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Export Oriented Units, Projects (100% EOU)

The Export Oriented Unit (EOU) Scheme, which had been introduced in the early 1980s remains in the forefront of country’s export production schemes. The main objectives of the EOU scheme is to increase exports, earn foreign exchange to the country, transfer of latest technologies stimulate direct foreign investment and to generate additional employment. The scheme has witnessed many changes over the last twenty-four years in the context of ever changing economic realities. However, the basic premise remains the same. This premise is that the exporters are treated as a special class and given the required tariff, non-tariff and policy support to facilitate their export efforts. Thus, today the EOU Scheme has emerged as a dynamic policy initiative facilitating the exporting community in the task of increased exports. The EXIM Policy, 2002-07 reinforces the importance of Scheme in chapter 6 of the policy. Appendix 14 I of the Handbook of procedures (Vol.1) as amended upto 28- 1-2004 sets out the procedures and benefits of this scheme.

The 100% EOUs fall into 3 categories:

(a) EOUs established anywhere in India and exporting 100% products except certain fixed percentage of sales in the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) as may be permissible under the Policy.

(b) Units in Free Trade Zones in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and exporting 100% of their products.

(c) EOUs set up in Software Technology Parks (STPs) and Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs) of India for development of Software & Electronic Hardware.

Major Sectors in EOUsare:

  1. Granite

  2. Textiles / Garments

  3. Food Processing

  4. Chemicals

  5. Computer Software

  6. Coffee

  7. Pharmaceuticals

  8. Gem & Jewellery

  9. Engineering Goods

  10. Electrical & Electronics

  11. Aqua & Pearl Culture

To set up an EOU for the following sectors, an EOU owner needs a special license. EOUs can be set up anywhere in the country and may be engaged in the manufacture and production of software, floriculture, horticulture, agriculture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, pisciculture, poultry and sericulture or other similar activities. Apart from local zonal office and state government, setting up of an EOU is also strictly guided by the environmental rules and regulations.

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Each detailed project reports cover all the aspects of business, from analysing the market, confirming availability of various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials to forecasting the financial requirements. The scope of the report includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the cash flow statement, projecting the balance sheet etc.

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Curcumin(Turmeric) The Indian solid gold - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

PRODUCT PROFILE Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family. It is the main biologically active phytochemical compound of Turmeric. It is extracted, concentrated, standardized and researched. Turmeric is a spice derived from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa, which is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) and a gold coloured spice commonly used in the Indian subcontinent, not only for health care but also for the preservation of food and as a yellow dye for textiles. Fresh turmeric leaves are used in some regions of Indonesia as flavouring. It is called Indian saffron because of its orange yellow colour. In some languages, the names of turmeric just mean yellow root. Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal actions. Product characteristics Alternate name - Turmeric Mol. Formula. - C21H20O6. Appearance - Orange-yellow crystalline powder Description - Phytochemical compound Shelf life -Two years under proper conditions Applications The few broad use categories are medical use, food additives and many more. Traditionally turmeric is being used in Indian System of medicine. It has several medicinal properties like stomachic, carnivative, tonic, blood purifier, vermicide and antiseptic. Curcumin has also been shown to have a marked anti-inflammatory effect. It accomplishes this by reducing histamine levels and possibly by increasing production of natural cortisone by the adrenal glands. Curcumin also protects the liver from a number of toxic compounds. Curcumin is very useful in joint related concerns, helps maintain normal cholesterol and a healthy heart, is very helpful as a digestive support, is extremely helpful in liver protection, is also used in controlling obesity and induces the flow of bile, which breaks down fats. Global demand Indian export- Around 140.17 metric ton per annum India is one of the leading producers and exporters of Turmeric. In traditional Asian medicine, turmeric is used to treat various conditions. These value-added products enjoy excellent demand in the developed economies where they are used as food ingredients to enhance value and aroma of many foods. Importantly, they are standardized products, hygienic and of consistent quality, also used in addition to a variety of pharmaceutical formulations. Spice Oleoresins are essentially the concentrated liquid form obtained from spices. Oleoresins are popularly used for food flavouring in the food processing industry. The demand for these derivatives is on the rise in the global market and India too is cashing on this booming market. Among the export of different spices, maximum share was from chilli (40%) followed by turmeric (11%) during 2009 to 2010. However, in terms of value, mint products and spice oil & oleoresins contributed 44% of the total export earnings. Global production is estimated around 11 to 11.5 lakh tonnes. India contributes about 78 per cent of the world production and 60 per cent to the total trade. The increasing demand for natural products is in the pharmaceutical industry also. There was an annual demand growth rate of five to 6% for all spices oleoresins in the world which was expected to increase further as they were becoming popular amongst the consumers the world over. It makes Curcumin one the major product to invest. Since the benefits and demand of Curcumin are immense it has an excellent market potential.
Plant capacity: 23400 Kg/Annum, Curcumin 23400 kg/Annum, Turmeric oil 550 MT/ Annum, De-oiled turmeric powderPlant & machinery: 122 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of project: 289 Lakhs
Return: 54.00%Break even: 51.00%
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INTEGRATED SUGAR PLANT (CULTIVATION OF SUGARCANE, CO GENERATION & DISTILLERY) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials

