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Best Business Opportunities in Angola, Africa - Identification and Selection of right Project, Thrust areas for Investment, Industry Startup and Entrepreneurship Projects

Reasons for Starting a Business in Angola

While Angola may not be the first African country that comes to mind when seeking for investment opportunities, it is worth considering. There are numerous reasons why you should really consider it. It's one of the world's fastest-growing economies, attracting investors from all over the world who want to get in on the ground floor while it's still quiet. Consider Angola as your next best option if you're wanting to start a business in Africa!

Opportunities across Industries

With an economy expected to develop at a rate of over 10% each year, there are several chances in a variety of industries. Construction, mining, and agriculture are only a few examples. Natural resources such as diamonds and oil deposits abound throughout the country. This has attracted foreign investors, who have aided in the expansion of these industries. In addition to luring investment, Market Developments. Petroleum and natural gas. Energy. Produce from agriculture. Agricultural Equipment in Angola. Import Requirements and Documentation for Aviation and Rail Transportation Political and economic conditions. Political Situation.

Large Market Potential

The Angolan economy is rapidly expanding, and the country's vast market potential makes it an appealing place to do business. By 2017, it's expected to be one of Africa's largest economies, and you can get a piece of the action today by investing in Angola's expanding diamond sector. With diamonds already accounting for a large portion of Angola's GDP, there are numerous chances for expansion in other areas. People will need goods and services when more people have money to spend, and your organisation is well positioned to give them.

Increasing Foreign Investment

Foreign investment is critical to Angola's development, therefore the fact that public-private partnerships are now available is welcome news. Learn more about what this means and how you may benefit from these chances. Furthermore, international investors who set up business in designated industrial parks or locations with substantial infrastructural gaps may be eligible for corporate income tax reductions for the first three years of operation. To put it another way, there are various reasons to start a business in Angola. If you're wanting to develop worldwide, take a look at what Angola has to offer.

There is a lot of Business Opportunity

Angola's economy expands at a rate of 10% per year, with a solid and stable macroeconomic environment. The abundance of natural resources and undeveloped petroleum potential, as well as rising government spending, are driving this trend. Angola's geography, manpower, market size, and proximity to established markets in Southern Africa and Brazil are all important factors to consider. The country has one of the largest and fastest-growing middle classes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The number of households with discretionary income is expected to rise from 4 million now to 8 million in 2020, accounting for more than 30% of all households and 50% of urban households. Furthermore, Angola's population is youthful and rapidly rising (with an average age of 17), implying that consumer demand will continue to be high for many years.

What are the Natural Resources in Angola?

Angola has vast oil, diamond, and uranium deposits. They're also known for its gas, bauxite, iron ore, tin, and other mineral resources. Oil, according to some analysts, is another important natural resource. As you can see from all of these resources, they have a lot of potential to become one of Africa's most powerful countries in the future, and there are a lot of expectations on them. These top 10 reasons should provide you with a decent understanding of why so many individuals desire to establish a business in this city. Everyone has more than enough opportunity to go around. The country is only getting started on its development path, and you may be a part of it by opening a business here.

Business-Friendly Policies and Government Initiatives;

The government's effort to develop and implement policies and programs that support small businesses is evident, particularly in some cities where prime areas have been reserved for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Besides creating programs to support MSMEs, local governments put efforts into infrastructure development. They have also set aside land banks for residential subdivisions where qualified businesses can buy or lease lots. In addition, they are crafting initiatives that will help entrepreneurs save time when dealing with regulations and permits. These are just some of many reasons why it is easier to start a business in Davao City than anywhere else in Mind

Market Size Angola

Angola's population is forecast to be 24.2 million, and it is expected to rise at a 2.1 percent yearly rate from 2015 to 2030, reaching 28.5 million by 2030. Angola's population growth will be slower than that of many other Sub-Saharan African countries, as seen by its birth rate (21 per 1,000 people) and life expectancy (60 years). This is due to inadequate access to health-care services and a growth from 4 million in 2010 to 8 million in 2020, accounting for more than 30% of total families and 50% of urban households. Furthermore, Angola's population is young and rapidly rising, with high levels of poverty. Furthermore, as a result of family planning programmes, Angola's fertility rate has decreased from 5.6 children per woman in 1960 to 3.0 children per woman in 2010.

