Indian edible oil sector has its feet firm in the ground as demand gets skewed towards the premium and healthy segment. The industry has seen a surge in demand for variants like olive oil and rice bran oil which are earmarked as ‘healthy edible oils’. Indian population is getting more and more health conscious and has been non hesitant in paying a price for their health. NPCS recognizes the veiled business opportunity in this segment and has identified Rice Bran Oil Refining project as a promising investment option.
While expanding a current business or while venturing into new business, entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study the following aspects of the identified product:
• Good Present/Future Demand
• Export-Import Market Potential
• Raw Material & Manpower Availability
• Project Costs and Payback Period
We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy and market research field, have demystified the situation by putting forward business prospects of Rice Bran Oil Refining project through our report ‘Emerging Investment Opportunity in Edible Oil Industry in India- Why to invest, Project Potential, Core Financials (Refined Rice Bran Oil), Business Prospects, Potential Buyers & Analysis’. Rice bran oil refining project satisfies all the above mentioned conditions and presents a valuable business opportunity.
Through our report, we analyze the sector in various lights by covering aspects like product details, reasons for investing in the sector, potential buyers and cost and profitability of rice bran oil refining project. The report begins by discussing the overview of the Indian edible oil sector with its structure & classification and later identifies potential consumer group for the product. The factors that make a case for investing in the sector are profoundly elaborated in the report supported by graphical representation and forecasts of key data indicators. The report identifies growing population, urbanization, rising incomes, modern trade and health consciousness as key value drivers that will benefit the industry in the near future.The other sub sections talks about excise and customs duty on edible oils, contact details of the players operating in the segment and a forward looking statement for the sector.
Moving to the very core of the report, project details segment includes vital information that is required while setting up a rice bran oil refining project. It provides product details like definition, characteristics and application, manufacturing process, raw materials required, list of machinery and key project financials. The project financial sub section provides details like plant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, working capital requirements, payback period, projected revenue and profit.
The industry has all the triggers in place to ensure a smooth ride in future. The favorable consumer dynamics of Indian market like rising disposable incomes, escalating population, urbanization and fast growing health consciousness among Indian population has kept the industry at high pedestrian.
Reasons for buying the report:
• This report helps you to identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of the product and reasons for investing in the product
• This report provides vital information on the product like its definition, characteristics and segmentation
• This report helps you market and place the product correctly by identifying the target customer group of the product
• This report helps you understand the viability of the project by disclosing details like machinery required, project costs and snapshot of other project financials
• The report provides a glimpse of important taxes applicable on the industry
• The report provides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipate the industry performance and make sound business decisions
Our Approach:
• Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.
• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondary research and are cross-validated through interactions with the industry players
• We use reliable sources of information and databases. And information from such sources is processed by us and included in the report

Emerging Investment Opportunity in Edible Oil Industry in India- Why to invest, Project Potential, Core Financials (Refined Rice Bran Oil), Business Prospects, Potential Buyers & Analysis
Author: NPCS Team
Published: 2014
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789381039533
Code: NI280
Pages: 47
$ 500
Usually ships within 4 days
Table of Contents
1.1 Structure
1.2 Classification
3.1 Urbanization & Evolving Eating Routines
3.2 Growing Health Consciousness
3.3 Rising Share of Branded Oils
3.4 Surging Modern Trade
3.5 Escalating Incomes
3.6 Low Per Capita Consumption
8.1 Product Details
8.1.1 Definition
8.1.2 Characteristics
8.1.3 Uses & Applications
8.2 Raw Materials Required
8.3 Manufacturing Process
8.4 List of Machinery
8.5 Project Financials
List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1 Edible Oils Industry in India- Structure
Figure 2 Types of Oilseeds & Edible Oils in India
Figure 3 Population of India (2008-17, In Millions)
Figure 4 Indian Population- Rural & Urban (In Crores)
Figure 5 QSR Industry in India- Market Size (2011-17, In USD Billions)
Figure 6 Growing Share of Branded Oils in Indian Edible Oil Industry
Figure 7 Indian Retail Industry- Structure
Figure 8 India's Annual Per Capita Income (2008-14, In INR)
Figure 9 Per Capita Consumption of Edible Oils in India and the World (In Kgs)
Figure 10 Structure of Rice
Table 1 Presence of Key Food Retailers in India- Total Stores
Table 2 Excise & Customs Duty on Edible Oils in India (2013-14)
Table 3 Rice Bran Oil Manufacturing Companies- Contact Details
Table 4 Edible Oil Manufacturing Companies- Contact Details
Table 5 Characteristics of Crude Rice Bran Oil
Table 6 List of Machinery- Pretreatment Machinery
Table 7 List of Machinery- Raw Material Handling
Table 8 List of Machinery- Dewaxing Machinery
Table 9 List of Machinery- Decolorizing Machinery
Table 10 List of Machinery- Deodorizing Machinery
Table 11 Rice Bran Oil Plant- Plant Capacity
Table 12 Rice Bran Oil Plant- Production Schedule
Table 13 Rice Bran Oil Plant- Fixed Capital Investment
Table 14 Rice Bran Oil Plant- Monthly Working Capital Requirements
Table 15 Rice Bran Oil Plant- Total Cost of the Project
Table 16 Rice Bran Oil Plant- 5 Year Production & Sales Realization Schedule
Table 17 Rice Bran Oil Plant- 5 Year Profit Analysis
Table 18 Rice Bran Oil Project- Projected Pay Back period
Sample Chapters
Indian edible oil industry holds an important place in Indian economy. India is the largest producer of oil seeds in the world and oil consumption forms an integral part of the household food expenditure. Even after being the top producer of oilseeds, we have to import a substantial chunk of edible oil to meet our edible oil demand. The growth in the domestic production of oilseeds has not been able to keep pace with the growth in the demand in the country and has led to high imports of edible oil in the nation. Thus the industry has gained much importance in the country and holds immense growth potential in the near future.
1.1 Structure
Indian edible oil industry is touted as highly fragmented with unbranded oils capturing a large part of the industry. The industry is characterized by presence of a large number of small players who operate through bulk sales in their own specific regions. The share of branded oil has slowly risen to ~25% of the market from 15% levels of some 4-5 years ago.
The chart below demonstrates the structure of Indian edible oil industry.
Figure 1 Edible Oils Industry in India- Structure
1.2 Classification
India produces 9 types of oilseeds from which various edible oils are manufactured. The charts below will illustrate various types of oil seeds produced in the nation and edible oils produced.
Figure 2 Types of Oilseeds & Edible Oils Produced in India
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