Glucose Saline: A Profitable Business Option for You
Intravenous Sugar Solution is a medical solution that is mixed with dextrose (glucose) and water. It finds wide usage in different medical complications of a wide range of patients, from treating low blood sugar to dehydration and electrolyte loss from the body. Other ailments like high potassium levels in the blood, diabetic complications and many more gets treated through IV Sugar Solutions. It is a part of a mechanism which provides hydration to the internal tissues and acts as intravenous therapy.
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Glucose Saline Composition and Features:
The glucose saline or intravenous sugar solution is produced by adding 5% sugar (dextrose or glucose) and 8.5 grams of sodium chloride or regular table salt in 100 milliliters of water. They help in hydrating the tissues and retain all the essential fluids of the body. This solution also does not harm the other parts of the body. It finds wide usage as it has the same composition as the other fluids in our body. However, the dosage and amount of dextrose would vary with age, medical conditions and other conditions of the patient.
Through oral admission, the intravenous solution travels to the tissues of our body and gets rapidly absorbed in the small intestine. The glucose concentration in blood generally occurs between 10 to 20 minutes of administration. So, you can see, you need minimal and day to day items to produce glucose saline solutions for medical purposes. It has a business potential that is in one hand, very economical, and on the other hand, very much handy. Providing glucose and saline solution to the patient prevents any types of medical complications. The amount of sodium also gets controlled after giving this solution.
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The Business Potential of Glucose Saline:
As you have read earlier, glucose saline is effective for different kinds of ailments and medical complications. Whenever a patient is admitted to the hospital, he/she is given the support of the glucose saline. If this can be seen through business minds, then you can find great potential. Several major players are controlling the glucose saline supply to different hospitals and nursing homes around the country, so it is a demanding and competitive market as well. The factors that encourage the business potential of glucose saline are mentioned here:
- The number of hospitals is growing exponentially in the country. They need the right products and world-class treatments for the patients.
- The Doctors trust on such product (distilled water ampoules, glucose solutions) which does not get perished quickly due to external and internal conditions.
- As imported medical equipments are expensive and not easy to use, local brands and manufacturers provide them with quality products which are not at all costly and have an unquestionable quality.
- These factors encourage new entrepreneurs and medical start-ups to produce glucose saline bottles and distilled water ampoules which can be used by hospitals and doctors alike.
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The Demand of the Market:
The global market for Glucose Saline Solutions or Intravenous sugar solution is huge. According to reports in 2015, it was then a $7 Billion market. It is expected to have a steady growth in the coming years and become a market of $14 billion by the year 2024. If you add Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition Market with Total Parenteral Nutrition, then the figure will increase further. The growth of cancer in new patients also shows some hope for new medical entrepreneurs. Intravenous nutrition can help regain strength and control hydration levels in cancer patients. So, the growth prospects for Glucose Saline are bright at this moment.
NIIR Project Consultancy Services or NPCS is an organization which is known for updated and integrated consultancy services to different industries. Planners, engineers, specialists and financial experts with relevant experience constitute the team for the organization who provide in-depth detail about various products and judge their business potentials.
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