The report titled ‘EMERGING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN INDIAN BAKERY INDUSTRY (Biscuits, Bread and Other Bakery Products)-Why to Invest, Project Potential, Key Investment Financials, Industry Size & Analysis’ released by Niir Project Consultancy Services makes investing in Indian bakery segment simplified. The report analyzes investment scenario of the industry and project feasibility of a bakery plant. The report covers crucial aspects like reasons for investment in the sector, core project financials, glimpse of the regulatory environment of the industry, potential buyers and analysis of the industry as a whole.
While expanding a current business or while venturing into new business, entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study the following aspects of the identified product:
• Good Present/Future Demand
• Export-Import Market Potential
• Raw Material & Manpower Availability
• Project Costs and Payback Period
We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy and market research field, have identified bakery project, in the processed food segment, which satisfies all the above mentioned requirements and has high growth potential in the Indian markets. And through this report we aim to help you make sound and informed business decision.
The report contains all the data which will help an entrepreneur find answers to questions like:
• Why I should invest in bakery project?
• Who are the customers of the product?
• What will drive the growth of the product?
• What are the costs involved?
• What will be the market potential?
The report initially talks about the bakery industry as a whole with descriptions of biscuit as well as bread industry separately. It further identifies potential customers for the bakery industry along with key customer forecasts. One of the crucial factors to be assessed before investing in a sector is the market potential of the product. The report helps in analyzing the market potential by elaborating on various factors that will contribute to the consumption growth of bakery products in India, import-export markets of the products as well as market size and outlook of the industry. It also includes graphical representation and forecasts of key data indicators mentioned above. It further throws light on the regulatory environment of the industry by covering excise rates, customs duty, licenses required and also the ministries involved in the bakery sector in India.
The report turns the limelight towards project details of a bakery plant. It encapsulates aspects like raw materials required, list of machinery required for bakery plant, manufacturing processes of various bakery products and project financials of a model project with specified product list and capacity. Project financials like plant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, working capital requirements, payback period, projected revenue and profit are listed in the report. It also lists down the key players in the bakery segment along with their contact details.
This report helps an entrepreneur gain meaningful insights into the Indian bakeryindustry and make informed and sound business decision.
Reasons for buying the report:
• This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, demand of the product and reasons for investing in the product
• This report provides vital information on the product like its definition, characteristics and segmentation
• This report helps you market and place the product correctly by identifying the target customer group of the product
• This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like raw materials required, manufacturing process, project costs and snapshot of other project financials
• The report provides a glimpse of important taxes applicable on the product
• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions
Our Approach:
• Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.
• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players
• We use reliable sources of information and databases. And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report

EMERGING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN INDIAN BAKERY INDUSTRY (Biscuits, Bread and Other Bakery Products) Why to Invest, Project Potential, Key Investment Financials, Industry Size & Analysis
Author: NPCS Team
Published: 2014
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789381039458
Code: NI273
Pages: 42
$ 500
Usually ships within 4 days
1.1 Classification of the Industry
1.1.1 Biscuit Industry
1.1.2 Bread Industry
1.2 Product Details
1.2.1 Product Definition Biscuits Bread
1.2.2 Product Uses
3.1 Evolving lifestyles & Perceptions
3.2 Urbanization
3.3 Opportunity in Low Consumption Levels
3.4 Expanding Distribution Channels
3.4.1 Organized Retail
3.4.2 E-retailing
3.5 Rising Middle Class
3.6 Growing Purchasing Power
3.7 Product Innovation
4.1 Customs Duty
4.2 Excise Duty
4.3 BIS Specifications
4.4 Licenses Required
4.5 Ministries Involved
8.1 Raw Materials Required
8.2 Manufacturing Process
8.2.1 Bread
8.2.2 Biscuits
8.3 List of Machinery
8.4 Project Financials
Figure 1 Indian Bakery Industry- Structure
Figure 2 Indian Bakery Industry- Classification
Figure 3 Indian Biscuit Industry- Structure
Figure 4 Indian Breads Industry- Structure
Figure 5 Population of India (2008-17, In Millions)
Figure 6 Indian Population Structure- Rural & Urban