Sugar industry is one of the most important agro based industries and is highly responsible for creating significant impact on rural economy in particular and countrys economy in general. Sugar industry ranks second amongst major agro based industries. Sugarcane and sugar beet are the main sources of sugar in the world. Out of total sugar produced in the world 60 per cent is obtained only from sugarcane. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is an important cash crop cultivated in about 84 countries of the world. The plantation will have to be structured and planned in such a way that the right ratio mix is available when the mill, power plant and distillery become operational. The entire plantation will take around three years to develop and mature. Sugarcane Characteristics: Sugarcane is a tall perennial grass that grows between seven and 16 feet (2 and 5 m). Sugarcane harvesting is a complex process that involves careful cutting and handling procedures to maintain high sugar content and cane quality. Perhaps sugar is the most politicised industry in India with its production to a large extent controlled by politicians and the government regulating its supply to control prices. The Government not only fixes the prices of levy sugar but also fixes the supporting prices of sugarcane, as in the case of food grains. The sugar industry is also the most advanced processing industry in the agricultural sector and has contributed to a considerable area. The integrated rural development brought about by sugar factories in certain remote villages in the country goes to above its backward and forward linkages in the developmental process. Uses and Application As such sugar used as sweetener in food product, like Jam, Jellies, Bread Biscuit & Cake Industry. It has largest use as domestic purposes also. The various end uses of sugar are mainly in the Beverages, Bakery, cereal and, Confectionery and related products, Canned, bottled and frozen foods, Ice Cream dairy products, Sweets, Used in households, Restaurants & Hotels etc ? Market Survey India has been known as the original home of sugar and sugarcane. Indian mythology supports the above fact as it contains legends showing the origin of sugarcane. India is the second largest producer of sugarcane next to Brazil. Presently, about 4 million hectares of land is under sugarcane with an average yield of 70 tonnes per hectare. More than 130 countries produce either sugarcane or sugarbeet, and ten of these produce sugar from both cane and beet crops. Sugarcane, on average, accounts for 75 to 80 percent of global production per year, and developing countries produce about 70 percent of total global output. Sugar production in states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka, is 22% more than what it was the previous year. The country is set to produce 2.6 crore tonne sugar this year. Moreover, 59 lakh tonne stock from last year still remains. As against this stock, the domestic consumption is estimated to be 2.4 crore tonne. The excess stock of some eight million tonne is likely to bring down the prices in the domestic market. The number of sugar factories in India crushing sugarcane as on January 15, 2012 was 516 in comparison to 498 as on January 15, 2011. The annual turnover of the Indian sugar industry is Rs one lakh crore of which Rs 55,000 crore is spent on sugarcane payment. Cost Estimation Capacity : 279630000 Kgs./ Annum Sugar : 270000000 Kgs/ Annum Ethanol: 30000 Kl/ Annum Power: 9600000 Kw/ Annum
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 455 Crore
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1321 Crore
Return: 47.00%Break even: 19.00%
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INTEGRATED SUGAR PLANT (CULTIVATION OF SUGARCANE, CO GENERATION & DISTILLERY) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials

