosides and Storage comply with the requirements stated under "Digitalis Folium".[/p]

[p]Assay-Determine the activity by the biological assay of prepared digitalis. See Appendix. [/p]

[p]Labelling-Each container should bear a label stating the number of units of activity contained in 1 g. and the weight in g. which is equivalent in activity to 1 g. of the international standard digitalis powder.[/p]

[p]Dose-0.03 to 0.1 g. ( to 1 gr.).[/p]

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