Figure 7 Per Capita Consumption of Bakery Products in the World (In Kgs)
Figure 8 Share of Organized Retail in Indian Retail Industry (2012-17)
Figure 9 Indian Middle Class Population (Current-2026)
Figure 10 India's Annual Per Capita Income (2008-13, In INR)
Figure 11 Indian Bakery Industry- Market Size (2005-17, In INR Billions)
Figure 12 Manufacturing Process of Bread
Figure 13 Process Flow of Bread Manufacturing
Figure 14 Manufacturing Process of Biscuits
Figure 15 Process Flow of Biscuit Manufacturing
Table 1 Custom Duty on Bakery Products (2013-14)
Table 2 Excise Duty on Bakery Products (2013-14)
Table 3 BIS Specifications for Bakery Industry
Table 4 Top Export Destinations of Bakery Products
Table 5 Top Import Source Countries of Bakery Products
Table 6 List of Machinery for Biscuit Plant
Table 7 List of Machinery for Cookies Plant
Table 8 List of Machinery for Bread Plant
Table 9 Bakery Products Plant- Plant Capacity
Table 10 Bakery Products Plant- Production Schedule
Table 11 Bakery Products Plant- Fixed Capital Investment
Table 12 Bakery Products Plant- Monthly Working Capital Requirements
Table 13 Bakery Products Plant- Total Cost of the Project
Table 14 Bakery Products Plant- 5Year Profit Analysis (INR Million)
Table 15 Bakery Products Plant- Projected Pay Back Period
Table 16 Bakery Products Plant- Break Even Point (BEP)
Table 17 Present Players in Bakery Industry- Contact Information
Sample Chapters
Baking breads and cakes wasn’t really a part of the Indian culture and the notion became popular only with the changing perceptions and evolving lifestyles of Indian population. And since then Indian bakery industry has not turned back. Bakery products today are items of mass consumption due to their affordability and nutrition content.
Indian bakery industry has evolved to be one of the biggest sections in the processed food industry of the nation. The rising foreign influence, emergence of female working population and changing consumption patterns have attributed strongly in the growth trajectory of the industry.
Figure 1 Indian Bakery Industry- Structure
Source: Industry Data
Indian bakery industry is dominated by unorganized sector with ~ 60 % of the market share. The chart above demonstrates the same.
1.1 Classification of the Industry
1.1.1 Biscuit Industry
India is the second largest manufacturer of biscuits in the world, first being USA. Indian biscuit industry is one of the fastest growing segments in the nations’ food industry. Biscuits have gone through an image transformation in the last few years which today has made them an item of mass consumption. Initially biscuit consumption in India was mainly in the rural segment but gradually the demand started pouring in from the urban sector also which lead to the rapid expansion of the biscuit sector. The segment has not only grown vertically in size and revenue but also horizontally in number of varieties on offer.
Figure 3 Indian Biscuit Industry- Structure
Source: Indian Biscuit Manufacturer’s Association (IBMA)
30% of the Indian biscuits production takes place in the unorganized sector whereas the remaining 70% takes place in the organized sector. Organized biscuit segment is dominated by three major players- Parle, Britannia and ITC. The sector is also segmented on the basis of price range.
1.1.2 Bread Industry
Bread industry in India has come a long way since 1990’s. In that time bread was not used extensively in Indian households except as a breakfast item. The bread situation in India has changed dramatically and today it is being used relentlessly as a meal, snacks and anytime munching item. Although not being a part of Indian eating culture, bread has grown rapidly in the past decade and has affirmed its place in the Indian bakery segment.
However, like its peers bread segment is also dominated by the unorganized sector. The chart below explains the same.
Figure 4 Indian Breads Industry- Structure
Source: All India Bread Manufacturer’s Association
The industry once dominated by white bread category has seen massive shift towards brown bread and other healthy categories. White bread has lost its share to brown bread which has grown contribute ~12% in the bread industry.
1.2 Product Details
1.2.1 Product Definition Biscuits
Biscuit is a term used for a variety of baked, commonly flour-based food products. Biscuits today can be savory or sweet and mostly are small in size at around 5 cm (2.0 in) in diameter, and flat. The term biscuit also applies to sandwich-type biscuits, wherein a layer of "cream" or icing is sandwiched between two biscuits, such as the custard cream, or a layer of jam.
Cookies generally refer to a baked product containing a percentage of sugar and fat relative to the flour and a small quantity of water. The type of cookies is defined not only by their composition but also by their method of production. Bread
Bread is a staple food prepared by baking dough of flour and water. It is popular around the world and is one of the world's oldest foods. Combinations of different flours, differing proportions of ingredients and varying preparations have resulted in a wide variety of bread types, shapes, sizes, and textures. It may be leavened (aerated) by a number of different processes ranging from the use of naturally occurring microbes to high-pressure artificial aeration during preparation and/or baking.
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