Sugar industry is one of the most important agro based industries and is highly responsible for creating significant impact on rural economy in particular and countrys economy in general. Sugar industry ranks second amongst major agro based industries. Sugarcane and sugar beet are the main sources of sugar in the world. Out of total sugar produced in the world 60 per cent is obtained only from sugarcane. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is an important cash crop cultivated in about 84 countries of the world. The plantation will have to be structured and planned in such a way that the right ratio mix is available when the mill, power plant and distillery become operational. The entire plantation will take around three years to develop and mature. Sugarcane Characteristics: Sugarcane is a tall perennial grass that grows between seven and 16 feet (2 and 5 m). Sugarcane harvesting is a complex process that involves careful cutting and handling procedures to maintain high sugar content and cane quality. Perhaps sugar is the most politicised industry in India with its production to a large extent controlled by politicians and the government regulating its supply to control prices. The Government not only fixes the prices of levy sugar but also fixes the supporting prices of sugarcane, as in the case of food grains. The sugar industry is also the most advanced processing industry in the agricultural sector and has contributed to a considerable area. The integrated rural development brought about by sugar factories in certain remote villages in the country goes to above its backward and forward linkages in the developmental process. Uses and Application As such sugar used as sweetener in food product, like Jam, Jellies, Bread Biscuit & Cake Industry. It has largest use as domestic purposes also. The various end uses of sugar are mainly in the Beverages, Bakery, cereal and, Confectionery and related products, Canned, bottled and frozen foods, Ice Cream dairy products, Sweets, Used in households, Restaurants & Hotels etc ? Market Survey India has been known as the original home of sugar and sugarcane. Indian mythology supports the above fact as it contains legends showing the origin of sugarcane. India is the second largest producer of sugarcane next to Brazil. Presently, about 4 million hectares of land is under sugarcane with an average yield of 70 tonnes per hectare. More than 130 countries produce either sugarcane or sugarbeet, and ten of these produce sugar from both cane and beet crops. Sugarcane, on average, accounts for 75 to 80 percent of global production per year, and developing countries produce about 70 percent of total global output. Sugar production in states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka, is 22% more than what it was the previous year. The country is set to produce 2.6 crore tonne sugar this year. Moreover, 59 lakh tonne stock from last year still remains. As against this stock, the domestic consumption is estimated to be 2.4 crore tonne. The excess stock of some eight million tonne is likely to bring down the prices in the domestic market. The number of sugar factories in India crushing sugarcane as on January 15, 2012 was 516 in comparison to 498 as on January 15, 2011. The annual turnover of the Indian sugar industry is Rs one lakh crore of which Rs 55,000 crore is spent on sugarcane payment. Cost Estimation Capacity : 279630000 Kgs./ Annum Sugar : 270000000 Kgs/ Annum Ethanol: 30000 Kl/ Annum Power: 9600000 Kw/ Annum
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 455 Crore
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1321 Crore
Return: 47.00%Break even: 19.00%
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CITRONELLA OIL EXTRACTION (STEAM DISTILLATION PROCESS) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Cost of Project

Citronella oil is extracted from Cymbopogon nardus (also known as Andropogon nardus) and is of the Graminae (Poaceae) family. This aromatic perennial grows about 1meter (3 feet) high. Citronella oil is an essential oil containing citronellal, geraniol and hydroxy citronella and other high value perfumery bases obtained on steam distillation of citronella grass. Oil of citronella is a biopesticide (biochemical) with a non-toxic mode of action. It is registered as an insect repellent/feeding depressant and as an animal repellent. Oil of citronella is the volatile oil obtained from the steam distillation. ? Characteristics of Citronella Oil Citronella oil is a colorless or light yellow liquid with a characteristic woody, grassy or lemony odour. It is flammable and if the vapors are inhaled, this could cause an initial stimulation followed by depression of the central nervous system. Citronella oil may be harmful if ingested in quantity and may irritate the skin and eye. However, it is not believed to be hazardous to humans, including children and those with sensitive skin, if used according to label instructions. Citronella oil has been widely used since the 1950s without any adverse effects which may cause concern. Uses & Applications It has great benefit in clearing the mind, refreshing rooms and for softening skin, while combating oily skin and sweaty feet: Citronella oil's most useful quality is that of it being an insect repellent. It is best used in a spray, a diffuser or on a cotton ball amongst linen. It is also useful in ridding cats and dogs of fleas. Furthermore, citronella oil helps to clear the mind and has a general toning and tonic effect on the body. It is helpful with colds, flu and minor infections and also has deodorizing qualities. The oil is used for perfuming soaps, detergents, cosmetics and agarbattis. The oil is also used to isolate citronellol, geraniol. These are in turn converted into citronellal, hydroxy citronellal, synthetic menthol and esters of geraniol and citronellol. These compounds are used for making high grade blended perfumes. Market Survey Citronella oil prices have remained stalled at their historic low for more than a year. Although pricing usually improves during the spring because of the need for candles and insect repellent, demand has remained flat, and brokers report very little activity for the essential oil. The economics working behind essential oils has three components. First, the cultivation of herbs and plants used to extract essential oils; second, the actual process of extraction of the oils; and, third, the marketing and actual sale of these oils. Presently the major producers are China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Argentina, Taiwan, Srilanka, Brazil, Madagascar and India. Demand is generated from home market as well as export market. The source of demand is from end use industries which are primarily personal care products, food products, pharmaceuticals. The demand for essential oil by fragrance industry is 60%, flavour industry 20% and pharmaceutical industry 20%. The demand and market of citronella oil has been increasing day by day all over the world because of the important properties that it possesses.
Plant capacity: 9000 Kg/Annum (Citronella Oil)Plant & machinery: 20 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 129 Lakhs
Return: 45.00%Break even: 39.00%
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DISPOSABLE PLASTIC SYRINGES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

A syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel), allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle, a nozzle, or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. The disposable plastic syringe has become an important part of the medical scene since its introduction in the late 1950's. Today more and more attention is being focused on the composition and configuration of this everyday item. It is an instrument which is used for injecting any liquid into the body of human beings or of animals. These syringes are used for injecting the medicine into the body or into the nerve of the body which are not possible to take in through mouth or takes much time in mixing with blood. Disposable Syringes made of plastic Material have been successfully used in medical and pharmaceutical practice for many years. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance, which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. Plastic syringes are becoming more popular in the medical world due to its lower cost and higher accuracy. Uses & Applications Disposable syringes commonly are used in modern medicine for the injection of drugs and vaccines or for the extraction of blood. The often are used instead of reusable syringes in an effort to avoid spreading a disease. Among the common uses of disposable syringes are the injecting of insulin by a diabetic person and the administering of a local anesthesia by a dentist. A medical syringe that is used to give shots to more than one person without being properly sterilized is a potential source of disease. This can be an especially pressing concern in poor or undeveloped areas, where an injection often cannot be given under ideal medical conditions. Therefore, disposable syringes often are favored over reusable syringes for vaccines, in order to avoid the risk of transmitting blood borne diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis from one person to another. Needle exchange programs that provide intravenous drug users with disposable syringes and needles are based on the same idea, because reuse and sharing of infected needles by drug users is one of the principal ways HIV is transmitted in the developed world. Market Survey Needles and syringes are amongst the most extensively used medical disposables. Healthcare professionals represent the largest end use market for syringes, followed by diabetics. A substantial rise in the number of drug addicts has also contributed to the enhanced demand for syringes across the world. Rising life expectancies and growing proportion of the elderly have led to increased demand for healthcare services, and greater need for drugs to be injected. Additionally, a number of newly introduced drugs including DNA based drugs are not available in the form of pills and must be administered intravenously, thereby enhancing the demand for disposable syringes. Worldwide market for syringes is driven by an aging population and related rise in healthcare demand. The Present demand of Disposable syringes is being adequately met by indigenous production. In increasing awareness in health care, AIDs and like diseases and improvement in per capita income is expected to create further growth in demand of disposable syringe / needles. Since there is in need to add few more new units for manufacturing of Disposable Syringe. The growth in domestic demand may be conservatively expected to be 25% per annum, assuming constant export of 100 million syringes /year only. One additional unit every year with 25 million products shall be needed to increase in indigenous demand alone besides increase in export quantities is likely to be the further aggravate the demand. The Industry is exporting about 80 million syringes annually which is reasonably spread amongst various units. The measure importing country is Russia. (For sustained exports on durable basis, accreditation under ISO: 14000 or ISP 9000 is mandatory. Imports are limited to certain sizes like 10.20 and 50 ml because of relatively uneconomical demand quantities in such sizes. The total imported in all size may be 35 40 million pieces. Few Indian Major Players are as Under: Albert David Ltd. Disposable Medi Aids Ltd. H L L Lifecare Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. Iscon Surgicals Ltd. La Medical Devices Ltd. Lifeline Injects Ltd. Lifelong Meditech Ltd. Nirma Ltd. Raaj Medisafe India Ltd. Sangam Health Care Products Ltd. Surgiplast Ltd.
Plant capacity: 16800 Nos. Syringes (2.5 ml size/day),16800 Nos. Syringes/ (5 ml size/day)Plant & machinery: 104 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 255 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 48.00%
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DISPOSABLE PLASTIC SYRINGES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

A syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel), allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle, a nozzle, or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. The disposable plastic syringe has become an important part of the medical scene since its introduction in the late 1950's. Today more and more attention is being focused on the composition and configuration of this everyday item. It is an instrument which is used for injecting any liquid into the body of human beings or of animals. These syringes are used for injecting the medicine into the body or into the nerve of the body which are not possible to take in through mouth or takes much time in mixing with blood. Disposable Syringes made of plastic Material have been successfully used in medical and pharmaceutical practice for many years. The constantly increasing use of this type Syringe indicates its importance, which is based mainly on the advantages it offers regarding cost and hygienic applications. Plastic syringes are becoming more popular in the medical world due to its lower cost and higher accuracy. Uses & Applications Disposable syringes commonly are used in modern medicine for the injection of drugs and vaccines or for the extraction of blood. The often are used instead of reusable syringes in an effort to avoid spreading a disease. Among the common uses of disposable syringes are the injecting of insulin by a diabetic person and the administering of a local anesthesia by a dentist. A medical syringe that is used to give shots to more than one person without being properly sterilized is a potential source of disease. This can be an especially pressing concern in poor or undeveloped areas, where an injection often cannot be given under ideal medical conditions. Therefore, disposable syringes often are favored over reusable syringes for vaccines, in order to avoid the risk of transmitting blood borne diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis from one person to another. Needle exchange programs that provide intravenous drug users with disposable syringes and needles are based on the same idea, because reuse and sharing of infected needles by drug users is one of the principal ways HIV is transmitted in the developed world. Market Survey Needles and syringes are amongst the most extensively used medical disposables. Healthcare professionals represent the largest end use market for syringes, followed by diabetics. A substantial rise in the number of drug addicts has also contributed to the enhanced demand for syringes across the world. Rising life expectancies and growing proportion of the elderly have led to increased demand for healthcare services, and greater need for drugs to be injected. Additionally, a number of newly introduced drugs including DNA based drugs are not available in the form of pills and must be administered intravenously, thereby enhancing the demand for disposable syringes. Worldwide market for syringes is driven by an aging population and related rise in healthcare demand. The Present demand of Disposable syringes is being adequately met by indigenous production. In increasing awareness in health care, AIDs and like diseases and improvement in per capita income is expected to create further growth in demand of disposable syringe / needles. Since there is in need to add few more new units for manufacturing of Disposable Syringe. The growth in domestic demand may be conservatively expected to be 25% per annum, assuming constant export of 100 million syringes /year only. One additional unit every year with 25 million products shall be needed to increase in indigenous demand alone besides increase in export quantities is likely to be the further aggravate the demand. The Industry is exporting about 80 million syringes annually which is reasonably spread amongst various units. The measure importing country is Russia. (For sustained exports on durable basis, accreditation under ISO: 14000 or ISP 9000 is mandatory. Imports are limited to certain sizes like 10.20 and 50 ml because of relatively uneconomical demand quantities in such sizes. The total imported in all size may be 35 40 million pieces. Few Indian Major Players are as Under: Albert David Ltd. Disposable Medi Aids Ltd. H L L Lifecare Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. Iscon Surgicals Ltd. La Medical Devices Ltd. Lifeline Injects Ltd. Lifelong Meditech Ltd. Nirma Ltd. Raaj Medisafe India Ltd. Sangam Health Care Products Ltd. Surgiplast Ltd.
Plant capacity: 16800 Nos. Syringes (2.5 ml size/day),16800 Nos. Syringes/ (5 ml size/day)Plant & machinery: 104 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 255 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 48.00%
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TYRES (FOR THREE WHEELERS AND MEDIUM SIZE FOUR WHEELERS) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Plant Layout

