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DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

There are various processes by which metal can be shaped such as forging, extrusions, pressing, welding, rolling and costing. Among the various processes, costing is simplest widely used in industry. It is a technology by which any complicated shape can be given. The latest development of cast iron is spheriodal graphite cost iron or in short S.G. Iron. By virtue of its characteristics iron castings find a wide field of application in various industrial and non-industrial sector. It is used in machine tool, cement, automobile, coke oven, textile, fertilizer, steel plant etc. The growth of this industry is closely linked with the development of the industrial and living condition. Iron casting is a very old industry. Various types of iron castings are in use since many years. In view of the production of steel and economic growth of around 8-10% there is good potential for the iron casting in the country. There is a good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 18000 MT / AnnumPlant & machinery: 173 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 499 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 64.00%
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Oxygen Gas Lancing Pipes, Ceramic Coated Pipes, Oxygen Lancing Tube Used in Steel Plants, Furnace and Foundries - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing of steel tubes & pipes a Mechanical Engineering is mostly produced in large scale. ERW steel tubes are chiefly used in bicycles, transformers, L. P. Boilers, furniture industries etc. Till recently, seamless tubes and pipes constituted the largest single item of import for India. But new India makes a larger part of its requirements. Steel pipes are used in a variety of ways for innumerable applications from domestic to industrial field. Irrigation has become a potential user where pipes and tubes find an enormous use. In generators and oil or diesel/lubricating oil etc., as in ice factory these pipes are used to supply water. At present, the M.S. Pipe making capacity stands at 14.6 million tonnes of M.S. Pipe per year of which 11.4 million tonnes are accounted for by the integrated steel pipe plants and 3.6 million tonnes by mini steel pipe plants. The demand and consumption of conduit pipe is increasing every day. There is a good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 3600 MT / AnnumPlant & machinery: 115 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 234 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 57.00%
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NON GLAZED CERAMIC TILES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The world ceramic is taken to cover those articles that are made from inorganic substances first shaped and then hardened by fir. The characteristics are the wall tiles with colourless or pastel shade glaze with on-glaze decoration. Decorative tiles, frequently in a number of shapes and with relief designs and in a range of sizes. The main uses are the decorative treatment of walls, both those normally tiled for utilitarian reasons and others, window sills, fire place surrounds. The other uses are in the external facing of building, halls and lobbies of public buildings, schools, offices, underground stations. The Indian ceramic tiles industry is on the threshold of an exciting world of colours and variety. There is vast scope of these decorative tiles in restaurants, public places, hospitals bathroom etc. To looking its uses we can say that there is a good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: 4500 Nos. / DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 15 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 75 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 43.00%
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CERAMIC GLAZED WALL TILES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

The growth of the tile industry has shown steep fluctuations. The great upsurge of developmental activities all over the country during the second and third plans created a great demand not only for roofing tiles but also for non-roofing tiles. The glazed tiles are generally used in finishing floors and walls of kitchens, bathrooms, hospitals etc. The wall tiles manufactured in India are generally glazed. They are prepared from quartz, feldspar and clay. The ceramic tiles are available in at least three variations (i) Floor tiles, (ii) Wall tiles, (iii) Vitrified tiles. The Indian Industry has developed an export market although at the lower end. In volume, it constitutes only about half-a-percent of the global market. The exports are rising at the rate of 8%. Any new comer can well venture into this field.
Plant capacity: 2,00,000 Nos. / DayPlant & machinery: 36 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: 151 Lakh
Return: 46.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Fly Ash Bricks by Triboelectric Beneficiation Process - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Production Schedule

Fly Ash required for the production of Fly Ash Bricks, the raw Fly Ash is subjected to Triboelectrostatic Beneficiation process making use of separation technologies. Separation technologies, LLC (ST) continues install fly ash beneficiation systems to supply high quality fly ash for the desired purpose. Fly Ash is a useful by-product from thermal power stations using pulverized coal as a fuel and has considerable pozzolanic activity. Fly ash-sand-lime bricks can be used as an alternative material for burnt clay bricks, which is one of the important building materials used for construction of housing and buildings. It can be used as facing bricks without any external plastering. It is estimated that the present production of building bricks is around 230 billion numbers annually, in India and the requirement is expected to be around 285 billion numbers, as per the estimates available. To fill the demand-supply gap, more units are required to be set up in different zones of the country.
Plant capacity: 12,000 Nos. / DayPlant & machinery: 260 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 655 Lakhs
Return: 42.00%Break even: 40.00%
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Production of different grades of Lime from Limestone (Technical Grade Lime, Refractory Grade Lime, Agriculture Grade Lime, FCC Grade Lime)

