Hand Book on Neem & Allied Products

Hand Book on Neem & Allied Products

Author: NIIR Board
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 8178330415
Code: NI49
Pages: 478
Price: Rs. 975.00   US$ 25.95

Published: 2004
Publisher: Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
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Nature has blessed man with a number of wonders. Of all, plants are found to be its best boon. Among them, neem is distinguished by their astonishing versatility. Neem is such a fascinating tree that no other tree probably has provided wide range of benefits to mankind. Neem tree and its products have been reputed since long for some physiological activity and have been used quite extensively as a household remedy, since time immemorial, for the treatment of some of the common ailments. The Neem tree, which is also known as Margosa or Indian lilac is grown extensively in Asian and African countries. The neem is very useful tree due to its medicinal and insecticidal properties. Neem oil is the major product of neem seed industry. The chief limitation of the oil is its odour due to the presence of odouriferous substances and other non saponifiable components. Amongst the non edible oilseeds the potential availability of neem is by far the largest because of its very extensive growth throughout the country and fairly good yield of oils from the seeds. Neem seed cake is the major by product of neem seed oil. Various parts of the neem tree have been used as traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. Almost every product of this invaluable tree has been largely employed for medical purposes. Neem works as blood purifier. Consuming raw neem leaves or neem leaf powder helps in eradicating toxins from the blood. This is one of the greatest benefits of neem tree. Azadirachtinus in the neem products have been found to act as repellents, antifeedants, affect food consumption and utilization and interfere with the growth regulation and ovarian development in insects. Neem manufacturing products are in high demand and several manufacturing companies are readily in business trying to satisfy their natural product consuming and environment sensitive market. Along with a good natural resource management program, Neem can be an income generator and a sustainable medicinal alternative in developing countries.
Some of the fundamentals of the book are technology for production of insecticides of plant origin at rural level, neem seed cake as a source of pests control chemicals, neem oil as possible biorational insecticide, chemistry of neem (azadirachta indica), a sustainable source of natural pesticides, machineries for neem processing, engineering properties of neem nut, neem and transfer of technology, processing of neem fruit and seed, processing of neem oil and its utilization, uses of neem is indigenous system of medicine, cold processing of neem seed, products from neem, development of a neem formulation and its evaluation for control of crop pests, evaluation of nematicidal potential in neem, etc.
The book covers cultivation of neem and processing of its products. It will be of immense value to all concerned with manufacturing of neem products; consultants Institutions or those who want to diversify in to production of neem based products.                                      

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1. Technology for Production of Insecticides of Plant Origin at Rural Level
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Use of leaf Bits
Use of Leaf Extracts
Impregnation of Bags with Kernel Extract
Surface Treatment of Bins
Vapour Effect of Extract/Oil
Technology for Rural Level

2. Neem seed cake as a Source of Pests Control Chemicals
Methods and Materials
Results and Discussion

3. Neem oil as Possible Biorational Insecticide
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

4. Improving the Productivity of Neem Trees
Agroclamatic Adaptability
Establishment and Growth
Production and uses
Non-wood Products
Environmental Safety
Problems of Neem Production and Utilization
Propagation of Neem
Variation in Germplasm
Silvicultural Practices to Improve Productivity
Establishment of neem
Seed Collection and Processing
Promotion of Neem Production
Packaging of Silvicultural Practices
Popularising the Use of Neem Products
Marketing of the Produce

5. Vegetative Propagation of Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Materials and Methods
Mist Propagation
Mist Propagation

6. An Assay of Genetic Variability through Phenological
Studies on Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)
Materials and Methods
Observations and Discussions

7. Chemistry of Neem (Azadirachta indica), a Sustainable
Source of Natural Pesticides

8. Photo-oxidation of Tetranortriterpenoids
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

9. New Tetra and Pentanortriterpenoids from
Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Results and Discussion
1 a-Destigloyl-1a-benzoylazadirachtin (II)
11b-Hydroxyazadirachtinin (III)
4a-benzoyl nimbandiol [V]
Ochinin Acetate [VII] and Ochinolide B [VIII]