A tyre is an assembly of numerous components that are built up on a drum and then cured in a press under heat and pressure. Heat facilitates a polymerization reaction that cross links rubber monomers to create long elastic molecules. These polymers create the elastic quality that permits the tyre to be compressed in the area where the tyre contacts the road surface and spring back to its original shape under high frequency cycles. The wheel is one of the greatest inventions in human history due to its wide range of applications. These applications include any type of transportation; whether it is people, materials, or equipment being moved. Charles Goodyear invented the first rubber tyres in 1839. Before the advent of these tyres, riding in a car was very uncomfortable due to the rough ride. Types of Tyre The tyre provides a cushion between the vehicle and the road to reduce the transmission of road shocks. It also provides friction to allow the vehicle perform its normal operations. Modern tyres are manufactured from a range of materials. The rubber is mainly synthetic. Two types of tyre construction are common cross ply and radial. Most passenger cars now use radial tyres, as do most wheel drives and heavy vehicles. Tube tyres require an inner tube to seal the air inside the tyre. Uses & Application Transportation, Stack/Lift, Multi Purpose and Earth Mover. Market Survey The Indian tyre industry has come of age with the manufacture of almost all types of tyres. The industry has an estimated turnover of close to Rs 200 bn. It is made up of 40 players with an installed capacity of 57.3 mn tyres. The industry claims a perceptible export market. The demand of tyres flows from three segments original equipment manufacturers, re placements and exports. Of the three, the replacement market is the primary source of demand, followed by the equipment manufacturers (OEM) segment and exports. The Indian tyre industry has come of age with the manufacture of almost all types of tyres. The industry has an estimated turnover of close to Rs 200 bn. It is made up of 40 players with an installed capacity of 57.3 mn tyres. The industry claims a perceptible export market. The tyre industry in India has had a long history of over 75 years. Three major multi nationals, Firestone, Goodyear and Dunlop, have been operating for a long time. Later came in CEAT. During the 1960s and 1970s the dominance of the MNCs was greatly diluted with the entry of Premier, Inchek and MRF. The Indian presence did not stop there. Several new Indian plants were set up, which included those of Modis, JKs, Raunaq Singh group's Apollo Tyres, TVS group and Vikrant. Few Indian Major Players are as Under: Apollo Tyres Ltd. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. Bridgestone India Pvt. Ltd. Ceat Ltd. Dunlop India Ltd. Falcon Tyres Ltd. Goodyear India Ltd. Goodyear South Asia Tyres Pvt. Ltd. Govind Rubber Ltd. J K Tyre & Inds. Ltd. Kesoram Industries Ltd. M R F Ltd. Malhotra Rubbers Ltd. Metro Tyres Ltd. Modi Tyres Co. Ltd. Modistone Ltd. Monotona Tyres Ltd. Pavan Tyres Ltd. [Merged] Poddar Tyres Ltd. Raam Tyres Ltd. Rado Tyres Ltd. Ralson (India) Ltd. Ralson Industries Ltd. S Kumars Tyre Mfg. Co. Ltd. Suntec Tyres Ltd. T V S Srichakra Ltd. Tariq Development & Leasing Pvt. Ltd. Vikrant Tyres Ltd. [Merged]
Plant capacity: 2000 Nos./ dayPlant & machinery: 1132 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 1908 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 48.00%
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BEER, WINE & WHISKEY (FROM PINEAPPLE)- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Beer is the worlds most widely consumed alcoholic beverage; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. It is thought by some to be the oldest fermented beverage. Beer is produced by the saccharification of starch and fermentation of the resulting sugar. The starch and saccharification enzymes are often derived from malted cereal grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat. Unmalted maize and rice are widely used adjuncts to lighten the flavor because of their lower cost. The preparation of beer is called brewing. Most beer is flavoured with hops, which add bitterness and act as a natural preservative, though other flavourings such as herbs or fruit may occasionally be included. Some of humanity's earliest known writings refer to the production and distribution of beer: the Code of Hammurabi included laws regulating beer and beer parlours, and The Hymn to Ninkasi, a prayer to the Mesopotamian goddess of beer, served as both a prayer and as a method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate people. Today, the brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant multinational companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging from brewpubs to regional breweries. The strength of beer is usually around 4% to 6% alcohol by volume (abv) although it may vary between 0.5% (de alcoholized) and 20%, with some breweries creating examples of 40% abv and above in recent years. Beer forms part of the culture of beer drinking nations and is associated with social traditions such as beer festivals, as well as a rich pub culture involving activities like pub crawling and pub games such as bar billiards. Nutritional Aspects of Beer Beer is a not unimportant component of the diet. The alcohol in beer provides calories and influences the consumption of other nutrients. The energy value of alcohol is 7 kcal/g. Four 25 cl glasses of lager (around 40 g of alcohol) provide as many calories as 70 g of sugar. Four glasses of a soft drink, coke for example, contain as many calories as 132 g of sugar. This is around twice as much as four glasses of lager. But there is something special about the energy value of alcohol. Market Survey Liquor industry has always remained under strict governmental control in terms of capacity creation, distribution, taxation. While overall public perception spells restraint, it is the symbol of