Industrial growth in Angola

The country's economy is continuing to grow steadily, with GDP expected to grow by about 4.5 percent in 2018 and 3.7 percent in 2019, following growth of 4.6 percent in 2017. Mining activities, particularly diamonds and oil production, are driving growth, with GDP expected to rise by about 4.5 percent in 2018 and 3.7 percent in 2019. Industrial output and fixed investment continue to increase gradually, and employment rates remain high, especially when compared to neighbouring countries on Africa's west coast.

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Detergent Cake - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economic

Detergents are defined as complete washing or cleaning products, which contain among their ingredients an organic surface-active compound (Surfactant) that passes soil-removal properties. The term detergent originated from the latin word detergine (i.e. wipe off), is now-a-days applied to all synthetic washing compounds. Synthetic detergent is not only used as household cleaning material but also have industrial applications in textiles, pesticide industry as carriers, etc. Frequently the term detergent is used synonymously with surfactant but common industry practice treats the surfactant as one component of a done here. Additionally this discussion treats primarily, only the so-called synthetic detergents, excluding those products in which soap is the sole or predominant surfactant. Detergent cake and detergent powder largely used in the domestic houses, commercial sectors, hotel industries, garment industries and in many other sections of the society. There is high price, medium price and low priced detergent available. There are different kinds of raw material used in the industries. There is large demand of this consumer item. There are renowned organised as well as unorganised private sectors, engaged in this production. The technology, involved in the high priced detergent powder and cakes, is charged nowadays. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Arochem Silvassa Ltd. • B B F Industries Ltd. • Calcutta Detergents Pvt. Ltd. • Corona Plus Inds. Ltd. • Ghari Industries Pvt. Ltd. • Jyothy Laboratories Ltd. • K T C Pvt. Ltd. • Kanpur Detergents & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. • Nirma Ltd. • Pee Cee Cosma Sope Ltd. • Power Soaps Ltd. • R S P L Ltd. • Shri Lal Mahal Overseas Ltd.
Plant capacity: 4MT/DayPlant & machinery: Rs 18 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project:Rs 228 Lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 43.00%
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SOLAR PANEL- Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue, Plant Economics