10. Machineries for Neem Processing
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Summary and conclusion
Suggestions for Furtehr Work

11. Engineering Properties of Neem Nut
Review of Literature
Materials and Methods
Apparatus and Procedur
Dimensions and Hardness
Nut weight and Kernel-shell Mass Ratio
Angle of Repose
Bulk Density and Particle Density
Preparation of Samples
Results and Discussion
Dimensions and Hardness
Nut Weight and Kernel-Shell Mass Ratio
Angle of Repose and Porosity
Bulk Density and Particle Density
Coefficient of Friction

12. Neem and Transfer of Technology
Use of Neem Pest Control
Transfer of Neem Technology to the Farmers in India
As Pest Control Agent
On Tobacco
On-Farm Trial
Demonstration Trials
Lab-to Land Programme
NSKS in Integrated Pest Management
On Cotton
On Paddy
On Pulses
On Castor
Use of Neem Cake as Nematicide
Use of Neem Oil as a Suckericide on Tobacco
Neem Cake as Organic Manure

13. Processing of Neem Fruit and Seed
Availability of neem
Collection and processing of fruit and seed
Depulpers, driers and decorticators
Discussion of Results
Maturity, storage and pressing of seed
Maturation of Oil in Stored Fruits
Depulping of The Neem Fruit
Cost of Operation
Crushing of Neem Seed Kernels in Wardha Ghani
Fall of Oil yield with Storage
Processing of Neem Seed Kernel and production of
Neem Oil
Storage Experiments on Neem Seed
Characteristics of neem oil and its quality
Specific Gravity and Refractive Index
Acid Value
Alcohol Soluble Material in the oil
Other Characteristics
Unsaponifilable Matter

14. Processing of Neem Oil and its Utilization
Quantitative estimation of the differents constituents
of neem oil by alcohol extraction
Total Dilute Alcohol Extractive of Neem Oil
Large Scale Alcohol Extraction of Neem Oil
Refining of alcohol-extracted oil
Alkali Treatment
Refining Loss on Alkali Treatment
Bleaching of Neutral oil (Alcohol-Extracted and
Hydrogenation Experiments (Laboratory Scale) with
Neutral and Bleached Neem Oil
Refining Loss in Factory Pilot Unit
Tentative Cost of the Process of Alcohol Extraction
of Neem oil based on the Pilot Plant work
High Pressure Splitting
Deodorization and hydrogenation of purified and
refined oil
Alkali Refining
Hydrogenation of Refined Neem Oil
Stearin and olein
Pyronimin, a denaturant
Pyronimis-A Denaturant for Alcohol
Production of the Denaturants
Requirement of the Denaturants
Results of tests with the denatured spirit
Tentative Specifications for Pyronimin-250
Tentative Specifications for 'Total Bitters' Fraction
Tentative Specifications for the Spirit Denatured with
Pyronimin and 'Total Bitters' on Neem
Pharmaceutical Preparations with the Bitter Constituents
Preparations from Nimbidin-T and their uses
Other Experiments at Refining
Factors influencing industrial utilization of neem oil
and its by-products

15. Medicinal Uses
Uses of neem is indigenous system of medicine
Medicinal Uses of Neem in Recent Times

16. Cold Processing of Neem Seed
Seed Cleaning
Mechanical Destoner
Mechanical Sieve-shaker Separator Fitted with
  Air Cyclone System
Sedimentation (Gravitational) Technique
Decoration of Seed

17. Products from Neem
Semi-greaseless cold cream
Skin toning lotions
Cream Cholesterin Type
Herbal Soap ( Neem based)
Neem based tooth paste
Radhas Ayurvedic Soap
Arya Neem Plus Turmeric Herbal Soap
Krishna Tulsi Herbal Soap
Medimix Skin Care Capsule
Alargin forte
Beauty plus
Hemoclin syrup
Epidermoil Oil
Neem capsule
Charmi capsules

