Starch is a group of poly saccharides, composed of glucopyranose units joined together by glucosidric linkages. Starch is also metabolized for energy in plants and animals, and is used to produce a large number of industrial products. Starch is processed to produce many of the sugars in processed foods. The biggest industrial non food use of starch is as adhesive in the paper making process. Other important fields of starch application are textiles, cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses. Starch can be obtained from maize, sorghum, roots and tubers such as tapioca, arrow root, potatoes etc. Starch truly serves as a multifunctional ingredient in the food industry. Starch is one of the most present biomaterials has witnessed significant developments over the years. By products are obtained in the manufacture of different types of starch such as maize gluten has a number of interesting possible uses in industry, zein (by product of corn processing) is used in the preparation of stable glass like plastics, modification of zien is used as adhesives and in the preparation of coating compositions for paper, the most important by product from wheat starch manufacture is gluten which is used in preparing diabetic foods, for feeding cattle, thickening agent in textile printing and so on. The Global starch market is likely to get respite from deceleration in its market growth, with growth poised to receive a new lease of life in the next few years.
This book basically illustrates about the properties, structures, manufacturing process explained with flowcharts and diagrams, applications of starch and its derivatives etc. The major contents of the book are structure and chemical properties of starch, chemical composition, molecular structure, starch granule properties, water sorption and granule swelling as a function of relative humidity, factors affecting starch paste properties, the oxidation of starch etc.
This is a unique book, concise, up to date resource offering a valuable presentation of the subject. This book contains processes of starch and its derivatives. This book is an invaluable resource for new entrepreneurs, industrialists, consultants, libraries.

The Complete Technology Book on Starch and Its Derivatives
Author: H. Panda
Published: 2004
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8178330733
Code: NI81
Pages: 540
$ 125
$ 29.73
Publisher: Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
Usually ships within 5 days
1. Structure and Chemical Properties of Starch
Structure and Properties
Chemical Composition
Molecular Structure
Starch Granule Properties
Water Sorption and Granule Swelling as a
Function of Relative Humidity
Factors Affecting Starch Paste Properties
2. The Swelling And Gelatinisation of Starch
The Swelling of Starch
The Gelatinisation of Starch
The Use of Swelling Agents to Study Gelatinisation
Methods of Following the Course of
Gelatinisation of Starch : Optical Methods
Methods Depending on Viscosity
The Effect of Injury to Starch Granules before
Gelatinisation on the Properties of the Pastes
Viscosity and Structure
The Rigidity of Starch Pastes
3. The Role of the Minor Constituents of Starch
The Role of Phosphorus in Starch
The Formation of 'Werner Complexes'
The Adsorption Theory
The Amylophosphoric Acid Theory
The Significance of Nitrogen in Starch
The Coacervation Theory
Fatty Acids Present in Certain Starches
Other Acids Present in Starch as Esters
4. The Retrogradation of Starch
'Retrogradation' of Starch by Freezing
'Retrogradation' by Solvents
Monomolecular Dispersion
Complete Retrogradation
The Explanation of Retrogradation
Practical Significance of Retrogradation in Industry
The Prevention of Retrogradation
Reactions with Formaldehyde
5. Starch and the Hydrogen Bond
6. The Reaction of Starch with Iodine
The Effect of Heat
Sensitivity of the Reaction
An Abnormal Starch-Iodide Reaction
The Composition of Starch Iodide
Use of Starch Iodide
The Starch-Iodide Reaction in the Spectro-photometric
Determination of Starch
7. Root Starches
Manufacture of Potato Starch
Refining the Starch
Drying the Starch
Some Difficulties Occurring in the Manufacture of Potato Starch
Cassava Starch or Brazilian Arrowroot
The Manufacture of Sweet-Potato Starch
8. Cereal Starches
The Manufacture of Wheat Starch
Manufacture of Maize Starch
Early Process. Extracting the Starch
Treating the Starch
Modern Process
Rice Starch
