Lemon is a significant organic product crop. Lemon is one of the important classes of citrus. It is mostly known for its mash and squeezes all through the world. Distinctive lemon natural products are used all throughout the world as food or juice. In focal India, Nagpur lemon is developed for an enormous scope. Mandarin Production states are Assam, Dibrugarh, and Brahmaputra valley. In India, Citrus development is done on a zone of around 923 thousand hectares with yearly creation of 8608 thousand metric tons.
Lemons can be developed in a wide range of soils. Light soils having great leakage are appropriate for its development. PH scope of soil ought to be 5.5-7.5. They can likewise develop in slightly basic and acidic soils. Light topsoil very much depleted soils are best for lemon development.
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- Punjab Baramasi: Shoots dropping are typically ground-contacting. Lemon has yellow natural products, round formed with tightening base. Seedless products of the soil succulent in nature. The normal natural product yield is 84 kg for every tree.
- Aha: Semi-enthusiastic tree. Lemon-yellow skin shading, the juice is emphatically acidic having fantastic flavor. Organic product matures in August.
- PAU Baramasi: The correct time for organic product development is the first seven day stretch of July. It contains less measure of seeds. It gives a normal yield of 84kg per tree.
- Rasraj: Developed by IIHR. Yellow hued organic products contain 70% juice and 12 seeds. It is impervious to bacterial scourge and ulcer sickness.
- Lisbon lemon: It is impervious to ice and high wind speed. A natural product is of medium size, having lemon-yellow shading with smooth surface.
- Lucknow seedless: Fruits are of medium size with yellow shading.
- Gasp Lemon: Dwarf variety having medium size delicious organic products. It is impervious to scab, ulcer and gummosis
Assam Lemon, Italian Lemon, Eureka lemon, Malta lemon. Show Less
Related Books: – Handbook on Citrus Fruits Cultivation and Oil Extraction
Land ought to be wrinkled, cross furrowed and leveled appropriately. Planting is done on entrances against inclines in uneven regions. High thickness planting is likewise conceivable in such regions.
Time of planting
The best season for planting is July-August.
Intercropping: Intercropping with cowpeas, vegetables, french beans should be possible in starting a few years.
Dividing between plants ought to be kept between 4.5×4.5. 10Kg of Farmyard Manure and 500g of single superphosphate ought to be applied to pits while planting.
Planting Depth
Pits of size 60×60×60cm ought to be burrowed for planting seedlings. Apply entire measure of dairy animals manure during December month while applying Urea in two sections; apply first of Urea in February, and the second portion in April-May month. At the time of applying the first portion of Urea, apply an entire portion of SSP compost.
On the off chance that organic product drop is watched, to control over the top natural product drop. Take the first shower in March-end, at that point in April end. Rehash the splash in August and September end.
Weed can be constrained by hand-hoeing and furthermore constrained by synthetically, Use glyphosate just on weeds, not on crop plants.
Lemon requires a water system at ordinary springs. Lifesaving water systems ought to be given in winters and summers. The water system is fundamental for Flowering, Fruiting, and appropriate plant development. The high recurrence water system is advantageous. Pungent water is harmful to crop plants. Incomplete drying out of the soil in spring may not influence plants.
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- Citrus Psylla: These are juice sucking nuisances. Harm is for the most part brought about by fairies. It infuses a plant poison fluid which consumes foliage and skin of natural product. Leaves twist and tumble off rashly. It very well may be constrained by pruning of sick plants, consuming them
- Leaf digger: Larvae inside the upper or lower surface of youthful and recently developed leaves are twisted and look misshaped. Youthful trees show a decrease in development because of leaf digger. Best administration for leaf excavator is to disregard it and let the common adversaries take care of upon them and parasitize their hatchlings. Pheromone traps are additionally accessible for distinguishing leaf excavator moths.
- Scale Insects: Citrus scale creepy crawlies are little bugs that suck sap from the citrus trees and natural products. When dead, the delicate scale will tumble from the tree as opposed to staying stuck. They can be controlled with the presentation of indigenous parasitic wasps. Neem oil is likewise compelling against them. Show
- Aphids and Mealy Bugs: They are little sap-sucking bugs. Bugs are available on the underside of leaves. Engineered pyritheriods or bother oil can be utilized to control aphids and bugs.
- Gummosis: Exudation of gum from bark of tree is the trademark indication of gummosis illness. Influenced plant leaves goes to light yellow in shading. Hardness masses of gum are basic on stem and leaf surfaces. In extreme cases, bark might be annihilated by decaying and trees may kick the bucket. Plant bites the dust before the organic product develops. This illness is likewise called foot decay. This illness can be overseen through the legitimate determination of site with appropriate seepage, utilization of safe assortments and so on
- Lemon Scab: It influences a portion of the mandarin assortments and lemon organic products. Raised dark corky scabs on tree limbs, products of the soil are seen causing bends of the natural product. Natural products fall off at beginning phases of grow
Attaining proper size, shape along with attractive color having lemon fruits is ready for harvest. Depending upon variety fruits are generally ready for harvesting in Mid- January to Mid- February. Do collecting at the proper time as too early or too late harvesting will give poor quality.
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After harvesting, wash fruits with clean water then dip fruits in Chlorinated water, and then partially dried them. To improve appearance along with to maintain good quality, do Citra shine wax coating along with foam. Then these fruits are dried under shade and then packing is done. Fruits are packed in boxes.