Solar Panels are in general Silicon made Rectangular Shaped Glass Covered Products which Produce Electricity when exposed to the Sun. These Panels produce Direct Current (DC) Electricity which has to be converted by a Solar Invertr to Alternating Current (AC) Electricity to be used by Consumers. . Solar Panel produced Electricity usually costs between Rs 15-18 /KwH (much higher than the Rs 3-6/unit paid normally) which makes it uneconomical except in special cases like off grid applications. Replacing expensive Diesel powered Telecom Towers with Solar Panels is also an option. Sharply falling Solar Panel costs should make it competitive with your electricity in 2-3 years. In places like Italy, Solar Electricity is already competitive due to high prices of electricity. Conversion of light energy in electrical energy is based on a phenomenon called photovoltaic effect. Silicon is the most widely used semiconductor material for constructing photovoltaic cell. When semiconductor materials are exposed to light, the some of the photons of light ray are absorbed by the semiconductor crystal which causes significant number of free electrons in the crystal. This is the basic reason of producing electricity due to photovoltaic effect. The heart of the solar energy generation system is the Solar cell. It consists of three major elements, namely:- the semiconductor material, junction formed within the semiconductor, the contacts on the front and back of the cell that allow the current to flow to the external circuit. Uses and Application of photovoltaic are in agriculture, industry, telecommunication and public services. Solar power is attractive because it is abundant and offers a solution to fossil fuel emissions and global climate change. Earth receives solar energy at the rate of approximately 1,73,000 TW. In terms of all renewable energy, currently India is ranked fifth in the world with 15,691.4 MW grid-connected and 367.9 MW off-grid renewable energy based power capacity. India is among top 5 destinations worldwide for solar energy development as per Ernst & Young’s renewable energy attractiveness index. As a whole there is a good scope for entrepreneurs for investment.
Plant capacity: Solar PV Module (240 watt) : 350 Nos/day (25 MW)Plant & machinery: Rs 278 Lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of project: Rs 852 Lakhs
Return: 29.00%Break even: 58.00%
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Bicycle Tyres & Tubes from Natural Rubber - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Cycling is amongst the most sustainable modes of mobility, which has zero dependence on fossil fuels and zero emissions unlike the motorized modes of transport, which have huge negative externalities, namely, accidents, congestion, fossil energy use, and environmental degradation. A bicycle tyre is a tyre that fits on the wheel of a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle, quadracycle, bicycle trailer, or trailer bike. Bicycle tyres provide an important source of suspension, generate the lateral forces necessary for balancing and turning, and generate the longitudinal forces necessary for propulsionand braking. They are the second largest source, after air drag, of power consumption on a level road. Bicycle tyre casing is made of cloth, usually nylon, though cotton and silk have also been used. The casing provides the resistance against stretching necessary to contain the internal air pressure while remaining flexible enough to conform to the ground surface. Tyres are classified into several standard types, based on the type of vehicle they serve. Bicycles tyre classification includes all forms of tyres, including road racing tyres, mountain bike tyres, snow tyres, and tubular tyres, used also with other human-powered vehicles. Bicycle tubes are the backbone of the bicycle industries.An inner tube is basically a doughnut-shaped balloon, with a valve for inflation. The only requirement for an inner tube is that it should not leak. Being rubber, they have no rigid structure. Tyre industry is largely dominated by the organized sector, the unorganized sector is predominant with respect to bicycle tyres. The industry is a major consumer of the domestic rubber market. Natural rubber constitutes 80% while synthetic rubber constitutes only 20% of the material content in Indian tyres. Interestingly, world-wide, the proportion of natural to synthetic rubber in tyres is 30:70 The Indian tyre industry has come of age with the manufacture of almost all types of tyres. The industry has an estimated turnover of close to Rs. 200 bn. It is made up of 40 playersof which the top 10 account for over 96 per cent of the country’s total tyre production. The tyre export market in India is valued at Rs 3.6 billion. The industry claims a perceptible export market. The demand of tyres flows from three segments–original equipment manufacturers, replacements and exports. Of the three, the replacement market is the primary source of demand, followed by the equipment manufacturers (OEM) segment and exports.Any entrepreneur venture into this field will be successful. Few Indian Major Players are as under MRF Limited Ltd. Apollo Tyres JK Tyre& Industries Ltd. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. TVS Srichakra Ltd Goodyear Govind Rubber Ltd. PTL Enterprises Ltd. Falcon Tyres Ltd.
Plant capacity: Bicycle Tyres : 450000 Pcs/annum Bicycle Tubes : 450000 Pcs/annumPlant & machinery: 405 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: 646 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 52.00%
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Solar Panel Assembling & Solar Power Inverter On Grid, Off Grid with Solar Pump Controller

