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SYNTHETIC IRON OXIDE (Red, Yellow and other Oxides of Iron) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

Iron oxides are extensively used in the preparation of paints. There are two main stains yellow and red. Both these varieties are available in synthetic and natural forms. Natural and synthetic iron oxide pigments consist of well defined compounds with known crystal structures. Synthetic iron oxide pigments have become increasingly significant wing to their pure consistent properties. Oxides of iron are extensively used in the preparation of paints for exterior work, on account of their low cost and protective value. All synthetic iron oxide possess good tinting strength and excellent hiding power. They are also light fast and resistant to alkalies. The principle areas of use are colouring construction materials, paints & coatings, plastics & rubber etc. The iron oxide is used for making ferrites for electronic industry, coating for magnetic tape etc. and as the horizon of these industries is very vast, it is very obvious that the product has a very good market potential.
Plant capacity: 5 MT/ DayPlant & machinery: 80 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 4 Crores
Return: 42.00%Break even: 42.00%
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SPONGE IRON PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Sponge iron is the product created when iron ore is reduced to metallic iron, usually with some kind of carbon (charcoal, etc), at temperatures below the melting point of iron. This results in a spongy mass, sometimes called a bloom, consisting of a mix of incandescent wrought iron and slag. Sponge iron is not useful in itself, but must be processed to create wrought iron. The sponge is removed from the furnace, called a bloomery, and repeatedly beaten with heavy hammers and folded over to remove the slag, oxidise any carbon or carbide and weld the iron together. This treatment usually creates wrought iron with about three percent slag and a fraction of a percent of other impurities. Further treatment may add controlled amounts of carbon, allowing various kinds of heat treatment (e.g. "steeling"). Today, sponge iron is created by reducing iron ore without melting it. This makes for an energy-efficient feedstock for specialty steel manufacturers which used to rely upon scrap metal. The sponge iron is a substitute for scrap in the electric arc furnace, which can be easily manufactured from indigenously available raw materials at very competitive price. It is the iron ore reduced in solid state by a direct reduction process using natural gas or non cooking coal as reluctant. The sponge iron is also known as Direct Reduced Iron, Hot Briquettes Iron or metalized Iron. With the domestic steel industry picking up during the past year and prices moving up in leaps and bounds, India has emerged as the world's largest producer of sponge iron (or direct reduced iron), accounting for around 16 per cent of the global output. Sponge iron is used to make steel by all Indian steel producers and is a substitute for steel melting scrap. Healthy demand growth in steel sector is also pushing sponge iron demand. Apart from declining availability of steel melting scrap, sponge iron demand has also gone up considerably and is likely to continue. About 45% of the domestic output is through EAF (Electronic Arc Furnace) route. However, going forward this is slated to increase. With steel production is likely to grow at 6%-7%, the demand for sponge iron is likely to grow at more than 10 percent till the year 2007 and then expected to stabilize at 8 percent after that.
Plant capacity: 135000 MT / AnnumPlant & machinery: 7175 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 8923 Lakhs
Return: 42.00%Break even: 25.00%
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MANGANESE SULPHATE - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Manganese sulphate is commercially one of the most important compounds. It is an important mineral based chemical industry. The main constituent of this industry is manganese obtainable from mines, which can be converted into manganese sulphate & manganese dioxide. The present progress in the field is quite satisfactory and this industry has bright future in the years to come. Manganese sulphate finds number of uses in various industries. It is used in textile dyeing and calico printing, for red glazes on porcelain, boiled linseed oil manufacture, in fertilizers, for wines and tobacco etc. In India there are more than 54 units who are engaged in the manufacture of manganese sulphate. The consumption of it is more than 1,50,000 M.T. per year. This consumption figure is likely to increase every year due to coming up more and more manganese sulphate consuming industry. New entrepreneur can well venture into this field.
Plant capacity: 2.00 MT / DayPlant & machinery: 31 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: 1.26 Crore
Return: 42.00%Break even: 41.00%
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MATCHBOX - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Matchbox is one of the most important items. Though it is looked upon as small and insignificant, earlier it was a big problem. In the 17th century, people used phosphorous and sulfur together using flints or sticks of woods. It was then found in the 19th century that using non-provisions red phosphorous on the match head instead of white phosphorus. The raw materials required for the manufacture of matches are timber paper, flour paste or glue, and chemicals of which amorphous phosphorus and potassium chlorate are the most important. Due to the widespread use of cigar, bidi, Cigarettes and domestic uses, there are huge demand of match boxes. A new entrepreneur can well venture into this field,because it has good future scope.
Plant capacity: 50000 Nos. /DayPlant & machinery: Rs. 5 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Rs. 29 Lakhs
Return: 46.00%Break even: 52.00%
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INTEGRATED PRODUCTION UNIT OF GYPSUM POWDER, GYPSUM BOARD AND P.V.C. LAMINATED GYPSUM CEILING TILES - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery

Calcium always occurs in the combined state. The most important naturally occurring compounds of calcium are calcium sulphate in mineral anhydrite and hydrated calcium sulphate in gypsum. Gypsum is employed in the manufacture of Plaster of Paris. Calcium sulphate occurs in enormous deposits of gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O. Large quantities of gypsum are employed in the manufacture of flooring plasters gypsum is used for making casts of statues and surgical treatment. For gypsum boards, the raw materials will be plaster of paris, special surface protection paper, glass fibre, frothing preparation and white latex. For the production of PVC laminated gypsum ceiling tiles, the capacity of the plant will be 1 million sq. mt./annum, PVC is one kind of plastics decoration materials. With PVC resin the principal ingredient mixed with moderate anti-age modifier and other materials, PVC is made through refining and calendaring. After coating, the gypsum board becomes light, insulated, warm, water-proof, fine-resistant and convenient to use. Gypsum board PVC coating, rich in specification, color and design, can be widely used in the decoration of interior walls and ceilings.
Plant capacity: 60,000 MT / A (Gypsum Powder), 3000 Thousand Sq. MT/A (Gypsum Board),600 Thousands Sq. MT/A (PVC Laminated Ceiling Tiles) Plant & machinery: 840 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 2352 Lakhs
Return: 42.00%Break even: 57.00%
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IRON ORE PELLETIZATION PLANT - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Iron ore pellets are used in blast / electric furnaces for producing sponge iron and steels. Market by high productivity, lower fuel consumption and improved furnace control, pellets are now preferred all over the world for primary steel making. Very fine particles cant be directly used in the furnace for melting due to dust problem and economic considerations. So these fines are bonded together into feed able sizes by various agglomerating processes. Minerals are scare assets and their efficient use and conservation has become vital for future growth India is not fully endowed with requisite mineral resources for sustaining its cherished economic growth.
Plant capacity: 1008000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: 138 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 224 Crore
Return: 46.00%Break even: 55.00%
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IRON POWDER FROM MILL SCALE SCRAP - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Plant Layout

Iron powder is used to produce particles in desired range for use in powder metallurgy and metallic pigments. Powder iron made electrolytically makes stronger parts than other types and electrolytic iron powder makes parts that are easier to machine and improved wear. In future, the demand from all these uses is expected to increase. All the end use industries except railways are estimated to increase their demand at their respective trend growth for the last ten years. In case of railways the demand is expected to grow according to the likely expansion in railway stocks and fluids allocated for repairs and maintenance of tracks. Accordingly, the demand from railway is estimated to increase at 12 percent per annum. Export demand is roughly part at 5% of total demand.
Plant capacity: 2 MT / DayPlant & machinery: 23 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: 176 Lakhs
Return: 46.00%Break even: 46.00%
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DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE (DENTIFRICE GRADE) - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Dicalcium phosphate is of great interest to tooth paste manufactures. It is used in toothpaste in its anhydrous variety. Although this product is not included in the accepted dental remedies, it is nevertheless used because of its considerably higher abrasive power compared to dehydrate. The demand of dicalcium phosphate is increasing day by day. To cater the demand of the product, more number of units should be set up for the manufacture of this product.
Plant capacity: 3000 MT/Year Plant & machinery: 11 Crores
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : 13.6 Crores
Return: 43.00%Break even: 32.00%
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Detergent cake, Powder and Dish washing Detergent cake and Powder - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study