high life even in puritan India. The industry poses a dilemma to the state. It cannot resist the temptation of large revenues, while steering clear of the embarrassment of giving encouragement to drinking. A positive feature of allowing the industry to grow and operate is the prevention of illicit production and drinking. Of the over Rs 280 bn liquor industry (excluding beer) selling around 450 mn cases annually, a large peg of which (67%) is whisky, followed by brandy and gin at 13%, rum at 17% while the white spirits account for 3% of the market share. Of this, the Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL) accounts for Rs 78 bn (86 mn cases) with whisky alone constituting 95%. Besides, there is a large 223 mn case market of low priced country liquor. Indian spirit market also consumes branded country liquor worth Rs 125 bn and unbranded country liquor worth Rs 50 bn. A feather in India's alcoholic drinks industry is that India's McDowell's No.1 brandy has emerged as the highest selling brandy globally, pushing the world famous E&J Gallo to the second spot. Other global majors at the top included Presidente brandy (Allied Domecq), Wilyhever Goldkrone (Graflich von Hardenberg'sche Kornbrennerei) and Chantre (Eckes) occupying the next three spots among the top five. India has quietly emerged as the largest international whisky market, toppling the US by volume. Industry data indicate that Indian whiskies, non matured alcohols mostly made from molasses, and hence not considered whisky by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), reported sales of about 60 mn cases (9 litre each). In comparison, the US recorded combined sales of Bourbon, American and Scotch whiskies at 48 50 mn cases, putting it one notch below India. Indian whiskies account for 98% of domestic whisky consumption, registering over10% growth annually, which makes it one among the fastest growing whisky markets anywhere in the world. Few Indian Major Players are as Under: Allied Blenders & Distillers Pvt. Ltd. Amber Distilleries Ltd. Amrut Distilleries Ltd. Arlem Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Arthos Breweries Ltd. Associated Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Aurangabad Breweries Ltd. B D A Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. B D A Pvt. Ltd. Bacardi India Pvt. Ltd. Balaji Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Balbir Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Baramati Grape Inds. Ltd. [Merged] Beam Global Spirits & Wine (India) Pvt. Ltd. Blossom Industries Ltd. Buckingham Distilleries & Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Castle Breweries Ltd. Central Distillery & Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Charminar Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Charosa Wineries Ltd. Cobra Indian Beer Pvt. Ltd. Devans Modern Breweries Ltd. Doburg Lager Breweries Ltd. [Erstwhile] East Coast Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Empee Distilleries Ltd. Foster'S India Ltd. Four Seasons Wines Ltd. Glasgow Distilleries Ltd. Grover Vineyards Ltd. Haryana Breweries Ltd. [Merged] High Range Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Hindustan Breweries & Bottling Ltd. Hyderabad Distilleries & Wineries Ltd. Impala Distillery & Brewery Ltd. Indage Vintners Ltd. Indo Lowenbrau Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Interlink Exports Ltd. Jagatjit Industries Ltd. John Distilleries Ltd. Jubilee Beverages Ltd. Kalyani Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Kedia Distilleries Ltd. Kerala Alcoholic Products Ltd. Kerala Distilleries & Allied Products Ltd. [Merged] Kesarval Beverages Ltd. [Merged] Khemani Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. Kool Breweries Ltd. Lilasons Breweries Ltd. Lilasons Industries Ltd. Malabar Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Mangalore Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Mcdowell & Co. Ltd. [Merged] Mehra Beverages Ltd. [Merged] Millennium Beer Inds. Ltd. [Merged] Mohan Breweries & Distilleries Ltd. Mohan Meakin Ltd. Mohan Rocky Springwater Breweries Ltd. Mount Shivalik Breweries Ltd. Mount Shivalik Inds. Ltd. Mysore Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Mysore Wine Products Ltd. [Merged] Pals Distilleries Ltd. Pernod Ricard India Pvt. Ltd. Piccadily Sugar & Allied Inds. Ltd. Pincon Spirit Ltd. Prag Distillery Pvt. Ltd. Premier Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Punjab Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Radico Khaitan Ltd. Rainbow Breweries Ltd. Rairu Distilleries Ltd. Raj Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Rajasthan Breweries Ltd. Ravikumar Distilleries Ltd. Rochees Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Salamander Distillers Ltd. [Merged] Seagram Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. Shaw Wallace & Co. Ltd. [Merged] Shaw Wallace Distilleries Limited [Merged] Shaw Wallace Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Shiva Distilleries Ltd. Sica Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Silver Oak (India) Ltd. Skol Breweries Ltd. Skol Breweries Ltd. [Merged] Som Distilleries & Breweries Ltd. Southern Agrifurane Inds. Ltd. Southern Agrifurane Inds. Ltd. [Merged] Tilaknagar Distilleries & Inds. Ltd. [Merged] Tilaknagar Industries Ltd. Travancore Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. Tripti Alcobrew Ltd. United Breweries Ltd. Utkal Distilleries Ltd. V R V Breweries & Bottling Inds. Ltd. [Merged] Vinayak Distilleries Ltd. Vinedale Distilleries Ltd. Vitari Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Winsome Breweries Ltd. Xylon Loquitur Distillers & Vintners Ltd. Cost Estimation Capacity : 92307 Beer Bottles/ day 5333 Wine Bottles/ day 5333 Whisky Bottles/ day
Plant capacity: -Plant & machinery: 2855 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 5684 Lakhs
Return: 34.00%Break even: 33.00%
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Egg Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

