Fruit and Vegetable Cultivation in India is a prominent business sector for exporting merchandise and shipping and thus earning a good amount of international revenue for India. Since its independence India has been trying keep pace with the dazzling prospects of exporting commercial business. India is essentially agrarian and rural, with ample scope for lands for farming and cultivation and it has also helped for the cultivation of a large variety of fruits as well as vegetables. The study of fruit and vegetable production is a subject of enormous scope. It involves the integration of wide spectrum of disciplines. As the new technologies and developments become available, cropping system and production practices changes. India has perhaps been renamed as the vegetable and fruit basket in the world, a factor that weighs fascinatingly upon the cultivation of fruits in the country. India serves as the home to various kinds of vegetable as fruits, and holds a vital position in the field of productions of fruits and vegetables amidst different countries of the world. Floriculture covers all the aspects related to the production and use of flowers and ornamental plants, flower seeds, bulbs etc. The scenario of floriculture is changing fast due to steadily widening export opportunities and large number of people earns their livelihood. Commercial floriculture however is of recent origin. A constituent increase in demand for cut and potted flowers has made floriculture as one of the important commercial trades in Indian agriculture. Floriculture has an annual growth potential of 25 to 30 percent. Of late, large scale commercial companies have started joint ventures with foreign companies to invest in the floriculture sector. The government has invited foreign investment in floriculture, particularly in the areas of refrigerated storage and transportation facilities essential to ensure that flowers do not perish to transit. Cultivation of fruits, vegetables and floriculture is capable of attracting/retaining a large number of progressive rural populations on in farming.
This book majorly deals with integrated development of fruits, scope and importance of fruits, vegetable crops, integrated development of vegetables, floriculture, integrated development of floriculture etc.
This publication deals with all the important and relevant aspects of floriculture including production technology, open cultivation in different climates. The book is written in such way that it can be used by commercial growers, home gardeners, professional floriculturists and environmentalists.

Cultivation of Fruits, Vegetables and Floriculture
Author: NIIR Board
Published: 2003
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8186623752
Code: NI95
Pages: 760
$ 125
$ 29.73
Publisher: National Institute of Industrial Research
Usually ships within 5 days
1. Integrated Development of Fruits
2. Scope and Importance of Fruits
3. Almond
4. Annonaceous fruits
5. Aonla
6. Apple
7. Avocado
8. Bael
9. Banana
10. Ber
11. Apricot
12. Carambola
13. Cherry
14. Date palm
15. Durian
16. Egg fruit
17. Fig
18. Grape
19. Guava
20. Jackfruit
21. Jamun
22. Karonda
23. Kiwi
24. Limes and Lemons
25. Rootstocks
26. Litchi
27. Loquat
28. Mahua
29. Mandarin orange
30. Mango
31. Mangosteen
32. Olive
33. Papaya
34. Passion fruit
35. Peach
36. Pear
37. Pecan
38. Persimmon
39. Phalsa
40. Pineapple
41. Plum
42. Pomegranate
43. Rambutan
44. Sapota
45. Strawberry
46. Sweet orange
47. Walnut
48. Integrated Development of Vegetables
49. Agathi
50. Amaranth
51. Ash gourd
52. Beet root
53. Bitter gourd
54. Bottle gourd
56. Broccoli
55. Brinjal
57. Brussels sprout
58. Cabbage
59. Capsicum
60. Carrot
61. Cauliflower
62. Celery
63. Chilli
64. Cowpea
65. Curry leaf
66. Drumstick
67. French bean
68. Garlic
69. Kale
70. Knol Khol
71. Lablab bean
72. Lettuce
73. Muskmelon
74. Okra
75. Onion
76. Palak or Indian Spinach
77. Parsley
78. Pea
79. Pointed gourd
80. Pumpkin
81. Radish
82. Ridge gaurd
83. Round melon
84. Snake gaurd
85. Spinach
86. Tomato
87. Turnip
88. Watermelon
89. Potato
90. Disease And Pest Management
91. Arrow root
92. Sweet potato
93. Tannia
94. Yam bean
95. Yams
96. Integrated Development of Floriculture
97. Rose
98. Jasmines
99. Orchid
100. Site and Soil Selection
101. Land and Layout Preparation for Orchard
Sample Chapters
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