
The Complete Technology Book of Essential Oils (Aromatic Chemicals) Reprint-2011

Author: NIIR Board
Published: 2011
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9788178330662
Code: NI58
Pages: 640
$ 125
$ 33.95


Publisher: Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.

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Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils or aetherolea, or simply as the oil of the plant from which they were extracted. Essential oils are generally used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps and other products, for flavoring food and drink, and for adding scents to incense and household cleaning products. Various essential oils have been used medicinally at different periods in history. Medical applications proposed by those who sell medicinal oils range from skin treatments to remedies for cancer, and often are based solely on historical accounts of use of essential oils for these purposes. Interest in essential oils has revived in recent decades with the popularity of aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims that essential oils and other aromatic compounds have curative effects. Oils are volatilized or diluted in carrier oil and used in massage, diffused in the air by a nebulizer, heated over a candle flame, or burned as incense.
This book describes about the physicochemical properties, chemical composition, distillation, yield, quality of essential oils, process of extraction of essential oils, manufacture of essential oils, products derived from essential oils and so on.
The book in your hands contains formulae, processes, and test parameters of different types of essential oils derived from different natural sources. This is very helpful book for new entrepreneurs, professionals, institutions and for those who are already engaged in this field.


1. Essential Oils of the Genus Citrus
The Expression of Citrus Oils
The Occurrence of Essential Oils in the Peels of Citrus Fruit
Hand Processes
Machines Treating Separated Peels
Superficial Working of Whole Fruit by Rasping Machines
Deterioration of Citrus Oils During Expression
(Causes, Nature and Prevention)
Treatment of Citrus Fruit or Peel by High Pressure
Distillation of Citrus Fruit And Peel
Modern, Large-scale Citrus Juice - And Oil Pressing Equipment
Distilled North American Citrus Oils
California Citrus Oils
Florida Citrus Oils
Citrus Production in Texas And Other Southern States
2. Oil of Lemon
California Lemon Oil
Italian Lemon Oil
Terpeneless And Sesquiterpeneless Italian Lemon Oil
Spanish Lemon Oil
Brazilian Lemon Oil
Use of Lemon Oil
Oil of Petitgrain Lemon
3. Oil of Sweet Orange
French Guinea Sweet Orange Oil
Brazilian Sweet Orange Oil
Italian Sweet Orange Oil
Spanish Sweet Orange Oil
Japanese Sweet Orange Oil
4. Oil of Petitrgrain Bigarade
French Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
Spanish Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
Italian Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
North African Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
French Guinea Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
Haiti Petitgrain Oil
Chemical Composition and Use of Petitgrain Bigarade Oil
Petitgrain Bigarade Water Oil
5. Oil of Petitgrain Paraguay
Development of Paraguay's Petitgrain Oil Industry
Handling of the Oil
Physicochemical Properties
Chemical Composition of Oil of Petitgrain Bigarade
and Petitgrain Paraguay
6. Oil of Neroli Bigarade
French Neroli Bigarade Oil
Italian Neroli Bigarade Oil
Spanish Neroli Bigarade Oil
Tunisian Neroli Bigarade Oil
Alegerian Neroli Bigarade Oil
Moroccan Neroli Bigarade Oil
Haiti Neroli Oil
Orange Flower Water
Orange Flower Oil by Extraction
7. Oil of Bergamot
8. Oil of Petitgrain Bergamot
9. Oil of Lime
The Acid Limes
The West Indian Lime Industry
Method of Distillation
Yield of Distilled Lime Oil
Production of A High Quality Oil
Mexican Lime Oil
East Indian Lime Oil
Oil of Sweet Lime