The egg processing operation separates eggs into different kinds of egg products: egg white, egg yolk, whole egg and several mixes i.e. by adding sugar or salt. The pasteurized liquid egg is either packed as a final product or, in case of egg powder production; it goes via pipelines into a spray dryer plant. . Dried egg powder can be stored and transported at room temperatures. It is quite stable and has long shelf life. Egg white represents nearly 67% of an eggs liquid weight. Water is the major component of egg white, constituting about 87.8% (w/w); followed by protein, accounting for 9.7 to 10.6% (w/w); and carbohydrates from 0.5 to 0.6 % (w/w). Egg white contains 56% of the eggs total proteins along with the majority of the minerals, riboflavin, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, sodium and sulfur in egg. The yolk makes up around 33% of the liquid egg weight and contains all the eggs fat and cholesterol and 44% of its protein. Uses & Applications Egg powder is used in Bakery products, bread enrichment, and biscuit enrichment with protein. Egg powder is used in manufacturing of Baby food products as Horlics, Lactogen, Oystromilk, Glaxo Milk, Lactodex, Nestle, Cerelac. Egg powder is used to prepare instant egg noodles. Egg powder is used in egg shampoo manufacturing. Egg powder is used in manufacture of certain sweets enriched with protein, vitamins, minerals etc. Egg powder is used to prepare egg soups. Besides these, there are other several uses of egg powder. Market Survey Indian market possesses demand for egg powder around 2300 MT/ year. Growth Rate >15% to 30%. The current egg market share of India to the giant global market of $117 billion is a meager 0.9 %, i.e. Rs 4,400 crore. Indias nutritional supplement market is expected to more than double in the next four years to over Rs 17,000 crores. During last three decades, the poultry industry in the country has made remarkable progress and grown into an organized and highly productive industry. There is enough scope of an egg powder manufacturing plant, with a suitable capacity. Few Indian Major Players are as under:- Balaji Foods & Feeds Ltd. Gayatri International Ltd. Ovobel Foods Ltd. S K M Egg Products Export (India) Ltd. Western Foods Ltd.
Plant capacity: 2.30 MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs.794 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs.1416 Lakhs
Return: 33.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Dehydrated Onion (100% EOU) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Dehydrated Onions have been produced in small quantities since the nineteenth century. A 100 percent export oriented unit is one, which would export its entire production, except for the permitted levels of rejects. The main advantages of dehydrated onions are that they are easy to store, being lighter in weight and smaller in bulk than fresh or other processed onions. They are cheap to pack compared with canned goods. They do not require refrigerated storage as do frozen onions and the contents of a container can be used some time after opening provided they are not dehydrated. When establishing a dehydration industry, considerable thought should be given to the procurement of fresh onions for dehydration. To operate a dehydration plant efficiently, a constant supply of onions is required and this involves considerable organization. Ideally a dehydration factory should handle only one type of onion over long periods, so as to avoid the necessity of cleaning down all the machinery and altering the grading and cutting settings etc. when changing from one variety to another. In the food processing field, dehydration is sometimes described as the removal of 85% or more of water from a food substance, by exposure to thermal energy by various means. Thermal dehydration reduces volume of the product, increases shelf life, and lowers transportation cost. There is no clearly defined line of demarcation between drying and dehydrating, and latter sometimes being considered as a supplement of drying. Usually, the direct use of solar energy, as in the drying of raisin, lay etc. is not lumped with dehydrating. The term dehydration also is not generally applied to situations where there is a loss of water as the result of evaporation. Uses Dehydrated onions are used chiefly as a constituent in various food products i.e. they are sold to manufacturing concerns as an industrial raw material and demand for dehydrated onions is a function of the demand of these food products. However there is a demand for dehydrated onions for use as curlinary onions, both by large catering concerns institutions and industrial canteens; and for domestic use. The other use of dehydrated onions is in the manufacture of dried soups once virtually the sole outlet for these products, but now declining in relative importance, as other applications including use in canned soups and stews, baby foods, fish, meat and bakery products and more recently in dried `ready meals' have been developed. Market Survey In India dehydration of many food products especially vegetables and some fruits are in practices at home and industry level throughout year. these dehydrated products are the largest export products for international markets & international clients who desire for quality products. These products are 100% export oriented to countries like UK, Canada, Germany, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Australia, Spain, Italy, Greece, UAE, France, Belgium, Netherlands, South Africa, Latvia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Philippines, Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Israel, South Africa, Russia, East European countries and many more. Thus export potential of onion is quite high and already a large number of dehydration plants in operation in many parts of the country. Drying of onion flakes has the potential to not only reduce the storage losses but it also helps in stabilizing the price. The food processing industry has been slated for accelerated growth. It is projected to be a futuristic industry and it is anticipated that, over the years, it will emerge as a leading player in the global markets. As a result, the industry is seen to be witnessing feverish activity.
Plant capacity: 13.6 MT/ DayPlant & machinery: Rs.184 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs.1259 Lakhs
Return: 50.00%Break even: 32.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
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