Soaps are the earliest form of detergents. Though at present the term detergent is used for synthetic detergent derived from petroleum products. The origin of soap making is unknown. The pheonicians were acquainted with it by at least 600 BC & it was known the gauls not letter than about 300 B.C. These chemical compounds are used for human comfort, cleanliness, and for industrial surface active applications. The success of any cleaning agent is to supply compounds with hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups which will also appreciably decrease surface tension and increase mettability. Synthetic detergents are organic chemicals which promote better surface tension lowering than soaps. Where the use of detergents increases to the point of creating problems in municipal sewerage plants due to excessive foaming and inability to reduce the organic content of the sewage effluent, biodegradation of detergent compounds becomes an important factor, in the U.S., detergent compounds, which can be oxidized to simple end-products, are known as biologically soft syndets and are preferred in detergent compounding. Two of the most prominent detergents in use today. Firstly sulfated fatty alcohols, and secondly is alkyl –Aryl sulfonates. The detergent bar for dish washing is of universal type and can be employed for cleaning of aluminium brass and stainless steel utensils, crockery etc. The product is a very common item in every house from lowest to highest class, detergent cake and detergent powder largely used in the domestic houses, commercial sectors, hotel industries, garments industries and in many other sections of the society. There is high price, medium price and low priced detergent available. India has the 2nd largest market in the world after the U.S. of the market is growing at the rate 10% annually. So we can say that there is good scope for new entrants.
Plant capacity: Detergent Cake, Powder, Dish washing Cake & Powder Each 1 MT/Day = 4 MT/DayPlant & machinery: 28 Lakh
Working capital: -T.C.I: 239 Lakh
Return: 47.00%Break even: 37.00%
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Growing Prospects for Packaged Drinking Water Industry - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Cost of Project

Water everywhere, not a CLEAN drop to drink! Who would have thought that there will be a day when sanitation of available water would be more of a concern than availability of water itself? Hygiene is of great concern to everyone today, and this is evident with the surging rise in the consumption of packaged/bottled water. India has 16 percent of the world's population, 2.5 percent of the land mass and 4 percent of the world's water resources. These limited water resources are depleting rapidly while the demands on them are increasing. Drinking water supplies in many parts of India are intermittent. Transmission and distribution networks for water are generally old and badly maintained, and as a result, are deteriorating. India is one of the biggest and most attractive water markets in the world. The boom time for Indian bottled water industry is to continue- more so because the economics are sound, the bottom line is fat and the Indian government hardly cares for what happens to the nation's water resources. Corporate control over water and water distribution in India is growing rapidly: the packaged water business is worth $250 million, and it's growing at a huge 40-50% annually. Around 1,200 bottling plants and 100 brands of packaged water across the country are battling over the market, overdrawing groundwater, and robbing local communities of their water resources and livelihoods. Most multinational (MNC) companies view India as the next big market with a lot of potential and growth possibility. Several MNCs are waiting in the wings to expand a $ 287 billion global water market into India. There is a huge market being exploited by the packaged water industry, and it's growing at 40% per annum. With over a thousand bottled water producers, the Indian bottled water industry is big by even international standards. There are more than 200 brands, nearly 80 per cent of which are local. Most of the small-scale producers sell non-branded products and serve small markets. In fact, making bottled water is today a cottage industry in the country. There is investment worthy mid-cap companies in this segment. From being confined to the uppermost echelons of society, packaged water has now become a commonplace commodity and almost a necessity in metros. After witnessing historic growth in recent years, it has become a Rs 3,000-crore industry, one that is slated to only post healthy growth rates to become a Rs 10,000-crore business in just three years, The bulk water industry, or water in 12-, 20- and 25-litre packages, has also witnessed a parallel growth of Rs 700-1,000 crore. Basically, the market can be divided into two segments — the retail consumer market where the pack sizes are 500 ml, one litre, 1.2/1.5/2-litre and five-litre, and the household and institutional market, where the pack size is usually are 20- or 25-litre. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the governing authority on all quality and production regulations related to natural mineral water as well as packaged drinking water. The all-India market for packaged water is between $145 million (Rs. 8 billion) and $21 million (Rs. 10 billion) and is growing at the rate of nearly 40 per cent per annum. Even though it accounts for only 5 percent of the total beverage market in India, branded bottled water is the fastest growing industry in the beverage sector. While the single largest share in the mineral water market might still belong to an Indian brand -- Parle's $52 million (Rs. 2.5 billion) Bisleri brand has a 40 percent share -- multinational corporations are not far behind. Nestle and Danone are vying to purchase Bisleri, and Pepsi's Aquafina and Coke's Kinley brands have been extremely successful in edging out many of the small and medium players to buy-outs and exclusive licensing deals. In less than two years since its launch, Aquafina has cornered 11 percent of the market and Kinley has almost a third of the market. News reports indicate that other MNCs like Unilever are also eying the market. DEMAND OF WATER WOULD NEVER GO DOWN & WATER WOULD NEVER BE OUT OF BUSINESS
Plant capacity: 30,000 Thousand Nos./Annum or 1,00,000 Bottles /dayPlant & machinery: Rs. 105 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs. 282 Lakhs
Return: 44.00%Break even: 63.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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