10. Oil of Mandarin

11. Oil of Tangerine

12. Oil of Petitgrain Mandarin
13. Oil of Grapefruit
North American Grapefruit Oil
Brazilian Grapefruit Oil
Oil of Petitgrain Grapefruit
Oil of Neroli Grapefruit
The Keeping Qualities of Citrus Oils
14. Essential Oils of Other Genera of the Plant Family Rutaceae
Oil of Angostura Bark
Oil of Boronia Megastigma
15. Oil of Balm
16. Oil of Basil
Oil of Sweet Basil (European Type)
Reunion Type of Basil Oil
Methyl Cinnamate Type of Basil Oil
Haiti Basil Oil
Eugenol Type of Basil Oil
17. Essential Oils of Other Ocimum Species
Oil of Ocimum Canum Sims
Oil of Ocimum Canum Hybrid
Oil of Ocimum Gratissimum L.
Oil of Ocimum Viride Willd
Oil of Ocimum Suave
Oil of Ocimum Sanctum
Oil of Ocimum Micranthum
18. Oil of Catnip
A. Oil of Nepeta Cataria L.
B. Oil of Nepeta Cataria Var. Citriodoura
19. Oil of Hyssop
20. Oil of Lavender
French Lavender Oil
Italian Lavender Oil
Hungarian Lavender Oil
English Lavender Oil
American Lavender Oil
Australian Lavender Oil
Use of Lavender Oil
21. Oil of Lavandin
Oil of Spike Lavender
22. Oil of Marjoram
Oil of Spanish Wild Marjoram
23. The Monarda Oils
Oil of Horsemint
Oil of Lemon Mint
Oil of Monarda Menthaefolia R. Grah.
24 Oil of Origanum
Spanish Origanum Oil
Moroccan Origanum Oil
Palestine And Syrian Origanum Oil
Oil of Origanum Vulgare L.
Oil of Origanum Vulgare L. Var. Viride
Oil of Origanum Virens Hoffmg. Et Link
25. The Orthodon Oils
Cubic Model of Orthodon Series
26. Oil of Patchouly
27. Oil of Pennyroyal
European And North African Pennyroyal Oil
American Pennyroyal Oil

28. Oil of Peppermint
American Peppermint Oil
Russian Peppermint Oil
Bulgarian Peppermint Oil
Italian Peppermint Oil
English (mitcham) Peppermint Oil
French Peppermint Oil
Argentine Peppermint Oil
29. Japanese Mint Oil
Chinese Mint Oil
30. Oil of Mentha Rotundifolia
Oil of Perilla
31. The Pycnanthemum Oils
32. Oil of Rosemary
French Rosemary Oil
Dalmatian Rosemary Oil
Tunisian Rosemary Oil
Russian Rosemary Oil
Italian Rosemary Oil
Chemical Composition and Use of Rosemary Oil
33. Oil of Sage
34. American Sage Oil
35. Oil of Clary Sage
Oil of Spanish Sage
36. Oil of Salvia Carnosa Dougl
The Satureia Oils
37. Oil of Thyme
Spanish Thyme Oil
Chemical Composition And Use of Thyme Oil
Oil of Thymus Hiemalis Lange
Oil of Thymus Serpyllum L.
36 Oil of Thymus Hiemalis Lange
Oil of Thymus Hirtus Willd
Oil of Thymus Serpyllum L.
37 Essential Oils
Agar oil
Ajowan oil
Camphor oil
Cinnamon Leaf oil
Citrus oils
Dill Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Geranium Oil
Ginger Grass Oil
Jasmine Oil
Khus Oil
Lavender Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Linaloe Oil
Mint Oil
Palmarosa Oil
Patchauli Oil
Sandalwood oil
Turpentime oil
38 Processes For Extraction of Essential Oils
Market Survey For Essential Oil
39 Processes For Extraction of Essential Oil
Use of Solar Energy For Distillation
40 Manufacture of Essential Oils
Citronella Oil
Lemon Grass Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Sandal Wood Oil
Mentha Oil And Menthol Crystals
Process of Manufacture
Citrodoura Oil
41 Rajnigandha Oil
42 Lavender Oil
43 Palmarosa Oil
Lemon Oil
Clove Oil
Jasmine Oil
Khus Oil
Geranium Oil
44 Products Derived From Essential Oils
45 Menthol Crystals From Mentha Oil
46 Synthetic Perfumes For Agarbatti
47 Perfumes, Scents & Attars
48 Eraniol, Citronellol And Hydroxy Citronellol
49 Nerol

Sample Chapters

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