18. Repellent Action of Neem Oil on Insects of
Public Health Importance

19. Effect of Neem Oil: Structural and Functional
Change in the Epididymis of Rats
Materials and Methods
Neem Oil
Sperm Motility and Sperm Count
Biochemical Estimations
Histological Investigation
Statistical Analysis

20. Rat Toxicity Studies with Neem Oil
Materials and Methods
Neem Oil
Biochemical Studies
Statistical Analysis
Tissue Biochemical Parameters
Blood and Serum Parameters
Histological Studies

21. Evaluation of Neem Extract Sprays on Maize
Materials and Methods

22. Antifeedant and Insecticidal Activity of Some
Neem Fractions
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

23. Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Stem Bark as an
  Anti-Leprosy Source
Materials and Methods
Observation and Results
Macromorphology of Bark
Micromorphology of Bark
Powder Study
Biochemical Estimation (Percentage on Dry Weight Basis)
Geochemical Estimation
Active Principle Determination (from Ethanolic Extract)
Chemical Identity Comparison

24. Evaluation of Neem Derivatives and Lantana camara L.
against Cardamom Pests
Materials and Methods
Field Evaluation of Neem Derivatives against the
Cardamom Thrips, Sciothrips cardamomi (Ramk.)
Field Evaluation of Neem Oil against Cardamom
Whitefly, Dialeurodes cardamomi David & Subr.
Laboratory Evaluation of the Crude Extract of Stem of
Lantana camara against the Cardamom Hairy
Caterpillar, Eupterots undata
Laboratory Evaluation of the Crude Extract of the Stem of
Lantana camara L. against Cardamom Shoot Borer,
Conogethes punctiferalis (Guen.)
Results and Discussion
Effect of Neem Derivatives on Cardamom Thrips
Effect of Neem Oil on Cardamom Whitefly
Effect of 1 per cent Suspension of the Extract of Lantana
camara on E. undata
Effect of 1 per cent Suspension of the Extract of L. camara
on C. punctiferalis

25. Development of a Neem Formulation and Its Evaluation
  for Control of Crop Pests
Materials and Methods
Product Development
Laboratory Studies
Field Studies
Results and Discussion
Laboratory Studies
Field Studies

26. Effect of Neem Cake, Neem Oil, Repelin and
Carbofuran on Control of Soybean Nematodes
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

27. Thyroid Hormones and Intermediary Metabolism
in Fish: Influence of Neem Kernel Extract
Materials and Methods
Effect of T3 or T4 in Fish Injected with NKE
Effect of T3 and T4 in Fish Immersed in NKE-treated Water

28. Clinical Studies with Praneem Polyherbal Cream in
Chlamydial Cervicitis
Materials and Methods
Polyherbal Cream
Diagnostic Methods for C. trachomatis
Dose Schedule

29. Identification and Characterization of the Immunomodulator
Fraction from Neem Seed Extract Responsible for
Long-term Anti-fertility Activity
Materials and Methods

30. Identification of Effective and Inexpensive Neem
(Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) Seed Kernel Extract
Materials and Methods
Seed Collection and Processing
Aqueous Extract (AE)
Ethanolic Extract (EtoHE)
Hexane Extract (HE)
Chloroform Extract of DNKP (CHEDK)
Ethanol Soluble (Eto HSHE) and Insoluble (EtoHIHE)
Part of Hexane Extract
Extract Yield
Formulation of the Extracts
Rearing Culture of H. armigera
Biological Testing
Feeding deterrent
Growth and Development
Effect on Oviposition
Effect on Egg Hatching
Effect on Feeding
Effect on Growth and Development
Pupal Mortality and Adult Emergence
Effect of oviposition
Effect on Egg Hatching
Effect on Feeding
Effect on Growth and Development of Larvae

31. Field Evaluation of Some Botanical Insecticides Alone
and in Combination with Other Insecticides for
Management of Bollworm Complex on Cotton
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
RD-9 Repelin