A solar cell, sometimes called a photovoltaic cell, is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy. Solar panels generate free power from the sun by converting sunlight to electricity with no moving parts, zero emissions, and no maintenance. The solar panel, the first component of a electric solar power system, is a collection of individual silicon cells that generate electricity from sunlight. Multiple solar panels can be wired in parallel to increase current capacity (more power) and wired in series to increase voltage for 24, 48, or even higher voltage systems. India has a huge potential for solar power generation that can lead to a large-scale deployment of solar energy, if harnessed effectively. Indian Government is adopting constructive steps towards implementing large-scale solar power projects and is poised to position itself as one of the world’s major solar producer. Through various incentives schemes, the government is trying to create demand and boost investments in the sector. India's power sector has a total installed capacity of approximately 1,46,753 Megawatt (MW) of which 54% is coal-based, 25% hydro, 8% is renewable’s and the balance is the gas and nuclear-based. Power shortages are estimated at about 11% of total energy and 15% of peak capacity requirements which is likely to increase in the coming years. Around 293 global and domestic companies have committed to generate 266 GW of solar, wind, mini-hydel and biomass-based power in India over the next 5–10 years. The initiative would entail an investment of about US$ 310–350 billion. Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest Few Indian Major Players are as under • Admire Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. • Bharat Electronics Ltd. • Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. • Central Electronics Ltd. • Clique Developments Ltd. • Epic Energy Ltd. • J S W Green Energy Ltd. • Jaguar International Ltd. • K S K Surya Photovoltaic Venture Ltd. • Minda Nexgen Tech Ltd.
Plant capacity: Poly Crystaline Solar PV Modules (10, 20, 50,100 & 300 Watt): 74,00,000 Nos per annum Solar Inverters (Grid Tie String Inverters 1, 10, 30, 50 & 60 KVA) & (Solar Hydrid Inverters 1, 30, 60, 100 & 120 KVA: 7200 Nos per annum Solar Pump ControllerPlant & machinery: 2162.88 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs. 21918
Return: 36.00%Break even: 31.00%
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Solar Panel Assembling & Solar Power Inverter on Grid, Off Grid WithSolar Pump Controller - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials

A solar cell, sometimes called a photovoltaic cell, is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy.Solar panels generate free power from the sun by converting sunlight to electricity with no moving parts, zero emissions, and no maintenance. Multiple solar panels can be wired in parallel to increase current capacity (more power) and wired in series to increase voltage for 24, 48, or even higher voltage systems. India has a huge potential for solar power generation that can lead to a large-scale deployment of solar energy, if harnessed effectively. Indian Government is adopting constructive steps towards implementing large-scale solar power projects and is poised to position itself as one of the world’s major solar producer. India's power sector has a total installed capacity of approximately 1,46,753 Megawatt (MW) of which 54% is coal-based, 25% hydro, 8% is renewable’s and the balance is the gas and nuclear-based. Power shortages are estimated at about 11% of total energy and 15% of peak capacity requirements which is likely to increase in the coming years. Around 293 global and domestic companies have committed to generate 266 GW of solar, wind, mini-hydel and biomass-based power in India over the next 5–10 years. The initiative would entail an investment of about US$ 310–350 billion.Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Admire Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. • Bharat Electronics Ltd. • Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. • Central Electronics Ltd. • Clique Developments Ltd. • Epic Energy Ltd. • J S W Green Energy Ltd. • Jaguar International Ltd. • K S K Surya Photovoltaic Venture Ltd. • MindaNexgen Tech Ltd.
Plant capacity: Poly Crystaline Solar PV Modules Cap10 Watt: 1,200,000 Nos/Annum Poly Crystaline Solar PV Module Cap. 20 Watt: 600,000 Nos/Annum Poly Crystaline Solar PV Module Cap. 50 Watt:240,000Nos/Annum Poly Crystaline Solar PV Module Cap. 100 Watt: 150,000Nos/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 1225 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 1674 lakhs
Return: 26.00%Break even: 56.00%
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Manganese From Electrolytic Process -Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Manganese is a key component in the production of steel. Although classified as a minor metal, the quantity of manganese produced worldwide each year falls behind only iron, aluminium, copper and zinc.Manganese is a very brittle, hard, pinkish-gray metal. It is a reactive metal, chemically active with water, air and most acids. It hardens and strengthens steel when alloyed with it. Manganese metal produced from electrolytic process is called Electrolytic Manganese Metal (EMM). It is expensive. Its relatively high price limits the use of the metal mainly to production of some stainless steel, aluminium and copper alloys. The trend in the aluminium industry has been towards a briquette containing about 75% manganese and 25% aluminium made from manganese and aluminium powder. The introduction of the electrolytic manganese of 99.98% purity completely free from impurities like phosphorous, carbon, etc. has opened up scope for the production of new series of stainless steel. Manganese, a key ingredient for steel making, has been witnessing interesting price action lately. Prices rose briskly from $1,500 per tonne to over $2,000 in 2016, helped by low inventory, tighter supply due to mine closures and some pick-up in Chinese demand. State-owned manganese producer MOIL increased the price of all grades of ore for the April-June 2016 quarter by up to 50 per cent. Manganese is of relevance to India as the country is the fifth largest producer globally.As a whole it is a good project for new entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Bharat Thermite Ltd. • Corporate Ispat Alloys Ltd. • M M P Industries Ltd. • M O I L Ltd. • Modern India Concast Ltd.
Plant capacity: Manganese Metal: 15,000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 663 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 2553 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 43.00%
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Copper Powder By Electrolytic Process - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities

Copper makes vital contributions to sustaining and improving society. Copper's chemical, physical and aesthetic propertiesmake it a materialof choice in a wide range of domestic, industrial and high technology applications.The electrolytic method is probablythe most economical method for producingcooper powder; moreover the copper powder obtained from this method is the highest quality. Copper powders have been used in industrial applications for many years. Probably the best known is the self-lubricating bearing which was the first major application and still accounts for about 70% of the copper powder used. Pure copper powder is used in the electrical and the electronics industries because of its excellent electrical andthermal conductivities. Copper in powder form is used in structural parts and friction materials. The electrical industry claims a share of about 26%. The electronics and communications take another 30% share. With building construction (9%) and transportation (8%) added, the cumulative rises to about three-fourths. The other consuming sectors are engineering process and general (9%) and consumer durables (6%). Defence is also a substantial user. Another important consumer is handicraftswhich is reported to consume close to 12% of copper in India. The pioneer of copper production in India, the PSU, Hindustan Copper has charted a programme to undertake capacity expansion of 8 mines from 3.2 mntonne annually to 12.4 mntonne by end 2016-17. The projects involve an investment of USD 735 mn. Thus, as an entrepreneur this project offers an exciting opportunity to you. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Bimetal Bearings Ltd. • G S Organics Ltd. • Gleitlager (India) Ltd. • Mepco Industries Ltd.
Plant capacity: Copper Powder : 15,000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 307 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs3050 lakhs
Return: 31.00%Break even: 46.00%
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Low Carbon Ferromanganese - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

High Carbon Ferro- manganese containing about 7% carbon is not suitable for the production of steels or other alloys containing manganese in which it is desired to maintain the carbon at low level. For the manufacture of such materials the manganese must be added either as the relatively pure metal or in the form of an addition alloy with a low content of carbon. It is a Ferro alloy with high content of manganese. It gives strength to steel and is used in making of high tension steel.Low carbon Ferro manganese is widely used in the manufacturing of tool steels, alloys steel & structural steels. Its property causes it to have a high affinity with sulphur in the steel and on combining produces Manganese Sulphide (MnS) which floats up to the metal surface. Low Carbon Ferro Manganese is used as a de-oxidizer and hence finds its usage in the manufacture of 18-8 Austenitic non magnetic stainless steel. The demand for ferro alloys has been increasing with that of alloy and special steels. There are about a dozen leading players and over 30 small producers. The industry has tied up with companies in Europe for technology inputs. The major users of alloy steel are: auto industry, railways, forgings, tubes, springs and other engineering industries.Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Acme Ferro Alloys Pvt. Ltd. • Anjaney Ferro Alloys Ltd. • Balasore Alloys Ltd. • Impex Ferro Tech Ltd. • Indian Metals & Alloys Ltd. • Indsil Hydro Power & Manganese Ltd.
Plant capacity: Low Carbon Ferromanganes : 15,000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 371 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 2804 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 61.00%
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Low Carbon Silicomanganese - Manufacturing Plant, Detailed Project Report, Profile, Business Plan, Industry Trends, Market Research, Survey, Manufacturing Process, Machinery, Raw Materials, Feasibility Study, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue

Low Carbon Silico Manganese which is popularly known as LCSiMn is a ferrous alloy with content of carbon, silica and manganese. A large number of steel producing companies extensively demand low carbon silico manganese for reducing total production treatment by using these at the time of slag reduction instead of HCFeMn and decarburization process. Low level carbon silico manganese is extensively appreciated for reducing the lining attack that may cause due to less fluid slag (less MnO).Low Carbon Silicomanganese, used during slag reduction instead of High Carbon Ferromanganese during decarburization, reduces the total treatment time. This also reduces the amount of oxidized manganese, and therefore the quantity of silicon needed in the slag reduction. With the growing demand of steel in the market, there has been a heavy requirement of manganese alloys. This is one of the most probable reasons as to why the manganese industry is on the bloom. After witnessing a downfall, Silico manganese prices are now slightly stable; and increased by INR 1,000-2,000/MT with demand dented as buyers were retreating due to diminishing steel margins. Silico manganese producers are clamoring to offload stock. The Indian ferroalloys producers are reportedly cutting down their Manganese alloy production and would like to exhaust stocks to enable steady cash flows amid thin price margins. Due to cutting down in production of ferro alloys, prices may increase further in a short period. Thus, as an entrepreneur this project offers an exciting opportunity to you. Few Indian Major Players are as under • Acme Ferro Alloys Pvt. Ltd. • Balasore Alloys Ltd. • Hi-Tech Electrothermics& Hydro Power Ltd. • Jagat Alloys Pvt. Ltd. • Padmavati Ferrous Ltd. • Shri Girija Alloy & Power (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Plant capacity: Low Carbon Silicomanganese: 15,000 MT/AnnumPlant & machinery: Rs 1422 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project : Rs 3936 lakhs
Return: 28.00%Break even: 55.00%
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E-Waste Recycling Plant

Electronic wastes, e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is a description of surplus, obsolete, broken or discarded electrical or electronic devices.The perception of e-waste is often restricted to a narrower sense, comprising mainly of end-of-life information- & telecommunication equipment and consumer electronics. However, technically, electronic waste is only a subset of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). The rising levels of e-waste generation in India have been a matter of concern in recent years. With more than 100 crore mobile phones in circulation, nearly 25 per cent end up in e-waste annually.India has surely emerged as the second largest mobile market with 1.03 billion subscribers, but also the fifth largest producer of e-waste in the world, discarding roughly 18.5 lakh metric tonnes of electronic waste each year, with telecom equipment alone accounting for 12 per cent of the e-waste A range of techniques is currently applied for retrieving components and materials from WEEE. The essential features of these systems generally conform to a scheme of: sorting/disassembly; size reduction; separation.In addition, the new product launches with updated features and additional services are attracting the customers to upgrade their old products with new products. This has reduced the life span of these devices to about 3-4 years. Thus, this is adding more and more e-waste at a tremendous rate.This is ultimately leading to increased activities for managing e-waste, which would create conducive environment for e-waste management in the coming years.Thus, due to demand it is a good project for entrepreneurs to invest. Few Indian Major Players are as under • M/s Ramky E- Waste Recycling • ECS Environment Ltd • Pruthavi E-Recycle Pvt. Ltd. • M/s. A2Z E-Waste Management ltd., • M/s. R. K. Enterprises (P) Ltd., • M/s. TES-AMM Indian Pvt. Ltd., • M/s Greenscape Eco Management Pvt • TES AMM Private Limited
Plant capacity: Copper Wire: 500mt/annum Plastic Granules: 2230mt/annum Glass: 970mt/annum Ferrous Metal: 800mt/annum Monitors (Repair): 3000mt/annumPlant & machinery: Rs 132 lakhs
Working capital: -T.C.I: Cost of Project: Rs 518 lakhs
Return: 27.00%Break even: 54.00%
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  • One Lac / Lakh / Lakhs is equivalent to one hundred thousand (100,000)
  • One Crore is equivalent to ten million (10,000,000)
  • T.C.I is Total Capital Investment
  • We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement.
  • We can also prepare project report on any subject as per your requirement.
  • Caution: The project's cost, capacity and return are subject to change without any notice. Future projects may have different values of project cost, capacity or return.

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