Lime is manufactured from lime stone. Lime is mainly used for manufacture of hydrated lime. Hydrated lime is a dry powder obtained by treating quick lime with water. It consists essentially of calcium hydroxide and some magnesium hydroxide. The project envisages production of lime by calcinations of limestone on vertical oil fired kiln. This lime, chemical grade, having purity exceeding 85% is vastly superior to lime made by country kiln or bhatta. Quick lime of high purity is used in various other chemical industries under the chemical name lime. It is also the starting material for the manufacture of precipitated calcium carbonate on the activated calcium carbonate. In view, of multifarious uses the multi grade lime is diversified industries, its demand is increasing rapidly. To cope up with increasingly demand, more number of units for its manufacture should be established. There is a bright scope for starting new units in this field.
Plant capacity: 600 MT/DayPlant & machinery: 131 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 548 Lakhs
Return: 24.00%Break even: 42.00%
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Teflon Tape (P.T.F.E. Tape) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Teflon, a perfluorinated straight-chain high polymer is made by polymerizing the tetrafluoroethylene. It is a high crystalline polymer and goes through a melting type transition. Consumption of P.T.F.E. continuously grows as new applications are developed. The major applications of these resins are electrical, mechanical and chemical. Teflon in the form of film, filament, tapes, pipes and molded articles, is used as wire insulation, gaskets, seals, stopcocks, packing and corrosion-resistant coatings. Teflon is much used in the productions of radio-frequency apparatus. It is particularly suitable in those components of an apparatus where high heat resistance and high electrical insulation properties are required. The properties of inertness, electrical insulation, low friction and the fact that these properties are retained at both high and low temperatures, have caused PTFE to be in great demand for many purposes. Due to over increasing utility of Teflon tapes in industry, it has good market potential. It will be profitable for new entrants to invest into this field.
Plant capacity: 100 Kg./DayPlant & machinery: 13 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: 92 Lakh
Return: 44.00%Break even: 37.00%
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VACUUM DISTILLATION OF CRUDE COAL TAR SPECIFICALLY CREOSOTE OIL - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

For vacuum distillation of crude coal tar, the crude coal tar is produced from coke ovens of steel plant, 50% of this crude coal tar is pitch. The crude coal tar is then taken to vacuum distillation columns for fractionating into various components. Coal tar is produced by the dry distillation of coal and is therefore a by product in the manufacture of coal gas. Coal tar pitch serves as a valuable ingredient in the production of a number of water proofing, protective and binding compounds employed in the masonry, steel and timber structures. The aluminium industry of the world depends heavily on electrodes made from petroleum coke, pitch coke and pitch. In view of the versatile field application of coal tar distillation products, this industry is giving eminence and a having very good prospects. The result of this differential rate of growth of supply and market has excited increased interest in coal tar pitch, particularly by users of the product. Pitch and mixtures of pitch and creosote in various proportions constitute road tar and fuels. Creosote is valuable in timber preservation. A new entrepreneur can venture into this field and he will find it a very lucrative trade.
Plant capacity: 7500 MT / AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs. 137 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 320 Lakhs
Return: 43.00%Break even: 57.00%
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HOLIDAY RESORT - Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Trends, Market Research, Survey, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics, Working Capital Requirement, Plant Layout, Cost of Project

India is a booming hospitality market, yet it has minuscule contribution to the timeshare business model existing worldwide. USA alone comprises two-thirds of the global market. Though vacation ownership has been growing at a CAGR of 20 per cent for the last three-four years, and has become the reason for resort developments in India, the concept of timeshare is still not understood well enough here. There are a number of products in leisure real estate development where India has potential to embark on a growth journey. It is the timeshare concept that will take resort development in India to new heights and unexplored locales. The market for timeshare models is huge, and more importantly, domestic traffic is adopting a lifestyle that supports the timeshare model. The customized leisure travel options in India are limited and therefore more circuits need to be developed, which can be done through resort development. Also, there is a need to address customers with consumer friendly policies, since vacation ownership resorts have potential to be developed in hills, beaches, wildlife zones, plantations and even health circuits. The interesting fact is that resort development is going to pilgrim spots as well. Therefore, we can look forward to three to four key products in this category; namely, traditional timeshare, condominium hotels, traditional fractional and private residence clubs. Holiday resort business is very flourishing these days not only in India but it has brilliant prospects in all over world. The class of people and many people from higher and medium class like to take advantage of holiday resorts on many occasions. After oil the world tourism is the largest single items of international trade today with the increase in education discretionary income and in leisure and paid holidays, travels that grown rapidly in recent years. Such magnitudes of increase are accompanied by pressure for facilities for increased numbers view thus holiday resorts become an integral part of tourism infrastructure of the country. In India there is a big gap of availability of leisure places. It can be clearly indicated that there is very good scope for holiday resorts in India due to increase of foreign and Indian tourists.
Plant capacity: 30 RoomPlant & machinery: 147 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1239 Lakhs
Return: 41.00%Break even: 35.00%
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Aluminium Foil - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Layout

Plant capacity: 10 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 2 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs. 13 crores
Return: 47.00%Break even: 36.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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