32. Evaluation of Enriched Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)
Seed Extracts against Mango Hoppers, Idioscopus
nitidulus Walker and Amritodus atkinsoni Leth.
Materials and Methods
Laboratory Trial
Field trials
Laboratory trials
Field Trials
Evaluation of neem derivatives for control of mango
hopper, I. nitidulus

33. Potential of Neem in Insect Pest Management in Rice
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Effect of Neem Oil on Rice Leaf Folder and Stem Borer
Efficacy of Neem-based Insecticides Against Stem Borer
Effect of Neem-based Insecticides on the Growth
and Development of White-backed Planthopper
Combination of Neem-based Products with Synthetic

34. Effect of Neem Kernel Extract and Neem Oil on Nutritive
and Reproductive Physiology of Heliothis armigera
Materials and Methods
Mass Culture and Biological Studies
Preparation of Extracts
Quantitative Food Utilization
Efficiency of Digestion
Reproduction Studies
Biochemical Assays
Enzyme Assays
Effects on Reproductive Parameters
Effects on Quantitative Food Utilization
Effects on Efficiency of Digestion and Digestive Enzymes
Effect on Protein, Glycogen, Lipid and Enzyme Profiles
in Subsequent Female Moths
Effect on Protein, Glycogen, Lipid and Enzyme Profiles
in Subsequent Male Moths

35. Bioefficacy of Some Neem Formulations against
Spodoptera litura F.
Materials and Methods
Laboratory Tests
Nursery Experiment
Studies on Effect of Repelin B versus Repelin A and
NSKS against S. litura on Castor in Laboratory
Studies on Effect of Repelin B Alone and in Combination
with Endosulfan against S. litura (1992)
Bio-efficacy of Repelin B and Other New Neem
Formulations against S. litura on Tobacco (1992)
Results and Discussion
Laboratory Tests
Nursery Experiments
Effect of Repelin B versus Repelin A and NSKS against
S. litura on Castor in Laboratory
Choice Situations
No-choice Situation
Effect of Repelin B alone and in Combination with
Endosulfan against Tobacco Caterpillar, s. litura
on Tobacco
Bio-efficacy of Repelin B and Other New Neem
Formulations against S. litura (1992)
Laboratory tests
No-choice Situation
Nursery Tests

36. Effects of Extracts from Neem on Aphids
(Homoptera: Aphididae) and Their Natural Enemies
Materials and Methods
Azadirachtin Content
Aphid Control
Aphid Natural Enemies
Antifeedant Activity
Aphid Reproduction
Results and Discussion
Aphid Control
Aphid Natural Enemies
Antifeedant Activity
Aphid Growth and Development
Aphid Reproduction

37. Azadirachtin Content and Bioactivity of Some Neem
Ecotypes of India
Estimation of Azadirachtin Content
Extraction and Enrichment
Physicochemical Properties of Oil
Azadirachtin Estimation by PHLC
Insect Growth Regulation (IGR)
Fungicidal Activity
Results and Discussion
Azadirachtin Content of Neem Ecotypes
Insect Growth Regulation
Fungicidal Property

38. The Effects of Various Neem Formulations on Mortality
Rate and Morphogenetic Defects Upon Schistocerca
gregaria (Forskal) Larvae
Materials and Methods
Laboratory Insects
Field Insects
Neem Products
Application of the Larvae
Application of the Vegetation
Mortality Rates Following Application of Neem
Products to Larvae
Mortality Rates after Treatment of the Plants with
Enriched Neem Oil; The Repellent Effect of Neem
Morphogenetic Defects

39. Efficacy of Cakes in the Management of Root Knot
Nematode (M. arenaria) in Groundnut
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion

40. Efficacy Profile of a Commercial Neem Insecticide
Factors Influencing the Commercial Success of
Consistency and Quality of Extracts
Product Positioning
Supply and Availability
Increase in Environmental Awareness
The Acceptance of Insect-Growth-Regulators
Cost of Raw Material
Important Commercial Characteristics of Azadirachtin
Representative Efficacy Data with Azatin/Turplex/Align
in the United States

41. Evaluation of Nematicidal Potential in Neem
Meterials and Methods

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