9. The Oxidation of Starch
Oxidation by Nitric Acid
Oxidation by Ammonium Nitrate
Oxidation by Chromic Acid
Oxidation by Permanganates
Oxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide
Oxidation by Halogens
Oxidation by Oxy-halogen Acids
Oxidation by other Per-compounds
Oxidation by Oxides in Acid Solution
Oxidation by Irradiation
Oxidation by Air in Acid Solution
Oxidation by Ozone
Oxidation by Hypohalites
Oxidation by Alkaline Chlorite
Oxidation by Alkaline Aktivin
Oxidation by Alkaline Permanganates
Oxidation by Alkaline Peroxides
Oxidation by Air in Alkaline Solution
Electrolytic Oxidation
Oxidation by Alkaline Mercuric Oxide
Oxidation by Alkaline Persulphates
Oxidation by Bromine
Oxidation by Iodine
10. Glucose and Maltose
The Manufacture of Glucose
Raw Materials
Earlier Process
The More Recent Process
The Crystalline Forms of Anhydrous Dextrose and
Dextrose Hydrate
Producing Anhydrous Dextrose
Uses of Glucose
The Manufacture of Maltose
11. Ethyl Alcohol and Acetone
The Manufacture of Ethyl Aclohol
The Amylo Process
The Production of Acetone
12. Dextrin and British Gums
Methods of Manufacture
Raw Materials
The Choice of Acid
Pre-treatment of Starch before Torrification
Main Steps in Dextrin Manufacture
Addition of Catalyst
Maturing the Starch
Drying the Starch before Roasting
The Roasting Process
Cooling and Re-moistening the Dextrin
Grinding and Bagging-off Operations
Conversion of Starch to Dextrin by the Wet Process
Acid Conversion in the Wet Process
The Conversion using Enzymes
13. Modified Starches
Physical Treatment to Modify Starch
14. Adhesives from Starch and Dextrin
Purpose and Applicability
The Application of Adhesives
Theoretical Considerations
Flour Pastes
Adhesives from Starch
Treatment with Caustic Alkalies
Treatment with other Alkaline Substances
Treatment with Acids
Treatment with Salts
Treatment with Oxidising Agents
Treatment of Starch with Swelling Agents
Addition of Various Compounds to Starch Adhesives
Dextrin Adhesives
15. The Foodstuff Industry
Potato Products in the Food Industry
Importance of the Storage History of Potatoes
Colour of Potato Chips
Cooking other then Frying
The Gelatinisation of Starch
The Effect of Various Factors on Gel-Strength of Starch Pastes
Uses of Starch on Various Foodstuff Preparations
Starch in the Baking Industry
Moisture Absorption by Dough
The Influence of Other Physical Properties of
Starch on Baking Quality
The Diastatic Activity of Flours
The Chemistry of certain Baking Faults
16. The Paper Industry
Tub Sizing
Coated Papers
17. The Textile Industry
Sizing of Yarns
Considerations influencing Sizing
Mechanical Properties of Starch Films and
Sized Cloths Arranged in Order of Decreasing Magnitude
The Effect of Auxiliary Agents on the
Properties of Sizes and Finishes
The Use of Enzymes in Desizing
The Finishing of Textile Fabrics
Adhesive Dressings
Characteristics of Individual Starches
Wheat Flour
Tinting and Blueing Agents
The Suitability of Starches and Dextrins
The Printing of Textile
Function of the Thickener
Colour Value
Starch Products used for Thickenings
Disadvantages attendant on the Use of Starch Thickenings
Thickenings of British Gums
18. Miscellaneous Uses of Starches and Dextrins
The Soap Industry
Laundry Starches
Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Uses
Horticultural Uses
Fire-Proofing Preparations
Explosives and Fuels
Some Unclassified Uses
19. Utilisation of the By-Products of Starch Manufacture
20. Antiseptic Agents and Preservatives
21. General Features and Nomenclature of Amylases
22. Preparation of Enzymes used in the Starch Industry
Enzymes from Malt
Preparation of Individual Malt Enzymes
Enzymes from Moulds or Fungi
Enzymes from Animal Juices
Bacterial Enzymes
23. The Action of -Amylase on Starch
Soluble Starch
Erythro Bodies
- and -Glucosides
The Mode of Action of -amylase
24. Analysis of Starch and its Derivatives
General Methods of Analysis
Saccharide Contents of Acid-Converted Starch Hydrolyzates
Reducing Sugars
Schoorl Method : Conversion of Titer Difference to Reducing Sugar
Assay by Specific Gravity
Conversion of Commercial Degrees Baumé to % Dry
Substance for Commercial Corn Syrups and Dextrose Solutions
Trace Components
Crude Fiber
Lactic Acid
Iodine Value
Peroxide Value
Free Fatty Acids
Cold Test
Smoke Point
25. List of Material Suppliers
List of Chemical Suppliers
Sample Chapters
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